Пример #1
void XapianIndex::setDocumentData(Xapian::Document &doc, const DocumentInfo &info,
	const string &language) const
	string title(info.getTitle());
	string timestamp(info.getTimestamp());
	char timeStr[64];

	// Set the document data omindex-style
	string record = "url=";
	record += info.getLocation();
	// The sample will be generated at query time
	record += "\nsample=";
	record += "\ncaption=";
	if (badField(title) == true)
		// Modify the title if necessary
		string::size_type pos = title.find("=");
		while (pos != string::npos)
			title[pos] = ' ';
			pos = title.find("=", pos + 1);
#ifdef DEBUG
		cout << "XapianIndex::setDocumentData: modified title" << endl;
	record += title;
	record += "\ntype=";
	record += info.getType();
	// Append a timestamp
	record += "\ntimestamp=";
	record += timestamp;
	// ...and the language
	record += "\nlanguage=";
	record += language;
#ifdef DEBUG
	cout << "XapianIndex::setDocumentData: document data is " << record << endl;

	// Add this value to allow sorting by date
	snprintf(timeStr, 64, "%d", TimeConverter::fromTimestamp(timestamp));
	doc.add_value(0, timeStr);
Indexer::Indexer(const string &datapath, const string &dbpath)
    // Hardcode field offsets for simplicity.
    const size_t FIELD_ID_NUMBER = 0;
    const size_t FIELD_TITLE = 2;
    const size_t FIELD_DESCRIPTION = 8;

    // Create or open the database we're going to be writing to.
    Xapian::WritableDatabase db(dbpath, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN);

    // Set up a TermGenerator that we'll use in indexing.
    Xapian::TermGenerator termgenerator;

    ifstream csv(datapath.c_str());
    vector<string> fields;
    csv_parse_line(csv, fields);

    // Check the CSV header line matches our hard-code offsets.
    if (fields.at(FIELD_ID_NUMBER) != "id_NUMBER" ||
    fields.at(FIELD_TITLE) != "TITLE" ||
    // The CSV format doesn't match what we expect.
    cerr << "CSV format has changed!" << endl;

    while (csv_parse_line(csv, fields)) {
    // 'fields' is a vector mapping from field number to value.
    // We look up fields with the 'at' method so we get an exception
    // if that field isn't set.
    // We're just going to use DESCRIPTION, TITLE and id_NUMBER.
    const string & description = fields.at(FIELD_DESCRIPTION);
    const string & title = fields.at(FIELD_TITLE);
    const string & identifier = fields.at(FIELD_ID_NUMBER);

    // We make a document and tell the term generator to use this.
    Xapian::Document doc;

    // Index each field with a suitable prefix.
    termgenerator.index_text(title, 1, "S");
    termgenerator.index_text(description, 1, "XD");

    // Index fields without prefixes for general search.

    // Store all the fields for display purposes.
    doc.set_data(identifier + "\n" + title + "\n" + description);

    // We use the identifier to ensure each object ends up in the
    // database only once no matter how many times we run the
    // indexer.
    string idterm = "Q" + identifier;
    db.replace_document(idterm, doc);
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if(argc < 2) {
        return 1;

    try {
        char *action = argv[1];
        char *db_path = argv[2];

        if(!strcmp(action, "index")) {
            Xapian::WritableDatabase db(db_path, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN);

            Xapian::TermGenerator indexer;
            Xapian::Stem stemmer("english");

            std::string doc_txt;
            while(true) {
                if(std::cin.eof()) break;

                std::string line;
                getline(std::cin, line);
                doc_txt += line;

            if(!doc_txt.empty()) {
                Xapian::Document doc;



                std::cout << "Indexed: " << indexer.get_description() << std::endl;

        } else if(!strcmp(action, "search")) {
            if(argc < 4) {
                std::cerr << "You must supply a query string" << std::endl;
                return 1;

            Xapian::Database db(db_path);
            Xapian::Enquire enquire(db);

            std::string query_str = argv[3];
            argv+= 4;
            while(*argv) {
                query_str += ' ';
                query_str += *argv++;

            Xapian::QueryParser qp;
            Xapian::Stem stemmer("english");

            Xapian::Query query = qp.parse_query(query_str);
            std::cout << "Parsed query is: " << query.get_description() <<

            Xapian::MSet matches = enquire.get_mset(0, 10);

            std::cout << matches.get_matches_estimated() << " results found.\n";
            std::cout << "Matches 1-" << matches.size() << ":\n" << std::endl;

            for (Xapian::MSetIterator i = matches.begin();
                    i != matches.end(); ++i) {
                std::cout << i.get_rank() + 1 << ": " << i.get_percent() <<
                        "% docid=" << *i << " [" <<
                        i.get_document().get_data()<< "]" << std::endl <<
        } else {
            std::cerr << "Invalid action " << action << std::endl;
            return 1;

    } catch (const Xapian::Error &error) {
        std::cout << "Exception: " << error.get_msg() << std::endl;
Пример #4
DatabaseWrite::rebuild (GList *cpt_list)
	string old_path = m_dbPath + "_old";
	string rebuild_path = m_dbPath + "_rb";
	string db_locale;

	// Create the rebuild directory
	if (g_mkdir_with_parents (rebuild_path.c_str (), 0755) != 0) {
		g_warning ("Unable to create database rebuild directory.");
		return false;

	// check if old unrequired version of db still exists on filesystem
	if (g_file_test (old_path.c_str (), G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
		g_warning ("Existing xapian old db was not cleaned previously: '%s'.", old_path.c_str ());
		as_utils_delete_dir_recursive (old_path.c_str ());

	// check if old unrequired version of db still exists on filesystem
	if (g_file_test (rebuild_path.c_str (), G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
		g_debug ("Removing old rebuild-dir from previous database rebuild.");
		as_utils_delete_dir_recursive (rebuild_path.c_str ());

	Xapian::WritableDatabase db (rebuild_path, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE);

	Xapian::TermGenerator term_generator;
	try {
		/* this tests if we have spelling suggestions (there must be
		 * a better way?!?) - this is needed as inmemory does not have
		 * spelling corrections, but it allows setting the flag and will
		 * raise a exception much later

		/* this enables the flag for it (we only reach this line if
		 * the db supports spelling suggestions)
	} catch (const Xapian::UnimplementedError &error) {
		// Ignore

	for (GList *list = cpt_list; list != NULL; list = list->next) {
		AsComponent *cpt = (AsComponent*) list->data;

		Xapian::Document doc;
		term_generator.set_document (doc);

		doc.set_data (as_component_get_name (cpt));

		// Sanity check
		if (!as_component_has_install_candidate (cpt)) {
			g_warning ("Skipped component '%s' from inclusion into database: Does not have an installation candidate.",
					   as_component_get_id (cpt));

		// Package name
		gchar **pkgs = as_component_get_pkgnames (cpt);
		if (pkgs != NULL) {
			gchar *pkgs_cstr = g_strjoinv (";", pkgs);
			string pkgs_str = pkgs_cstr;
			doc.add_value (XapianValues::PKGNAMES, pkgs_str);
			g_free (pkgs_cstr);

			for (uint i = 0; pkgs[i] != NULL; i++) {
				string pkgname = pkgs[i];
				doc.add_term("AP" + pkgname);
				if (pkgname.find ("-") != string::npos) {
					// we need this to work around xapian oddness
					string tmp = pkgname;
					replace (tmp.begin (), tmp.end (), '-', '_');
					doc.add_term (tmp);
				// add packagename as meta-data too
				term_generator.index_text_without_positions (pkgname, WEIGHT_PKGNAME);

		// Source package name
		const gchar *spkgname_cstr = as_component_get_source_pkgname (cpt);
		if (spkgname_cstr != NULL) {
			string spkgname = spkgname_cstr;
			doc.add_value (XapianValues::SOURCE_PKGNAME, spkgname);
			if (!spkgname.empty()) {
				doc.add_term("AP" + spkgname);
				if (spkgname.find ("-") != string::npos) {
					// we need this to work around xapian oddness
					string tmp = spkgname;
					replace (tmp.begin (), tmp.end (), '-', '_');
					doc.add_term (tmp);
				// add packagename as meta-data too
				term_generator.index_text_without_positions (spkgname, WEIGHT_PKGNAME);

		// Bundles
		Bundles bundles;
		GHashTable *bundle_ids = as_component_get_bundles_table (cpt);
		if (g_hash_table_size (bundle_ids) > 0) {
			string ostr;
			g_hash_table_foreach (bundle_ids,
						(GHFunc) bundles_hashtable_to_bundleentry,
			if (bundles.SerializeToString (&ostr))
				doc.add_value (XapianValues::BUNDLES, ostr);

		// Identifier
		string idname = as_component_get_id (cpt);
		doc.add_value (XapianValues::IDENTIFIER, idname);
		doc.add_term("AI" + idname);
		term_generator.index_text_without_positions (idname, WEIGHT_PKGNAME);

		// Component name
		string cptName = as_component_get_name (cpt);
		doc.add_value (XapianValues::CPTNAME, cptName);

		// Untranslated component name
		string clocale = as_component_get_active_locale (cpt);
		as_component_set_active_locale (cpt, "C");
		string cptNameGeneric = as_component_get_name (cpt);
		doc.add_value (XapianValues::CPTNAME_UNTRANSLATED, cptNameGeneric);
		as_component_set_active_locale (cpt, clocale.c_str());
		term_generator.index_text_without_positions (cptNameGeneric, WEIGHT_DESKTOP_GENERICNAME);

		// Type identifier
		string type_str = as_component_kind_to_string (as_component_get_kind (cpt));
		doc.add_value (XapianValues::TYPE, type_str);
		doc.add_term ("AT" + type_str);

		// Origin
		string cptOrigin = as_component_get_origin (cpt);
		doc.add_value (XapianValues::ORIGIN, cptOrigin);

		// URLs
		GHashTable *urls_table;
		urls_table = as_component_get_urls_table (cpt);
		if (g_hash_table_size (urls_table) > 0) {
			Urls urls;
			string ostr;

			g_hash_table_foreach (urls_table,
						(GHFunc) urls_hashtable_to_urlentry,
			if (urls.SerializeToString (&ostr))
				doc.add_value (XapianValues::URLS, ostr);

		// Icons
		GPtrArray *icons = as_component_get_icons (cpt);
		Icons pbIcons;
		for (uint i = 0; i < icons->len; i++) {
			AsIcon *icon = AS_ICON (g_ptr_array_index (icons, i));

			Icons_Icon *pbIcon = pbIcons.add_icon ();
			pbIcon->set_width (as_icon_get_width (icon));
			pbIcon->set_height (as_icon_get_height (icon));

			if (as_icon_get_kind (icon) == AS_ICON_KIND_REMOTE) {
				pbIcon->set_type (Icons_IconType_REMOTE);
				pbIcon->set_url (as_icon_get_url (icon));
			} else {
				/* TODO: Properly support STOCK and LOCAL icons */
				pbIcon->set_type (Icons_IconType_CACHED);
				pbIcon->set_url (as_icon_get_filename (icon));
		string icons_ostr;
		if (pbIcons.SerializeToString (&icons_ostr))
			doc.add_value (XapianValues::ICONS, icons_ostr);

		// Summary
		string cptSummary = as_component_get_summary (cpt);
		doc.add_value (XapianValues::SUMMARY, cptSummary);
		term_generator.index_text_without_positions (cptSummary, WEIGHT_DESKTOP_SUMMARY);

		// Long description
		string description = as_component_get_description (cpt);
		doc.add_value (XapianValues::DESCRIPTION, description);
		term_generator.index_text_without_positions (description, WEIGHT_DESKTOP_SUMMARY);

		// Categories
		gchar **categories = as_component_get_categories (cpt);
		if (categories != NULL) {
			string categories_str = "";
			for (uint i = 0; categories[i] != NULL; i++) {
				if (as_str_empty (categories[i]))

				string cat = categories[i];
				string tmp = cat;
				transform (tmp.begin (), tmp.end (),
						tmp.begin (), ::tolower);
				doc.add_term ("AC" + tmp);
				categories_str += cat + ";";
			doc.add_value (XapianValues::CATEGORIES, categories_str);

		// Add our keywords (with high priority)
		gchar **keywords = as_component_get_keywords (cpt);
		if (keywords != NULL) {
			for (uint i = 0; keywords[i] != NULL; i++) {
				if (keywords[i] == NULL)

				string kword = keywords[i];
				term_generator.index_text_without_positions (kword, WEIGHT_DESKTOP_KEYWORD);

		// Data of provided items
		ASCache::ProvidedItems pbPI;
		for (uint j = 0; j < AS_PROVIDED_KIND_LAST; j++) {
			AsProvidedKind kind = (AsProvidedKind) j;
			string kind_str;
			AsProvided *prov = as_component_get_provided_for_kind (cpt, kind);
			if (prov == NULL)

			auto *pbProv = pbPI.add_provided ();
			pbProv->set_type ((ProvidedItems_ItemType) kind);

			kind_str = as_provided_kind_to_string (kind);
			gchar **items = as_provided_get_items (prov);
			for (uint j = 0; items[j] != NULL; j++) {
				string item = items[j];
				pbProv->add_item (item);
				doc.add_term ("AE" + kind_str + ";" + item);
			g_free (items);
		string pitems_ostr;
		if (pbPI.SerializeToString (&pitems_ostr))
				doc.add_value (XapianValues::PROVIDED_ITEMS, pitems_ostr);

		// Add screenshot information
		Screenshots screenshots;
		GPtrArray *sslist = as_component_get_screenshots (cpt);
		for (uint i = 0; i < sslist->len; i++) {
			AsScreenshot *sshot = (AsScreenshot*) g_ptr_array_index (sslist, i);
			Screenshots_Screenshot *pb_sshot = screenshots.add_screenshot ();

			pb_sshot->set_primary (false);
			if (as_screenshot_get_kind (sshot) == AS_SCREENSHOT_KIND_DEFAULT)
				pb_sshot->set_primary (true);

			if (as_screenshot_get_caption (sshot) != NULL)
				pb_sshot->set_caption (as_screenshot_get_caption (sshot));

			g_ptr_array_foreach (as_screenshot_get_images (sshot),
						(GFunc) images_array_to_imageentry,
		string scr_ostr;
		if (screenshots.SerializeToString (&scr_ostr))
			doc.add_value (XapianValues::SCREENSHOTS, scr_ostr);

		// Add compulsory-for-desktop information
		gchar **compulsory = as_component_get_compulsory_for_desktops (cpt);
		string compulsory_str;
		if (compulsory != NULL) {
			gchar *str;
			str = g_strjoinv (";", compulsory);
			compulsory_str = string(str);
			g_free (str);
		doc.add_value (XapianValues::COMPULSORY_FOR, compulsory_str);

		// Add project-license
		const gchar *project_license = as_component_get_project_license (cpt);
		if (project_license != NULL)
			doc.add_value (XapianValues::LICENSE, project_license);

		// Add project group
		const gchar *project_group = as_component_get_project_group (cpt);
		if (project_group != NULL)
			doc.add_value (XapianValues::PROJECT_GROUP, project_group);

		// Add developer name
		const gchar *developer_name = as_component_get_developer_name (cpt);
		if (developer_name != NULL)
			doc.add_value (XapianValues::DEVELOPER_NAME, developer_name);

		// Add releases information
		Releases pb_rels;
		GPtrArray *releases = as_component_get_releases (cpt);
		for (uint i = 0; i < releases->len; i++) {
			AsRelease *rel = (AsRelease*) g_ptr_array_index (releases, i);
			Releases_Release *pb_rel = pb_rels.add_release ();

			// version
			pb_rel->set_version (as_release_get_version (rel));
			// UNIX timestamp
			pb_rel->set_unix_timestamp (as_release_get_timestamp (rel));
			// release urgency (if set)
			if (as_release_get_urgency (rel) != AS_URGENCY_KIND_UNKNOWN)
				pb_rel->set_urgency ((Releases_UrgencyType) as_release_get_urgency (rel));

			// add location urls
			GPtrArray *locations = as_release_get_locations (rel);
			for (uint j = 0; j < locations->len; j++) {
				pb_rel->add_location ((gchar*) g_ptr_array_index (locations, j));

			// add checksum info
			for (uint j = 0; j < AS_CHECKSUM_KIND_LAST; j++) {
				if (as_release_get_checksum (rel, (AsChecksumKind) j) != NULL) {
					Releases_Checksum *pb_cs = pb_rel->add_checksum ();
					pb_cs->set_type ((Releases_ChecksumType) j);
					pb_cs->set_value (as_release_get_checksum (rel, (AsChecksumKind) j));

			// add size info
			for (uint j = 0; j < AS_SIZE_KIND_LAST; j++) {
				if (as_release_get_size (rel, (AsSizeKind) j) > 0) {
					Releases_Size *pb_s = pb_rel->add_size ();
					pb_s->set_type ((Releases_SizeType) j);
					pb_s->set_value (as_release_get_size (rel, (AsSizeKind) j));

			// add description
			if (as_release_get_description (rel) != NULL)
				pb_rel->set_description (as_release_get_description (rel));
		string rel_ostr;
		if (pb_rels.SerializeToString (&rel_ostr))
			doc.add_value (XapianValues::RELEASES, rel_ostr);

		// Languages
		GHashTable *langs_table;
		langs_table = as_component_get_languages_map (cpt);
		if (g_hash_table_size (langs_table) > 0) {
			Languages pb_langs;
			string ostr;

			g_hash_table_foreach (langs_table,
						(GHFunc) langs_hashtable_to_langentry,

			if (pb_rels.SerializeToString (&ostr))
				doc.add_value (XapianValues::LANGUAGES, ostr);

		// Postprocess
		string docData = doc.get_data ();
		doc.add_term ("AA" + docData);
		term_generator.index_text_without_positions (docData, WEIGHT_DESKTOP_NAME);

		//! g_debug ("Adding component: %s", as_component_to_string (cpt));
		db.add_document (doc);

		// infer database locale from single component
		// TODO: Do that in a smarter way, if we support multiple databases later.
		if (db_locale.empty ())
			db_locale = as_component_get_active_locale (cpt);

	db.set_metadata ("db-schema-version", to_string (AS_DB_SCHEMA_VERSION));
	db.set_metadata ("db-locale", db_locale);
	db.commit ();

	if (g_rename (m_dbPath.c_str (), old_path.c_str ()) < 0) {
		g_critical ("Error while moving old database out of the way.");
		return false;
	if (g_rename (rebuild_path.c_str (), m_dbPath.c_str ()) < 0) {
		g_critical ("Error while moving rebuilt database.");
		return false;
	as_utils_delete_dir_recursive (old_path.c_str ());

	return true;