bool AAdapt::STKUnifUnrefineField::operator()(const stk::mesh::Entity element, stk::mesh::FieldBase* field, const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData) { const stk::mesh::PairIterRelation elem_nodes = element.relations(stk::topology::NODE_RANK); unsigned num_node = elem_nodes.size(); double* f_data = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::field_data_entity(field, element); Albany::AbstractSTKFieldContainer::VectorFieldType* coordField = m_eMesh.get_coordinates_field(); bool found = true; for(unsigned inode = 0; inode < num_node; inode++) { stk::mesh::Entity node = * elem_nodes[ inode ].entity(); double* coord_data = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::field_data(coordField, node); if(coord_data[0] < 0.0 || coord_data[1] < 0.0) { // || coord_data[2] > 1.1) found = false; break; } } if(found) f_data[0] = -1.0; else f_data[0] = 0.0; return false; // don't terminate the loop }
bool AAdapt::STKUnifRefineField::operator()(const stk::mesh::Entity element, stk::mesh::FieldBase* field, const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData) { /* double plane_point[3] = {2, 0, 0}; double plane_normal[3] = {1, .5, -.5}; */ double plane_point[3] = {0, 0.7, 0}; double plane_normal[3] = {0, 1, 0}; const stk::mesh::PairIterRelation elem_nodes = element.relations(stk::topology::NODE_RANK); unsigned num_node = elem_nodes.size(); double* f_data = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::field_data_entity(field, element); Albany::AbstractSTKFieldContainer::VectorFieldType* coordField = m_eMesh.get_coordinates_field(); bool found = false; for(unsigned inode = 0; inode < num_node - 1; inode++) { stk::mesh::Entity node_i = * elem_nodes[ inode ].entity(); double* coord_data_i = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::field_data(coordField, node_i); for(unsigned jnode = inode + 1; jnode < num_node; jnode++) { stk::mesh::Entity node_j = * elem_nodes[ jnode ].entity(); double* coord_data_j = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::field_data(coordField, node_j); double dot_0 = plane_dot_product(plane_point, plane_normal, coord_data_i); double dot_1 = plane_dot_product(plane_point, plane_normal, coord_data_j); // if edge crosses the plane... if(dot_0 * dot_1 < 0) { found = true; break; } } } if(found) { f_data[0] = 1.0; // std::cout << "Splitting: " << element.identifier() << std::endl; } else { f_data[0] = 0.0; // std::cout << "Not splitting: " << element.identifier() << std::endl; } return false; // don't terminate the loop }
bool helperSubDim(const stk::mesh::Entity& child_element, stk::mesh::FieldBase *field, const mesh::BulkData& bulkData) { EXCEPTWATCH; const CellTopologyData * const child_cell_topo_data = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::get_cell_topology(child_element); CellTopology child_cell_topo(child_cell_topo_data); int child_cell_dimension = child_cell_topo.getDimension(); int meta_dimension = mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get_meta_data(mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get(bulkData)).get_spatial_dimension(); // for now, only allow face (or edge) VERIFY_OP_ON(child_cell_dimension, ==, meta_dimension - 1, "Dimensions don't match"); VectorFieldType& coord_field = *(mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get(bulkData)).get_field<VectorFieldType>("coordinates"); // FIXME for fields not on a Node unsigned nDOF = m_nDOFs; unsigned nCells = PerceptMesh::size1(child_element); m_count_elems += nCells; typedef IntrepidManager IM; unsigned cubDegree = m_cubDegree; const stk::mesh::PairIterRelation parent_elements = child_element.relations(child_element.entity_rank() + 1); VERIFY_OP_ON(parent_elements.size(), ==, 1, "cant find parent"); const stk::mesh::Entity& element = *parent_elements[0].entity(); unsigned i_face = parent_elements[0].identifier(); const CellTopologyData * const cell_topo_data = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::get_cell_topology(element); CellTopology cell_topo(cell_topo_data); int cell_dimension = cell_topo.getDimension(); VERIFY_OP_ON(cell_dimension, ==, meta_dimension , "Dimensions don't match"); IM im(Elements_Tag(nCells), cell_topo, cubDegree); IM imChild(Elements_Tag(nCells), child_cell_topo, cubDegree); unsigned numCubPoints_child = imChild.m_cub->getNumPoints(); im.m_Cub_Points_Tag = Cub_Points_Tag(numCubPoints_child); if (0) { std::cout << "numCubPoints_child= " << numCubPoints_child << " parent rank= " << element.entity_rank() << " parent topo= " << cell_topo.getName() << std::endl; } // FIXME im.m_DOFs_Tag.num = m_nDOFs; // FIXME // _c suffix is for the child (face) element IM::Jacobian J (im); IM::FaceNormal fn (im); //IM::JacobianDet dJ (im); IM::CubaturePoints xi (im); IM::CubaturePoints xi_c (imChild); IM::CellWorkSet cn (im); IM::CubatureWeights wt (im); IM::CubatureWeights wt_c (imChild); IM::PhysicalCoords pc (im); IM::IntegrandValues iv (im); IM::IntegrandValuesDOF ivD (im); IM::Integral Io (im); IM::Bases Nb (im); IM::WeightedMeasure wXfn (im); IM::FieldValues fv (im); imChild.m_cub->getCubature(xi_c, wt_c); unsigned spaceDim = im.m_Spatial_Dim_Tag.num; PerceptMesh::fillCellNodes(element, &coord_field, cn, spaceDim); // get parent cell integration points // Map Gauss points on quad to reference face: paramGaussPoints -> refGaussPoints CellTools<double>::mapToReferenceSubcell(xi, xi_c, 2, i_face, cell_topo); // FIXME magic // get jacobian J(xi, cn, cell_topo); //dJ(J); //shards::ArrayVector<double, shards::NaturalOrder, Elements_Tag, Cub_Points_Tag > fn_Norm; // FIXME //fn(J, i_face, cell_topo); MDArray J_mda; J.copyTo(J_mda); MDArray fn_mda(im.m_Elements_Tag.num, numCubPoints_child, spaceDim); CellTools<double>::getPhysicalFaceNormals(fn_mda, J_mda, i_face, cell_topo); /// get norm of fn for (int icell = 0; icell < im.m_Elements_Tag.num; icell++) { for (int ipt = 0; ipt < (int)numCubPoints_child; ipt++) { double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)spaceDim; i++) { sum += square(fn_mda(icell, ipt, i)); } wXfn(icell, ipt) = std::sqrt(sum) * wt_c(ipt); } } if (0) { using namespace shards; //std::cout << "dJ= \n" << dJ << std::endl; std::cout << "wXfn= \n" << wXfn << std::endl; std::cout << "xi= \n" << xi << std::endl; std::cout << "wt= \n" << wt << std::endl; std::cout << "cn= \n" << cn << std::endl; Util::setDoPause(true); Util::pause(true); } // get physical coordinates at integration points pc(cn, xi); // get bases #if 1 // FIXME MDArray xi_mda; xi.copyTo(xi_mda); Nb(element, xi_mda); #else Nb(element, xi); #endif // apply integrand (right now we have MDArray hard-coded... FIXME - templatize on its type) // it should look like this (one instead of multiple lines): #if 0 m_integrand(pc, v); #else MDArray pc_mda; pc.copyTo(pc_mda); std::vector<int> ivDims; ivD.dimensions( ivDims); /// NOTE: m_integrand requires the ranks of in/out MDArrays to be such that out_rank >= in_rank /// Thus, we use IntegrandValuesDOF with [DOF] = 1, and then copy the result to IntegrandValues /// which does not have the additional rightmost DOF index (Intrepid doesn't have the concept of /// DOF's, it works on scalars only for the integration routines, or at least that's how I understand /// it currently. // create an array that stk::percept::Function will like to hold the results ivDims[ivDims.size()-1] = m_nDOFs; MDArray iv_mda ( Teuchos::Array<int>(ivDims.begin(), ivDims.end())); if (m_turboOpt == TURBO_ELEMENT || m_turboOpt == TURBO_BUCKET) { m_integrand(pc_mda, iv_mda, element, xi_mda); } else { m_integrand(pc_mda, iv_mda); } // now, copy from the results to an array that Intrepid::integrate will like #endif for (unsigned iDof = 0; iDof < nDOF; iDof++) { iv.copyFrom(im, iv_mda, iDof); // get the integral if (m_accumulation_type == ACCUMULATE_SUM) { Io(iv, wXfn, COMP_BLAS); } //optional design: // // Io(integrand(pc_mda, v), wXdJ(w, dJ(J(xi, c, cell_topo)), COMP_BLAS); for (unsigned iCell = 0; iCell < nCells; iCell++) { // if (Util::getFlag(0)) // { // std::cout << "tmp Io(iCell)= " << Io(iCell) << std::endl; // Util::pause(true, "Io(iCell)"); // } if (m_accumulation_type == ACCUMULATE_SUM) { m_accumulation_buffer[iDof] += Io(iCell); } else if (m_accumulation_type == ACCUMULATE_MAX) { double valIo = 0.0; for (int ivpts = 0; ivpts < iv.dimension(1); ivpts++) { valIo = std::max(valIo, iv((int)iCell, ivpts)); } //std::cout << "m_accumulation_buffer[iDof] = " << m_accumulation_buffer[iDof] << " valIO= " << valIo << std::endl; m_accumulation_buffer[iDof] = std::max(m_accumulation_buffer[iDof], valIo); } } } return false; }
void Albany::STKDiscretization::computeSideSets(){ // Clean up existing sideset structure if remeshing for(int i = 0; i < sideSets.size(); i++) sideSets[i].clear(); // empty the ith map const stk::mesh::EntityRank element_rank = metaData.element_rank(); // iterator over all side_rank parts found in the mesh std::map<std::string, stk::mesh::Part*>::iterator ss = stkMeshStruct->ssPartVec.begin(); int numBuckets = wsEBNames.size(); sideSets.resize(numBuckets); // Need a sideset list per workset while ( ss != stkMeshStruct->ssPartVec.end() ) { // Get all owned sides in this side set stk::mesh::Selector select_owned_in_sspart = // get only entities in the ss part (ss->second is the current sideset part) stk::mesh::Selector( *(ss->second) ) & // and only if the part is local stk::mesh::Selector( metaData.locally_owned_part() ); std::vector< stk::mesh::Entity * > sides ; stk::mesh::get_selected_entities( select_owned_in_sspart , // sides local to this processor bulkData.buckets( metaData.side_rank() ) , sides ); // store the result in "sides" *out << "STKDisc: sideset "<< ss->first <<" has size " << sides.size() << " on Proc 0." << std::endl; // loop over the sides to see what they are, then fill in the data holder // for side set options, look at $TRILINOS_DIR/packages/stk/stk_usecases/mesh/UseCase_13.cpp for (std::size_t localSideID=0; localSideID < sides.size(); localSideID++) { stk::mesh::Entity &sidee = *sides[localSideID]; const stk::mesh::PairIterRelation side_elems = sidee.relations(element_rank); // get the elements // containing the side. Note that if the side is internal, it will show up twice in the // element list, once for each element that contains it. TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(side_elems.size() != 1, std::logic_error, "STKDisc: cannot figure out side set topology for side set " << ss->first << std::endl); const stk::mesh::Entity & elem = *side_elems[0].entity(); SideStruct sStruct; // Save elem id. This is the global element id sStruct.elem_GID = gid(elem); int workset = elemGIDws[sStruct.elem_GID].ws; // Get the ws that this element lives in // Save elem id. This is the local element id within the workset sStruct.elem_LID = elemGIDws[sStruct.elem_GID].LID; // Save the side identifier inside of the element. This starts at zero here. sStruct.side_local_id = determine_local_side_id(elem, sidee); // Save the index of the element block that this elem lives in sStruct.elem_ebIndex = stkMeshStruct->ebNameToIndex[wsEBNames[workset]]; SideSetList& ssList = sideSets[workset]; // Get a ref to the side set map for this ws SideSetList::iterator it = ssList.find(ss->first); // Get an iterator to the correct sideset (if // it exists) if(it != ssList.end()) // The sideset has already been created it->second.push_back(sStruct); // Save this side to the vector that belongs to the name ss->first else { // Add the key ss->first to the map, and the side vector to that map std::vector<SideStruct> tmpSSVec; tmpSSVec.push_back(sStruct); ssList.insert(SideSetList::value_type(ss->first, tmpSSVec)); } } ss++; } }