 * @brief Sets aircraftCurrent and updates related cvars and menutexts.
 * @param[in] aircraft Pointer to given aircraft that should be selected in the menu.
void AIR_AircraftSelect (aircraft_t* aircraft)
	static char aircraftInfo[256];
	base_t *base;
	int id;

	if (aircraft != NULL)
		base = aircraft->homebase;
		base = NULL;

	if (!AIR_BaseHasAircraft(base)) {

	assert(aircraft->homebase == base);
	CP_UpdateActorAircraftVar(aircraft, EMPL_SOLDIER);

	Cvar_SetValue("mn_equipsoldierstate", CL_EquipSoldierState(aircraft));
	Cvar_Set("mn_aircraftstatus", AIR_AircraftStatusToName(aircraft));
	Cvar_Set("mn_aircraftinbase", AIR_IsAircraftInBase(aircraft) ? "1" : "0");
	Cvar_Set("mn_aircraftname", aircraft->name);
	if (!aircraft->tech)
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "No technology assigned to aircraft '%s'", aircraft->id);
	Cvar_Set("mn_aircraft_model", aircraft->tech->mdl);
	Cvar_Set("mn_aircraft_health", va("%3.0f" , aircraft->stats[AIR_STATS_DAMAGE] > 0 ? (double)aircraft->damage * 100 / aircraft->stats[AIR_STATS_DAMAGE] : 0));

	/* generate aircraft info text */
	Com_sprintf(aircraftInfo, sizeof(aircraftInfo), _("Speed:\t%i km/h\n"),
		AIR_AircraftMenuStatsValues(aircraft->stats[AIR_STATS_SPEED], AIR_STATS_SPEED));
	Q_strcat(aircraftInfo, va(_("Fuel:\t%i/%i\n"), AIR_AircraftMenuStatsValues(aircraft->fuel, AIR_STATS_FUELSIZE),
		AIR_AircraftMenuStatsValues(aircraft->stats[AIR_STATS_FUELSIZE], AIR_STATS_FUELSIZE)), sizeof(aircraftInfo));
	Q_strcat(aircraftInfo, va(_("Operational range:\t%i km\n"), AIR_GetOperationRange(aircraft)), sizeof(aircraftInfo));
	Q_strcat(aircraftInfo, va(_("Weapons:\t%i on %i\n"), AIR_GetSlotItems(AC_ITEM_WEAPON, aircraft), aircraft->maxWeapons), sizeof(aircraftInfo));
	Q_strcat(aircraftInfo, va(_("Armour:\t%i on 1\n"), AIR_GetSlotItems(AC_ITEM_SHIELD, aircraft)), sizeof(aircraftInfo));
	Q_strcat(aircraftInfo, va(_("Electronics:\t%i on %i"), AIR_GetSlotItems(AC_ITEM_ELECTRONICS, aircraft), aircraft->maxElectronics), sizeof(aircraftInfo));

	UI_RegisterText(TEXT_AIRCRAFT_INFO, aircraftInfo);

	/** @todo This shouldn't exists. UI should use the global idx as reference */
	/* compute the ID and... */
	id = 0;
	AIR_ForeachFromBase(aircraftInBase, base) {
		if (aircraft == aircraftInBase)

	base->aircraftCurrent = aircraft;
	Cvar_SetValue("mn_aircraft_id", id);

	/* ...update the GUI */
	UI_ExecuteConfunc("aircraft_change %i", id);
 * @brief Initialises base.
 * @note This command is executed in the init node of the base menu.
 * It is called everytime the base menu pops up and sets the cvars.
 * @todo integrate building status tooltips from B_CheckBuildingStatusForMenu_f into this one
static void B_BaseInit_f (void)
	int i;
	base_t *base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase();

	if (!base)

	/* make sure the credits cvar is up-to-date */

	cgi->Cvar_SetValue("mn_base_num_aircraft", AIR_BaseCountAircraft(base));

	/* activate or deactivate the aircraft button */
	if (AIR_AircraftAllowed(base)) {
		if (AIR_BaseHasAircraft(base))
			cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton aircraft false \"%s\"", _("Aircraft management and crew equipment"));
			cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton aircraft true \"%s\"", _("Buy or produce at least one aircraft first."));
	} else {
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton aircraft true \"%s\"", _("No Hangar functional in base."));

	if (BS_BuySellAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton buysell false \"%s\"", _("Buy/Sell equipment, aircraft and UGV"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton buysell true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Storage")));

	if (B_GetCount() > 1)
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton transfer false \"%s\"", _("Transfer equipment, vehicles, aliens and employees to other bases"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton transfer true \"%s\"", _("Build at least a second base to transfer equipment or personnel"));

	if (RS_ResearchAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton research false \"%s\"", _("Research new technology"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton research true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Laboratory")));

	if (PR_ProductionAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton production false \"%s\"", _("Produce equipment, aircraft and UGV"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton production true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Workshop")));

	if (E_HireAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton hire false \"%s\"", _("Hire or dismiss employees"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton hire true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Living Quarters")));

	if (AC_ContainmentAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton containment false \"%s\"", _("Manage captured aliens"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton containment true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Containment")));

	if (HOS_HospitalAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton hospital false \"%s\"", _("Treat wounded soldiers and perform implant surgery"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton hospital true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Hospital")));

	 * Gather data on current/max space for living quarters, storage, lab and workshop
	 * clear_bld_space ensures 0/0 data for facilities which may not exist in base
	for (i = 0; i < ccs.numBuildingTemplates; i++) {
		const building_t* b = &ccs.buildingTemplates[i];
		const baseCapacities_t capType = B_GetCapacityFromBuildingType(b->buildingType);
		capacities_t cap;

		if (capType == MAX_CAP)
		/* Check if building matches one of our four types */
		if (b->buildingType != B_QUARTERS && b->buildingType != B_STORAGE && b->buildingType != B_WORKSHOP && b->buildingType != B_LAB && b->buildingType != B_ANTIMATTER)
		/* only show already researched buildings */
		if (!RS_IsResearched_ptr(b->tech))
		cap = *CAP_Get(base, capType);

		const int count = B_GetNumberOfBuildingsInBaseByTemplate(base, b->tpl);
		if (count < 1)

		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("show_bld_space \"%s\" \"%s\" %i %i %i %i", _(b->name), b->id, cap.cur, cap.max, count, b->tpl->maxCount);

	 * Get the number of different employees in the base
	 * @todo: Get the number of injured soldiers if hospital exists
	cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("current_employees %i %i %i %i", E_CountHired(base, EMPL_SOLDIER), E_CountHired(base, EMPL_PILOT), E_CountHired(base, EMPL_SCIENTIST), E_CountHired(base, EMPL_WORKER));

	 * List the first five aircraft in the base if they exist
	if (AIR_AircraftAllowed(base)) {
		if (AIR_BaseHasAircraft(base)) {
			i = 0;
			AIR_ForeachFromBase(aircraft, base) {
				if (i > 5)
				 * UI node should use global IDX to identify aircraft but it uses order of aircraft in base (i)
				 * See @todo in cp_aircraft_callbacks.c in AIR_AircraftSelect()
				cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("show_aircraft %i \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %i", i, aircraft->name, aircraft->id, AIR_AircraftStatusToName(aircraft), AIR_IsAircraftInBase(aircraft));

	/* Get the research item closest to completion in the base if it exists */
	if (RS_ResearchAllowed(base)) {
		const technology_t *closestTech = NULL;
		double finished = -1;
		for (i = 0; i < ccs.numTechnologies; i++) {
			const technology_t *tech = RS_GetTechByIDX(i);
			if (!tech)
			if (tech->base != base)
			if (tech->statusResearch == RS_RUNNING) {
				const double percent = (1 - tech->time / tech->overallTime) * 100;
				if (percent > finished) {
					finished = percent;
					closestTech = tech;
		if (closestTech != NULL)
			cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("show_research \"%s\" %i %3.0f", closestTech->name, closestTech->scientists, finished);

	/* Get the production item closest to completion in the base if it exists */
	if (PR_ProductionAllowed(base)) {
		const production_queue_t *queue = PR_GetProductionForBase(base);
		if (queue->numItems > 0) {
			const production_t *production = &queue->items[0];
			cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("show_production \"%s\" %3.0f", PR_GetName(&production->data), PR_GetProgress(production) * 100);
 * @brief Initialises base.
 * @note This command is executed in the init node of the base menu.
 * It is called everytime the base menu pops up and sets the cvars.
 * @todo integrate building status tooltips from B_CheckBuildingStatusForMenu_f into this one
static void B_BaseInit_f (void)
	base_t* base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase();

	if (!base)

	/* make sure the credits cvar is up-to-date */

	/* activate or deactivate the aircraft button */
	if (AIR_AircraftAllowed(base)) {
		if (AIR_BaseHasAircraft(base))
			cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton aircraft false \"%s\"", _("Aircraft management and crew equipment"));
			cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton aircraft true \"%s\"", _("Buy or produce at least one aircraft first."));
	} else {
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton aircraft true \"%s\"", _("No Hangar functional in base."));

	if (BS_BuySellAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton buysell false \"%s\"", _("Buy/Sell equipment, aircraft and UGV"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton buysell true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Storage")));

	if (B_GetCount() > 1)
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton transfer false \"%s\"", _("Transfer equipment, vehicles, aliens and employees to other bases"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton transfer true \"%s\"", _("Build at least a second base to transfer equipment or personnel"));

	if (RS_ResearchAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton research false \"%s\"", _("Research new technology"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton research true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Laboratory")));

	if (PR_ProductionAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton production false \"%s\"", _("Produce equipment, aircraft and UGV"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton production true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Workshop")));

	if (E_HireAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton hire false \"%s\"", _("Hire or dismiss employees"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton hire true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Living Quarters")));

	if (AC_ContainmentAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton containment false \"%s\"", _("Manage captured aliens"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton containment true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Containment")));

	if (HOS_HospitalAllowed(base))
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton hospital false \"%s\"", _("Treat wounded soldiers and perform implant surgery"));
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("update_basebutton hospital true \"%s\"", va(_("No %s functional in base."), _("Hospital")));

	 * Gather data on current/max space for living quarters, storage, lab and workshop
	 * clear_bld_space ensures 0/0 data for facilities which may not exist in base
	for (int i = 0; i < ccs.numBuildingTemplates; i++) {
		const building_t* b = &ccs.buildingTemplates[i];

		/* Check if building matches one of our four types */
		if (b->buildingType != B_QUARTERS && b->buildingType != B_STORAGE && b->buildingType != B_WORKSHOP && b->buildingType != B_LAB && b->buildingType != B_ANTIMATTER)

		/* only show already researched buildings */
		if (!RS_IsResearched_ptr(b->tech))

		const baseCapacities_t capType = B_GetCapacityFromBuildingType(b->buildingType);
		if (capType == MAX_CAP)

		const int count = B_GetNumberOfBuildingsInBaseByTemplate(base, b->tpl);
		if (count < 1)

		const capacities_t& cap = *CAP_Get(base, capType);
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("show_bld_space \"%s\" \"%s\" %i %i %i %i", _(b->name), b->id, cap.cur, cap.max, count, b->tpl->maxCount);

	 * Get the number of different employees in the base
	 * @todo: Get the number of injured soldiers if hospital exists
	cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("current_employees %i %i %i %i", E_CountHired(base, EMPL_SOLDIER), E_CountHired(base, EMPL_PILOT), E_CountHired(base, EMPL_SCIENTIST), E_CountHired(base, EMPL_WORKER));

	 * List the first five aircraft in the base if they exist
	if (AIR_AircraftAllowed(base)) {
		AIR_ForeachFromBase(aircraft, base) {
			cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("show_aircraft %i \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %i", aircraft->idx, aircraft->name, aircraft->id, AIR_AircraftStatusToName(aircraft), AIR_IsAircraftInBase(aircraft));
 * @brief Update aircraft selection list with the current base aircraft names
static void AIR_AircraftFillList_f (void)
	base_t* base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase();

	int idx = 0;
	AIR_ForeachFromBase(aircraft, base) {
		const float health = aircraft->stats[AIR_STATS_DAMAGE] > 0 ? (float)aircraft->damage * 100.0f / aircraft->stats[AIR_STATS_DAMAGE] : 0.0f;
		const char* inBase = AIR_IsAircraftInBase(aircraft) ? "1" : "0";
		char teamStr[MAX_VAR];
		Com_sprintf(teamStr, sizeof(teamStr), _("%i of %i"), AIR_GetTeamSize(aircraft), aircraft->maxTeamSize);
		cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("ui_aircraft_add %i \"%s\" %3.0f %s \"%s\" \"%s\"", idx, _(aircraft->name), health, inBase, AIR_AircraftStatusToName(aircraft), teamStr);