qboolean G_adminWhitelistGlobal(gentity_t *ent, int skiparg)
	gentity_t *victim = NULL;
	char type[5];
	char who[16];
	char reason[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
	int playerSlot = -1;

	int minArguments = 2 + skiparg;

	if (G_SayArgc() < minArguments)
		ADMP( "^3!help: ^7!wadd\n" );
		return qfalse;
	G_SayArgv(1 + skiparg, type, sizeof(type));
	G_SayArgv(2 + skiparg, who, sizeof(who));
	Com_sprintf(reason, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "%s", G_SayConcatArgs(3 + skiparg));

	playerSlot = G_adminGlobalSetSlot(who);
	if (playerSlot != -1)
		victim = &g_entities[playerSlot];
	if (strcmp(type, "ip") == 0)
		if (!G_isValidIpAddress(who) && !victim)
			ADMP( "^3!help: ^7INVALID IP\n" );
			return qfalse;
		G_globalAddToWhitelist(ent, victim, who, reason, (G_isValidIpAddress(who))
				? who
				: victim->client->pers.ip, NULL);
		return qtrue;
	else if (strcmp(type, "guid") == 0)
		if (!victim
				|| strcmp(victim->client->pers.guid, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
						== 0)
			ADMP( "^3!help: ^7INVALID GUID\n" );
			return qfalse;
		G_globalAddToWhitelist(ent, victim, who, reason, NULL, victim->client->pers.guid);
		return qtrue;
		ADMP( "^3!help: ^7!wadd\n" );
		return qtrue;
qboolean G_adminGlobal(gentity_t *ent, int skiparg, globalType_t type)
	gentity_t *vic = NULL;
	char who[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
	char reason[MAX_STRING_CHARS] =
	{ "" };
	qboolean subnetBan = qfalse;
	int playerSlot = -1;
	int minArguments = 2 + skiparg; //Subnet is optional
	int globalID;

	if (G_SayArgc() < minArguments)
		ADMP( "^3!help: ^7!command\n" );
		return qfalse;

	G_adminGlobalSetWho(who, skiparg);
	subnetBan = G_adminGlobalSetSubnet(skiparg);
	G_adminGlobalSetReason(skiparg, subnetBan, reason, sizeof(reason));

	//If isnt a ip check if is a slot, atoi converts ips into ins :(
		playerSlot = G_adminGlobalSetSlot(who);

	if (playerSlot == -1 && !G_isValidIpAddress(who))
		ADMP( "^3No player found by that name, IP, or slot number\n" );
		return qfalse;
	if (playerSlot != -1)
		vic = &g_entities[playerSlot];
				= G_globalAdd(ent, vic, vic->client->pers.guid, vic->client->pers.ip, vic->client->pers.netname, reason, subnetBan, NULL, type);
				= G_globalAdd(ent, vic, NULL, who, NULL, reason, subnetBan, NULL, type);

	G_globalPrintMsgForAdmins(ent, vic, type, globalID, who, reason);
	G_globalPrintMsgForPlayer(ent, vic, type, globalID, reason);
	G_globalAction(ent, vic, type, reason);

	if (G_isPlayerConnected(vic))
		vic->client->pers.globalID = globalID;

	return qtrue;
文件: g_cmds_ext.c 项目: sago007/oax

Send a message to all active admins
void Cmd_AdminMessage_f( gentity_t *ent )
	char cmd[ sizeof( "say_team" ) ];
	char prefix[ 50 ];
	char *msg;
	int skiparg = 0;

	// Check permissions and add the appropriate user [prefix]
	if( !ent )
		Com_sprintf( prefix, sizeof( prefix ), "[CONSOLE]:" );
	else if( !G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_ADMINCHAT ) )
		if( !g_publicAdminMessages.integer )
			ADMP( "Sorry, but use of /a by non-admins has been disabled.\n" );
			Com_sprintf( prefix, sizeof( prefix ), "[PLAYER] %s" S_COLOR_WHITE ":",
					 ent->client->pers.netname );
			ADMP( "Your message has been sent to any available admins and to the server logs.\n" );
		Com_sprintf( prefix, sizeof( prefix ), "[ADMIN] %s" S_COLOR_WHITE ":",
					ent->client->pers.netname );

	// Skip say/say_team if this was used from one of those
	G_SayArgv( 0, cmd, sizeof( cmd ) );
	if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "say" ) || !Q_stricmp( cmd, "say_team" ) )
		skiparg = 1;
		G_SayArgv( 1, cmd, sizeof( cmd ) );
	if( G_SayArgc( ) < 2 + skiparg )
		ADMP( va( "usage: %s [message]\n", cmd ) );

	msg = G_SayConcatArgs( 1 + skiparg );

	// Send it
	G_AdminMessage( prefix, "%s", msg );
static void G_BotListTeamNames( gentity_t *ent, const char *heading, team_t team, const char *marker )
	int i;

	if ( botNames[team].count )
		ADMP( heading );

		for ( i = 0; i < botNames[team].count; ++i )
			ADMBP( va( "  %s^7 %s", botNames[team].name[i].inUse ? marker : " ", botNames[team].name[i].name ) );

 * Execute a command related to bots
 * @param master [gentity_t] player who executed the command
 * @param clientNum [int] bot client id
 * @param command [string] :
 *          - regular , idle , standground, followattack, etc. (change bot mode)
 * 			- kill (kill the bot)
 * 			- give (fund a bot)
 * @param value [int] give value (for aliens 500 is about 1 evo)
 * //TODO: bot modes will be removed
void G_BotCmd( int clientNum, char *command, int value, int value2 ) {
  gentity_t *ent;
  ent = &g_entities[clientNum];
  if( !( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
  if( !Q_stricmp( command, "give" ) ) { //LEPE: give money/evos to ent

    G_AddCreditToClient( ent->client, (short)value, qfalse );

  } else if( !Q_stricmp( command, "kill" ) ) { //LEPE: kill ent

    ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] = ent->health = 0;
    player_die( ent, ent, ent, 10000, MOD_SUICIDE );
  } else if( !Q_stricmp( command, "state" ) ) { //LEPE: change bot state. Requires g_bot_manual = 1
	  if(g_bot_manual.integer) {
	  	  ent->bot->think.state[ THINK_LEVEL_MAX ] = value;
  } else if( !Q_stricmp( command, "nav" ) ) { //LEPE: change bot state. Requires g_bot_manual_nav = 1
	  if(g_bot_manual_nav.integer) {
	  	  ent->bot->path.state = value;
  } else if( !Q_stricmp( command, "move" ) ) { //LEPE: move bot manually. Requires g_bot_manual = 1
	  if(g_bot_manual.integer) {
		  if(value > BOT_EMPTY_MOVE && value <= BOT_STOP) {
		  	BotAddMove( ent, (botMove)value, value2 );
			BotStartMove( ent, BOT_EMPTY_MOVE );
		  } else {
			  switch(value) {
				  case 50: BotControl( ent , BOT_LOOK_UP); break;
				  case 51: BotControl( ent , BOT_LOOK_DOWN); break;
				  case 52: BotControl( ent , BOT_LOOK_LEFT); break;
				  case 53: BotControl( ent , BOT_LOOK_RIGHT); break;
				  case 54: BotControl( ent , BOT_LOOK_RANDOM); break;
				  case 60: Bot_Strafe( ent ); break;
				  case 61: Bot_Pounce( ent, value2 ); break;
				  case 62: Bot_FullLuci( ent ); break;
		  	 		ADMP("unknown move value\n");
  } else if( !Q_stricmp( command, "moveto" ) ) { 
	  if(g_bot_manual.integer) {
		  BotMoveToPoint( ent , level.paths[value].coord );
	  	  G_Printf("MoveTo %d\n",value); 
		  ADMP(va("Moving to node %d\n", value));
  } else {
    ADMP("unknown bot command\n");