Пример #1
int Intersect(TUNGraph::TNodeI Node, int *NNodes, int NNodes_br){
  int br = 0;
  int neig;
  for (int i = 0; i<Node.GetDeg(); i++)
    neig = Node.GetNbrNId(i);
    for (int j = 0; j<NNodes_br; j++)
      if (neig == NNodes[j])
        j = NNodes_br;

  neig = Node.GetId();
  for (int j = 0; j<NNodes_br; j++)
    if (neig == NNodes[j])
      j = NNodes_br;

  return br;
Пример #2
// Compute the change in likelihood (Delta) if node UID leaves community CID.
double TAGMFit::SeekLeave(const int& UID, const int& CID) {
  double Delta = 0.0;
  TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(UID);
  int NbhsInC = 0;
  for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetDeg(); e++) {
    const int VID = NI.GetNbrNId(e);
    if (! NIDComVH.GetDat(VID).IsKey(CID)) { continue; }
    TIntPr SrcDstNIDPr(TMath::Mn(UID,VID), TMath::Mx(UID,VID));
    TIntSet& JointCom = EdgeComVH.GetDat(SrcDstNIDPr);
    double CurPuv, NewPuv, LambdaSum = SelectLambdaSum(JointCom);
    CurPuv = 1 - exp(- LambdaSum);
    NewPuv = 1 - exp(- LambdaSum + LambdaV[CID]);
    IAssert(JointCom.Len() > 0);
    if (JointCom.Len() == 1) {
      NewPuv = PNoCom;
    Delta += (log(NewPuv) - log(CurPuv));
  Delta += LambdaV[CID] * (CIDNSetV[CID].Len() - 1 - NbhsInC);
  return Delta;
Пример #3
double TAGMFast::LikelihoodForOneVar(const TFltV& AlphaKV, const int UID, const int CID, const double& Val) {
  TUNGraph::TNodeI UI = G->GetNI(UID);
  double L = 0.0, PNoEdge;
  int VID = 0;
  for (int e = 0; e < UI.GetDeg(); e++) {
    VID = UI.GetNbrNId(e);
    if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(UI.GetNbrNId(e))) { continue; }
    if (! F[VID].IsKey(CID)) { 
      PNoEdge = AlphaKV[e];
    } else {
      PNoEdge = AlphaKV[e] * exp (- F[VID].GetDat(CID) * Val);
    IAssert(PNoEdge <= 1.0 && PNoEdge >= 0.0);
    //PNoEdge = PNoEdge >= 1.0 - PNoCom? 1 - PNoCom: PNoEdge;
    L += log(1.0 - PNoEdge) + NegWgt * GetCom(VID, CID) * Val;

    //  += ((PNoEdge * F[VID].GetDat(CID)) / (1.0 - PNoEdge) + NegWgt * F[VID].GetDat(CID));
  L -= NegWgt * (SumFV[CID] - GetCom(UID, CID)) * Val;
  //add regularization
  if (RegCoef > 0.0) { //L1
    L -= RegCoef * Val;
  if (RegCoef < 0.0) { //L2
    L += RegCoef * Val * Val; 

  return L;
Пример #4
THash<TInt, TInt> * choose_seeds (const PUNGraph g, const int num, const int * infection_state, const int infect) {

  THash<TInt, TInt> choices; 
  THash<TInt, TUNGraph::TNode> nodes;
  THash<TInt, TInt> * output = new THash<TInt, TInt> ();
  TInt weight = 0;
  TInt num_total = 0;
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI n = g->BegNI(); n != g->EndNI(); n++) {
    //cout << "nodeID: " << n.GetId() << ",\tStatus: " << infection_state[n.GetId () - 1] << endl;
    if (infection_state[n.GetId () - 1] != infect) {
      weight += n.GetDeg ();
      choices.AddDat (num_total, weight);
      nodes.AddDat (num_total, n.GetId());
  //  TRnd random ((int) time(NULL));
  // TRnd random (0);
  TInt num_chosen = 0;
  while (num_chosen < num) {
    TInt choice = my_random.GetUniDevInt (weight);
    TUNGraph::TNode node_choice = nodes[find (choice, choices, 0,  num_total-1)];
    if (!output->IsKey(node_choice.GetId())) {
      // cout << node_choice.GetId () << "\n";
      output->AddDat(node_choice.GetId (), 1);
  return output;
Пример #5
double ave_path_length (PUNGraph p) {
  TVec<TInt> v;
  double tot_lengths = 0.0;
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI n = p->BegNI(); n != p->EndNI(); n++) {
    v = v + n.GetId();
  //  cerr << "vlen: " << v.Len() << endl;
  TBreathFS<PUNGraph> b(p);
  double tot_pairs = 0.0;
  while (v.Len () > 0) {
    TInt last = v[v.Len()-1];
    b.DoBfs (last, true, true);
    for (TVec<TInt>::TIter i = v.BegI(); (*i) != last; i++) {
      int length;
      length = b.GetHops (last, (*i));
      if (length == length) {
	tot_lengths += length;
	tot_pairs += 1;
    //    cerr << "tps: " << tot_pairs << ", last: " << last << ", beg: " << v[*(v.BegI())] << endl;
  // cerr << "paths: " << tot_lengths << " " << tot_pairs << " " << (tot_lengths/tot_pairs) << endl;
  return tot_lengths / tot_pairs;
Пример #6
double TAGMUtil::GetConductance(const PUNGraph& Graph, const TIntSet& CmtyS, const int Edges) {
    const int Edges2 = Edges >= 0 ? 2*Edges : Graph->GetEdges();
    int Vol = 0,  Cut = 0;
    double Phi = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < CmtyS.Len(); i++) {
        if (! Graph->IsNode(CmtyS[i])) {
        TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(CmtyS[i]);
        for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
            if (! CmtyS.IsKey(NI.GetOutNId(e))) {
                Cut += 1;
        Vol += NI.GetOutDeg();
    // get conductance
    if (Vol != Edges2) {
        if (2 * Vol > Edges2) {
            Phi = Cut / double (Edges2 - Vol);
        else if (Vol == 0) {
            Phi = 0.0;
        else {
            Phi = Cut / double(Vol);
    } else {
        if (Vol == Edges2) {
            Phi = 1.0;
    return Phi;
Пример #7
// Compute the change in likelihood (Delta) if node UID switches from CurCID to NewCID.
double TAGMFit::SeekSwitch(const int& UID, const int& CurCID, const int& NewCID) {
  IAssert(! CIDNSetV[NewCID].IsKey(UID));
  double Delta = SeekJoin(UID, NewCID) + SeekLeave(UID, CurCID);
  //correct only for intersection between new com and current com
  TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(UID);
  for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetDeg(); e++) {
    const int VID = NI.GetNbrNId(e);
    if (! NIDComVH.GetDat(VID).IsKey(CurCID) || ! NIDComVH.GetDat(VID).IsKey(NewCID)) {continue;}
    TIntPr SrcDstNIDPr(TMath::Mn(UID,VID), TMath::Mx(UID,VID));
    TIntSet& JointCom = EdgeComVH.GetDat(SrcDstNIDPr);
    double CurPuv, NewPuvAfterJoin, NewPuvAfterLeave, NewPuvAfterSwitch, LambdaSum = SelectLambdaSum(JointCom);
    CurPuv = 1 - exp(- LambdaSum);
    NewPuvAfterLeave = 1 - exp(- LambdaSum + LambdaV[CurCID]);
    NewPuvAfterJoin = 1 - exp(- LambdaSum - LambdaV[NewCID]);
    NewPuvAfterSwitch = 1 - exp(- LambdaSum - LambdaV[NewCID] + LambdaV[CurCID]);
    if (JointCom.Len() == 1 || NewPuvAfterLeave == 0.0) {
      NewPuvAfterLeave = PNoCom;
    Delta += (log(NewPuvAfterSwitch) + log(CurPuv) - log(NewPuvAfterLeave) - log(NewPuvAfterJoin));
    if (_isnan(Delta)) {
      printf("NS:%f C:%f NL:%f NJ:%f PNoCom:%f", NewPuvAfterSwitch, CurPuv, NewPuvAfterLeave, NewPuvAfterJoin, PNoCom.Val);
  return Delta;
Пример #8
void TAGMFit::InitNodeData() {
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->BegNI(); NI < G->EndNI(); NI++) {
  TAGMUtil::GetNodeMembership(NIDComVH, CIDNSetV);
  for (int c = 0; c < CIDNSetV.Len(); c++) {
    int MaxE = (CIDNSetV[c].Len()) * (CIDNSetV[c].Len() - 1) / 2;
    if (MaxE < 2) {
      LambdaV[c] = MaxLambda;
      LambdaV[c] = -log((double) (MaxE - ComEdgesV[c]) / MaxE);
    if (LambdaV[c] > MaxLambda) {  LambdaV[c] = MaxLambda;  }
    if (LambdaV[c] < MinLambda) {  LambdaV[c] = MinLambda;  }
  NIDCIDPrS.Gen(G->GetNodes() * 10);
  for (int c = 0; c < CIDNSetV.Len(); c++) {
    for (TIntSet::TIter SI = CIDNSetV[c].BegI(); SI < CIDNSetV[c].EndI(); SI++) {
      NIDCIDPrS.AddKey(TIntPr(SI.GetKey(), c));
Пример #9
void TAGMUtil::GetNbhCom(const PUNGraph& Graph, const int NID, TIntSet& NBCmtyS) {
    TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(NID);
    for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetDeg(); e++) {
Пример #10
int Intersect(TUNGraph::TNodeI Node, TIntH NNodes){
  int br = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i<Node.GetDeg(); i++)
    if (NNodes.IsKey(Node.GetNbrNId(i)))
  if (NNodes.IsKey(Node.GetId()))

  return br;
Пример #11
double GetGroupDegreeCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, const PUNGraph& Group) {
  int deg;
  TIntH NN;
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Group->BegNI(); NI < Group->EndNI(); NI++) {
    deg = Graph->GetNI(NI.GetId()).GetDeg();
    for (int i = 0; i<deg; i++) {
      if (Group->IsNode(Graph->GetNI(NI.GetId()).GetNbrNId(i)) == 0)
        NN.AddDat(Graph->GetNI(NI.GetId()).GetNbrNId(i), NI.GetId());
  return (double)NN.Len();
Пример #12
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
  Env.PrepArgs(TStr::Fmt("Node Centrality. build: %s, %s. Time: %s", __TIME__, __DATE__, TExeTm::GetCurTm()));
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  const TStr InFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-i:", "../as20graph.txt", "Input un/directed graph");
  const TStr OutFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-o:", "node_centrality.tab", "Output file");
  printf("Loading %s...", InFNm.CStr());
  PNGraph Graph = TSnap::LoadEdgeList<PNGraph>(InFNm);
  //PNGraph Graph = TSnap::GenRndGnm<PNGraph>(10, 10);
  //TGraphViz::Plot(Graph, gvlNeato, InFNm+".gif", InFNm, true);
  printf("nodes:%d  edges:%d\n", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges());
  PUNGraph UGraph = TSnap::ConvertGraph<PUNGraph>(Graph); // undirected version of the graph
  TIntFltH BtwH, EigH, PRankH, CcfH, CloseH, HubH, AuthH;
  printf("Treat graph as DIRECTED: ");
  printf(" PageRank... ");             TSnap::GetPageRank(Graph, PRankH, 0.85);
  printf(" Hubs&Authorities...");      TSnap::GetHits(Graph, HubH, AuthH);
  printf("\nTreat graph as UNDIRECTED: ");
  printf(" Eigenvector...");           TSnap::GetEigenVectorCentr(UGraph, EigH);
  printf(" Clustering...");            TSnap::GetNodeClustCf(UGraph, CcfH);
  printf(" Betweenness (SLOW!)...");   TSnap::GetBetweennessCentr(UGraph, BtwH, 1.0);
  printf(" Constraint (SLOW!)...");    TNetConstraint<PUNGraph> NetC(UGraph, true);
  printf(" Closeness (SLOW!)...");
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = UGraph->BegNI(); NI < UGraph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    const int NId = NI.GetId();
    CloseH.AddDat(NId, TSnap::GetClosenessCentr<PUNGraph>(UGraph, NId, false));
  printf("\nDONE! saving...");
  FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
  fprintf(F,"#Network: %s\n", InFNm.CStr());
  fprintf(F,"#Nodes: %d\tEdges: %d\n", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges());
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = UGraph->BegNI(); NI < UGraph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    const int NId = NI.GetId();
    const double DegCentr = UGraph->GetNI(NId).GetDeg();
    const double CloCentr = CloseH.GetDat(NId);
    const double BtwCentr = BtwH.GetDat(NId);
    const double EigCentr = EigH.GetDat(NId);
    const double Constraint = NetC.GetNodeC(NId);
    const double ClustCf = CcfH.GetDat(NId);
    const double PgrCentr = PRankH.GetDat(NId);
    const double HubCentr = HubH.GetDat(NId);
    const double AuthCentr = AuthH.GetDat(NId);
    fprintf(F, "%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", NId, 
      DegCentr, CloCentr, BtwCentr, EigCentr, Constraint, ClustCf, PgrCentr, HubCentr, AuthCentr);
  printf("\nrun time: %s (%s)\n", ExeTm.GetTmStr(), TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetTmStr().CStr());
  return 0;
Пример #13
// After MCMC, NID joins community CID.
void TAGMFit::JoinCom(const int& NID, const int& JoinCID) {
  TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(NID);
  for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetDeg(); e++) {
    int VID = NI.GetNbrNId(e);
    if (NIDComVH.GetDat(VID).IsKey(JoinCID)) {
      TIntPr SrcDstNIDPr = TIntPr(TMath::Mn(NID,VID), TMath::Mx(NID,VID));
  NIDCIDPrS.AddKey(TIntPr(NID, JoinCID));
Пример #14
void TAGMFit::RandomInit(const int& MaxK) {
  for (int c = 0; c < MaxK; c++) {
    int NC = Rnd.GetUniDevInt(G -> GetNodes());
    TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G -> GetRndNI();
    for (int v = 0; v < NC; v++) {
      NI = G->GetNI(NI.GetNbrNId(Rnd.GetUniDevInt(NI.GetDeg())));
Пример #15
 static double CmtyCMN(const PUNGraph& Graph, TCnComV& CmtyV) {
   TCNMQMatrix QMatrix(Graph);
   // maximize modularity
   while (QMatrix.MergeBestQ()) { }
   // reconstruct communities
   THash<TInt, TIntV> IdCmtyH;
   for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
   for (int j = 0; j < IdCmtyH.Len(); j++) {
   return QMatrix.Q;
Пример #16
// Connected components of a graph define clusters
// OutDegH and OrigEdges stores node degrees and number of edges in the original graph
double _GirvanNewmanGetModularity(const PUNGraph& G, const TIntH& OutDegH, const int& OrigEdges, TCnComV& CnComV) {
  TSnap::GetWccs(G, CnComV); // get communities
  double Mod = 0;
  for (int c = 0; c < CnComV.Len(); c++) {
    const TIntV& NIdV = CnComV[c]();
    double EIn=0, EEIn=0;
    for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
      TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(NIdV[i]);
      EIn += NI.GetOutDeg();
      EEIn += OutDegH.GetDat(NIdV[i]);
    Mod += (EIn-EEIn*EEIn/(2.0*OrigEdges));
  if (Mod == 0) { return 0; }
  else { return Mod/(2.0*OrigEdges); }
Пример #17
void GetEigenVectorCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, TIntFltH& NIdEigenH, const double& Eps, const int& MaxIter) {
  const int NNodes = Graph->GetNodes();
  // initialize vector values
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    NIdEigenH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 1.0 / NNodes);
    IAssert(NI.GetId() == NIdEigenH.GetKey(NIdEigenH.Len() - 1));
  TFltV TmpV(NNodes);
  for (int iter = 0; iter < MaxIter; iter++) {
    int j = 0;
    // add neighbor values
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, j++) {
      TmpV[j] = 0;
      for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
        TmpV[j] += NIdEigenH.GetDat(NI.GetOutNId(e));

    // normalize
    double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < TmpV.Len(); i++) {
      sum += (TmpV[i] * TmpV[i]);
    sum = sqrt(sum);
    for (int i = 0; i < TmpV.Len(); i++) {
      TmpV[i] /= sum;

    // compute difference
    double diff = 0.0;
    j = 0;
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, j++) {
      diff += fabs(NIdEigenH.GetDat(NI.GetId()) - TmpV[j]);

    // set new values
    j = 0;
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, j++) {
      NIdEigenH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), TmpV[j]);

    if (diff < Eps) {
Пример #18
// network cascade: add spurious edges
// for more details see "Correcting for Missing Data in Information Cascades" by E. Sadikov, M. Medina, J. Leskovec, H. Garcia-Molina. WSDM, 2011
PNGraph AddSpuriousEdges(const PUNGraph& Graph, const PNGraph& Casc, TIntH NIdTmH) {
  TIntPrV EdgeV;
  for (TNGraph::TNodeI NI = Casc->BegNI(); NI < Casc->EndNI(); NI++) {
    TUNGraph::TNodeI GNI = Graph->GetNI(NI.GetId());
    const int Tm = NIdTmH.GetDat(NI.GetId());
    for (int i=0,j=0; i < GNI.GetOutDeg(); i++) {
      const int Dst = GNI.GetOutNId(i);
      if (NIdTmH.IsKey(Dst) && Tm<NIdTmH.GetDat(Dst) && ! NI.IsNbhNId(Dst)) {
        EdgeV.Add(TIntPr(GNI.GetId(), Dst)); }
  PNGraph NetCasc = TNGraph::New();
  *NetCasc = *Casc;
  for (int e = 0; e < EdgeV.Len(); e++) {
    NetCasc->AddEdge(EdgeV[e].Val1, EdgeV[e].Val2); }
  return NetCasc;
Пример #19
double GetDegreeCentralization(const PUNGraph& Graph) {
  int MaxDeg = -1;
  int N = Graph->GetNodes();
  int Sum = 0;
  if (Graph->GetNodes() > 1 && (double(N - 2.0)*double(N - 1)) > 0) {
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
      int deg = NI.GetDeg();
      if (deg > MaxDeg) {
        MaxDeg = deg;
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
      Sum += MaxDeg - NI.GetDeg();
    return double(Sum) / (double(N - 2.0)*double(N - 1));
  else { return 0.0; }
Пример #20
int TCliqueOverlap::MaxNbrsInCANDNodeId(const THashSet<TInt>& SUBG, const THashSet<TInt>& CAND) const{
	int id = -1;
	int maxIntersection = -1;
	for (THashSetKeyI<TInt> it=SUBG.BegI(); it<SUBG.EndI(); it++) {
		int nId = it.GetKey();
		TUNGraph::TNodeI nIt = m_G->GetNI(nId);
		int deg = nIt.GetDeg();
		int curIntersection = 0;
		for (int i=0; i<deg; i++) {
			int nbrId = nIt.GetNbrNId(i);
			if (CAND.IsKey(nbrId)) curIntersection++;
		if (maxIntersection < curIntersection) { maxIntersection=curIntersection; id=nId; }
	return id;
Пример #21
double GetGroupDegreeCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, const TIntH& GroupNodes) {
  int deg;
  TIntH NN;
  TIntH GroupNodes1;

  for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> NI = GroupNodes.BegI(); NI < GroupNodes.EndI(); NI++)
    GroupNodes1.AddDat(NI.GetDat(), NI.GetDat());

  for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> NI = GroupNodes1.BegI(); NI < GroupNodes1.EndI(); NI++){
    TUNGraph::TNodeI node = Graph->GetNI(NI.GetKey());
    deg = node.GetDeg();
    for (int j = 0; j < deg; j++){
      if (GroupNodes1.IsKey(node.GetNbrNId(j)) == 0 && NN.IsKey(node.GetNbrNId(j)) == 0)
        NN.AddDat(node.GetNbrNId(j), NI.GetKey());

  return (double)NN.Len();
Пример #22
int FastCorePeriphery(PUNGraph& Graph, TIntIntH& out) {

    TIntIntH nodes;
    double Z=0;

    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) { // Calculate and store the degrees of each node.
        int deg = NI.GetDeg();
        int id = NI.GetId();
        Z += deg;

    Z = Z/2;

    nodes.SortByDat(false); // Then sort the nodes in descending order of degree, to get a list of nodes {v1, v2, . . . , vn}.

    double Zbest = 99999900000000000;
    int kbest = 0;

    int br=0;
    for (int k=0; k<nodes.Len(); k++) {
        Z = Z + br - 1 - nodes[k];
        if (Z < Zbest) { // or <=
            Zbest = Z;
            kbest = br;

    int cp = 0;
    br = 0;
    for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> it = nodes.BegI();  !it.IsEnd(); it++) {
        if (br < kbest)
            cp = 1;
            cp = 0;
        out.AddDat(it.GetKey(), cp);

    return kbest;
Пример #23
int Intersect1(TUNGraph::TNodeI Node, TStr NNodes){
  int br = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i<Node.GetDeg(); i++)
    TInt digi = Node.GetNbrNId(i);
    TStr buf = "";
    buf = digi.GetStr();

    if (NNodes.SearchStr(buf.CStr()) != -1)

  TInt digi = Node.GetId();
  TStr buf = digi.GetStr();

  if (NNodes.SearchStr(buf.CStr()) != -1)

  return br;
Пример #24
// For each (u, v) in edges, precompute C_uv (the set of communities u and v share).
void TAGMFit::GetEdgeJointCom() {
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI SrcNI = G->BegNI(); SrcNI < G->EndNI(); SrcNI++) {
    int SrcNID = SrcNI.GetId();
    for (int v = 0; v < SrcNI.GetDeg(); v++) {
      int DstNID = SrcNI.GetNbrNId(v);
      if (SrcNID >= DstNID) { continue; }
      TIntSet JointCom;
      TAGMUtil::GetIntersection(NIDComVH.GetDat(SrcNID), NIDComVH.GetDat(DstNID), JointCom);
      for (int k = 0; k < JointCom.Len(); k++) {
  IAssert(EdgeComVH.Len() == G->GetEdges());
Пример #25
double TAGMFast::HessianForOneVar(const TFltV& AlphaKV, const int UID, const int CID, const double& Val) {
  TUNGraph::TNodeI UI = G->GetNI(UID);
  double H = 0.0, PNoEdge;
  int VID = 0;
  for (int e = 0; e < UI.GetDeg(); e++) {
    VID = UI.GetNbrNId(e);
    if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(UI.GetNbrNId(e))) { continue; }
    if (! F[VID].IsKey(CID)) { continue; }
    PNoEdge = AlphaKV[e] * exp (- F[VID].GetDat(CID) * Val);
    IAssert(PNoEdge <= 1.0 && PNoEdge >= 0.0);
    //PNoEdge = PNoEdge == 1.0? 1 - PNoCom: PNoEdge;
    H += (- PNoEdge * F[VID].GetDat(CID) * F[VID].GetDat(CID)) / (1.0 - PNoEdge) / (1.0 - PNoEdge);
  //add regularization
  if (RegCoef < 0.0) { //L2
    H += 2 * RegCoef; 
  IAssert (H <= 0.0);
  return H;
Пример #26
// renumber node ids to 0...N-1
PUNGraph GetSubGraph(const PUNGraph& Graph, const TIntV& NIdV, const bool& RenumberNodes) {
  if (! RenumberNodes) { return TSnap::GetSubGraph(Graph, NIdV); }
  PUNGraph NewGraphPt = TUNGraph::New();
  TUNGraph& NewGraph = *NewGraphPt;
  NewGraph.Reserve(NIdV.Len(), -1);
  TIntSet NIdSet(NIdV.Len());
  for (int n = 0; n < NIdV.Len(); n++) {
  for (int n = 0; n < NIdV.Len(); n++) {
    const TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(NIdV[n]);
    const int SrcNId = NIdSet.GetKeyId(NI.GetId());
    for (int edge = 0; edge < NI.GetDeg(); edge++) {
      const int OutNId = NIdSet.GetKeyId(NI.GetNbhNId(edge));
      if (NewGraph.IsNode(OutNId)) {
        NewGraph.AddEdge(SrcNId, OutNId); }
  return NewGraphPt;
Пример #27
void GetEigenVectorCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, TIntFltH& EigenH, const double& Eps, const int& MaxIter) {
  const int NNodes = Graph->GetNodes();
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    EigenH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 1.0/NNodes);
    IAssert(NI.GetId() == EigenH.GetKey(EigenH.Len()-1));
  TFltV TmpV(NNodes);
  double diff = TFlt::Mx;
  for (int iter = 0; iter < MaxIter; iter++) {
    int j = 0;
    for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, j++) {
      TmpV[j] = 0;
      for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
        TmpV[j] += EigenH.GetDat(NI.GetOutNId(e)); }
    double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < TmpV.Len(); i++) {
      EigenH[i] = TmpV[i];
      sum += EigenH[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < EigenH.Len(); i++) {
      EigenH[i] /= sum; }
    if (fabs(diff-sum) < Eps) { break; }
    //printf("\tdiff:%f\tsum:%f\n", fabs(diff-sum), sum);
    diff = sum;
Пример #28
// Maximum modularity clustering by Girvan-Newman algorithm (slow)
//  Girvan M. and Newman M. E. J., Community structure in social and biological networks, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 7821–7826 (2002)
double CommunityGirvanNewman(PUNGraph& Graph, TCnComV& CmtyV) {
  TIntH OutDegH;
  const int NEdges = Graph->GetEdges();
  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
    OutDegH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutDeg());
  double BestQ = -1; // modularity
  TCnComV CurCmtyV;
  TIntV Cmty1, Cmty2;
  while (true) {
    CmtyGirvanNewmanStep(Graph, Cmty1, Cmty2);
    const double Q = _GirvanNewmanGetModularity(Graph, OutDegH, NEdges, CurCmtyV);
    //printf("current modularity: %f\n", Q);
    if (Q > BestQ) {
      BestQ = Q;
    if (Cmty1.Len()==0 || Cmty2.Len() == 0) { break; }
  return BestQ;
Пример #29
int Intersect(TUNGraph::TNodeI Node, TStr NNodes){
  int br = 0;

  TInt digi = -1;
  TStr buf = "";

  for (int i = 0; i<Node.GetDeg(); i++)
    digi = Node.GetNbrNId(i);
    TStr buf = digi.GetStr();

    if (NNodes.IsStrIn(buf.CStr()))

  digi = Node.GetId();
  buf = digi.GetStr();

  if (NNodes.IsStrIn(buf.CStr()))

  return br;
Пример #30
double TAGMFast::GradientForOneVar(const TFltV& AlphaKV, const int UID, const int CID, const double& Val) {
  TUNGraph::TNodeI UI = G->GetNI(UID);
  double Grad = 0.0, PNoEdge;
  int VID = 0;
  for (int e = 0; e < UI.GetDeg(); e++) {
    VID = UI.GetNbrNId(e);
    if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(UI.GetNbrNId(e))) { continue; }
    if (! F[VID].IsKey(CID)) { continue; }
    PNoEdge = AlphaKV[e] * exp (- F[VID].GetDat(CID) * Val);
    IAssert(PNoEdge <= 1.0 && PNoEdge >= 0.0);
    //PNoEdge = PNoEdge >= 1.0 - PNoCom? 1 - PNoCom: PNoEdge;
    Grad += ((PNoEdge * F[VID].GetDat(CID)) / (1.0 - PNoEdge) + NegWgt * F[VID].GetDat(CID));
  Grad -= NegWgt * (SumFV[CID] - GetCom(UID, CID));
  //add regularization
  if (RegCoef > 0.0) { //L1
    Grad -= RegCoef; 
  if (RegCoef < 0.0) { //L2
    Grad += 2 * RegCoef * Val; 

  return Grad;