bool importDatabase() { IO::XMLArchive ar; if ( _inputFile == "-" ); else if ( ! ) { cout << "Error: could not open input file '" << _inputFile << "'" << endl; return false; } cout << "Parsing file '" << _inputFile << "'..." << endl; Util::StopWatch timer; DataModel::ObjectPtr doc; ar >> doc; ar.close(); if ( doc == NULL ) { cerr << "Error: no valid object found in file '" << _inputFile << "'" << endl; return false; } ObjectDispatcher dispatcher(connection(), _operation, commandline().hasOption("test"), ObjectCounter(doc.get()).count(), 78); cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ROUTING TABLE" << endl; dispatcher.setRoutingTable(_routingTable); cout << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" << endl; unsigned int totalCount = ObjectCounter(doc.get()).count(); cout << "Time needed to parse XML: " << Core::Time(timer.elapsed()).toString("%T.%f") << endl; cout << "Document object type: " << doc->className() << endl; cout << "Total number of objects: " << totalCount << endl; if ( connection() ) cout << "Dispatching " << doc->className() << " to " << connection()->masterAddress() << endl; timer.restart(); dispatcher(doc.get()); sync(); cout << endl; cout << "While dispatching " << dispatcher.count() << "/" << totalCount << " objects " << dispatcher.errors() << " errors occured" << endl; cout << "Time needed to dispatch " << dispatcher.count() << " objects: " << Core::Time(timer.elapsed()).toString("%T.%f") << endl; return true; }
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> void ObjectCache::updateObjects(Seiscomp::DataModel::DatabaseQuery* query) { if ( !query ) { SEISCOMP_ERROR("Provided query instance is broken, no cache update performed"); return; } // Make a deep copy of the tuple, free the original, store a fresh version // of the newly fetched objects... Tuple copy = _cache; clear(); Util::StopWatch sw; for (size_t i = 0; i < copy.size(); ++i) { PO obj = query->getObject(copy[i].second->typeInfo(), copy[i].second->publicID()); if ( obj ) addObject(copy[i].first, obj); } SEISCOMP_INFO("All objects from the cache have been updated: %s", Seiscomp::Core::Time(sw.elapsed()).toString("%T.%f").c_str()); }
DataModel::Origin* relocate(Seismology::LocatorInterface *locator, DataModel::Origin* origin) { if ( !locator ) throw Core::GeneralException("No locator type set."); DataModel::Origin* newOrg = NULL; std::string errorMsg; try { Util::StopWatch stopWatch; newOrg = locator->relocate(origin); double elapsed = stopWatch.elapsed(); SEISCOMP_DEBUG("Locator took %fms", elapsed*1E3); if ( newOrg ) return newOrg; errorMsg = "The Relocation failed for some reason."; } catch ( Core::GeneralException& e ) { errorMsg = e.what(); } // if no initial location is supported throw the error // after the first try if ( !locator->supports(Seismology::LocatorInterface::InitialLocation) ) throw Core::GeneralException(errorMsg); Seismology::LocatorInterface::PickList picks; for ( size_t i = 0; i < origin->arrivalCount(); ++i ) { DataModel::Arrival* arrival = origin->arrival(i); try { if ( arrival->weight() < 0.5 ) continue; } catch ( ... ) {} DataModel::Pick* pick = locator->getPick(arrival); if ( !pick ) throw Core::GeneralException("pick '" + arrival->pickID() + "' not found"); picks.push_back(Seismology::LocatorInterface::PickItem(pick, Seismology::LocatorInterface::F_ALL)); } if ( picks.empty() ) throw Core::GeneralException("No picks given to relocate"); std::sort(picks.begin(), picks.end(), comparePick()); DataModel::SensorLocation *sloc = locator->getSensorLocation(picks.front().pick.get()); if ( !sloc ) throw Core::GeneralException("station '" + picks.front().pick->waveformID().networkCode() + "." + picks.front().pick->waveformID().stationCode() + "' not found"); DataModel::OriginPtr tmp = DataModel::Origin::Create(); *tmp = *origin; for ( size_t i = 0; i < origin->arrivalCount(); ++i ) { DataModel::ArrivalPtr ar = new DataModel::Arrival(*origin->arrival(i)); tmp->add(ar.get()); } tmp->setLatitude(sloc->latitude()); tmp->setLongitude(sloc->longitude()); tmp->setDepth(DataModel::RealQuantity(11.0)); tmp->setTime(picks.front().pick->time()); Util::StopWatch stopWatch; newOrg = locator->relocate(tmp.get()); double elapsed = stopWatch.elapsed(); SEISCOMP_DEBUG("Locator took %fms", elapsed*1E3); if ( newOrg ) return newOrg; throw Core::GeneralException(errorMsg); }