Пример #1
DatabaseCommand_Resolve::resolve( DatabaseImpl* lib )
    QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr> res;
    typedef QPair<int, float> scorepair_t;

    // STEP 1
    QList< QPair<int, float> > tracks = lib->search( m_query );

    if ( tracks.length() == 0 )
        qDebug() << "No candidates found in first pass, aborting resolve" << m_query->artist() << m_query->track();
        emit results( m_query->id(), res );

    // STEP 2
    TomahawkSqlQuery files_query = lib->newquery();

    QStringList trksl;
    for ( int k = 0; k < tracks.count(); k++ )
        trksl.append( QString::number( tracks.at( k ).first ) );

    QString trksToken = QString( "file_join.track IN (%1)" ).arg( trksl.join( "," ) );

    QString sql = QString( "SELECT "
                            "url, mtime, size, md5, mimetype, duration, bitrate, "  //0
                            "file_join.artist, file_join.album, file_join.track, "  //7
                            "file_join.composer, file_join.discnumber, "            //10
                            "artist.name as artname, "                              //12
                            "album.name as albname, "                               //13
                            "track.name as trkname, "                               //14
                            "composer.name as cmpname, "                            //15
                            "file.source, "                                         //16
                            "file_join.albumpos, "                                  //17
                            "artist.id as artid, "                                  //18
                            "album.id as albid, "                                   //19
                            "composer.id as cmpid "                                 //20
                            "FROM file, file_join, artist, track "
                            "LEFT JOIN album ON album.id = file_join.album "
                            "LEFT JOIN artist AS composer ON composer.id = file_join.composer "
                            "WHERE "
                            "artist.id = file_join.artist AND "
                            "track.id = file_join.track AND "
                            "file.id = file_join.file AND "
                            "(%1)" )
         .arg( trksToken );

    files_query.prepare( sql );

    while ( files_query.next() )
        source_ptr s;
        QString url = files_query.value( 0 ).toString();

        if ( files_query.value( 16 ).toUInt() == 0 )
            s = SourceList::instance()->getLocal();
            s = SourceList::instance()->get( files_query.value( 16 ).toUInt() );
            if ( s.isNull() )
                qDebug() << "Could not find source" << files_query.value( 16 ).toUInt();

            url = QString( "servent://%1\t%2" ).arg( s->nodeId() ).arg( url );

        bool cached = Tomahawk::Result::isCached( url );
        Tomahawk::result_ptr result = Tomahawk::Result::get( url );
        if ( cached )
            qDebug() << "Result already cached:" << result->toString();
            res << result;

        Tomahawk::artist_ptr artist = Tomahawk::Artist::get( files_query.value( 18 ).toUInt(), files_query.value( 12 ).toString() );
        Tomahawk::album_ptr album = Tomahawk::Album::get( files_query.value( 19 ).toUInt(), files_query.value( 13 ).toString(), artist );
        Tomahawk::artist_ptr composer = Tomahawk::Artist::get( files_query.value( 20 ).toUInt(), files_query.value( 15 ).toString() );

        result->setModificationTime( files_query.value( 1 ).toUInt() );
        result->setSize( files_query.value( 2 ).toUInt() );
        result->setMimetype( files_query.value( 4 ).toString() );
        result->setDuration( files_query.value( 5 ).toUInt() );
        result->setBitrate( files_query.value( 6 ).toUInt() );
        result->setArtist( artist );
        result->setComposer( composer );
        result->setAlbum( album );
        result->setDiscNumber( files_query.value( 11 ).toUInt() );
        result->setTrack( files_query.value( 14 ).toString() );
        result->setRID( uuid() );
        result->setAlbumPos( files_query.value( 17 ).toUInt() );
        result->setTrackId( files_query.value( 9 ).toUInt() );

        TomahawkSqlQuery attrQuery = lib->newquery();
        QVariantMap attr;

        attrQuery.prepare( "SELECT k, v FROM track_attributes WHERE id = ?" );
        attrQuery.bindValue( 0, result->trackId() );
        while ( attrQuery.next() )
            attr[ attrQuery.value( 0 ).toString() ] = attrQuery.value( 1 ).toString();

        result->setAttributes( attr );
        result->setCollection( s->collection() );

        res << result;

    emit results( m_query->id(), res );
Пример #2
DatabaseCommand_Resolve::resolve( DatabaseImpl* lib )
    QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr> res;

    // STEP 1
    QList< QPair<int, float> > tracks = lib->search( m_query );

    if ( tracks.length() == 0 )
        qDebug() << "No candidates found in first pass, aborting resolve" << m_query->queryTrack()->toString();
        emit results( m_query->id(), res );

    // STEP 2
    TomahawkSqlQuery files_query = lib->newquery();

    QStringList trksl;
    for ( int k = 0; k < tracks.count(); k++ )
        trksl.append( QString::number( tracks.at( k ).first ) );

    QString trksToken = QString( "file_join.track IN (%1)" ).arg( trksl.join( "," ) );

    QString sql = QString( "SELECT "
                            "url, mtime, size, md5, mimetype, duration, bitrate, "  //0
                            "file_join.artist, file_join.album, file_join.track, "  //7
                            "file_join.composer, file_join.discnumber, "            //10
                            "artist.name as artname, "                              //12
                            "album.name as albname, "                               //13
                            "track.name as trkname, "                               //14
                            "composer.name as cmpname, "                            //15
                            "file.source, "                                         //16
                            "file_join.albumpos, "                                  //17
                            "artist.id as artid, "                                  //18
                            "album.id as albid, "                                   //19
                            "composer.id as cmpid "                                 //20
                            "FROM file, file_join, artist, track "
                            "LEFT JOIN album ON album.id = file_join.album "
                            "LEFT JOIN artist AS composer ON composer.id = file_join.composer "
                            "WHERE "
                            "artist.id = file_join.artist AND "
                            "track.id = file_join.track AND "
                            "file.id = file_join.file AND "
                            "(%1)" )
         .arg( trksToken );

    files_query.prepare( sql );

    while ( files_query.next() )
        QString url = files_query.value( 0 ).toString();
        source_ptr s = SourceList::instance()->get( files_query.value( 16 ).toUInt() );
        if ( !s )
            tDebug() << "Could not find source" << files_query.value( 16 ).toUInt();
        if ( !s->isLocal() )
            url = QString( "servent://%1\t%2" ).arg( s->nodeId() ).arg( url );

        Tomahawk::result_ptr result = Tomahawk::Result::getCached( url );
        if ( result )
            tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << "Result already cached:" << result->toString();
            res << result;

        track_ptr track = Track::get( files_query.value( 9 ).toUInt(), files_query.value( 12 ).toString(), files_query.value( 14 ).toString(), files_query.value( 13 ).toString(), files_query.value( 5 ).toUInt(), files_query.value( 15 ).toString(), files_query.value( 17 ).toUInt(), files_query.value( 11 ).toUInt() );
        if ( !track )

        result = Result::get( url, track );
        if ( !result )

        result->setModificationTime( files_query.value( 1 ).toUInt() );
        result->setSize( files_query.value( 2 ).toUInt() );
        result->setMimetype( files_query.value( 4 ).toString() );
        result->setBitrate( files_query.value( 6 ).toUInt() );
        result->setRID( uuid() );
        result->setCollection( s->dbCollection() );

        res << result;

    emit results( m_query->id(), res );