ATS_2d0_2e2_2e12_2libc_2SATS_2gmp_2esats__mpq_incby (ats_ref_type arg0, ats_ulint_type arg1, ats_ulint_type arg2) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp11) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp12) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp13) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp14) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp15) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp16) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp17) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp18) ;

tmp12 = atslib_mpq_numref (arg0) ;
tmp13 = ats_selsin_mac(tmp12, atslab_2) ;
tmp14 = atslib_mpq_denref (arg0) ;
tmp15 = ats_selsin_mac(tmp14, atslab_2) ;
/* tmp16 = */ atslib_mpz_mul2_ulint (tmp13, arg2) ;
/* tmp17 = */ atslib_mpz_addmul3_ulint (tmp13, tmp15, arg1) ;
/* tmp18 = */ atslib_mpz_mul2_ulint (tmp15, arg2) ;
/* tmp11 = */ atslib_mpq_canonicalize (arg0) ;
return /* (tmp11) */ ;
} /* end of [ATS_2d0_2e2_2e12_2libc_2SATS_2gmp_2esats__mpq_incby] */
ATS_2d0_2e2_2e12_2libc_2SATS_2gmp_2esats__mpq_decby (ats_ref_type arg0, ats_ulint_type arg1, ats_ulint_type arg2) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp19) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp20) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp21) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp22) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp23) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp24) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp25) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp26) ;

tmp20 = atslib_mpq_numref (arg0) ;
tmp21 = ats_selsin_mac(tmp20, atslab_2) ;
tmp22 = atslib_mpq_denref (arg0) ;
tmp23 = ats_selsin_mac(tmp22, atslab_2) ;
/* tmp24 = */ atslib_mpz_mul2_ulint (tmp21, arg2) ;
/* tmp25 = */ atslib_mpz_submul3_ulint (tmp21, tmp23, arg1) ;
/* tmp26 = */ atslib_mpz_mul2_ulint (tmp23, arg2) ;
/* tmp19 = */ atslib_mpq_canonicalize (arg0) ;
return /* (tmp19) */ ;
} /* end of [ATS_2d0_2e2_2e12_2libc_2SATS_2gmp_2esats__mpq_decby] */
atslib_randint_r (ats_ref_type arg0, ats_int_type arg1, ats_ref_type arg2) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp51) ;
ATSlocal (ats_double_type, tmp52) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp53) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp54) ;
ATSlocal (ats_double_type, tmp55) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp56) ;

/* ats_double_type tmp52 ; */
tmp53 = atslib_drand48_r (arg0, (&tmp52)) ;
tmp55 = atspre_mul_double_int (tmp52, arg1) ;
tmp54 = atspre_int_of_double (tmp55) ;
tmp56 = atspre_ilt (ats_castfn_mac(ats_int_type, tmp54), arg1) ;
if (tmp56) {
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg2) = ats_castfn_mac(ats_int_type, tmp54) ;
} else {
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg2) = 0 ;
} /* end of [if] */
return /* (tmp51) */ ;
} /* end of [atslib_randint_r] */
loop_5 (ats_int_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1, ats_int_type arg2) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp25) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp26) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp27) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp28) ;

tmp26 = atspre_ilt (arg2, arg0) ;
if (tmp26) {
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg1) = arg2 ;
tmp27 = atspre_padd_size (arg1, sizeof(ats_int_type)) ;
tmp28 = atspre_iadd (arg2, 1) ;
arg0 = arg0 ;
arg1 = tmp27 ;
arg2 = tmp28 ;
goto __ats_lab_loop_5 ; // tail call
} else {
/* empty */
} /* end of [if] */
return /* (tmp25) */ ;
} /* end of [loop_5] */
atslib_fork_exn () {
/* local vardec */
ATSlocal (ats_pid_type, tmp0) ;
ATSlocal (ats_pid_type, tmp1) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp2) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp3) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp4) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp5) ;

tmp1 = atslib_fork_err () ;
tmp2 = atspre_lt_int_int (ats_castfn_mac(ats_int_type, tmp1), 0) ;
if (tmp2) {
tmp4 = atslib_errno_get () ;
/* tmp5 = */ atslib_perror (ATSstrcst("fork")) ;
/* tmp3 = */ ats_exit_errmsg (ats_castfn_mac(ats_int_type, tmp4), ATSstrcst("exit(ATS): [fork] failed.\n")) ;
} else {
/* empty */
} /* end of [if] */
tmp0 = tmp1 ;
return (tmp0) ;
} /* end of [atslib_fork_exn] */
aux_2 (ats_ptr_type arg0, ats_int_type arg1, ats_ptr_type arg2) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp9) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp10) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp11) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp12) ;

tmp10 = atspre_igt (arg1, 0) ;
if (tmp10) {
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg0) = arg2 ;
tmp11 = atspre_padd_size (arg0, sizeof(ats_ptr_type)) ;
tmp12 = atspre_isub (arg1, 1) ;
arg0 = tmp11 ;
arg1 = tmp12 ;
arg2 = arg2 ;
goto __ats_lab_aux_2 ; // tail call
} else {
/* empty */
} /* end of [if] */
return /* (tmp9) */ ;
} /* end of [aux_2] */
loop_4 (ats_ptr_type arg0) {
/* local vardec */
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp10) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp11) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp12) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp13) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp14) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp15) ;

do {
/* branch: __ats_lab_2 */
if (arg0 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { goto __ats_lab_6_0 ; }
tmp11 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_1, arg0, atslab_0) ;
tmp12 = &ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_1, arg0, atslab_1) ;
do {
/* branch: __ats_lab_3 */
if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)tmp11)->tag != 0) { goto __ats_lab_4_0 ; }
tmp13 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_3, tmp11, atslab_0) ;
tmp10 = ATS_MALLOC(sizeof(anairiats_sum_2)) ;
ats_selptrset_mac(anairiats_sum_2, tmp10, atslab_0, tmp13) ;
break ;

/* branch: __ats_lab_4 */
if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)tmp11)->tag != 1) { goto __ats_lab_5_0 ; }
tmp14 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp12) ;
arg0 = tmp14 ;
goto __ats_lab_loop_4 ; // tail call
break ;

/* branch: __ats_lab_5 */
// if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)tmp11)->tag != 2) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
tmp15 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp12) ;
arg0 = tmp15 ;
goto __ats_lab_loop_4 ; // tail call
break ;
} while (0) ;
break ;

/* branch: __ats_lab_6 */
// if (arg0 != (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
tmp10 = (ats_sum_ptr_type)0 ;
break ;
} while (0) ;
return (tmp10) ;
} /* end of [loop_4] */
_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_namespace_2esats__the_namespace_restore () {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp73) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp74) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp75) ;
ATSlocal (anairiats_rec_2, tmp76) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp77) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp78) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp79) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp80) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp81) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp82) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp83) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp84) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp85) ;

tmp74 = ats_selsin_mac(ats_castfn_mac(ats_ptr_type, statmp14), atslab_1) ;
tmp75 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp74) ;
if (tmp75 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_caseof_failure_handle ("/home/hwxi/research/Postiats/git/src/pats_namespace.dats: 5697(line=242, offs=7) -- 5723(line=242, offs=33)") ; }
tmp76 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_3, tmp75, atslab_0) ;
tmp77 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_3, tmp75, atslab_1) ;
ATS_FREE(tmp75) ;
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp74) = tmp77 ;
tmp78 = ats_selsin_mac(ats_castfn_mac(ats_ptr_type, statmp8), atslab_1) ;
tmp80 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp78) ;
/* tmp79 = */ fenvlst_vt_free_0 (tmp80) ;
tmp81 = ats_select_mac(tmp76, atslab_0) ;
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp78) = tmp81 ;
tmp82 = ats_selsin_mac(ats_castfn_mac(ats_ptr_type, statmp12), atslab_1) ;
tmp84 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp82) ;
/* tmp83 = */ fenvlstlst_vt_free_3 (tmp84) ;
tmp85 = ats_select_mac(tmp76, atslab_1) ;
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp82) = tmp85 ;
return /* (tmp73) */ ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_namespace_2esats__the_namespace_restore] */
gcats1_top_loop_1 (ats_ref_type arg0, ats_int_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp6) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp7) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp8) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp9) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp10) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp11) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp12) ;

#line 210 "gcats1_top.dats"
tmp8 = atspre_iadd (11, 1) ;
#line 210 "gcats1_top.dats"
tmp7 = atspre_ilt (arg1, tmp8) ;
#line 210 "gcats1_top.dats"
if (tmp7) {
#line 211 "gcats1_top.dats"
tmp9 = the_freeitmlst_array_get (arg1) ;
#line 212 "gcats1_top.dats"
tmp10 = freeitmlst_length (tmp9) ;
#line 213 "gcats1_top.dats"
/* tmp11 = */ atspre_fprintf_exn (arg0, ATSstrcst("freeitmlst(%i):\t%i\n"), arg1, tmp10) ;
#line 216 "gcats1_top.dats"
tmp12 = atspre_iadd (arg1, 1) ;
#line 216 "gcats1_top.dats"
arg0 = arg0 ;
#line 216 "gcats1_top.dats"
arg1 = tmp12 ;
#line 216 "gcats1_top.dats"
goto __ats_lab_gcats1_top_loop_1 ; // tail call
} else {
/* empty */
} /* end of [if] */
return /* (tmp6) */ ;
} /* end of [gcats1_top_loop_1] */
_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint2_location (ats_ptr_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp74) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp75) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp76) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp77) ;

tmp75 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_filename) ;
/* tmp76 = */ _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_filename_2esats__fprint2_filename_full (arg0, tmp75) ;
/* tmp77 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(": ")) ;
/* tmp74 = */ _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_locrange (arg0, arg1) ;
return /* (tmp74) */ ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint2_location] */
avltree_height_067_ats_int_type (ats_ptr_type arg0) {
/* local vardec */
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp69) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp70) ;

do {
/* branch: __ats_lab_7 */
if (arg0 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { goto __ats_lab_8_0 ; }
tmp70 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_0, arg0, atslab_0) ;
tmp69 = tmp70 ;
break ;

/* branch: __ats_lab_8 */
tmp69 = 0 ;
break ;
} while (0) ;
return (tmp69) ;
} /* end of [avltree_height_067_ats_int_type] */
f_1 (ats_ptr_type arg0, ats_ref_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp1) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp2) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp3) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp4) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp5) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp6) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp7) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp8) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp9) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp10) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp11) ;

/* ats_ptr_type tmp2 ; */
tmp3 = ATS_MALLOC(sizeof(anairiats_sum_0)) ;
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg1) = tmp3 ;
// if (ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg1) == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
tmp4 = &ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_0, ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg1), atslab_0) ;
tmp5 = &ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_0, ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg1), atslab_1) ;
tmp6 = atslib_readdir_r (arg0, tmp4, (&tmp2)) ;
tmp8 = atspre_neq_int_int (tmp6, 0) ;
if (tmp8) {
tmp7 = ats_true_bool ;
} else {
tmp7 = atspre_peq (tmp2, atspre_null_ptr) ;
} /* end of [if] */
if (tmp7) {
/* tmp9 = */ atslib_closedir_exn (arg0) ;
ATS_FREE(ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg1)) ;
tmp10 = (ats_sum_ptr_type)0 ;
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg1) = tmp10 ;
} else {
tmp11 = ATS_2d0_2e2_2e10_2libc_2SATS_2dirent_2esats__dirent_stream_vt_make_DIR (arg0) ;
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp5) = tmp11 ;
} /* end of [if] */
return /* (tmp1) */ ;
} /* end of [f_1] */
symmaplst_search_1 (ats_ptr_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp4) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp5) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp6) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp7) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp8) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp9) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp10) ;

do {
/* branch: __ats_lab_2 */
if (arg0 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { goto __ats_lab_5_0 ; }
tmp5 = &ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_1, arg0, atslab_0) ;
tmp6 = &ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_1, arg0, atslab_1) ;
tmp8 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp5) ;
tmp7 = _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_symmap_2esats__symmap_search (tmp8, arg1) ;
do {
/* branch: __ats_lab_3 */
if (tmp7 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { goto __ats_lab_4_0 ; }
tmp4 = tmp7 ;
break ;

/* branch: __ats_lab_4 */
// if (tmp7 != (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
tmp10 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp6) ;
tmp9 = symmaplst_search_1 (tmp10, arg1) ;
tmp4 = tmp9 ;
break ;
} while (0) ;
break ;

/* branch: __ats_lab_5 */
// if (arg0 != (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
tmp4 = (ats_sum_ptr_type)0 ;
break ;
} while (0) ;
return (tmp4) ;
} /* end of [symmaplst_search_1] */
markstack_pop (ats_ref_type arg0, ats_ref_type arg1, ats_ref_type arg2, ats_ref_type arg3) {
/* local vardec */
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp5) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp6) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp7) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp8) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp9) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp10) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp11) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp12) ;

#line 68 "gcats1_marking.dats"
tmp6 = atspre_isub (ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg1), 1) ;
#line 70 "gcats1_marking.dats"
tmp7 = atspre_igte (tmp6, 0) ;
#line 70 "gcats1_marking.dats"
if (tmp7) {
#line 71 "gcats1_marking.dats"
/* tmp8 = */ markstackpagelst_entry_get (ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg0), tmp6, arg2, arg3) ;
#line 73 "gcats1_marking.dats"
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg1) = tmp6 ;
#line 73 "gcats1_marking.dats"
tmp5 = 0 ;
} else {
#line 75 "gcats1_marking.dats"
tmp9 = markstackpagelst_prev_get (ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg0)) ;
#line 77 "gcats1_marking.dats"
tmp10 = markstackpagelst_is_cons (tmp9) ;
#line 77 "gcats1_marking.dats"
if (tmp10) {
#line 78 "gcats1_marking.dats"
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg0) = tmp9 ;
#line 79 "gcats1_marking.dats"
tmp11 = atspre_isub (4000, 1) ;
#line 80 "gcats1_marking.dats"
/* tmp12 = */ markstackpagelst_entry_get (ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg0), tmp11, arg2, arg3) ;
#line 82 "gcats1_marking.dats"
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg1) = tmp11 ;
#line 82 "gcats1_marking.dats"
tmp5 = 0 ;
} else {
#line 84 "gcats1_marking.dats"
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, arg2) = atspre_null_ptr ;
#line 84 "gcats1_marking.dats"
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_int_type, arg3) = 0 ;
#line 84 "gcats1_marking.dats"
tmp5 = 1 ;
} /* end of [if] */
} /* end of [if] */
return (tmp5) ;
} /* end of [markstack_pop] */
_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_trans3_env_2esats__the_s2varbindmap_pop () {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp13) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp14) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp15) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp16) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp17) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp18) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp19) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp20) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp21) ;

tmp14 = ats_selsin_mac(ats_castfn_mac(ats_ptr_type, statmp7), atslab_1) ;
tmp16 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp14) ;
do {
/* branch: __ats_lab_2 */
if (tmp16 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { goto __ats_lab_3_0 ; }
tmp17 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_1, tmp16, atslab_0) ;
tmp18 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_1, tmp16, atslab_1) ;
ATS_FREE(tmp16) ;
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp14) = tmp18 ;
tmp15 = tmp17 ;
break ;

/* branch: __ats_lab_3 */
// if (tmp16 != (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
tmp15 = (ats_sum_ptr_type)0 ;
break ;
} while (0) ;
tmp19 = ats_selsin_mac(ats_castfn_mac(ats_ptr_type, statmp5), atslab_1) ;
tmp20 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp19) ;
ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp19) = tmp15 ;
tmp21 = ats_selsin_mac(ats_castfn_mac(ats_ptr_type, statmp0), atslab_1) ;
/* tmp13 = */ auxrmv_2 (tmp21, tmp20) ;
return /* (tmp13) */ ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_trans3_env_2esats__the_s2varbindmap_pop] */
_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_trans3_env_2esats__the_s2cstbindlst_pop () {
    /* local vardec */
    ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp34) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp35) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp36) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp37) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp38) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp39) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp40) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp41) ;

    tmp35 = ats_selsin_mac(ats_castfn_mac(ats_ptr_type, statmp6), atslab_1) ;
    tmp37 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp35) ;
    do {
        /* branch: __ats_lab_2 */
        if (tmp37 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) {
            goto __ats_lab_3_0 ;
        tmp38 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_1, tmp37, atslab_0) ;
        tmp39 = ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_1, tmp37, atslab_1) ;
        ATS_FREE(tmp37) ;
        ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp35) = tmp39 ;
        tmp36 = tmp38 ;
        break ;

        /* branch: __ats_lab_3 */
// if (tmp37 != (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
        tmp36 = (ats_sum_ptr_type)0 ;
        break ;
    } while (0) ;
    tmp40 = ats_selsin_mac(ats_castfn_mac(ats_ptr_type, statmp1), atslab_1) ;
    tmp41 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp40) ;
    ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp40) = tmp36 ;
    tmp34 = tmp41 ;
    return (tmp34) ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_trans3_env_2esats__the_s2cstbindlst_pop] */
_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_char (ats_ref_type arg0, ats_int_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp16) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp17) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp18) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp19) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp20) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp21) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp22) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp23) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp24) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp25) ;

tmp17 = atspre_gte_int_int (arg1, 0) ;
if (tmp17) {
tmp19 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ntot) ;
tmp18 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp19, 1L) ;
ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ntot) = tmp18 ;
tmp21 = atspre_int_of_char ('\n') ;
tmp20 = atspre_eq_int_int (arg1, tmp21) ;
if (tmp20) {
tmp23 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), nrow) ;
tmp22 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp23, 1) ;
ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), nrow) = tmp22 ;
ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) = 0 ;
} else {
tmp25 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) ;
tmp24 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp25, 1) ;
ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) = tmp24 ;
} /* end of [if] */
} else {
/* empty */
} /* end of [if] */
return /* (tmp16) */ ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_char] */
_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__valkind2caskind (ats_ptr_type arg0) {
    /* local vardec */
    ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp40) ;

    do {
        /* branch: __ats_lab_28 */
        if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 0) {
            goto __ats_lab_29_0 ;
        tmp40 = (ats_sum_ptr_type)(&_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__CK_case_0) ;
        break ;

        /* branch: __ats_lab_29 */
        if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 3) {
            goto __ats_lab_30_0 ;
        tmp40 = (ats_sum_ptr_type)(&_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__CK_case_pos_1) ;
        break ;

        /* branch: __ats_lab_30 */
        if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 1) {
            goto __ats_lab_31_0 ;
        tmp40 = (ats_sum_ptr_type)(&_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__CK_case_pos_1) ;
        break ;

        /* branch: __ats_lab_31 */
// if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 2) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
        tmp40 = (ats_sum_ptr_type)(&_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__CK_case_neg_2) ;
        break ;
    } while (0) ;
    return (tmp40) ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__valkind2caskind] */
_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__dcstkind_is_proof (ats_ptr_type arg0) {
    /* local vardec */
    ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp45) ;

    do {
        /* branch: __ats_lab_40 */
        if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 2) {
            goto __ats_lab_41_0 ;
        tmp45 = ats_true_bool ;
        break ;

        /* branch: __ats_lab_41 */
        if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 3) {
            goto __ats_lab_42_0 ;
        tmp45 = ats_true_bool ;
        break ;

        /* branch: __ats_lab_42 */
        if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 4) {
            goto __ats_lab_43_0 ;
        tmp45 = ats_true_bool ;
        break ;

        /* branch: __ats_lab_43 */
        tmp45 = ats_false_bool ;
        break ;
    } while (0) ;
    return (tmp45) ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__dcstkind_is_proof] */
_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__funkind_is_proof (ats_ptr_type arg0) {
    /* local vardec */
    ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp34) ;

    do {
        /* branch: __ats_lab_3 */
        if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 3) {
            goto __ats_lab_4_0 ;
        tmp34 = ats_true_bool ;
        break ;

        /* branch: __ats_lab_4 */
        if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 4) {
            goto __ats_lab_5_0 ;
        tmp34 = ats_true_bool ;
        break ;

        /* branch: __ats_lab_5 */
        if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 5) {
            goto __ats_lab_6_0 ;
        tmp34 = ats_true_bool ;
        break ;

        /* branch: __ats_lab_6 */
        tmp34 = ats_false_bool ;
        break ;
    } while (0) ;
    return (tmp34) ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__funkind_is_proof] */
_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__parse_from_tokbuf_toplevel (ats_int_type arg0, ats_ref_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp8) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp9) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp10) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp11) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp12) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp13) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp14) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp15) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp16) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp17) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp18) ;

/* ats_int_type tmp9 ; */
tmp9 = 0 ;
/* tmp10 = */ _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_lexing_2esats__the_lexerrlst_clear () ;
/* tmp11 = */ _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__the_parerrlst_clear () ;
tmp13 = atspre_eq_int_int (arg0, 0) ;
if (tmp13) {
tmp12 = _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__p_toplevel_sta (arg1, (&tmp9)) ;
} else {
tmp12 = _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__p_toplevel_dyn (arg1, (&tmp9)) ;
} /* end of [if] */
tmp14 = _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_lexing_2esats__fprint_the_lexerrlst (stderr) ;
tmp15 = _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__fprint_the_parerrlst (stderr) ;
tmp18 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp14, tmp15) ;
tmp17 = atspre_gt_int_int (tmp18, 0) ;
if (tmp17) {
/* tmp16 = */ _2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_error_2esats__abort () ;
} else {
/* empty */
} /* end of [if] */
tmp8 = tmp12 ;
return (tmp8) ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_parsing_2esats__parse_from_tokbuf_toplevel] */
loop_err_12 (ats_ptr_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp19) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp20) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp23) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp24) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp25) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp26) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp27) ;

tmp23 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg0), atslab_e0fftag_loc) ;
/* tmp20 = */ prerr_error1_loc_01893_ (tmp23) ;
/* tmp24 = */ atspre_prerr_string (ATSstrcst(": unrecognized effect constant: [")) ;
/* tmp25 = */ atspre_prerr_string (arg1) ;
/* tmp26 = */ atspre_prerr_string (ATSstrcst("]")) ;
/* tmp27 = */ atspre_prerr_newline () ;
/* tmp19 = */ _2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_error_2esats__abort_interr () ;
return /* (tmp19) */ ;
} /* end of [loop_err_12] */
_2opt_2ats_2d0_2e2_2e9_2src_2ats_symtbl_2esats__symtbl_search (ats_ptr_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp23) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ulint_type, tmp24) ;
ATSlocal (ats_uint_type, tmp25) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp26) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp27) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp28) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp29) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp30) ;

tmp24 = atspre_string_hash_33 (arg1) ;
tmp25 = atspre_uint_of_ulint (tmp24) ;
tmp26 = ats_selsin_mac(arg0, atslab_1) ;
tmp28 = ats_selptr_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, tmp26), atslab_size) ;
tmp27 = atspre_uimod (ats_castfn_mac(ats_uint_type, tmp25), tmp28) ;
tmp29 = ats_selptr_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, tmp26), atslab_ptr) ;
tmp30 = ats_selptr_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, tmp26), atslab_size) ;
tmp23 = symtbl_search_probe_3 (tmp29, tmp30, tmp27, arg1) ;
return (tmp23) ;
} /* end of [_2opt_2ats_2d0_2e2_2e9_2src_2ats_symtbl_2esats__symtbl_search] */
foreach_23 (ats_ptr_type arg0, ats_ref_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp156) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp157) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp158) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp159) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp160) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp161) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp162) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp163) ;
ATSlocal (ats_uint_type, tmp164) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ptr_type, tmp165) ;

do {
/* branch: __ats_lab_15 */
if (arg0 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { goto __ats_lab_16_0 ; }
tmp157 = &ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_0, arg0, atslab_1) ;
tmp158 = &ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_0, arg0, atslab_2) ;
tmp159 = &ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_0, arg0, atslab_3) ;
tmp160 = &ats_caselptrlab_mac(anairiats_sum_0, arg0, atslab_4) ;
tmp162 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp159) ;
/* tmp161 = */ foreach_23 (tmp162, arg1) ;
tmp164 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_uint_type, tmp157) ;
/* tmp163 = */ ((ats_void_type(*)(ats_clo_ptr_type, ats_uint_type, ats_ref_type))(ats_closure_fun(arg1))) (arg1, tmp164, tmp158) ;
tmp165 = ats_ptrget_mac(ats_ptr_type, tmp160) ;
arg0 = tmp165 ;
arg1 = arg1 ;
goto __ats_lab_foreach_23 ; // tail call
break ;

/* branch: __ats_lab_16 */
// if (arg0 != (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
break ;
} while (0) ;
return /* (tmp156) */ ;
} /* end of [foreach_23] */
_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__lte_impkind_impkind (ats_int_type arg0, ats_int_type arg1) {
    /* local vardec */
    ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp26) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp27) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_uint_type, tmp28) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_uint_type, tmp29) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_uint_type, tmp30) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_uint_type, tmp31) ;
    ATSlocal (ats_uint_type, tmp32) ;

    tmp27 = atspre_asl_int_int1 (3, 3) ;
    tmp28 = atspre_lnot_uint (ats_castfn_mac(ats_uint_type, tmp27)) ;
    tmp29 = atspre_land_uint_uint (ats_castfn_mac(ats_uint_type, arg0), tmp28) ;
    tmp30 = atspre_land_uint_uint (ats_castfn_mac(ats_uint_type, arg1), tmp28) ;
    tmp32 = atspre_lnot_uint (tmp30) ;
    tmp31 = atspre_land_uint_uint (tmp29, tmp32) ;
    tmp26 = atspre_eq_uint_uint (tmp31, 0u) ;
    return (tmp26) ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__lte_impkind_impkind] */
ATS_2d0_2e2_2e12_2prelude_2SATS_2option_2esats__option_is_some (ats_ptr_type arg0) {
/* local vardec */
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp1) ;

do {
/* branch: __ats_lab_2 */
if (arg0 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { goto __ats_lab_3_0 ; }
tmp1 = ats_true_bool ;
break ;

/* branch: __ats_lab_3 */
// if (arg0 != (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
tmp1 = ats_false_bool ;
break ;
} while (0) ;
return (tmp1) ;
} /* end of [ATS_2d0_2e2_2e12_2prelude_2SATS_2option_2esats__option_is_some] */
linset_isnot_empty_01774_ (ats_ptr_type arg0) {
/* local vardec */
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp42) ;

do {
/* branch: __ats_lab_2 */
if (arg0 == (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { goto __ats_lab_3_0 ; }
tmp42 = ats_true_bool ;
break ;

/* branch: __ats_lab_3 */
// if (arg0 != (ats_sum_ptr_type)0) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
tmp42 = ats_false_bool ;
break ;
} while (0) ;
return (tmp42) ;
} /* end of [linset_isnot_empty_01774_] */
_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_label_2esats__label_is_sym (ats_ptr_type arg0) {
/* local vardec */
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp7) ;

do {
/* branch: __ats_lab_4 */
if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 0) { goto __ats_lab_5_0 ; }
tmp7 = ats_false_bool ;
break ;

/* branch: __ats_lab_5 */
// if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 1) { ats_deadcode_failure_handle () ; }
tmp7 = ats_true_bool ;
break ;
} while (0) ;
return (tmp7) ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_label_2esats__label_is_sym] */
atslib_fildes_write_all_exn (ats_int_type arg0, ats_ref_type arg1, ats_size_type arg2) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp49) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp50) ;
ATSlocal (ats_ssize_type, tmp51) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp53) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp54) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp55) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp56) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp57) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp58) ;

/* ats_int_type tmp50 ; */
tmp50 = 0 ;
tmp51 = atslib_fildes_write_all_err (arg0, arg1, arg2) ;
tmp53 = atspre_gte_ssize1_int1 (tmp51, 0) ;
if (tmp53) {
tmp54 = atspre_lt_size1_size1 (ats_castfn_mac(ats_size_type, tmp51), arg2) ;
if (tmp54) {
tmp55 = atspre_iadd (tmp50, 1) ;
tmp50 = tmp55 ;
} else {
/* empty */
} /* end of [if] */
} else {
tmp56 = atspre_iadd (tmp50, 1) ;
tmp50 = tmp56 ;
} /* end of [if] */
tmp57 = atspre_gt_int_int (tmp50, 0) ;
if (tmp57) {
/* tmp58 = */ atslib_perror (ATSstrcst("write")) ;
/* tmp49 = */ ats_exit_errmsg (EXIT_FAILURE, ATSstrcst("exit(ATS): [write_all]: failed\n")) ;
} else {
/* empty */
} /* end of [if] */
return /* (tmp49) */ ;
} /* end of [atslib_fildes_write_all_exn] */
_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__dcstkind_is_castfn (ats_ptr_type arg0) {
    /* local vardec */
    ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp46) ;

    do {
        /* branch: __ats_lab_44 */
        if (((ats_sum_ptr_type)arg0)->tag != 5) {
            goto __ats_lab_45_0 ;
        tmp46 = ats_true_bool ;
        break ;

        /* branch: __ats_lab_45 */
        tmp46 = ats_false_bool ;
        break ;
    } while (0) ;
    return (tmp46) ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2Research_2ATS_2dPostiats_2src_2pats_basics_2esats__dcstkind_is_castfn] */