    GOBJECT(button, "BTN_",  AP_Button),

    // @Group:
    // @Path: Parameters.cpp
    GOBJECT(g2, "",  ParametersG2),


  2nd group of parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo ParametersG2::var_info[] = {
    // @Group: STAT
    // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Stats/AP_Stats.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(stats, "STAT", 1, ParametersG2, AP_Stats),

    // @Group: SYSID_ENFORCE
    // @DisplayName: GCS sysid enforcement
    // @Description: This controls whether packets from other than the expected GCS system ID will be accepted
    // @Values: 0:NotEnforced,1:Enforced
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("SYSID_ENFORCE", 2, ParametersG2, sysid_enforce, 0),


  This is a conversion table from old parameter values to new
    // @Description: The amount of flaps (as a percentage) to apply in the landing approach and flare of an automatic landing
    // @Range: 0 100
    // @Units: %
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("FLAP_PERCNT", 13, AP_Landing, flap_percent, 0),

    // @Param: TYPE
    // @DisplayName: Auto-landing type
    // @Description: Specifies the auto-landing type to use
    // @Values: 0:Standard Glide Slope
    // @User: Standard

    // @Group: DS_
    // @Path: AP_Landing_Deepstall.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(deepstall, "DS_", 15, AP_Landing, AP_Landing_Deepstall),

    // constructor
AP_Landing::AP_Landing(AP_Mission &_mission, AP_AHRS &_ahrs, AP_SpdHgtControl *_SpdHgt_Controller, AP_Navigation *_nav_controller, AP_Vehicle::FixedWing &_aparm,
                       set_target_altitude_proportion_fn_t _set_target_altitude_proportion_fn,
                       constrain_target_altitude_location_fn_t _constrain_target_altitude_location_fn,
                       adjusted_altitude_cm_fn_t _adjusted_altitude_cm_fn,
                       adjusted_relative_altitude_cm_fn_t _adjusted_relative_altitude_cm_fn,
                       disarm_if_autoland_complete_fn_t _disarm_if_autoland_complete_fn,
                       update_flight_stage_fn_t _update_flight_stage_fn) :
    // @DisplayName: Transmitter switch screen minimum pwm
    // @Description: This sets the PWM lower limit for this screen
    // @Range: 900 2100
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("CHAN_MIN", 2, AP_OSD_Screen, channel_min, 900),

    // @Param: CHAN_MAX
    // @DisplayName: Transmitter switch screen maximum pwm
    // @Description: This sets the PWM upper limit for this screen
    // @Range: 900 2100
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("CHAN_MAX", 3, AP_OSD_Screen, channel_max, 2100),

    // @Group: ALTITUDE
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Setting.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(altitude, "ALTITUDE", 4, AP_OSD_Screen, AP_OSD_Setting),

    // @Group: BATVOLT
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Setting.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(bat_volt, "BAT_VOLT", 5, AP_OSD_Screen, AP_OSD_Setting),

    // @Group: RSSI
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Setting.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(rssi, "RSSI", 6, AP_OSD_Screen, AP_OSD_Setting),

    // @Group: CURRENT
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Setting.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(current, "CURRENT", 7, AP_OSD_Screen, AP_OSD_Setting),

    // @Group: BATUSED
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Setting.cpp
    // @Param: _ACC_XY_FILT
    // @DisplayName: XY Acceleration filter cutoff frequency
    // @Description: Lower values will slow the response of the navigation controller and reduce twitchiness
    // @Units: Hz
    // @Range: 0.5 5
    // @Increment: 0.1
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("_ACC_XY_FILT", 1, AC_PosControl, _accel_xy_filt_hz, POSCONTROL_ACCEL_FILTER_HZ),

    // @Param: _POSZ_P
    // @DisplayName: Position (vertical) controller P gain
    // @Description: Position (vertical) controller P gain.  Converts the difference between the desired altitude and actual altitude into a climb or descent rate which is passed to the throttle rate controller
    // @Range: 1.000 3.000
    // @User: Standard
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_p_pos_z, "_POSZ_", 2, AC_PosControl, AC_P),

    // @Param: _VELZ_P
    // @DisplayName: Velocity (vertical) controller P gain
    // @Description: Velocity (vertical) controller P gain.  Converts the difference between desired vertical speed and actual speed into a desired acceleration that is passed to the throttle acceleration controller
    // @Range: 1.000 8.000
    // @User: Standard
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_p_vel_z, "_VELZ_", 3, AC_PosControl, AC_P),

    // @Param: _ACCZ_P
    // @DisplayName: Acceleration (vertical) controller P gain
    // @Description: Acceleration (vertical) controller P gain.  Converts the difference between desired vertical acceleration and actual acceleration into a motor output
    // @Range: 0.500 1.500
    // @Increment: 0.05
    // @User: Standard
    // @Range: 0 90
    // @Units degrees per second
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("YAW_LIM", 12, AP_Landing_Deepstall, yaw_rate_limit, 10),

    // @Param: L1_TCON
    // @DisplayName: Deepstall L1 time constant
    // @Description: Time constant for deepstall L1 control
    // @Range: 0 1
    // @Units seconds
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("L1_TCON", 13, AP_Landing_Deepstall, time_constant, 0.4),

    // @Group: DS_
    // @Path: ../PID/PID.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(ds_PID, "", 14, AP_Landing_Deepstall, PID),

    // @Param: ABORTALT
    // @DisplayName: Deepstall minimum abort altitude
    // @Description: The minimum altitude which the aircraft must be above to abort a deepstall landing
    // @Range: 0 50
    // @Units meters
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("ABORTALT", 15, AP_Landing_Deepstall, min_abort_alt, 0.0f),

    // @Param: AIL_SCL
    // @DisplayName: Aileron landing gain scalaing
    // @Description: A scalar to reduce or increase the aileron control
    // @Range: 0 2.0
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("AIL_SCL", 16, AP_Landing_Deepstall, aileron_scalar, 1.0f),
    // @Group:
    // @Path: Parameters.cpp
    GOBJECT(g2, "",  ParametersG2),


  2nd group of parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo ParametersG2::var_info[] = {

    // @Group: PRX
    // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(proximity, "PRX", 2, ParametersG2, AP_Proximity),

    // @Group: GRIP_
    // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Gripper/AP_Gripper.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(gripper, "GRIP_", 3, ParametersG2, AP_Gripper),

    // @Group: SERVO
    // @Path: ../libraries/SRV_Channel/SRV_Channels.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(servo_channels, "SERVO", 16, ParametersG2, SRV_Channels),

    // @Group: RC
    // @Path: ../libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channels.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(rc_channels, "RC", 17, ParametersG2, RC_Channels),
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("TAIL_SPEED", 10, AP_MotorsHeli_Single, _direct_drive_tailspeed, AP_MOTORS_HELI_SINGLE_DDVPT_SPEED_DEFAULT),

    // @Param: GYR_GAIN_ACRO
    // @DisplayName: External Gyro Gain for ACRO
    // @Description: PWM sent to external gyro on ch7 when tail type is Servo w/ ExtGyro. A value of zero means to use H_GYR_GAIN
    // @Range: 0 1000
    // @Units: PWM
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("GYR_GAIN_ACRO", 11, AP_MotorsHeli_Single,  _ext_gyro_gain_acro, 0),

    // @Group: SV1_
    // @Path: ../RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_swash_servo_1, "SV1_", 12, AP_MotorsHeli_Single, RC_Channel),

    // @Group: SV2_
    // @Path: ../RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_swash_servo_2, "SV2_", 13, AP_MotorsHeli_Single, RC_Channel),

    // @Group: SV3_
    // @Path: ../RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_swash_servo_3, "SV3_", 14, AP_MotorsHeli_Single, RC_Channel),

    // @Group: SV4_
    // @Path: ../RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_yaw_servo, "SV4_", 15, AP_MotorsHeli_Single, RC_Channel),

    // @Param: RSC_PWM_MIN
    // @DisplayName: RSC PWM output miniumum
    GOBJECT(button, "BTN_",  AP_Button),

    // @Group:
    // @Path: Parameters.cpp
    GOBJECT(g2, "",  ParametersG2),


  2nd group of parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo ParametersG2::var_info[] = {
    // @Group: STAT
    // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Stats/AP_Stats.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(stats, "STAT", 1, ParametersG2, AP_Stats),

    // @Group: SYSID_ENFORCE
    // @DisplayName: GCS sysid enforcement
    // @Description: This controls whether packets from other than the expected GCS system ID will be accepted
    // @Values: 0:NotEnforced,1:Enforced
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("SYSID_ENFORCE", 2, ParametersG2, sysid_enforce, 0),

    // @Group: SERVO
    // @Path: ../libraries/SRV_Channel/SRV_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(servo_channels, "SERVO", 3, ParametersG2, SRV_Channels),

    // @Group: RC
    // @Path: ../libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(rc_channels, "RC", 4, ParametersG2, RC_Channels),
    // @RebootRequired: True
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("SBUS_OUT",   4, AP_BoardConfig, px4.sbus_out_rate, 0),

    // @Param: SERIAL_NUM
    // @DisplayName: User-defined serial number
    // @Description: User-defined serial number of this vehicle, it can be any arbitrary number you want and has no effect on the autopilot
    // @Range: -32768 32767
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("SERIAL_NUM", 5, AP_BoardConfig, vehicleSerialNumber, 0),

    // @Group: CAN_
    // @Path: ../AP_BoardConfig/canbus.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_var_info_can, "CAN_", 6, AP_BoardConfig, AP_BoardConfig::CAN_var_info),

    // @Param: SAFETY_MASK
    // @DisplayName: Channels to which ignore the safety switch state
    // @Description: A bitmask which controls what channels can move while the safety switch has not been pressed
    // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled
    // @Bitmask: 0:Ch1,1:Ch2,2:Ch3,3:Ch4,4:Ch5,5:Ch6,6:Ch7,7:Ch8,8:Ch9,9:Ch10,10:Ch11,11:Ch12,12:Ch13,13:Ch14
    // @RebootRequired: True
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("SAFETY_MASK", 7, AP_BoardConfig, px4.ignore_safety_channels, 0),

    // @Param: IMU_TARGTEMP
    // IDs 8,9,10,11 RESERVED (in use on Solo)

    // @Param: ANGLE_BOOST
    // @DisplayName: Angle Boost
    // @Description: Angle Boost increases output throttle as the vehicle leans to reduce loss of altitude
    // @Values: 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("ANGLE_BOOST", 12, AC_AttitudeControl, _angle_boost_enabled, 1),

    // @Param: ANG_RLL_P
    // @DisplayName: Roll axis angle controller P gain
    // @Description: Roll axis angle controller P gain.  Converts the error between the desired roll angle and actual angle to a desired roll rate
    // @Range: 3.000 12.000
    // @User: Standard
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_p_angle_roll, "ANG_RLL_", 13, AC_AttitudeControl, AC_P),

    // @Param: ANG_PIT_P
    // @DisplayName: Pitch axis angle controller P gain
    // @Description: Pitch axis angle controller P gain.  Converts the error between the desired pitch angle and actual angle to a desired pitch rate
    // @Range: 3.000 12.000
    // @User: Standard
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_p_angle_pitch, "ANG_PIT_", 14, AC_AttitudeControl, AC_P),

    // @Param: ANG_YAW_P
    // @DisplayName: Yaw axis angle controller P gain
    // @Description: Yaw axis angle controller P gain.  Converts the error between the desired yaw angle and actual angle to a desired yaw rate
    // @Range: 3.000 6.000
    // @User: Standard
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_p_angle_yaw, "ANG_YAW_", 15, AC_AttitudeControl, AC_P),
    // @Description: OSD type
    // @Values: 0:None,1:MAX7456
    // @User: Standard
    // @RebootRequired: True

    // @Param: _CHAN
    // @DisplayName: Screen switch transmitter channel
    // @Description: This sets the channel used to switch different OSD screens.
    // @Values: 0:Disable,5:Chan5,6:Chan6,7:Chan7,8:Chan8,9:Chan9,10:Chan10,11:Chan11,12:Chan12,13:Chan13,14:Chan14,15:Chan15,16:Chan16
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_CHAN", 2, AP_OSD, rc_channel, 0),

    // @Group: 1_
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Screen.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(screen[0], "1_", 3, AP_OSD, AP_OSD_Screen),

    // @Group: 2_
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Screen.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(screen[1], "2_", 4, AP_OSD, AP_OSD_Screen),

    // @Group: 3_
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Screen.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(screen[2], "3_", 5, AP_OSD, AP_OSD_Screen),

    // @Group: 4_
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Screen.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(screen[3], "4_", 6, AP_OSD, AP_OSD_Screen),

    // @Param: _SW_METHOD
    // @DisplayName: Screen switch method
        return &obj_channels[chan];


    int8_t flight_mode_channel_number() const { return 5; }



const AP_Param::GroupInfo RC_Channels::var_info[] = {
    // @Group: 1_
    // @Path: RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(obj_channels[0], "1_",  1, RC_Channels_Example, RC_Channel_Example),

    // @Group: 2_
    // @Path: RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(obj_channels[1], "2_",  2, RC_Channels_Example, RC_Channel_Example),

    // @Group: 3_
    // @Path: RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(obj_channels[2], "3_",  3, RC_Channels_Example, RC_Channel_Example),

    // @Group: 4_
    // @Path: RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(obj_channels[3], "4_",  4, RC_Channels_Example, RC_Channel_Example),

    // @Group: 5_
    // @Path: RC_Channel.cpp
    // @Range: 0.000 1.000
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _RATE_D
    // @DisplayName: Wheel rate control D gain
    // @Description: Wheel rate control D gain.  Compensates for short-term change in desired rate vs actual
    // @Range: 0.000 0.400
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _RATE_FILT
    // @DisplayName: Wheel rate control filter frequency
    // @Description: Wheel rate control input filter.  Lower values reduce noise but add delay.
    // @Range: 1.000 100.000
    // @Units: Hz
    // @User: Standard
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_rate_pid0, "_RATE_", 3, AP_WheelRateControl, AC_PID),

    // @Param: 2_RATE_FF
    // @DisplayName: Wheel rate control feed forward gain
    // @Description: Wheel rate control feed forward gain.  Desired rate (in radians/sec) is multiplied by this constant and output to output (in the range -1 to +1)
    // @Range: 0.100 2.000
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: 2_RATE_P
    // @DisplayName: Wheel rate control P gain
    // @Description: Wheel rate control P gain.  Converts rate error (in radians/sec) to output (in the range -1 to +1)
    // @Range: 0.100 2.000
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: 2_RATE_I
    // @DisplayName: Wheel rate control I gain
    // @Param: RT_RLL_IMAX
    // @DisplayName: Roll axis rate controller I gain maximum
    // @Description: Roll axis rate controller I gain maximum.  Constrains the maximum motor output that the I gain will output
    // @Range: 0 4500
    // @Increment: 10
    // @Units: Percent*10
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: RT_RLL_D
    // @DisplayName: Roll axis rate controller D gain
    // @Description: Roll axis rate controller D gain.  Compensates for short-term change in desired roll rate vs actual roll rate
    // @Range: 0.001 0.02
    // @Increment: 0.001
    // @User: Standard
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(pid_rate_roll, "RT_RLL_", 3, QuadPlane, AC_PID),

    // @Param: RT_PIT_P
    // @DisplayName: Pitch axis rate controller P gain
    // @Description: Pitch axis rate controller P gain.  Converts the difference between desired pitch rate and actual pitch rate into a motor speed output
    // @Range: 0.08 0.30
    // @Increment: 0.005
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: RT_PIT_I
    // @DisplayName: Pitch axis rate controller I gain
    // @Description: Pitch axis rate controller I gain.  Corrects long-term difference in desired pitch rate vs actual pitch rate
    // @Range: 0.01 0.5
    // @Increment: 0.01
    // @User: Standard
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;

SRV_Channel *SRV_Channels::channels;
bool SRV_Channels::disabled_passthrough;
bool SRV_Channels::initialised;
Bitmask SRV_Channels::function_mask{SRV_Channel::k_nr_aux_servo_functions};
SRV_Channels::srv_function SRV_Channels::functions[SRV_Channel::k_nr_aux_servo_functions];

AP_Int32* SRV_Channels::p_can_servo_bm = nullptr;
AP_Int32* SRV_Channels::p_can_esc_bm = nullptr;

const AP_Param::GroupInfo SRV_Channels::var_info[] = {
    // @Group: 1_
    // @Path: SRV_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(obj_channels[0], "1_",  1, SRV_Channels, SRV_Channel),

    // @Group: 2_
    // @Path: SRV_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(obj_channels[1], "2_",  2, SRV_Channels, SRV_Channel),

    // @Group: 3_
    // @Path: SRV_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(obj_channels[2], "3_",  3, SRV_Channels, SRV_Channel),

    // @Group: 4_
    // @Path: SRV_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(obj_channels[3], "4_",  4, SRV_Channels, SRV_Channel),

    // @Group: 5_
    // @Path: SRV_Channel.cpp
    // @Group:
    // @Path: Parameters.cpp
    GOBJECT(g2, "",  ParametersG2),


  2nd group of parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo ParametersG2::var_info[] = {
    // @Group: STAT
    // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Stats/AP_Stats.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(stats, "STAT", 1, ParametersG2, AP_Stats),
    // @Param: SYSID_ENFORCE
    // @DisplayName: GCS sysid enforcement
    // @Description: This controls whether packets from other than the expected GCS system ID will be accepted
    // @Values: 0:NotEnforced,1:Enforced
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("SYSID_ENFORCE", 2, ParametersG2, sysid_enforce, 0),

    // @Group: SERVO
    // @Path: ../libraries/SRV_Channel/SRV_Channels.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(servo_channels, "SERVO", 3, ParametersG2, SRV_Channels),

    // @Group: RC
    // @Path: ../libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channels.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(rc_channels, "RC", 4, ParametersG2, RC_Channels),
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: RAT_RLL_D
    // @DisplayName: Roll axis rate controller D gain
    // @Description: Roll axis rate controller D gain.  Compensates for short-term change in desired roll rate vs actual roll rate
    // @Range: 0.0 0.02
    // @Increment: 0.001
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: RAT_RLL_FILT
    // @DisplayName: Roll axis rate conroller input frequency in Hz
    // @Description: Roll axis rate conroller input frequency in Hz
    // @Range: 1 100
    // @Increment: 1
    // @Units: Hz
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_pid_rate_roll, "RAT_RLL_", 1, AC_AttitudeControl_Multi, AC_PID),

    // @Param: RAT_PIT_P
    // @DisplayName: Pitch axis rate controller P gain
    // @Description: Pitch axis rate controller P gain.  Converts the difference between desired pitch rate and actual pitch rate into a motor speed output
    // @Range: 0.08 0.30
    // @Increment: 0.005
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: RAT_PIT_I
    // @DisplayName: Pitch axis rate controller I gain
    // @Description: Pitch axis rate controller I gain.  Corrects long-term difference in desired pitch rate vs actual pitch rate
    // @Range: 0.01 0.5
    // @Increment: 0.01
    // @User: Standard
    // parameters 30 ~ 39 reserved for tricopter
    // parameters 40 ~ 49 for single copter and coax copter (these have identical parameter files)

    // 40 was ROLL_SV_REV
    // 41 was PITCH_SV_REV
	// 42 was YAW_SV_REV

	// @Param: SV_SPEED
    // @DisplayName: Servo speed 
    // @Description: Servo update speed in hz
    // @Values: 50, 125, 250

    // @Group: SV1_
    // @Path: ../RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_servo1, "SV1_", 44, AP_MotorsSingle, RC_Channel),
    // @Group: SV2_
    // @Path: ../RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_servo2, "SV2_", 45, AP_MotorsSingle, RC_Channel),
    // @Group: SV3_
    // @Path: ../RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_servo3, "SV3_", 46, AP_MotorsSingle, RC_Channel),
    // @Group: SV4_
    // @Path: ../RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_servo4, "SV4_", 47, AP_MotorsSingle, RC_Channel),

// init
void AP_MotorsSingle::Init()
    AP_GROUPINFO("_OFS", 7, AP_Follow, _offset, 0),

    // @Param: _YAW_BEHAVE
    // @DisplayName: Follow yaw behaviour
    // @Description: Follow yaw behaviour
    // @Values: 0:None,1:Face Lead Vehicle,2:Same as Lead vehicle,3:Direction of Flight
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_YAW_BEHAVE", 8, AP_Follow, _yaw_behave, 1),

    // @Param: _POS_P
    // @DisplayName: Follow position error P gain
    // @Description: Follow position error P gain.  Converts the difference between desired vertical speed and actual speed into a desired acceleration that is passed to the throttle acceleration controller
    // @Range: 0.01 1.00
    // @Increment: 0.01
    // @User: Standard
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_p_pos, "_POS_", 9, AP_Follow, AC_P),

    // @Param: _ALT_TYPE
    // @DisplayName: Follow altitude type
    // @Description: Follow altitude type
    // @Values: 0:absolute, 1: relative
    // @User: Standard


   The constructor also initialises the proximity sensor. Note that this
   constructor is not called until detect() returns true, so we
   already know that we should setup the proximity sensor
    // @Param: _STR_RAT_FF
    // @DisplayName: Steering control feed forward
    // @Description: Steering control feed forward
    // @Range: 0.000 3.000
    // @Increment: 0.001
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _STR_RAT_FILT
    // @DisplayName: Steering control filter frequency
    // @Description: Steering control input filter.  Lower values reduce noise but add delay.
    // @Range: 0.000 100.000
    // @Increment: 0.1
    // @Units: Hz
    // @User: Standard
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_steer_rate_pid, "_STR_RAT_", 1, AR_AttitudeControl, AC_PID),

    // @Param: _SPEED_P
    // @DisplayName: Speed control P gain
    // @Description: Speed control P gain.  Converts the error between the desired speed (in m/s) and actual speed to a motor output (in the range -1 to +1)
    // @Range: 0.010 2.000
    // @Increment: 0.01
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _SPEED_I
    // @DisplayName: Speed control I gain
    // @Description: Speed control I gain.  Corrects long term error between the desired speed (in m/s) and actual speed
    // @Range: 0.000 2.000
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _SPEED_IMAX
    // @Param: _STR_RAT_FF
    // @DisplayName: Steering control feed forward
    // @Description: Steering control feed forward
    // @Range: 0.000 3.000
    // @Increment: 0.001
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _STR_RAT_FILT
    // @DisplayName: Steering control filter frequency
    // @Description: Steering control input filter.  Lower values reduce noise but add delay.
    // @Range: 0.000 100.000
    // @Increment: 0.1
    // @Units: Hz
    // @User: Standard
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_steer_rate_pid, "_STR_RAT_", 1, AR_AttitudeControl, AC_PID),

    // @Param: _SPEED_P
    // @DisplayName: Speed control P gain
    // @Description: Speed control P gain.  Converts the error between the desired speed (in m/s) and actual speed to a motor output (in the range -1 to +1)
    // @Range: 0.010 2.000
    // @Increment: 0.01
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _SPEED_I
    // @DisplayName: Speed control I gain
    // @Description: Speed control I gain.  Corrects long term error between the desired speed (in m/s) and actual speed
    // @Range: 0.000 2.000
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _SPEED_IMAX
    // @DisplayName: Transmitter switch screen minimum pwm
    // @Description: This sets the PWM lower limit for this screen
    // @Range: 900 2100
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("CHAN_MIN", 2, AP_OSD_Screen, channel_min, 900),

    // @Param: CHAN_MAX
    // @DisplayName: Transmitter switch screen maximum pwm
    // @Description: This sets the PWM upper limit for this screen
    // @Range: 900 2100
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("CHAN_MAX", 3, AP_OSD_Screen, channel_max, 2100),

    // @Group: ALTITUDE
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Setting.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(altitude, "ALTITUDE", 4, AP_OSD_Screen, AP_OSD_Setting),

    // @Group: BATVOLT
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Setting.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(bat_volt, "BAT_VOLT", 5, AP_OSD_Screen, AP_OSD_Setting),

    // @Group: RSSI
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Setting.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(rssi, "RSSI", 6, AP_OSD_Screen, AP_OSD_Setting),

    // @Group: CURRENT
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Setting.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(current, "CURRENT", 7, AP_OSD_Screen, AP_OSD_Setting),

    // @Group: BATUSED
    // @Path: AP_OSD_Setting.cpp
    GOBJECT(button, "BTN_",  AP_Button),

    // @Group:
    // @Path: Parameters.cpp
    GOBJECT(g2, "",  ParametersG2),


  2nd group of parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo ParametersG2::var_info[] = {
    // @Group: STAT
    // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Stats/AP_Stats.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(stats, "STAT", 1, ParametersG2, AP_Stats),

    // @Param: SYSID_ENFORCE
    // @DisplayName: GCS sysid enforcement
    // @Description: This controls whether packets from other than the expected GCS system ID will be accepted
    // @Values: 0:NotEnforced,1:Enforced
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("SYSID_ENFORCE", 2, ParametersG2, sysid_enforce, 0),

    // @Group: SERVO
    // @Path: ../libraries/SRV_Channel/SRV_Channels.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(servo_channels, "SERVO", 3, ParametersG2, SRV_Channels),

    // @Group: RC
    // @Path: ../libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channels.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(rc_channels, "RC", 4, ParametersG2, RC_Channels),
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: RAT_RLL_FF
    // @DisplayName: Roll axis rate controller feed forward
    // @Description: Roll axis rate controller feed forward
    // @Range: 0 0.5
    // @Increment: 0.001
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: RAT_RLL_FILT
    // @DisplayName: Roll axis rate controller input frequency in Hz
    // @Description: Roll axis rate controller input frequency in Hz
    // @Units: Hz
    // @Range: 1 20
    // @Increment: 1
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_pid_rate_roll, "RAT_RLL_", 2, AC_AttitudeControl_Heli, AC_HELI_PID),

    // @Param: RAT_PIT_P
    // @DisplayName: Pitch axis rate controller P gain
    // @Description: Pitch axis rate controller P gain.  Converts the difference between desired pitch rate and actual pitch rate into a motor speed output
    // @Range: 0.08 0.35
    // @Increment: 0.005
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: RAT_PIT_I
    // @DisplayName: Pitch axis rate controller I gain
    // @Description: Pitch axis rate controller I gain.  Corrects long-term difference in desired pitch rate vs actual pitch rate
    // @Range: 0.01 0.6
    // @Increment: 0.01
    // @User: Standard
#include <AP_Notify/AP_Notify.h>

extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;

AP_BattMonitor *AP_BattMonitor::_singleton;

const AP_Param::GroupInfo AP_BattMonitor::var_info[] = {
    // 0 - 18, 20- 22 used by old parameter indexes

    // @Group: _
    // @Path: AP_BattMonitor_Params.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO_FLAGS(_params[0], "_", 23, AP_BattMonitor, AP_BattMonitor_Params, AP_PARAM_FLAG_IGNORE_ENABLE),

    // @Group: 2_
    // @Path: AP_BattMonitor_Params.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_params[1], "2_", 24, AP_BattMonitor, AP_BattMonitor_Params),

    // @Group: 3_
    // @Path: AP_BattMonitor_Params.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_params[2], "3_", 25, AP_BattMonitor, AP_BattMonitor_Params),

    // @Group: 4_
    // @Path: AP_BattMonitor_Params.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_params[3], "4_", 26, AP_BattMonitor, AP_BattMonitor_Params),

    // @Group: 5_
    // @Path: AP_BattMonitor_Params.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(_params[4], "5_", 27, AP_BattMonitor, AP_BattMonitor_Params),

    // @Group: 6_
    // @Path: AP_BattMonitor_Params.cpp
    // @Param: _XY_IMAX
    // @DisplayName: FlowHold Integrator Max
    // @Description: FlowHold (horizontal) integrator maximum
    // @Range: 0 4500
    // @Increment: 10
    // @Units: cdeg
    // @User: Advanced

    // @Param: _XY_FILT_HZ
    // @DisplayName: FlowHold filter on input to control
    // @Description: FlowHold (horizontal) filter on input to control
    // @Range: 0 100
    // @Units: Hz
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(flow_pi_xy, "_XY_",  1, Copter::ModeFlowHold, AC_PI_2D),

    // @Param: _FLOW_MAX
    // @DisplayName: FlowHold Flow Rate Max
    // @Description: Controls maximum apparent flow rate in flowhold
    // @Range: 0.1 2.5
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_FLOW_MAX", 2, Copter::ModeFlowHold, flow_max, 0.6),

    // @Param: _FILT_HZ
    // @DisplayName: FlowHold Filter Frequency
    // @Description: Filter frequency for flow data
    // @Range: 1 100
    // @Units: Hz
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_FILT_HZ", 3, Copter::ModeFlowHold, flow_filter_hz, 5),
    // @Group: OSD
    // @Path: ../libraries/AP_OSD/AP_OSD.cpp
    GOBJECT(osd, "OSD", AP_OSD),


  2nd group of parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo ParametersG2::var_info[] = {
    // @Group: STAT
    // @Path: ../libraries/AP_Stats/AP_Stats.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(stats, "STAT", 1, ParametersG2, AP_Stats),
    // @Param: SYSID_ENFORCE
    // @DisplayName: GCS sysid enforcement
    // @Description: This controls whether packets from other than the expected GCS system ID will be accepted
    // @Values: 0:NotEnforced,1:Enforced
    // @User: Advanced
    AP_GROUPINFO("SYSID_ENFORCE", 2, ParametersG2, sysid_enforce, 0),

    // @Group: SERVO
    // @Path: ../libraries/SRV_Channel/SRV_Channels.cpp
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(servo_channels, "SERVO", 3, ParametersG2, SRV_Channels),

    // @Group: RC
    // @Path: ../libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channels_VarInfo.h
    AP_SUBGROUPINFO(rc_channels, "RC", 4, ParametersG2, RC_Channels_Rover),