Пример #1
QString Entry::field(Tellico::Data::FieldPtr field_) const {
  if(!field_) {
    return QString();

  if(field_->hasFlag(Field::Derived)) {
    DerivedValue dv(field_);
    return dv.value(EntryPtr(const_cast<Entry*>(this)), false);

  if(m_fieldValues.contains(field_->name())) {
    return m_fieldValues.value(field_->name());
  return QString();
Пример #2
QString Entry::formattedField(Tellico::Data::FieldPtr field_, FieldFormat::Request request_) const {
  if(!field_) {
    return QString();

  // don't format the value unless it's requested to do so
  if(request_ == FieldFormat::AsIsFormat) {
    return field(field_);

  const FieldFormat::Type flag = field_->formatType();
  if(field_->hasFlag(Field::Derived)) {
    DerivedValue dv(field_);
    // format sub fields and whole string
    return FieldFormat::format(dv.value(EntryPtr(const_cast<Entry*>(this)), true), flag, request_);

  // if auto format is not set or FormatNone, then just return the value
  if(flag == FieldFormat::FormatNone) {
    return m_coll->prepareText(field(field_));

  if(!m_formattedFields.contains(field_->name())) {
    QString formattedValue;
    if(field_->type() == Field::Table) {
      QStringList rows;
      // we only format the first column
      foreach(const QString& row, FieldFormat::splitTable(field(field_->name()))) {
        QStringList columns = FieldFormat::splitRow(row);
        QStringList newValues;
        foreach(const QString& value, FieldFormat::splitValue(columns.at(0))) {
          newValues << FieldFormat::format(value, field_->formatType(), FieldFormat::DefaultFormat);
        if(!columns.isEmpty()) {
          columns.replace(0, newValues.join(FieldFormat::delimiterString()));
        rows << columns.join(FieldFormat::columnDelimiterString());
      formattedValue = rows.join(FieldFormat::rowDelimiterString());
    } else {
Пример #3
int EntryComparison::score(Tellico::Data::EntryPtr e1, Tellico::Data::EntryPtr e2, Tellico::Data::FieldPtr f) {
  if(!e1 || !e2 || !f) {
    return 0;
  QString s1 = e1->field(f).toLower();
  QString s2 = e2->field(f).toLower();
  if(s1.isEmpty() || s2.isEmpty()) {
    return 0;
  // complicated string matching, here are the cases I want to match
  // "bend it like beckham" == "bend it like beckham (widescreen edition)"
  // "the return of the king" == "return of the king"
  if(s1 == s2) {
    return 5;
  // special case for isbn
  if(f->name() == QLatin1String("isbn") && ISBNValidator::isbn10(s1) == ISBNValidator::isbn10(s2)) {
    return 5;
  if(f->name() == QLatin1String("lccn") && LCCNValidator::formalize(s1) == LCCNValidator::formalize(s2)) {
    return 5;
  if(f->name() == QLatin1String("url") && e1->collection() && e1->collection()->type() == Data::Collection::File) {
    // versions before 1.2.7 could have saved the url without the protocol
    if(QUrl(s1) == QUrl(s2) ||
       (f->property(QLatin1String("relative")) == QLatin1String("true") &&
        s_documentUrl.resolved(QUrl(s1)) == s_documentUrl.resolved(QUrl(s2)))) {
      return 5;
  if (f->name() == QLatin1String("imdb")) {
    // imdb might be a different host since we query akas.imdb.com and normally it is www.imdb.com
    QUrl us1 = QUrl::fromUserInput(s1);
    QUrl us2 = QUrl::fromUserInput(s2);
    if(us1 == us2) {
      return 5;
  if(f->name() == QLatin1String("arxiv")) {
    // normalize and unVersion arxiv ID
    if(s1 == s2) {
      return 5;
  if(f->formatType() == FieldFormat::FormatName) {
    const QString s1n = e1->formattedField(f, FieldFormat::ForceFormat);
    const QString s2n = e2->formattedField(f, FieldFormat::ForceFormat);
    if(s1n == s2n) {
      return 5;
  // try removing punctuation
  QRegExp notAlphaNum(QLatin1String("[^\\s\\w]"));
  QString s1a = s1;
  QString s2a = s2;
  if(!s1a.isEmpty() && s1a == s2a) {
//    myDebug() << "match without punctuation";
    return 5;
  if(!s1.isEmpty() && s1 == s2) {
//    myDebug() << "match without articles";
    return 3;
  // try removing everything between parentheses
  QRegExp rx(QLatin1String("\\s*\\(.*\\)\\s*"));
  if(!s1.isEmpty() && s1 == s2) {
//    myDebug() << "match without parentheses";
    return 2;
  if(f->hasFlag(Data::Field::AllowMultiple)) {
    QStringList sl1 = FieldFormat::splitValue(e1->field(f));
    QStringList sl2 = FieldFormat::splitValue(e2->field(f));
    int matches = 0;
    for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = sl1.constBegin(); it != sl1.constEnd(); ++it) {
      matches += sl2.count(*it);
    if(matches == 0 && f->formatType() == FieldFormat::FormatName) {
      sl1 = FieldFormat::splitValue(e1->formattedField(f, FieldFormat::ForceFormat));
      sl2 = FieldFormat::splitValue(e2->formattedField(f, FieldFormat::ForceFormat));
      for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = sl1.constBegin(); it != sl1.constEnd(); ++it) {
        matches += sl2.count(*it);
    return matches;
  return 0;