Пример #1
static void write_children_recursive(WTF::Vector<char>& v, WebCore::HistoryItem* parent)
    const WebCore::HistoryItemVector& children = parent->children();
    WebCore::HistoryItemVector::const_iterator end = children.end();
    for (WebCore::HistoryItemVector::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
        WebCore::HistoryItem* item = (*i).get();
                "The parent item should have a bridge object!");
        if (!item->bridge()) {
            WebHistoryItem* bridge = new WebHistoryItem(static_cast<WebHistoryItem*>(parent->bridge()));
        } else {
            // The only time this item's parent may not be the same as the
            // parent's bridge is during history close. In that case, the
            // parent must not have a parent bridge.
            WebHistoryItem* bridge = static_cast<WebHistoryItem*>(item->bridge());
            WebHistoryItem* parentBridge = static_cast<WebHistoryItem*>(parent->bridge());
            LOG_ASSERT(parentBridge->parent() == 0 ||
                    bridge->parent() == parentBridge,
                    "Somehow this item has an incorrect parent");
        write_item(v, item);
        write_children_recursive(v, item);
Пример #2
static void unit_test()
    LOGD("Entering history unit test!");
    const char* test1 = new char[0];
    WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> item = WebCore::HistoryItem::create();
    WebCore::HistoryItem* testItem = item.get();
    testItem->setBridge(new WebHistoryItem(0));
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &test1, 0), "0 length array should fail!");
    delete[] test1;
    const char* test2 = new char[2];
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &test2, 2), "Small array should fail!");
    delete[] test2;
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, NULL, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE), "Null data should fail!");
    // Original Url
    char* test3 = new char[HISTORY_MIN_SIZE];
    const char* ptr = (const char*)test3;
    memset(test3, 0, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE);
    *(int*)test3 = 4000;
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &ptr, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE), "4000 length originalUrl should fail!");
    // Url
    int offset = 4;
    memset(test3, 0, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE);
    ptr = (const char*)test3;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset) = 4000;
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &ptr, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE), "4000 length url should fail!");
    // Title
    offset += 4;
    memset(test3, 0, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE);
    ptr = (const char*)test3;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset) = 4000;
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &ptr, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE), "4000 length title should fail!");
    // Form content type
    offset += 4;
    memset(test3, 0, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE);
    ptr = (const char*)test3;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset) = 4000;
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &ptr, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE), "4000 length contentType should fail!");
    // Form data
    offset += 4;
    memset(test3, 0, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE);
    ptr = (const char*)test3;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset) = 4000;
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &ptr, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE), "4000 length form data should fail!");
    // Target
    offset += 4;
    memset(test3, 0, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE);
    ptr = (const char*)test3;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset) = 4000;
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &ptr, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE), "4000 length target should fail!");
    offset += 4; // Scale
    // Document state 
    offset += 4;
    memset(test3, 0, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE);
    ptr = (const char*)test3;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset) = 4000;
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &ptr, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE), "4000 length document state should fail!");
    // Is target item
    offset += 1;
    memset(test3, 0, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE);
    ptr = (const char*)test3;
    *(char*)(test3 + offset) = '!';
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &ptr, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE), "IsTargetItem should fail with ! as the value!");
    // Child count
    offset += 4;
    memset(test3, 0, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE);
    ptr = (const char*)test3;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset) = 4000;
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &ptr, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE), "4000 kids should fail!");
    offset = 36;
    // Test document state
    delete[] test3;
    test3 = new char[HISTORY_MIN_SIZE + sizeof(unsigned)];
    memset(test3, 0, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE + sizeof(unsigned));
    ptr = (const char*)test3;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset) = 1;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset + 4) = 20;
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &ptr, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE + sizeof(unsigned)), "1 20 length document state string should fail!");
    delete[] test3;
    test3 = new char[HISTORY_MIN_SIZE + 2 * sizeof(unsigned)];
    memset(test3, 0, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE + 2 * sizeof(unsigned));
    ptr = (const char*)test3;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset) = 2;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset + 4) = 0;
    *(int*)(test3 + offset + 8) = 20;
    LOG_ASSERT(!read_item_recursive(testItem, &ptr, HISTORY_MIN_SIZE + 2 * sizeof(unsigned) ), "2 20 length document state string should fail!");
    delete[] test3;