void WBEMConnection::init_type_pull(WBEMConnection::WBEMConnectionClass &cls)
    cls.def("OpenEnumerateInstances", &WBEMConnection::openEnumerateInstances,
         bp::arg("namespace") = None,
         bp::arg("LocalOnly") = true,
         bp::arg("DeepInheritance") = true,
         bp::arg("IncludeQualifiers") = false,
         bp::arg("IncludeClassOrigin") = false,
         bp::arg("PropertyList") = None,
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = None,
         bp::arg("Query") = None,
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = None,
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
    .def("OpenEnumerateInstanceNames", &WBEMConnection::openEnumerateInstanceNames,
         bp::arg("namespace") = None,
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = None,
         bp::arg("Query") = None,
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = None,
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
    .def("OpenAssociators", &WBEMConnection::openAssociators,
         bp::arg("namespace") = None,
         bp::arg("AssocClass") = None,
         bp::arg("ResultClass") = None,
         bp::arg("Role") = None,
         bp::arg("ResultRole") = None,
         bp::arg("IncludeQualifiers") = false,
         bp::arg("IncludeClassOrigin") = false,
         bp::arg("PropertyList") = None,
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = None,
         bp::arg("Query") = None,
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = None,
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
    .def("OpenAssociatorNames", &WBEMConnection::openAssociatorNames,
         bp::arg("namespace") = None,
         bp::arg("AssocClass") = None,
         bp::arg("ResultClass") = None,
         bp::arg("Role") = None,
         bp::arg("ResultRole") = None,
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = None,
         bp::arg("Query") = None,
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = None,
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
    .def("OpenReferences", &WBEMConnection::openReferences,
         bp::arg("namespace") = None,
         bp::arg("ResultClass") = None,
         bp::arg("Role") = None,
         bp::arg("IncludeQualifiers") = false,
         bp::arg("IncludeClassOrigin") = false,
         bp::arg("PropertyList") = None,
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = None,
         bp::arg("Query") = None,
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = None,
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
    .def("OpenReferenceNames", &WBEMConnection::openReferenceNames,
         bp::arg("namespace") = None,
         bp::arg("ResultClass") = None,
         bp::arg("Role") = None,
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = None,
         bp::arg("Query") = None,
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = None,
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
    .def("OpenExecQuery", &WBEMConnection::openExecQuery,
         bp::arg("namespace") = None,
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = None,
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
    .def("PullInstances", &WBEMConnection::pullInstances,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
    .def("PullInstanceNames", &WBEMConnection::pullInstanceNames,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
    .def("CloseEnumeration", &WBEMConnection::closeEnumeration,
Пример #2
void WBEMConnection::init_type_pull(WBEMConnection::WBEMConnectionClass &cls)
    cls.def("OpenEnumerateInstances", &WBEMConnection::openEnumerateInstances,
         bp::arg("namespace") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("DeepInheritance") = true,
         bp::arg("IncludeClassOrigin") = false,
         bp::arg("PropertyList") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("Query") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
        "OpenEnumerateInstances(ClassName, namespace=None, "
        "DeepInheritance=True, IncludeQualifiers=False, IncludeClassOrigin=False, "
        "PropertyList=None, QueryLang=None, Query=None, "
        "OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=False, MaxObjectCnt=0)\n\n"
        "Opens an enumeration sequence of :py:class:`.CIMInstance`.\n\n"
        ":param str ClassName: String containing class name of instances to be "
        ":param str namespace: String containing namespace, from which the "
        "instances should be retrieved.\n"
        ":param bool DeepInheritance: Boolean indicating whether the "
        "enumeration should include all levels of derivation.\n"
        ":param bool IncludeClassOrigin: Boolean indicating whether the "
        "`CLASS ORIGIN` attribute is to be included in elements of the "
        "returned instance.\n"
        ":param list PropertyList: List of properties available in returned "
        ":param str QueryLanguage: Query language to be used with the "
        ":param str Query: Filter query to be applied to the enumeration.\n"
        ":param int OperationTimeout: Defines the interoperation timeout in "
        "seconds between the response and subsequent request operations of "
        "an enumeration sequence.\n"
        ":param bool ContinueOnError: Defines whether the server should "
        "continue to return instances subsequent to a :py:exc:`.CIMError` "
        "occurring in the server.\n"
        ":param int MaxObjectCnt: Defines the maximum number of elements "
        "that this Open operation can return.\n"
        ":returns: Tuple containing list of retrieved :py:class:`.CIMInstance` "
        "objects, enumeration context and boolean which defines if all the instances"
        "have been retrieved.\n"
        ":raises: :py:exc:`.CIMError`, :py:exc:`.ConnectionError`")
    .def("OpenEnumerateInstanceNames", &WBEMConnection::openEnumerateInstanceNames,
         bp::arg("namespace") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("Query") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
        "OpenEnumerateInstanceNames(ClassName, namespace=None, "
        "QueryLanguage=None, Query=None, OperationTimeout=None, "
        "ContinueOnError=False, MaxObjectCnt=0)\n\n"
        "Opens an enumeration sequence of :py:class:`.CIMInstanceName`.\n\n"
        ":param str ClassName: String containing class name of elements to be "
        ":param str namespace: String containing namespace, from which the "
        "elements should be retrieved.\n"
        ":param str QueryLanguage: Query language to be used with the "
        ":param str Query: Filter query to be applied to the enumeration.\n"
        ":param int OperationTimeout: Defines the interoperation timeout in "
        "seconds between the response and subsequent request operations of "
        "an enumeration sequence.\n"
        ":param bool ContinueOnError: Defines whether the server should "
        "continue to return elements subsequent to a :py:exc:`.CIMError` "
        "occurring in the server.\n"
        ":param int MaxObjectCnt: Defines the maximum number of elements "
        "that this Open operation can return.\n"
        ":returns: Tuple containing list of retrieved "
        ":py:class:`.CIMInstanceName` objects, enumeration context and boolean "
        "which defines if all the instances have been retrieved.\n"
        ":raises: :py:exc:`.CIMError`, :py:exc:`.ConnectionError`")
    .def("OpenAssociators", &WBEMConnection::openAssociators,
         bp::arg("namespace") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("AssocClass") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ResultClass") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("Role") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ResultRole") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("IncludeClassOrigin") = false,
         bp::arg("PropertyList") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("Query") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
        "OpenAssociators(ObjectName, namespace=None, AssocClass=None, "
        "ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None, "
        "IncludeClassOrigin=false, PropertyList=None, QueryLanguage=None, "
        "Query=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=False, "
        "Opens an enumeration for associated :py:class:`.CIMInstance` objects "
        "with an input ObjectName.\n\n"
        ":param CIMInstanceName ObjectName: Object path that is the basis "
        "for the enumeration.\n"
        ":param str namespace: String containing namespace, from which the "
        "elements should be retrieved.\n"
        ":param str AssocClass: Defines a filter on the reference instances "
        "set to be returned.\n"
        ":param str ResultClass: Defines a filter on the reference instances "
        "set to be returned.\n"
        ":param str Role: Defines a filter on the roles of associated "
        "instances to be returned.\n"
        ":param str ResultRole: Defines a filter on the result roles of "
        "associated instances.\n"
        ":param bool IncludeClassOrigin: Boolean indicating whether the "
        "`CLASS ORIGIN` attribute is to be included in elements of the "
        "returned instance.\n"
        ":param list PropertyList: List of properties available in returned "
        ":param str QueryLanguage: Query language to be used with the "
        ":param str Query: Filter query to be applied to the enumeration.\n"
        ":param int OperationTimeout: Defines the interoperation timeout in "
        "seconds between the response and subsequent request operations of "
        "an enumeration sequence.\n"
        ":param bool ContinueOnError: Defines whether the server should "
        "continue to return elements subsequent to a :py:exc:`.CIMError` "
        "occurring in the server.\n"
        ":param int MaxObjectCnt: Defines the maximum number of elements "
        "that this Open operation can return.\n"
        ":returns: Tuple containing list of retrieved "
        ":py:class:`.CIMInstance` objects, enumeration context and boolean "
        "which defines if all the instances have been retrieved.\n"
        ":raises: :py:exc:`.CIMError`, :py:exc:`.ConnectionError`")
    .def("OpenAssociatorNames", &WBEMConnection::openAssociatorNames,
         bp::arg("namespace") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("AssocClass") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ResultClass") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("Role") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ResultRole") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("Query") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
        "OpenAssociatorNames(ObjectName, namespace=None, AssocClass=None, "
        "ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None, QueryLanguage=None, "
        "Query=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=False, "
        "Opens an enumeration for associated :py:class:`.CIMInstanceName` "
        "objects with an input ObjectName.\n\n"
        ":param CIMInstanceName ObjectName: Object path that is the basis "
        "for the enumeration.\n"
        ":param str namespace: String containing namespace, from which the "
        "elements should be retrieved.\n"
        ":param str AssocClass: Defines a filter on the reference instances "
        "set to be returned.\n"
        ":param str ResultClass: Defines a filter on the reference instances "
        "set to be returned.\n"
        ":param str Role: Defines a filter on the roles of associated "
        "instances to be returned.\n"
        ":param str ResultRole: Defines a filter on the result roles of "
        "associated instances to be returned.\n"
        ":param str QueryLanguage: Query language to be used with the "
        ":param str Query: Filter query to be applied to the enumeration.\n"
        ":param int OperationTimeout: Defines the interoperation timeout in "
        "seconds between the response and subsequent request operations of "
        "an enumeration sequence.\n"
        ":param bool ContinueOnError: Defines whether the server should "
        "continue to return elements subsequent to a :py:exc:`.CIMError` "
        "occurring in the server.\n"
        ":param int MaxObjectCnt: Defines the maximum number of elements "
        "that this Open operation can return.\n"
        ":returns: Tuple containing list of retrieved "
        ":py:class:`.CIMInstanceName` objects, enumeration context and boolean "
        "which defines if all the instances have been retrieved.\n"
        ":raises: :py:exc:`.CIMError`, :py:exc:`.ConnectionError`")
    .def("OpenReferences", &WBEMConnection::openReferences,
         bp::arg("namespace") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ResultClass") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("Role") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("IncludeClassOrigin") = false,
         bp::arg("PropertyList") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("Query") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
        "OpenReferences(ObjectName, ns=None, ResultClass=None, Role=None, "
        "IncludeClassOrigin=False, PropertyList=None, QueryLanguage=None, "
        "Query=None, OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=False, "
        "Opens an enumeration for association :py:class:`.CIMInstance` "
        "objects with an input instance name.\n\n"
        ":param CIMInstanceName ObjectName: Object path that is the basis "
        "for the enumeration.\n"
        ":param str namespace: String containing namespace, from which the "
        "elements should be retrieved.\n"
        ":param str ResultClass: Defines a filter on the reference instances "
        "set to be returned.\n"
        ":param str Role: Defines a filter on the roles of references "
        "instances to be returned.\n"
        ":param bool IncludeClassOrigin: Indicates whether the `CLASS ORIGIN` "
        "attribute is to be included in elements of the returned instance.\n"
        ":param list PropertyList: List of properties available in returned "
        ":param str QueryLanguage: Query language to be used with the "
        ":param str Query: Filter query to be applied to the enumeration.\n"
        ":param int OperationTimeout: Defines the interoperation timeout in "
        "seconds between the response and subsequent request operations of "
        "an enumeration sequence.\n"
        ":param bool ContinueOnError: Defines whether the server should "
        "continue to return elements subsequent to a :py:exc:`.CIMError` "
        "occurring in the server.\n"
        ":param int MaxObjectCnt: Defines the maximum number of elements "
        "that this Open operation can return.\n"
        ":returns: Tuple containing list of retrieved "
        ":py:class:`.CIMInstance` objects, enumeration context and boolean "
        "which defines if all the instances have been retrieved.\n"
        ":raises: :py:exc:`.CIMError`, :py:exc:`.ConnectionError`")
    .def("OpenReferenceNames", &WBEMConnection::openReferenceNames,
         bp::arg("namespace") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ResultClass") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("Role") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("QueryLanguage") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("Query") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
        "OpenReferenceNames(ObjectName, namespace=None, ResultClass=None, "
        "Role=None, QueryLanguage=None, Query=None, OperationTimeout=None, "
        "ContinueOnError=False, MaxObjectCnt=0)\n\n"
        "Opens an enumeration for association :py:class:`.CIMInstanceName` "
        "objects with an input instance name.\n\n"
        ":param CIMInstanceName ObjectName: Object path that is the basis "
        "for the enumeration.\n"
        ":param str namespace: String containing namespace, from which the "
        "elements should be retrieved.\n"
        ":param str ResultClass: Defines a filter on the reference instances "
        "set to be returned.\n"
        ":param str Role: Defines a filter on the roles of references "
        "instances to be returned.\n"
        ":param str QueryLanguage: Query language to be used with the "
        ":param str Query: Filter query to be applied to the enumeration.\n"
        ":param int OperationTimeout: Defines the interoperation timeout in "
        "seconds between the response and subsequent request operations of "
        "an enumeration sequence.\n"
        ":param bool ContinueOnError: Defines whether the server should "
        "continue to return elements subsequent to a :py:exc:`.CIMError` "
        "occurring in the server.\n"
        ":param int MaxObjectCnt: Defines the maximum number of elements "
        "that this Open operation can return.\n"
        ":returns: Tuple containing list of retrieved "
        ":py:class:`.CIMInstanceName` objects, enumeration context and boolean "
        "which defines if all the instances have been retrieved.\n"
        ":raises: :py:exc:`.CIMError`, :py:exc:`.ConnectionError`")
    .def("OpenExecQuery", &WBEMConnection::openExecQuery,
         bp::arg("namespace") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("OperationTimeout") = bp::object(),
         bp::arg("ContinueOnError") = false,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
        "OpenExecQuery(QueryLanguage, Query, namespace=None, "
        "OperationTimeout=None, ContinueOnError=False, MaxObjectCnt=0)\n\n"
        "Opens an enumeration for Query.\n\n"
        ":param str QueryLanguage: Defines the query language in which the "
        "query parameter is expressed.\n"
        ":param str Query: Specified the query to be executed.\n"
        ":param str namespace: String containing namespace, from which the "
        "elements should be retrieved.\n"
        ":param int OperationTimeout: Defines the interoperation timeout in "
        "seconds between the response and subsequent request operations of "
        "an enumeration sequence.\n"
        ":param bool ContinueOnError: Defines whether the server should "
        "continue to return elements subsequent to a :py:exc:`.CIMError` "
        "occurring in the server.\n"
        ":param int MaxObjectCnt: Defines the maximum number of elements "
        "that this Open operation can return.\n"
        ":returns: Tuple containing list of retrieved "
        ":py:class:`.CIMInstance` objects, enumeration context and boolean "
        "which defines if all the instances have been retrieved.\n"
        ":raises: :py:exc:`.CIMError`, :py:exc:`.ConnectionError`")
    .def("PullInstances", &WBEMConnection::pullInstances,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
        "PullInstances(Context, MaxObjectCnt=0)\n\n"
        "Retrieves a list of :py:class:`.CIMInstance` for an open enumeration "
        "sequence opened by an openQueryInstances operation and represented "
        "by an enumeration context returned by the original open or "
        "previous :py:meth:`.WBEMConnection.PullInstancesWithPath` "
        ":param CIMEnumerationContext Context: Identifier for the "
        "enumeration sequence.\n"
        ":param int MaxObjectCnt: Defines the maximum number of elements "
        "that this Open operation can return.\n"
        ":returns: Tuple containing a list of retrieved "
        ":py:class:`.CIMInstance` objects, enumeration context and boolean "
        "which defines if all the instances have been retrieved.\n"
        ":raises: :py:exc:`.CIMError`, :py:exc:`.ConnectionError`")
    .def("PullInstanceNames", &WBEMConnection::pullInstanceNames,
         bp::arg("MaxObjectCnt") = 0),
        "PullInstanceNames(Context, MaxObjectCnt=0)\n\n"
        "Retrieves a list of :py:class:`.CIMInstanceName` for an open "
        "enumeration sequence opened by an openQueryInstances operation and "
        "represented by an enumeration context returned by the original open "
        "or previous :py:meth:`.WBEMConnection.PullInstanceNames` "
        ":param CIMEnumerationContext Context: Identifier for the "
        "enumeration sequence.\n"
        ":param int MaxObjectCnt: Defines the maximum number of elements "
        "that this Open operation can return.\n"
        ":returns: Tuple containing list of retrieved "
        ":py:class:`.CIMInstanceName` objects, enumeration context and boolean "
        "which defines if all the instances have been retrieved.\n"
        ":raises: :py:exc:`.CIMError`, :py:exc:`.ConnectionError`")
    .def("CloseEnumeration", &WBEMConnection::closeEnumeration,
        "Closes an enumeration sequence.\n\n"
        ":param CIMEnumerationContext Context: Enumeration context to close.\n"
        ":raises: :py:exc:`.CIMError`, :py:exc:`.ConnectionError`");