BOOLEAN AnyUsableRealMercenariesOnTeam( void )
	INT32 iCounter = 0, iNumberOnTeam = 0;

	// this is for speed, this runs once/frame
	iNumberOnTeam = gTacticalStatus.Team[ OUR_TEAM ].bLastID;

	// get number of mercs on team who are not vehicles or robot, POWs or EPCs
	for( iCounter = 0; iCounter < iNumberOnTeam; iCounter++ )
		pSoldier = &Menptr[ iCounter ];

		if( ( pSoldier->bActive ) && ( pSoldier->bLife > 0 ) &&
				!( pSoldier->uiStatusFlags & SOLDIER_VEHICLE ) && !AM_A_ROBOT( pSoldier ) &&
				( pSoldier->bAssignment != ASSIGNMENT_POW ) &&
				( pSoldier->bAssignment != ASSIGNMENT_DEAD ) &&
				( pSoldier->ubWhatKindOfMercAmI != MERC_TYPE__EPC ) )
			return( TRUE );

	return( FALSE );
void HandleTacticalEndTurn( )
	UINT32 cnt;
	SOLDIERTYPE		*pSoldier;
	UINT32				uiTime;
	static UINT32 uiTimeSinceLastStrategicUpdate = 0;

	// OK, Do a number of things here....
	// Every few turns......

	SetFastForwardMode(FALSE); // Cancel FF at end of battle
	SetClockSpeedPercent(gGameExternalOptions.fClockSpeedPercent);	// sevenfm: set default clock speed

	// Get time elasped
	uiTime = GetWorldTotalSeconds( );

	if ( ( uiTimeSinceLastStrategicUpdate - uiTime ) > 1200 )
		HandleRottingCorpses( );

	uiTimeSinceLastStrategicUpdate = uiTime;

	DecayBombTimers( );

	DecaySmokeEffects( uiTime );

	DecayLightEffects( uiTime );

	// Decay smells

	// Decay blood
	DecayBloodAndSmells( uiTime );

	// decay AI warning values from corpses

	if(gGameExternalOptions.gfAllowReinforcements)//dnl ch68 100913
		((gTacticalStatus.Team[ENEMY_TEAM].bTeamActive || gTacticalStatus.Team[MILITIA_TEAM].bTeamActive) ? (guiTurnCnt++) : (guiTurnCnt = 0));
		//Check for enemy pooling (add enemies if there happens to be more than the max in the
		//current battle.	If one or more slots have freed up, we can add them now.

	// Loop through each active team and decay public opplist...
	// May want this done every few times too
	NonCombatDecayPublicOpplist( uiTime );
	for( cnt = 0; cnt < MAXTEAMS; cnt++ )
		if ( gTacticalStatus.Team[ cnt ].bMenInSector > 0 )
			// decay team's public opplist
			DecayPublicOpplist( (INT8)cnt );

	// First pass:
	// Loop through our own mercs:
	//	Check things like ( even if not in our sector )
	//		1 ) All updates of breath, shock, bleeding, etc
	//	2 ) Updating First AID, etc
	//	( If in our sector: )
	//		3 ) Update things like decayed opplist, etc

	// Second pass:
	//	Loop through all mercs in tactical engine
	//	If not a player merc ( ubTeam ) , do things like 1 , 2 , 3 above

	// First exit if we are not in realtime combat or realtime noncombat
	if (!(gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & TURNBASED) || !(gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & INCOMBAT ) )

		BeginLoggingForBleedMeToos( TRUE );

		cnt = gTacticalStatus.Team[ gbPlayerNum ].bFirstID;
		for ( pSoldier = MercPtrs[ cnt ]; cnt <= gTacticalStatus.Team[ gbPlayerNum ].bLastID; cnt++,pSoldier++)
			if ( pSoldier->bActive && pSoldier->stats.bLife > 0 && !( pSoldier->flags.uiStatusFlags & SOLDIER_VEHICLE ) && !( AM_A_ROBOT( pSoldier ) ) )
				// Handle everything from getting breath back, to bleeding, etc
				pSoldier->EVENT_BeginMercTurn( TRUE, 0 );

				// Handle Player services
				HandlePlayerServices( pSoldier );

				// if time is up, turn off xray
				if ( pSoldier->uiXRayActivatedTime && uiTime > pSoldier->uiXRayActivatedTime + XRAY_TIME )
					TurnOffXRayEffects( pSoldier );

				// Handle stat changes if ness.
				//if ( fCheckStats )
				////	UpdateStats( pSoldier );
				// Flugente: update multi-turn actions

		BeginLoggingForBleedMeToos( FALSE );

		// OK, loop through the mercs to perform 'end turn' events on each...
		// We're looping through only mercs in tactical engine, ignoring our mercs
		// because they were done earilier...
		for ( cnt = 0; cnt < guiNumMercSlots; cnt++ )
			pSoldier = MercSlots[ cnt ];

			if ( pSoldier != NULL )
				if ( pSoldier->bTeam != gbPlayerNum )
					// Handle everything from getting breath back, to bleeding, etc
					pSoldier->EVENT_BeginMercTurn( TRUE, 0 );

					// Handle Player services
					HandlePlayerServices( pSoldier );
#ifdef JA2UB
//	HandleRPCDescription( );
	HandleRPCDescription( );

	// Flugente: Cool down/decay all items not in a soldier's inventory

	// Flugente: raise zombies if in gamescreen and option set
	if ( guiCurrentScreen == GAME_SCREEN )
void StrategicHandlePlayerTeamMercDeath( SOLDIERTYPE *pSoldier )
	INT16 sSectorX, sSectorY;

	//if the soldier HAS a profile
	if( pSoldier->ubProfile != NO_PROFILE )
		//add to the history log the fact that the merc died and the circumstances
		if( pSoldier->ubAttackerID != NOBODY )
			pKiller = MercPtrs[ pSoldier->ubAttackerID ];

		// CJC Nov 11, 2002
		// Use the soldier's sector location unless impossible
		if (pSoldier->sSectorX != 0 && pSoldier->sSectorY != 0)
			sSectorX = pSoldier->sSectorX;
			sSectorY = pSoldier->sSectorY;
			sSectorX = gWorldSectorX;
			sSectorY = gWorldSectorY;

		if( pKiller && pKiller->bTeam == OUR_TEAM )
			AddHistoryToPlayersLog( HISTORY_MERC_KILLED_CHARACTER, pSoldier->ubProfile, GetWorldTotalMin(), sSectorX, sSectorY );
			AddHistoryToPlayersLog( HISTORY_MERC_KILLED, pSoldier->ubProfile, GetWorldTotalMin(), sSectorX, sSectorY );

	if ( guiCurrentScreen != GAME_SCREEN )
		ScreenMsg( FONT_RED, MSG_INTERFACE, pMercDeadString[ 0 ], pSoldier->name );

	// robot and EPCs don't count against death rate - the mercs back home don't particularly give a damn about locals & machines!
	if ( !AM_AN_EPC( pSoldier ) && !AM_A_ROBOT( pSoldier ) )
		// keep track of how many mercs have died under player's command (for death rate, can't wait until removed from team)

	pSoldier->uiStatusFlags |= SOLDIER_DEAD;

	// Set breath to 0!
	pSoldier->bBreathMax = pSoldier->bBreath = 0;

	// not asleep, DEAD!
	pSoldier->fMercAsleep = FALSE;

	//if the merc had life insurance
	if( pSoldier->usLifeInsurance )
		// if he didn't die during auto-resolve
		if( guiCurrentScreen != AUTORESOLVE_SCREEN )
			// check whether this was obviously a suspicious death
			// if killed within an hour of being insured
			if ( pSoldier->uiStartTimeOfInsuranceContract <= GetWorldTotalMin() && GetWorldTotalMin() - pSoldier->uiStartTimeOfInsuranceContract < 60 )
				gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].ubSuspiciousDeath = VERY_SUSPICIOUS_DEATH;
			// if killed by someone on our team, or while there weren't any opponents around
			else if (Menptr[ pSoldier->ubAttackerID ].bTeam == OUR_TEAM || !gTacticalStatus.fEnemyInSector )
				// cause insurance company to suspect fraud and investigate this claim
				gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].ubSuspiciousDeath = SUSPICIOUS_DEATH;

		AddLifeInsurancePayout( pSoldier );

	// robot and EPCs don't penalize morale - merc don't care about fighting machines and the lives of locals much
	if ( !AM_AN_EPC( pSoldier ) && !AM_A_ROBOT( pSoldier ) )
		// Change morale of others based on this
		HandleMoraleEvent( pSoldier, MORALE_TEAMMATE_DIED, pSoldier->sSectorX, pSoldier->sSectorY, pSoldier->bSectorZ );

	//if its a MERC merc, record the time of his death
	if( pSoldier->ubWhatKindOfMercAmI == MERC_TYPE__MERC )
		pSoldier->iEndofContractTime = GetWorldTotalMin();

		//set is so Speck can say that a merc is dead
		LaptopSaveInfo.ubSpeckCanSayPlayersLostQuote = 1;

	//Set the fact that the merc is DEAD!!
	gMercProfiles[ pSoldier->ubProfile ].bMercStatus = MERC_IS_DEAD;

	if( pSoldier->bAssignment != ASSIGNMENT_DEAD )
		SetTimeOfAssignmentChangeForMerc( pSoldier );

	// handle strategic level death
	HandleStrategicDeath( pSoldier );