// MakeKeySelectionControls():
bool FreeKeyInterface::MakeKeySelectionControls() {
  try {
    int x = CON_HOTW( select_info_area );
    int y = CON_HOTH( select_info_area );

    // Keyframe Selection Info
    if( !( key_select_info_area = AREA_CTL( panel_funcs->orig_struct, main_panel,
                                            "", x, y ) ) )
      throw false;

    x = CON_X( select_info_area );
    y = CON_Y( select_info_area );
    MOVE_CON( key_select_info_area, x, y );

    // Set the Draw Functions
    ival.intv.value = (int)&DrawKeySelectInfo;
    (*key_select_info_area->set)( key_select_info_area, CTL_USERDRAW, &ival );

    return true;
  } catch( bool ) {
    return false;

  return true;
// Constructor
PanelControls_WPopdown::PanelControls_WPopdown( GlobalFunc *_global, LWPanelID _panel, int width, 
                                                const char *_title, WPopdown_Name *_name, WPopdown_Count *_count )
  : global(_global), panel(_panel), title(_title), event(NULL), user_data(NULL),
    strings(NULL), string_count(0), count(_count), name(_name) {

  panel_funcs   = (LWPanelFuncs     *)global( LWPANELFUNCS_GLOBAL,  GFUSE_ACQUIRE );
  context_funcs = (ContextMenuFuncs *)global( LWCONTEXTMENU_GLOBAL, GFUSE_ACQUIRE );

  control = AREA_CTL( panel_funcs, panel, "", width-2, panel_funcs->drawFuncs->dispMetrics()->textHeight + 4 );
  CON_SETEVENT( control, WPopdown_ControlEvent, this );

  ival.intv.value = (int)&WPopdown_ControlDraw;
  (*control->set)( control, CTL_USERDRAW, &ival );

  menu = CONTEXT_MENU( context_funcs, WPopdown_StringName, WPopdown_StringCount, this );
// Constructor
PanelControls_WPopdown::PanelControls_WPopdown( GlobalFunc *_global, LWPanelID _panel, int width,
                                                const char *_title, const char **_strings )
  : global(_global), panel(_panel), title(_title), event(NULL), user_data(NULL), 
    strings(_strings), string_count(0), count(NULL), name(NULL), prev_index(0) {

  strings = _strings;
  for( string_count=0; strings[ string_count ] != NULL; string_count++ ) { ; }

  panel_funcs   = (LWPanelFuncs     *)global( LWPANELFUNCS_GLOBAL,  GFUSE_ACQUIRE );
  raster_funcs  = (LWRasterFuncs    *)global( LWRASTERFUNCS_GLOBAL, GFUSE_ACQUIRE );
  context_funcs = (ContextMenuFuncs *)global( LWCONTEXTMENU_GLOBAL, GFUSE_ACQUIRE );

  control = AREA_CTL( panel_funcs, panel, "", width-2, panel_funcs->drawFuncs->dispMetrics()->textHeight + 4 );
  CON_SETEVENT( control, WPopdown_ControlEvent, this );

  ival.intv.value = (int)&WPopdown_ControlDraw;
  (*control->set)( control, CTL_USERDRAW, &ival );

  menu = CONTEXT_MENU( context_funcs, WPopdown_StringName, WPopdown_StringCount, this );
// MakeItemSelectionControls():
bool FreeKeyInterface::MakeItemSelectionControls() {
  try {
    int x, y;
    // ItemSelection Controls
    if( !( select_item_name = STR_CTL( panel_funcs->orig_struct, main_panel,
                                       "Match String", 65 ) ) )
      throw false;

    if( !( select_name_mode = WPOPUP_CTL( panel_funcs->orig_struct, main_panel,
                                          "Compare", selection_name_text, 100 ) ) )
      throw false;

    if( !( select_toggle = WPOPUP_CTL( panel_funcs->orig_struct, main_panel,
                                       "Mode", select_toggle_text, 83 ) ) )
      throw false;

    if( !( select_item_mode = WPOPUP_CTL( panel_funcs->orig_struct, main_panel,
                                          "", selection_mode_text, 257 ) ) )
      throw false;

    if( !( select_children_toggle = BOOL_CTL( panel_funcs->orig_struct, main_panel,
                                             "And Children" ) ) )
      throw false;

    if( !( apply_select_item_name = WBUTTON_CTL( panel_funcs->orig_struct, main_panel,
                                                 "Apply", 100 ) ) )
      throw false;

    SET_INT( select_item_mode, 1 );
    SET_INT( select_name_mode, 1 );
    SET_INT( select_children_toggle, 1 );
    SET_INT( select_toggle, 0 );

    PanelTools::PutUnder( tool_options_tabs, select_item_name );
    x = CON_X( select_item_name );
    y = CON_Y( select_item_name );
    MOVE_CON( select_item_name, x, y+4 );

    PanelTools::PutOnLineWith( select_item_name, select_name_mode, -2 );
    PanelTools::AlignLabels( select_item_name, select_toggle );
    PanelTools::PutOnLineWith( select_toggle, select_item_mode );
    PanelTools::PutOnLineWith( select_item_mode, select_children_toggle );
    PanelTools::PutOnLineWith( select_children_toggle, apply_select_item_name );

        x  = CON_X( apply_select_item_name );
    int w  = CON_W( apply_select_item_name );
    int x2 = CON_X( item_scroll );
    int w2 = CON_W( item_scroll );

    int y2 = CON_HOTY( select_name_mode );
        y  = CON_HOTY( apply_select_item_name );
    int h  = CON_HOTH( apply_select_item_name );

    // Item Selection Info
    if( !( select_info_area = AREA_CTL( panel_funcs->orig_struct, main_panel,
                                        "", (x2+w2) - (x+w) - 20, (y+h) - y2 ) ) )
      throw false;

    PanelTools::PutOnLineWith( select_name_mode, select_info_area );

    // Event Handler Functions
    CON_SETEVENT( apply_select_item_name,  OnApplySelection,     this );
    CON_SETEVENT( select_item_mode,        OnSelectionMode,      this );
    CON_SETEVENT( select_toggle,           OnSelectionMode,      this );

    // Set the Draw Functions
    ival.intv.value = (int)&DrawSelectInfo;
    (*select_info_area->set)( select_info_area, CTL_USERDRAW, &ival );

    return true;
  } catch( bool ) {
    return false;

  return true;