static int trylock() { if ((lm->uiVersion == 1) || (lm->uiVersion == 2)) { if (lm->dwcount != last_count) { last_count = lm->dwcount; last_tick = GetTickCount(); errno_t err = 0; wchar_t buff[2048]; if (lm->name[0]) { err = wcscpy_s(buff, 256, lm->name); if (! err) wsPluginName.assign(buff); } if (!err && lm->description[0]) { err = wcscpy_s(buff, 2048, lm->description); if (! err) wsDescription.assign(buff); } if (err) { wsPluginName.assign(L"Link"); wsDescription.clear(); return false; } return true; } } return false; }
static int trylock() { if (lm == lm_invalid) return false; if ((lm->uiVersion == 1) || (lm->uiVersion == 2)) { if (lm->ui32count != last_count) { last_tick = GetTickCount(); last_count = lm->ui32count; wchar_t buff[2048]; if (lm->name[0]) { wcsncpy(buff, lm->name, 256); buff[255] = 0; wsPluginName.assign(buff); } if (lm->description[0]) { wcsncpy(buff, lm->description, 2048); buff[2047] = 0; wsDescription.assign(buff); } return true; } } return false; }
template<> bool ScriptInterface::FromJSVal<std::wstring>(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue v, std::wstring& out) { JSAutoRequest rq(cx); WARN_IF_NOT(v.isString() || v.isNumber(), v); // allow implicit number conversions JS::RootedString str(cx, JS::ToString(cx, v)); if (!str) FAIL("Argument must be convertible to a string"); if (JS_StringHasLatin1Chars(str)) { size_t length; JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; const JS::Latin1Char* ch = JS_GetLatin1StringCharsAndLength(cx, nogc, str, &length); if (!ch) FAIL("JS_GetLatin1StringCharsAndLength failed"); out.assign(ch, ch + length); } else { size_t length; JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; const char16_t* ch = JS_GetTwoByteStringCharsAndLength(cx, nogc, str, &length); if (!ch) FAIL("JS_GetTwoByteStringsCharsAndLength failed"); // out of memory out.assign(ch, ch + length); } return true; }
void CSalsitaExtensionHelper::ResourcesDirGetDebugPath(const wchar_t *preprocessorDefinedPath, std::wstring &result) { result.assign(preprocessorDefinedPath); std::replace(result.begin(), result.end(), L'/', L'\\'); std::wstring canonicalized; canonicalized.resize(MAX_PATH+1); PathCanonicalizeW((LPWSTR)canonicalized.c_str(), result.c_str()); result.assign(canonicalized.c_str()); ResourcesDirNormalize(result); }
bool naStringFormatV( std::wstring& rstrOutput, const wchar_t* format, va_list ap) { wchar_t wszLocalBuffer[256]; va_list vaClone; va_copy(vaClone, ap); int nOutputSize = _vsnwprintf(wszLocalBuffer, sizeof(wszLocalBuffer)/sizeof(wszLocalBuffer[0]), format, vaClone); va_end(vaClone); if( nOutputSize < 0 ) return false; if( nOutputSize < (sizeof(wszLocalBuffer)/sizeof(wszLocalBuffer[0]))) { rstrOutput.assign( wszLocalBuffer, nOutputSize ); return true; } wchar_t* szDynamicBuffer = new wchar_t[nOutputSize+1]; va_copy(vaClone, ap); nOutputSize = _vsnwprintf(szDynamicBuffer, nOutputSize+1, format, vaClone); va_end(vaClone); if( nOutputSize < 0 ) { delete[] szDynamicBuffer; return false; } rstrOutput.append( szDynamicBuffer, nOutputSize ); delete[] szDynamicBuffer; return true; }
bool CSalsitaExtensionHelper::ResourcesDirReadFromRegistry(HKEY hKey, const wchar_t *subKey, const wchar_t *valueName, std::wstring &result) { bool ret = false; HKEY hkConfig; result.erase(); if (RegOpenKeyExW(hKey, subKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkConfig) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD valueType, valueLen = 0; if (RegQueryValueExW(hkConfig, valueName, NULL, &valueType, NULL, &valueLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS && valueType == REG_SZ) { BYTE *buf = new BYTE[valueLen]; if (RegQueryValueExW(hkConfig, valueName, NULL, &valueType, buf, &valueLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { result.assign((const wchar_t *)buf); ResourcesDirNormalize(result); ret = true; } delete buf; } RegCloseKey(hkConfig); } return ret; }
bool MiscUtils::Val2WStr(const _variant_t& var, std::wstring& str) { bool bDone = true; switch(var.vt) { case VT_BSTR: case VT_LPSTR: case VT_LPWSTR: try { str.assign((LPCWSTR)(_bstr_t)var); } catch (...) { bDone = false; AfxTrace(_T("Val2WStr failed\n")); } break; case VT_EMPTY: str.erase(); break; default: bDone = false; break; } return bDone; }
static void unlock() { lm->ui32count = last_count = 0; lm->uiVersion = 0; lm->name[0] = 0; wsPluginName.assign(L"Link"); wsDescription.clear(); }
HRESULT URLParser::GetVideoInfoURL(URLParser::VIDEO_URL_PARSER eVideoURLParser, std::wstring& wstrURL, std::wstring& wstrVideoURL) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; int iVdoIDStart = -1; int iVdoIDEnd = -1; std::wstring wstrVideoID; if(std::wstring::npos != (iVdoIDStart = wstrURL.find(L"v="))) { iVdoIDStart += wcslen(L"v="); iVdoIDEnd = wstrURL.find(L"&", iVdoIDStart); if(std::wstring::npos != iVdoIDEnd) { // pick start to end wstrVideoID = wstrURL.substr(iVdoIDStart, (iVdoIDEnd - iVdoIDStart)); } else { // pick the entire string wstrVideoID = wstrURL.substr(iVdoIDStart, (wstrURL.length() - iVdoIDStart)); } } if(0 != wstrVideoID.length()) { wstrVideoURL.clear(); wstrVideoURL.assign(PRE_VIDEO_ID_URL_STRING); wstrVideoURL.append(wstrVideoID); wstrVideoURL.append(POST_VIDEO_ID_URL_STRING); hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
bool CRegUtil::GetValue(const wchar_t* const name, std::wstring& strValue) { const int nSize = 1024; std::vector<BYTE> buffer; DWORD dwLength = 0; DWORD dwType = REG_NONE; buffer.resize(nSize); void* pBuffer = &buffer[0]; LONG lResult = ::RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, name, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pBuffer, &dwLength); if((lResult != ERROR_MORE_DATA && lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwType != REG_SZ) || dwLength == 0) { return false; } if(lResult == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { buffer.resize(dwLength); pBuffer = &buffer[0]; lResult = ::RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, name, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pBuffer, &dwLength); } if(lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false; strValue.assign((const wchar_t*)pBuffer, dwLength / sizeof(wchar_t)); if( - 1) == 0) strValue.resize(strValue.size() - 1); return true; }
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID) { bool bCreated = false; switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: wsPluginName.assign(L"Link"); hMapObject = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, L"MumbleLink"); if (hMapObject == NULL) { hMapObject = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(LinkedMem), L"MumbleLink"); bCreated = true; if (hMapObject == NULL) return false; } lm = (LinkedMem *) MapViewOfFile(hMapObject, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); if (lm == NULL) { CloseHandle(hMapObject); hMapObject = NULL; return false; } if (bCreated) memset(lm, 0, sizeof(LinkedMem)); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: if (lm) { UnmapViewOfFile(lm); lm = NULL; } if (hMapObject) { CloseHandle(hMapObject); hMapObject = NULL; } break; } return true; }
void CSalsitaExtensionHelper::ResourcesDirMakeUrl(const wchar_t *resourcesDir, const wchar_t *relativeUrl, std::wstring &pageUrl) { pageUrl.assign(L"file:///"); pageUrl.append(resourcesDir); ResourcesDirNormalize(pageUrl); pageUrl.append(relativeUrl); std::replace(pageUrl.begin(), pageUrl.end(), L'\\', L'/'); }
void GetIndexOrName(PyObject *item, std::wstring& name, Py_ssize_t& i) { name.clear(); i = -1; #ifndef IS_PY3K if (PyString_Check(item)) { char* s = PyString_AsString(item); DWORD len = lstrlenA(s) + 1; wchar_t* w = new wchar_t[len]; if (::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s, len, w, len) != len) { delete [] w; throw MI::Exception(L"MultiByteToWideChar failed"); } name.assign(w, len); delete[] w; } else #endif if (PyUnicode_Check(item)) { Py_ssize_t len = PyUnicode_GetSize(item) + 1; wchar_t* w = new wchar_t[len]; if (PyUnicode_AsWideChar((PYUNICODEASVARCHARARG1TYPE*)item, w, len) < 0) { delete[] w; throw MI::Exception(L"PyUnicode_AsWideChar failed"); } name.assign(w, len); delete[] w; } else if (PyIndex_Check(item)) { i = PyNumber_AsSsize_t(item, PyExc_IndexError); if (i == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) throw MI::Exception(L"Index error"); } else throw MI::Exception(L"Invalid name or index"); }
bool InitializeSearchPowershell(std::wstring &ps) { WCHAR pszPath[MAX_PATH]; /// by default , System Dir Length <260 if (SHGetFolderPathW(nullptr, CSIDL_SYSTEM, nullptr, 0, pszPath) != S_OK) { return false; } ps.assign(pszPath); ps.append(L"\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe"); return true; }
void tweetA(std::wstring edit){ char utf8[1000]; if (!edit.empty()) { int n; wchar_t ucs2[1000]; n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, edit.c_str(), edit.size(), ucs2, 1000); n = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, ucs2, n, utf8, 1000, 0, 0); edit.assign(utf8, n); } tweetTextA(utf8,init_key,init_secret); }
static bool ConvertToShortPathName(std::wstring & path) { DWORD shortPathBufSize = _MAX_PATH+1; WCHAR shortPathBuf[_MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD finalShortPathSize = ::GetShortPathName(path.c_str(), shortPathBuf, shortPathBufSize); if( finalShortPathSize == 0 ) { return false; } path.assign(shortPathBuf, finalShortPathSize); return true; }
bool utf8ToUtf16( const char* source, std::wstring& output ) { int len = ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, source, -1, NULL, 0); std::vector<wchar_t> outbuf( len+1, 0 ); int ret = ::MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, source, -1, &(outbuf[0]), len ); if( ret ) { outbuf[ret] = L'\0'; output.assign( &(outbuf[0]) ); return true; } return false; }
static int fetch(float *avatar_pos, float *avatar_front, float *avatar_top, float *camera_pos, float *camera_front, float *camera_top, std::string &, std::wstring &identity) { // Zero out the structures for (int i=0;i<3;i++) avatar_pos[i]=avatar_front[i]=avatar_top[i]=camera_pos[i]=camera_front[i]=camera_top[i]=0.0f; bool ok; char state; // State 1 == in-game, 0 == in-menu ok = peekProc(state_ptr, state); if (!ok) return false; if (state == 0) return true; // This results in all vectors beeing zero which tells Mumble to ignore them. struct { float front[3]; float top[3]; float position[3]; } game_vects; ok = peekProc(vects_ptr, game_vects); if (!ok) return false; // Copy game vectors into return values for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { camera_pos[i] = avatar_pos[i] = game_vects.position[i] / 100.0f; // Scale to meters camera_front[i] = avatar_front[i] = game_vects.front[i]; camera_top[i] = avatar_top[i] =[i]; } // Extract the character name BYTE *ptr1 = peekProc<BYTE*>(character_name_ptr_loc); BYTE *ptr2 = peekProc<BYTE*>(ptr1 + 0xC); BYTE *character_name_ptr = ptr2 + 0x80; char character_name[16]; // The game limits us to 15 char names ok = peekProc(character_name_ptr, character_name); if (ok) { // character_name is zero terminated, but using strnlen for double-plus safety identity.assign(character_name, character_name + strnlen(character_name, sizeof(character_name))); } return true; }
void DiCodeConvert::Char2WChar( uint32 codepage,const char* in,std::wstring& out,int inlen/*=-1*/ ) { int size=MultiByteToWideChar(codepage, 0,in,inlen,NULL,0); if(inlen>0) { size++; } wchar_t* twords; twords = DI_NEW wchar_t[size]; MultiByteToWideChar(codepage, 0,in,inlen,twords,size); out.assign(twords,size-1); DI_DELETE (twords); }
/** Gets the Version \param[out] ver \returns true if this value is supported by the implementation According to the CIM model: A string describing the Operating System's version number. The format of the version information is as follows: [Major Number].[Minor Number].[Revision] or [Major Number].[Minor Number].[Revision Letter]. */ bool OSInstance::GetVersion(std::wstring& ver) const { #if defined(SCX_UNIX) if (!m_unameIsValid) { return false; } ver.assign(StrFromMultibyte(m_unameInfo.release)); return true; #else #error Platform not supported #endif }
void ANSI_to_Unicode(const char* in, unsigned int len, std::wstring& out) { int wbufferlen = (int)::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,MB_PRECOMPOSED,in,(int)len,NULL,0); wchar_t* pwbuffer = new wchar_t[wbufferlen+4]; if ( NULL == pwbuffer ) { return; } wbufferlen = (int)::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,MB_PRECOMPOSED,in,(int)len,pwbuffer,wbufferlen+2); pwbuffer[wbufferlen] = '\0'; out.assign( pwbuffer, wbufferlen ); delete[] pwbuffer; return; }
int getWString(uint32_t ptr, std::wstring &buffer) { char buf[1024]; int bufLength; wchar_t wbuf[1024]; int wbufLength; bufLength = getCStringN(ptr, buf, sizeof(buf)); wbufLength = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, buf, bufLength, wbuf, 1024); buffer.assign(wbuf, wbufLength); return 0; }
void ConvertReturnCode( std::wstring& text ) { std::vector<wchar_t> buf; size_t len = text.length(); buf.reserve( len * 2 ); for( size_t i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if( text[i] != L'\n' ) { buf.push_back( text[i] ); } else { buf.push_back( L'\r' ); buf.push_back( L'\n' ); } } text.assign( &(buf[0]), buf.size() ); }
const bool FromUTF8(const std::string &utf8string, std::wstring &wcstring) { if(utf8string.size()>0) { return FromUTF8(std::vector<std::string::value_type>(utf8string.begin(),utf8string.end()),wcstring); } else { wcstring.assign(L""); return true; } }
void CalculateHlaeFolderOnce() { static bool firstRun = true; if (firstRun) { firstRun = false; } else return; LPWSTR fileName = 0; HMODULE hm; DWORD length; bool bOk = 0 != (hm = GetModuleHandleW(DLL_NAME)) ; if(hm) { length = 100; fileName = (LPWSTR)malloc(length*sizeof(WCHAR)); while(fileName && length == GetModuleFileNameW(hm, fileName, length)) fileName = (LPWSTR)realloc(fileName, (length += 100)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!fileName) return; bOk = 0 < length; } if(bOk) { g_HlaeFolderW.assign(fileName); size_t fp = g_HlaeFolderW.find_last_of(L'\\'); if(std::string::npos != fp) { g_HlaeFolderW.resize(fp+1, L'\\'); } WideStringToUTF8String(g_HlaeFolderW.c_str(), g_HlaeFolder); } free(fileName); return; }
extern "C" const WCHAR *EncodeWithNickname(const char *string, const WCHAR *szNick, UINT codePage) { static std::wstring msg; wchar_t stringW[256]; int mark = 0; MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, string, -1, stringW, 256); stringW[255] = 0; msg.assign(stringW); if((mark = msg.find(L"%nick%")) != msg.npos) { msg.erase(mark, 6); msg.insert(mark, szNick, lstrlenW(szNick)); } return msg.c_str(); }
static int _getDxRootWPath(std::wstring &rootWPath) { int rc = 0; std::wstring wpathbuf; rc = _getLocalAppDataWPath(wpathbuf); if (rc != 0) goto out; wpathbuf.append(L"\\dxshell"); rootWPath.assign(wpathbuf); out: return rc; }
void TransCode::UTF8_to_Unicode( const char* in, unsigned len, std::wstring& out ) { wchar_t* pbuf = new wchar_t[len + 1]; if (NULL == pbuf) { return; } size_t outlen = (len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); memset(pbuf, 0, outlen); ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, in, len, pbuf, len * sizeof(wchar_t)); out.assign(pbuf); delete[] pbuf; pbuf = NULL; return; }
bool touchmind::shell::Clipboard::_PasteTEXT(HWND hWnd, std::wstring &text) { if (!OpenClipboard(hWnd)) { text.clear(); return false; } HGLOBAL hg = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); if (hg == nullptr) { text.clear(); return false; } wchar_t *strClip = static_cast<wchar_t *>(GlobalLock(hg)); text.assign(strClip); GlobalUnlock(hg); CloseClipboard(); return true; }
/** Gets the OtherTypeDescription \param[out] otd \returns true if this value is supported by the implementation \note Linux: Note that the implementation is just plain wrong with regard to how this property is defined by the CIM model. According to the CIM model: A string describing the manufacturer and OperatingSystem type - used when the OperatingSystem property, OSType, is set to 1 or 59 (\"Other\" or \"Dedicated\"). The format of the string inserted in OtherTypeDescription should be similar in format to the Values strings defined for OSType. OtherTypeDescription should be set to NULL when OSType is any value other than 1 or 59. */ bool OSInstance::GetOtherTypeDescription(std::wstring& otd) const { #if defined(SCX_UNIX) if (!m_unameIsValid) { return false; } string tmp(m_unameInfo.release); tmp.append(" "); tmp.append(m_unameInfo.version); otd.assign(StrFromMultibyte(tmp)); return true; #else #error Platform not supported #endif }