Пример #1
std::pair<Float, Float> MagnumFont::doOpenData(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Containers::ArrayReference<const unsigned char>>>& data, const Float) {
    /* We need just the configuration file and image file */
    if(data.size() != 2) {
        Error() << "Text::MagnumFont::openData(): wanted two files, got" << data.size();
        return {};

    /* Open the configuration file */
    std::istringstream in({reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data[0].second.begin()), data[0].second.size()});
    Utility::Configuration conf(in, Utility::Configuration::Flag::SkipComments);
    if(!conf.isValid() || conf.isEmpty()) {
        Error() << "Text::MagnumFont::openData(): cannot open file" << data[0].first;
        return {};

    /* Check version */
    if(conf.value<UnsignedInt>("version") != 1) {
        Error() << "Text::MagnumFont::openData(): unsupported file version, expected 1 but got"
                << conf.value<UnsignedInt>("version");
        return {};

    /* Check that we have also the image file */
    if(conf.value("image") != data[1].first) {
        Error() << "Text::MagnumFont::openData(): expected file"
                << conf.value("image") << "but got" << data[1].first;
        return {};

    /* Open and load image file */
    Trade::TgaImporter importer;
    if(!importer.openData(data[1].second)) {
        Error() << "Text::MagnumFont::openData(): cannot open image file";
        return {};
    std::optional<Trade::ImageData2D> image = importer.image2D(0);
    if(!image) {
        Error() << "Text::MagnumFont::openData(): cannot load image file";
        return {};

    return openInternal(std::move(conf), std::move(*image));