文件: AS2.c 项目: thihaElec/my-git
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  AS2_ASerialLdd2_OnBlockSent (component AsynchroSerial)
**     Description :
**         This event is called after the last character from the output 
**         buffer is moved to the transmitter.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void ASerialLdd2_OnBlockSent(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr)
  word OnFlags = 0x00U;                /* Temporary variable for flags */

  (void)UserDataPtr;                   /* Parameter is not used, suppress unused argument warning */
  if ((SerFlag & RUNINT_FROM_TX) != 0U) { /* Is flag "running int from TX" set? */
    OnFlags |= ON_TX_CHAR;             /* Set flag "OnTxChar" */
  if (OutIndexR >= AS2_OUT_BUF_SIZE) { /* Is the index out of the transmit buffer? */
    OutIndexR = 0x00U;                 /* Set index on the first item into the transmit buffer */
  AS2_OutLen--;                        /* Decrease number of chars in the transmit buffer */
  if (AS2_OutLen != 0U) {              /* Is number of bytes in the transmit buffer greater then 0? */
    SerFlag |= RUNINT_FROM_TX;         /* Set flag "running int from TX"? */
    (void)ASerialLdd2_SendBlock(ASerialLdd2_DeviceDataPtr, (LDD_TData *)&OutBuffer[OutIndexR], 1U); /* Send one data byte */
  } else {
    SerFlag &= (byte)~(RUNINT_FROM_TX); /* Clear "running int from TX" and "full TX buff" flags */
    if (!(OnFreeTxBufSemaphore)) {     /* Is the OnFreeTXBuf flag blocked ?*/
      OnFlags |= ON_FREE_TX;           /* If not, set the OnFreeTxBuf flag */
  if ((OnFlags & ON_TX_CHAR) != 0x00U) { /* Is flag "OnTxChar" set? */
    AS2_OnTxChar();                    /* If yes then invoke user event */
  if ((OnFlags & ON_FREE_TX) != 0x00U) { /* Is flag "OnFreeTxBuf" set? */
    AS2_OnFreeTxBuf();                 /* If yes then invoke user event */
文件: AS2.c 项目: thihaElec/my-git
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  AS2_SendBlock (component AsynchroSerial)
**     Description :
**         Sends a block of characters to the channel.
**         This method is available only if non-zero length of the
**         output buffer is defined and the transmitter property is
**         enabled.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**       * Ptr             - Pointer to the block of data to send
**         Size            - Size of the block
**       * Snd             - Pointer to number of data that are sent
**                           (moved to buffer)
**     Returns     :
**         ---             - Error code, possible codes:
**                           ERR_OK - OK
**                           ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in
**                           the active speed mode
**                           ERR_TXFULL - It was not possible to send
**                           requested number of bytes
** ===================================================================
byte AS2_SendBlock(AS2_TComData *Ptr, word Size, word *Snd)
  word count = 0x00U;                  /* Number of sent chars */
  AS2_TComData *TmpPtr = Ptr;          /* Temporary output buffer pointer */
  bool tmpOnFreeTxBufSemaphore = OnFreeTxBufSemaphore; /* Local copy of OnFreeTxBufSemaphore state */

  while ((count < Size) && (AS2_OutLen < AS2_OUT_BUF_SIZE)) { /* While there is some char desired to send left and output buffer is not full do */
    EnterCritical();                   /* Enter the critical section */
    OnFreeTxBufSemaphore = TRUE;       /* Set the OnFreeTxBufSemaphore to block OnFreeTxBuf calling */
    AS2_OutLen++;                      /* Increase number of bytes in the transmit buffer */
    OutBuffer[OutIndexW++] = *TmpPtr++; /* Store char to buffer */
    if (OutIndexW >= AS2_OUT_BUF_SIZE) { /* Is the index out of the transmit buffer? */
      OutIndexW = 0x00U;               /* Set index to the first item in the transmit buffer */
    count++;                           /* Increase the count of sent data */
    if ((count == Size) || (AS2_OutLen == AS2_OUT_BUF_SIZE)) { /* Is the last desired char put into buffer or the buffer is full? */
      if (!tmpOnFreeTxBufSemaphore) {  /* Was the OnFreeTxBufSemaphore clear before enter the method? */
        OnFreeTxBufSemaphore = FALSE;  /* If yes then clear the OnFreeTxBufSemaphore */
    if ((SerFlag & RUNINT_FROM_TX) == 0U) {
      SerFlag |= RUNINT_FROM_TX;       /* Set flag "running int from TX"? */
      (void)ASerialLdd2_SendBlock(ASerialLdd2_DeviceDataPtr, (LDD_TData *)&OutBuffer[OutIndexR], 1U); /* Send one data byte */
    ExitCritical();                    /* Exit the critical section */
  *Snd = count;                        /* Return number of sent chars */
  if (count != Size) {                 /* Is the number of sent chars less then desired number of chars */
    return ERR_TXFULL;                 /* If yes then error */
  return ERR_OK;                       /* OK */
文件: Inhr1.c 项目: arulle/CC3501
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  Inhr1_SendChar (component AsynchroSerial)
**     Description :
**         Sends one character to the channel. If the component is
**         temporarily disabled (Disable method) SendChar method only
**         stores data into an output buffer. In case of a zero output
**         buffer size, only one character can be stored. Enabling the
**         component (Enable method) starts the transmission of the
**         stored data. This method is available only if the
**         transmitter property is enabled.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**         Chr             - Character to send
**     Returns     :
**         ---             - Error code, possible codes:
**                           ERR_OK - OK
**                           ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in
**                           the active speed mode
**                           ERR_TXFULL - Transmitter is full
** ===================================================================
byte Inhr1_SendChar(Inhr1_TComData Chr)
  Inhr1_TComData TmpChr = OutBuffer;   /* Save OutBuffer value */

  OutBuffer = Chr;                     /* Save character */
  if (ASerialLdd2_SendBlock(ASerialLdd2_DeviceDataPtr, (LDD_TData *)&OutBuffer, 1U) == ERR_BUSY) { /* Send one data byte */
    OutBuffer = TmpChr;                /* If is device busy, restore OutBuffer value */
    return ERR_TXFULL;
  return ERR_OK;                       /* OK */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  HWEnDi (component AsynchroSerial)
**     Description :
**         Enables or disables the peripheral(s) associated with the bean.
**         The method is called automatically as a part of the Enable and 
**         Disable methods and several internal methods.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
static void HWEnDi(void)
  if (EnUser) {                        /* Enable device? */
    (void)ASerialLdd2_Enable(ASerialLdd2_DeviceDataPtr); /* Enable device */
    (void)ASerialLdd2_ReceiveBlock(ASerialLdd2_DeviceDataPtr, &BufferRead, 1U); /* Receive one data byte */
    if ((COREUART_OutLen) != 0U) {     /* Is number of bytes in the transmit buffer greater then 0? */
      SerFlag |= RUNINT_FROM_TX;       /* Set flag "running int from TX"? */
      (void)ASerialLdd2_SendBlock(ASerialLdd2_DeviceDataPtr, (LDD_TData *)&OutBuffer[OutIndexR], 1U); /* Send one data byte */
  } else {
    (void)ASerialLdd2_Disable(ASerialLdd2_DeviceDataPtr); /* Disable device */
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  COREUART_ASerialLdd2_OnBlockSent (component AsynchroSerial)
**     Description :
**         This event is called after the last character from the output 
**         buffer is moved to the transmitter.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
void ASerialLdd2_OnBlockSent(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr)
  (void)UserDataPtr;                   /* Parameter is not used, suppress unused argument warning */
  if (OutIndexR >= COREUART_OUT_BUF_SIZE) { /* Is the index out of the transmit buffer? */
    OutIndexR = 0x00U;                 /* Set index on the first item into the transmit buffer */
  COREUART_OutLen--;                   /* Decrease number of chars in the transmit buffer */
  if (COREUART_OutLen != 0U) {         /* Is number of bytes in the transmit buffer greater then 0? */
    SerFlag |= RUNINT_FROM_TX;         /* Set flag "running int from TX"? */
    (void)ASerialLdd2_SendBlock(ASerialLdd2_DeviceDataPtr, (LDD_TData *)&OutBuffer[OutIndexR], 1U); /* Send one data byte */
  } else {
    SerFlag &= (byte)~(RUNINT_FROM_TX); /* Clear "running int from TX" and "full TX buff" flags */
文件: AS2.c 项目: thihaElec/my-git
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  AS2_SendChar (component AsynchroSerial)
**     Description :
**         Sends one character to the channel. If the component is
**         temporarily disabled (Disable method) SendChar method only
**         stores data into an output buffer. In case of a zero output
**         buffer size, only one character can be stored. Enabling the
**         component (Enable method) starts the transmission of the
**         stored data. This method is available only if the
**         transmitter property is enabled.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**         Chr             - Character to send
**     Returns     :
**         ---             - Error code, possible codes:
**                           ERR_OK - OK
**                           ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in
**                           the active speed mode
**                           ERR_TXFULL - Transmitter is full
** ===================================================================
byte AS2_SendChar(AS2_TComData Chr)
  if (AS2_OutLen == AS2_OUT_BUF_SIZE) { /* Is number of chars in buffer is the same as a size of the transmit buffer */
    return ERR_TXFULL;                 /* If yes then error */
  EnterCritical();                     /* Disable global interrupts */
  AS2_OutLen++;                        /* Increase number of bytes in the transmit buffer */
  OutBuffer[OutIndexW++] = Chr;        /* Store char to buffer */
  if (OutIndexW >= AS2_OUT_BUF_SIZE) { /* Is the pointer out of the transmit buffer */
    OutIndexW = 0x00U;                 /* Set index to first item in the transmit buffer */
  if ((SerFlag & RUNINT_FROM_TX) == 0U) {
    SerFlag |= RUNINT_FROM_TX;         /* Set flag "running int from TX"? */
    (void)ASerialLdd2_SendBlock(ASerialLdd2_DeviceDataPtr, (LDD_TData *)&OutBuffer[OutIndexR], 1U); /* Send one data byte */
  ExitCritical();                      /* Enable global interrupts */
  return ERR_OK;                       /* OK */