Пример #1
Real ExtPlane3<Real>::IntersectRay( const Wml::Vector3<Real> & vOrigin,
								    const Wml::Vector3<Real> & vDirection ) const
	Wml::Vector3<Real> vN(this->Normal);
	Real fDenom = vDirection.Dot(vN);
	if ( fDenom == 0 )
		return std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
	return (this->Constant - vOrigin.Dot(vN)) / fDenom; 
Пример #2
void rms::FitAABox( const Wml::Vector3<Real> & vCenter, Real fRadius, Wml::AxisAlignedBox3<Real> & aaBox )
	aaBox.Min[0] = vCenter.X() - fRadius;
	aaBox.Max[0] = vCenter.X() + fRadius;
	aaBox.Min[1] = vCenter.Y() - fRadius;
	aaBox.Max[1] = vCenter.Y() + fRadius;
	aaBox.Min[2] = vCenter.Z() - fRadius;
	aaBox.Max[2] = vCenter.Z() + fRadius;
Пример #3
static void
simplifyDP( Real tol, std::vector<Wml::Vector3<Real> > & v, int j, int k, std::vector<bool> & mk )
    if (k <= j+1) // there is nothing to simplify

    // check for adequate approximation by segment S from v[j] to v[k]
    int     maxi = j;          // index of vertex farthest from S
    Real   maxd2 = 0;         // distance squared of farthest vertex
    Real   tol2 = tol * tol;  // tolerance squared
	Wml::Segment3<Real> S;    // segment from v[j] to v[k]
		S.Origin = v[j];
		S.Direction = v[k] - v[j];
		S.Extent = S.Direction.Normalize();
	Wml::Vector3<Real> u( S.Direction );  // segment direction vector
	Real cu = u.SquaredLength();            // segment length squared

    // test each vertex v[i] for max distance from S
    // compute using the Feb 2001 Algorithm's dist_Point_to_Segment()
    // Note: this works in any dimension (2D, 3D, ...)
	Wml::Vector3<Real> w;
	Wml::Vector3<Real> Pb;   // base of perpendicular from v[i] to S
	Real b, cw, dv2;         // dv2 = distance v[i] to S squared

    for (int i = j+1; i < k; i++)
        // compute distance squared
		w = v[i] - S.Origin;
        cw = w.Dot(u);
        if ( cw <= 0 )
			dv2 = (v[i] - S.Origin).SquaredLength();
        else if ( cu <= cw )
			dv2 = (v[i] - (S.Origin + S.Direction)).SquaredLength();
        else {
            b = cw / cu;
            Pb = S.Origin + u * b;
			dv2 = (v[i] - Pb).SquaredLength();
        // test with current max distance squared
        if (dv2 <= maxd2)
        // v[i] is a new max vertex
        maxi = i;
        maxd2 = dv2;
    if (maxd2 > tol2)        // error is worse than the tolerance
        // split the polyline at the farthest vertex from S
        mk[maxi] = true;      // mark v[maxi] for the simplified polyline
        // recursively simplify the two subpolylines at v[maxi]
        simplifyDP( tol, v, j, maxi, mk );  // polyline v[j] to v[maxi]
        simplifyDP( tol, v, maxi, k, mk );  // polyline v[maxi] to v[k]
    // else the approximation is OK, so ignore intermediate vertices
Пример #4
void Wml::StretchMetric1( const Vector3<Real> & q1, 
						 const Vector3<Real> & q2,
						 const Vector3<Real> & q3,
						 const Vector2<Real> & p1,
						 const Vector2<Real> & p2,
						 const Vector2<Real> & p3,
						 Real & MaxSV, Real & MinSV, Real & L2Norm, Real & LInfNorm )
	Real s1 = p1.X();
	Real t1 = p1.Y();
	Real s2 = p2.X();
	Real t2 = p2.Y();
	Real s3 = p3.X();
	Real t3 = p3.Y();

	Real A = (Real)0.5 * ( (s2 - s1) * (t3 - t1) - (s3 - s1) * (t2 - t1));
	if ( A > 0 ) {

		Wml::Vector3<Real> Ss = 
			(q1 * (t2-t3) + q2 * (t3-t1) + q3 * (t1-t2)) / (2*A);
		Wml::Vector3<Real> St = 
			(q1 * (s3-s2) + q2 * (s1-s3) + q3 * (s2-s1)) / (2*A);

		Real a = Ss.Dot(Ss);
		Real b = Ss.Dot(St);
		Real c = St.Dot(St);

		Real discrim = (Real)sqrt( (a-c)*(a-c) + 4*b*b );

		MaxSV = (Real)sqrt( (Real)0.5 * ( (a+c) + discrim ) );
		MinSV = (Real)sqrt( (Real)0.5 * ( (a+c) - discrim ) );

		L2Norm = (Real)sqrt( (Real)0.5 * (a+c)  );
		LInfNorm = MaxSV;
	} else {
		MaxSV = MinSV = L2Norm = LInfNorm = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();

Пример #5
void PolyLoop3<Real>::Scale( Real fScaleX, Real fScaleY, Real fScaleZ, const Wml::Vector3<Real> & vOrigin )
	size_t nCount = m_vVertices.size();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) {
		m_vVertices[i].X() = (m_vVertices[i].X() - vOrigin.X()) * fScaleX + vOrigin.X();
		m_vVertices[i].Y() = (m_vVertices[i].Y() - vOrigin.Y()) * fScaleY + vOrigin.Y();
		m_vVertices[i].Z() = (m_vVertices[i].Z() - vOrigin.Z()) * fScaleZ + vOrigin.Z();
Пример #6
Wml::Quaternion<Real> fromExponentialMap(const Wml::Vector3<Real>& v, bool reparam)
	Real theta = v.Length();

		if(theta > +Wml::Math<Real>::PI) { theta = (theta - Wml::Math<Real>::TWO_PI); }
		if(theta < -Wml::Math<Real>::PI) { theta = (Wml::Math<Real>::TWO_PI + theta); }

	Real halftheta = (Real)0.5 * theta;

	Real c = (theta > Wml::Math<Real>::EPSILON) ? ( (Real)sin(halftheta) / theta ) : ( (Real)0.5 + (theta*theta)/(Real)48.0 );

	float fTuple[4];
	fTuple[0] = (Real)cos(halftheta);
	for(int i=0; i<3; i++) 
		fTuple[i+1] = c * v[i]; 
	return Wml::Quaternion<Real>(fTuple[0], fTuple[1], fTuple[2], fTuple[3]);
Пример #7
Real rms::VectorCot( const Wml::Vector3<Real> & v1, const Wml::Vector3<Real> & v2 )
	Real fDot = v1.Dot(v2);
	return fDot / (Real)sqrt( v1.Dot(v1) * v2.Dot(v2) - fDot*fDot );
Пример #8
Real rms::VectorAngle( const Wml::Vector3<Real> & v1, const Wml::Vector3<Real> & v2 )
	Real fDot = Clamp(v1.Dot(v2), (Real)-1.0, (Real)1.0);
	return (Real)acos(fDot);
Пример #9
Wml::Vector3<Real> rms::NCross( const Wml::Vector3<Real> & v1, const Wml::Vector3<Real> & v2 )
	Wml::Vector3<Real> n(v1.Cross(v2));
	return n;