文件: clnt_dg.c 项目: hkoehler/ntirpc
static enum clnt_stat
clnt_dg_call(CLIENT *clnt,	/* client handle */
	     AUTH *auth,	/* auth handle */
	     rpcproc_t proc,	/* procedure number */
	     xdrproc_t xargs,	/* xdr routine for args */
	     void *argsp,	/* pointer to args */
	     xdrproc_t xresults,	/* xdr routine for results */
	     void *resultsp,	/* pointer to results */
	     struct timeval utimeout
	     /* seconds to wait before giving up */)
	struct cu_data *cu = CU_DATA((struct cx_data *)clnt->cl_p1);
	XDR *xdrs;
	size_t outlen = 0;
	struct rpc_msg reply_msg;
	XDR reply_xdrs;
	bool ok;
	int nrefreshes = 2;	/* number of times to refresh cred */
	struct timeval timeout;
	struct pollfd fd;
	int total_time, nextsend_time, tv = 0;
	struct sockaddr *sa;
	socklen_t __attribute__ ((unused)) inlen, salen;
	ssize_t recvlen = 0;
	u_int32_t xid, inval, outval;
	bool slocked = false;
	bool rlocked = false;
	bool once = true;

	outlen = 0;
	slocked = true;
	if (cu->cu_total.tv_usec == -1)
		timeout = utimeout;	/* use supplied timeout */
		timeout = cu->cu_total;	/* use default timeout */
	total_time = timeout.tv_sec * 1000 + timeout.tv_usec / 1000;
	nextsend_time = cu->cu_wait.tv_sec * 1000 + cu->cu_wait.tv_usec / 1000;

	if (cu->cu_connect && !cu->cu_connected) {
		if (connect
		    (cu->cu_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&cu->cu_raddr,
		     cu->cu_rlen) < 0) {
			cu->cu_error.re_errno = errno;
			cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND;
			goto out;
		cu->cu_connected = 1;
	if (cu->cu_connected) {
		sa = NULL;
		salen = 0;
	} else {
		sa = (struct sockaddr *)&cu->cu_raddr;
		salen = cu->cu_rlen;

	/* Clean up in case the last call ended in a longjmp(3) call. */
	if (!slocked) {
		slocked = true;
	xdrs = &(cu->cu_outxdrs);
	if (cu->cu_async == true && xargs == NULL)
		goto get_reply;
	xdrs->x_op = XDR_ENCODE;
	XDR_SETPOS(xdrs, cu->cu_xdrpos);
	 * the transaction is the first thing in the out buffer
	 * XXX Yes, and it's in network byte order, so we should to
	 * be careful when we increment it, shouldn't we.
	xid = ntohl(*(u_int32_t *) (void *)(cu->cu_outbuf));
	*(u_int32_t *) (void *)(cu->cu_outbuf) = htonl(xid);

	if ((!XDR_PUTINT32(xdrs, (int32_t *) &proc))
	    || (!AUTH_MARSHALL(auth, xdrs))
	    || (!AUTH_WRAP(auth, xdrs, xargs, argsp))) {
		cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS;
		goto out;
	outlen = (size_t) XDR_GETPOS(xdrs);

	nextsend_time = cu->cu_wait.tv_sec * 1000 + cu->cu_wait.tv_usec / 1000;
	if (sendto(cu->cu_fd, cu->cu_outbuf, outlen, 0, sa, salen) != outlen) {
		cu->cu_error.re_errno = errno;
		cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND;
		goto out;

	 * sub-optimal code appears here because we have
	 * some clock time to spare while the packets are in flight.
	 * (We assume that this is actually only executed once.)
	slocked = false;

	rlocked = true;

	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = _null_auth;
	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where = NULL;
	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = (xdrproc_t) xdr_void;

	fd.fd = cu->cu_fd;
	fd.events = POLLIN;
	fd.revents = 0;
	while ((total_time > 0) || once) {
		tv = total_time < nextsend_time ? total_time : nextsend_time;
		once = false;
		switch (poll(&fd, 1, tv)) {
		case 0:
			total_time -= tv;
			rlocked = false;
			if (total_time <= 0) {
				cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_TIMEDOUT;
				goto out;
			goto send_again;
		case -1:
			if (errno == EINTR)
			cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTRECV;
			cu->cu_error.re_errno = errno;
			goto out;
	if (fd.revents & POLLERR) {
		struct msghdr msg;
		struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
		struct sock_extended_err *e;
		struct sockaddr_in err_addr;
		struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&cu->cu_raddr;
		struct iovec iov;
		char *cbuf = (char *)alloca(outlen + 256);
		int ret;

		iov.iov_base = cbuf + 256;
		iov.iov_len = outlen;
		msg.msg_name = (void *)&err_addr;
		msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(err_addr);
		msg.msg_iov = &iov;
		msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
		msg.msg_flags = 0;
		msg.msg_control = cbuf;
		msg.msg_controllen = 256;
		ret = recvmsg(cu->cu_fd, &msg, MSG_ERRQUEUE);
		if (ret >= 0 && memcmp(cbuf + 256, cu->cu_outbuf, ret) == 0
		    && (msg.msg_flags & MSG_ERRQUEUE)
		    && ((msg.msg_namelen == 0 && ret >= 12)
			|| (msg.msg_namelen == sizeof(err_addr)
			    && err_addr.sin_family == AF_INET
			    && memcmp(&err_addr.sin_addr, &sin->sin_addr,
				      sizeof(err_addr.sin_addr)) == 0
			    && err_addr.sin_port == sin->sin_port)))
			for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsg;
			     cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsg))
				if ((cmsg->cmsg_level == SOL_IP)
				    && (cmsg->cmsg_type == IP_RECVERR)) {
					e = (struct sock_extended_err *)
					cu->cu_error.re_errno = e->ee_errno;
					cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTRECV;

	/* We have some data now */
	do {
		recvlen =
		    recvfrom(cu->cu_fd, cu->cu_inbuf, cu->cu_recvsz, 0, NULL,
	} while (recvlen < 0 && errno == EINTR);
	if (recvlen < 0 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
		cu->cu_error.re_errno = errno;
		cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTRECV;
		goto out;

	if (recvlen < sizeof(u_int32_t)) {
		total_time -= tv;
		rlocked = false;
		goto send_again;

	if (cu->cu_async == true)
		inlen = (socklen_t) recvlen;
	else {
		memcpy(&inval, cu->cu_inbuf, sizeof(u_int32_t));
		memcpy(&outval, cu->cu_outbuf, sizeof(u_int32_t));
		if (inval != outval) {
			total_time -= tv;
			rlocked = false;
			goto send_again;
		inlen = (socklen_t) recvlen;

	 * now decode and validate the response

	xdrmem_create(&reply_xdrs, cu->cu_inbuf, (u_int) recvlen, XDR_DECODE);
	ok = xdr_replymsg(&reply_xdrs, &reply_msg);
	/* XDR_DESTROY(&reply_xdrs); save a few cycles on noop destroy */
	if (ok) {
		if ((reply_msg.rm_reply.rp_stat == MSG_ACCEPTED)
		    && (reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_stat == SUCCESS))
			cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_SUCCESS;
			_seterr_reply(&reply_msg, &(cu->cu_error));

		if (cu->cu_error.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS) {
			    (auth, &reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf)) {
				cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_AUTHERROR;
				cu->cu_error.re_why = AUTH_INVALIDRESP;
			} else
			    if (!AUTH_UNWRAP
				(auth, &reply_xdrs, xresults, resultsp)) {
				if (cu->cu_error.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS)
					cu->cu_error.re_status =
			if (reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf.oa_base != NULL) {
				xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE;
		/* end successful completion */
		 * If unsuccesful AND error is an authentication error
		 * then refresh credentials and try again, else break
		else if (cu->cu_error.re_status == RPC_AUTHERROR)
			/* maybe our credentials need to be refreshed ... */
			if (nrefreshes > 0 && AUTH_REFRESH(auth, &reply_msg)) {
				rlocked = false;
				goto call_again;
		/* end of unsuccessful completion */
	} /* end of valid reply message */
		cu->cu_error.re_status = RPC_CANTDECODERES;

	if (slocked)
	if (rlocked)

	return (cu->cu_error.re_status);
static enum clnt_stat
clnt_rdma_kcallit(CLIENT *h, rpcproc_t procnum, xdrproc_t xdr_args,
    caddr_t argsp, xdrproc_t xdr_results, caddr_t resultsp,
    struct timeval wait)
	cku_private_t *p = htop(h);

	int 	try_call_again;
	int	refresh_attempt = AUTH_REFRESH_COUNT;
	int 	status;
	int 	msglen;

	XDR	*call_xdrp, callxdr; /* for xdrrdma encoding the RPC call */
	XDR	*reply_xdrp, replyxdr; /* for xdrrdma decoding the RPC reply */
	XDR 	*rdmahdr_o_xdrs, *rdmahdr_i_xdrs;

	struct rpc_msg 	reply_msg;
	rdma_registry_t	*m;

	struct clist *cl_sendlist;
	struct clist *cl_recvlist;
	struct clist *cl;
	struct clist *cl_rpcmsg;
	struct clist *cl_rdma_reply;
	struct clist *cl_rpcreply_wlist;
	struct clist *cl_long_reply;
	rdma_buf_t  rndup;

	uint_t vers;
	uint_t op;
	uint_t off;
	uint32_t seg_array_len;
	uint_t long_reply_len;
	uint_t rpcsec_gss;
	uint_t gss_i_or_p;

	CONN *conn = NULL;
	rdma_buf_t clmsg;
	rdma_buf_t rpcmsg;
	rdma_chunkinfo_lengths_t rcil;

	clock_t	ticks;
	bool_t wlist_exists_reply;

	uint32_t rdma_credit = rdma_bufs_rqst;



	bzero(&clmsg, sizeof (clmsg));
	bzero(&rpcmsg, sizeof (rpcmsg));
	bzero(&rndup, sizeof (rndup));
	try_call_again = 0;
	cl_sendlist = NULL;
	cl_recvlist = NULL;
	cl = NULL;
	cl_rpcmsg = NULL;
	cl_rdma_reply = NULL;
	call_xdrp = NULL;
	reply_xdrp = NULL;
	wlist_exists_reply  = FALSE;
	cl_rpcreply_wlist = NULL;
	cl_long_reply = NULL;
	rcil.rcil_len = 0;
	rcil.rcil_len_alt = 0;
	long_reply_len = 0;

	rw_enter(&rdma_lock, RW_READER);
	m = (rdma_registry_t *)p->cku_rd_handle;
	if (m->r_mod_state == RDMA_MOD_INACTIVE) {
		 * If we didn't find a matching RDMA module in the registry
		 * then there is no transport.
		p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND;
		p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
		ticks = clnt_rdma_min_delay * drv_usectohz(1000000);
		if (h->cl_nosignal == TRUE) {
		} else {
			if (delay_sig(ticks) == EINTR) {
				p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_INTR;
				p->cku_err.re_errno = EINTR;
		return (RPC_CANTSEND);
	 * Get unique xid
	if (p->cku_xid == 0)
		p->cku_xid = alloc_xid();

	status = RDMA_GET_CONN(p->cku_rd_mod->rdma_ops, &p->cku_srcaddr,
	    &p->cku_addr, p->cku_addrfmly, p->cku_rd_handle, &conn);

	 * If there is a problem with the connection reflect the issue
	 * back to the higher level to address, we MAY delay for a short
	 * period so that we are kind to the transport.
	if (conn == NULL) {
		 * Connect failed to server. Could be because of one
		 * of several things. In some cases we don't want
		 * the caller to retry immediately - delay before
		 * returning to caller.
		switch (status) {
			 * Already timed out. No need to delay
			 * some more.
			p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_TIMEDOUT;
			p->cku_err.re_errno = ETIMEDOUT;
		case RDMA_INTR:
			 * Failed because of an signal. Very likely
			 * the caller will not retry.
			p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_INTR;
			p->cku_err.re_errno = EINTR;
			 * All other failures - server down or service
			 * down or temporary resource failure. Delay before
			 * returning to caller.
			ticks = clnt_rdma_min_delay * drv_usectohz(1000000);
			p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTCONNECT;
			p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;

			if (h->cl_nosignal == TRUE) {
			} else {
				if (delay_sig(ticks) == EINTR) {
					p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_INTR;
					p->cku_err.re_errno = EINTR;

		return (p->cku_err.re_status);

	if (p->cku_srcaddr.maxlen < conn->c_laddr.len) {
		if ((p->cku_srcaddr.maxlen != 0) &&
		    (p->cku_srcaddr.buf != NULL))
			kmem_free(p->cku_srcaddr.buf, p->cku_srcaddr.maxlen);
		p->cku_srcaddr.buf = kmem_zalloc(conn->c_laddr.maxlen,
		p->cku_srcaddr.maxlen = conn->c_laddr.maxlen;

	p->cku_srcaddr.len = conn->c_laddr.len;
	bcopy(conn->c_laddr.buf, p->cku_srcaddr.buf, conn->c_laddr.len);


	status = CLNT_RDMA_FAIL;

	rpcsec_gss = gss_i_or_p = FALSE;

	if (IS_RPCSEC_GSS(h)) {
		rpcsec_gss = TRUE;
		if (rpc_gss_get_service_type(h->cl_auth) ==
		    rpc_gss_svc_integrity ||
		    rpc_gss_get_service_type(h->cl_auth) ==
			gss_i_or_p = TRUE;

	 * Try a regular RDMA message if RPCSEC_GSS is not being used
	 * or if RPCSEC_GSS is being used for authentication only.
	if (rpcsec_gss == FALSE ||
	    (rpcsec_gss == TRUE && gss_i_or_p == FALSE)) {
		 * Grab a send buffer for the request.  Try to
		 * encode it to see if it fits. If not, then it
		 * needs to be sent in a chunk.
		rpcmsg.type = SEND_BUFFER;
		if (rdma_buf_alloc(conn, &rpcmsg)) {
			goto done;

		/* First try to encode into regular send buffer */
		op = RDMA_MSG;

		call_xdrp = &callxdr;

		xdrrdma_create(call_xdrp, rpcmsg.addr, rpcmsg.len,
		    rdma_minchunk, NULL, XDR_ENCODE, conn);

		status = clnt_compose_rpcmsg(h, procnum, &rpcmsg, call_xdrp,
		    xdr_args, argsp);

		if (status != CLNT_RDMA_SUCCESS) {
			/* Clean up from previous encode attempt */
			rdma_buf_free(conn, &rpcmsg);
		} else {
			XDR_CONTROL(call_xdrp, XDR_RDMA_GET_CHUNK_LEN, &rcil);

	/* If the encode didn't work, then try a NOMSG */
	if (status != CLNT_RDMA_SUCCESS) {

		    xdr_sizeof(xdr_args, argsp);

		msglen = calc_length(msglen);

		/* pick up the lengths for the reply buffer needed */
		(void) xdrrdma_sizeof(xdr_args, argsp, 0,
		    &rcil.rcil_len, &rcil.rcil_len_alt);

		 * Construct a clist to describe the CHUNK_BUFFER
		 * for the rpcmsg.
		cl_rpcmsg = clist_alloc();
		cl_rpcmsg->c_len = msglen;
		cl_rpcmsg->rb_longbuf.type = RDMA_LONG_BUFFER;
		cl_rpcmsg->rb_longbuf.len = msglen;
		if (rdma_buf_alloc(conn, &cl_rpcmsg->rb_longbuf)) {
			goto done;
		cl_rpcmsg->w.c_saddr3 = cl_rpcmsg->rb_longbuf.addr;

		op = RDMA_NOMSG;
		call_xdrp = &callxdr;

		xdrrdma_create(call_xdrp, cl_rpcmsg->rb_longbuf.addr,
		    cl_rpcmsg->rb_longbuf.len, 0,
		    cl_rpcmsg, XDR_ENCODE, conn);

		status = clnt_compose_rpcmsg(h, procnum, &rpcmsg, call_xdrp,
		    xdr_args, argsp);

		if (status != CLNT_RDMA_SUCCESS) {
			p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS;
			p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
			goto done;

	 * During the XDR_ENCODE we may have "allocated" an RDMA READ or
	 * RDMA WRITE clist.
	 * First pull the RDMA READ chunk list from the XDR private
	 * area to keep it handy.

	if (gss_i_or_p) {
		long_reply_len = rcil.rcil_len + rcil.rcil_len_alt;
		long_reply_len += MAX_AUTH_BYTES;
	} else {
		long_reply_len = rcil.rcil_len;

	 * Update the chunk size information for the Long RPC msg.
	if (cl && op == RDMA_NOMSG)
		cl->c_len = p->cku_outsz;

	 * Prepare the RDMA header. On success xdrs will hold the result
	 * of xdrmem_create() for a SEND_BUFFER.
	status = clnt_compose_rdma_header(conn, h, &clmsg,
	    &rdmahdr_o_xdrs, &op);

	if (status != CLNT_RDMA_SUCCESS) {
		p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND;
		p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
		goto done;

	 * Now insert the RDMA READ list iff present
	status = clnt_setup_rlist(conn, rdmahdr_o_xdrs, call_xdrp);
	if (status != CLNT_RDMA_SUCCESS) {
		rdma_buf_free(conn, &clmsg);
		p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND;
		p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
		goto done;

	 * Setup RDMA WRITE chunk list for nfs read operation
	 * other operations will have a NULL which will result
	 * as a NULL list in the XDR stream.
	status = clnt_setup_wlist(conn, rdmahdr_o_xdrs, call_xdrp, &rndup);
	if (status != CLNT_RDMA_SUCCESS) {
		rdma_buf_free(conn, &clmsg);
		p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND;
		p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
		goto done;

	 * If NULL call and RPCSEC_GSS, provide a chunk such that
	 * large responses can flow back to the client.
	 * If RPCSEC_GSS with integrity or privacy is in use, get chunk.
	if ((procnum == 0 && rpcsec_gss == TRUE) ||
	    (rpcsec_gss == TRUE && gss_i_or_p == TRUE))
		long_reply_len += 1024;

	status = clnt_setup_long_reply(conn, &cl_long_reply, long_reply_len);

	if (status != CLNT_RDMA_SUCCESS) {
		rdma_buf_free(conn, &clmsg);
		p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND;
		p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
		goto done;

	 * XDR encode the RDMA_REPLY write chunk
	seg_array_len = (cl_long_reply ? 1 : 0);
	(void) xdr_encode_reply_wchunk(rdmahdr_o_xdrs, cl_long_reply,

	 * Construct a clist in "sendlist" that represents what we
	 * will push over the wire.
	 * Start with the RDMA header and clist (if any)
	clist_add(&cl_sendlist, 0, XDR_GETPOS(rdmahdr_o_xdrs), &clmsg.handle,
	    clmsg.addr, NULL, NULL);

	 * Put the RPC call message in  sendlist if small RPC
	if (op == RDMA_MSG) {
		clist_add(&cl_sendlist, 0, p->cku_outsz, &rpcmsg.handle,
		    rpcmsg.addr, NULL, NULL);
	} else {
		/* Long RPC already in chunk list */

	 * Set up a reply buffer ready for the reply
	status = rdma_clnt_postrecv(conn, p->cku_xid);
	if (status != RDMA_SUCCESS) {
		rdma_buf_free(conn, &clmsg);
		p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND;
		p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
		goto done;

	 * sync the memory for dma
	if (cl != NULL) {
		status = clist_syncmem(conn, cl, CLIST_REG_SOURCE);
		if (status != RDMA_SUCCESS) {
			(void) rdma_clnt_postrecv_remove(conn, p->cku_xid);
			rdma_buf_free(conn, &clmsg);
			p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND;
			p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
			goto done;

	 * Send the RDMA Header and RPC call message to the server
	status = RDMA_SEND(conn, cl_sendlist, p->cku_xid);
	if (status != RDMA_SUCCESS) {
		(void) rdma_clnt_postrecv_remove(conn, p->cku_xid);
		p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND;
		p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
		goto done;

	 * RDMA plugin now owns the send msg buffers.
	 * Clear them out and don't free them.
	clmsg.addr = NULL;
	if (rpcmsg.type == SEND_BUFFER)
		rpcmsg.addr = NULL;

	 * Recv rpc reply
	status = RDMA_RECV(conn, &cl_recvlist, p->cku_xid);

	 * Now check recv status
	if (status != 0) {
		if (status == RDMA_INTR) {
			p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_INTR;
			p->cku_err.re_errno = EINTR;
		} else if (status == RPC_TIMEDOUT) {
			p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_TIMEDOUT;
			p->cku_err.re_errno = ETIMEDOUT;
		} else {
			p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTRECV;
			p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
		goto done;

	 * Process the reply message.
	 * First the chunk list (if any)
	rdmahdr_i_xdrs = &(p->cku_inxdr);
	    cl_recvlist->c_len, XDR_DECODE);

	 * Treat xid as opaque (xid is the first entity
	 * in the rpc rdma message).
	 * Skip xid and set the xdr position accordingly.
	XDR_SETPOS(rdmahdr_i_xdrs, sizeof (uint32_t));
	(void) xdr_u_int(rdmahdr_i_xdrs, &vers);
	(void) xdr_u_int(rdmahdr_i_xdrs, &rdma_credit);
	(void) xdr_u_int(rdmahdr_i_xdrs, &op);
	(void) xdr_do_clist(rdmahdr_i_xdrs, &cl);

	clnt_update_credit(conn, rdma_credit);

	wlist_exists_reply = FALSE;
	if (! xdr_decode_wlist(rdmahdr_i_xdrs, &cl_rpcreply_wlist,
	    &wlist_exists_reply)) {
		p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTDECODERES;
		p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
		goto done;

	 * The server shouldn't have sent a RDMA_SEND that
	 * the client needs to RDMA_WRITE a reply back to
	 * the server.  So silently ignoring what the
	 * server returns in the rdma_reply section of the
	 * header.
	(void) xdr_decode_reply_wchunk(rdmahdr_i_xdrs, &cl_rdma_reply);
	off = xdr_getpos(rdmahdr_i_xdrs);

	clnt_decode_long_reply(conn, cl_long_reply,
	    cl_rdma_reply, &replyxdr, &reply_xdrp,
	    cl, cl_recvlist, op, off);

	if (reply_xdrp == NULL)
		goto done;

	if (wlist_exists_reply) {
		XDR_CONTROL(reply_xdrp, XDR_RDMA_SET_WLIST, cl_rpcreply_wlist);

	reply_msg.rm_direction = REPLY;
	reply_msg.rm_reply.rp_stat = MSG_ACCEPTED;
	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_stat = SUCCESS;
	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = _null_auth;

	 *  xdr_results will be done in AUTH_UNWRAP.
	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where = NULL;
	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = xdr_void;

	 * Decode and validate the response.
	if (xdr_replymsg(reply_xdrp, &reply_msg)) {
		enum clnt_stat re_status;

		_seterr_reply(&reply_msg, &(p->cku_err));

		re_status = p->cku_err.re_status;
		if (re_status == RPC_SUCCESS) {
			 * Reply is good, check auth.
			if (!AUTH_VALIDATE(h->cl_auth,
			    &reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf)) {
				p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_AUTHERROR;
				p->cku_err.re_why = AUTH_INVALIDRESP;
			} else if (!AUTH_UNWRAP(h->cl_auth, reply_xdrp,
			    xdr_results, resultsp)) {
				p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_CANTDECODERES;
				p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
		} else {
			/* set errno in case we can't recover */
			if (re_status != RPC_VERSMISMATCH &&
			    re_status != RPC_AUTHERROR &&
			    re_status != RPC_PROGVERSMISMATCH)
				p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;

			if (re_status == RPC_AUTHERROR) {
				if ((refresh_attempt > 0) &&
				    AUTH_REFRESH(h->cl_auth, &reply_msg,
				    p->cku_cred)) {
					try_call_again = 1;
					goto done;

				try_call_again = 0;

				 * We have used the client handle to
				 * do an AUTH_REFRESH and the RPC status may
				 * be set to RPC_SUCCESS; Let's make sure to
				 * set it to RPC_AUTHERROR.
				p->cku_err.re_status = RPC_AUTHERROR;

				 * Map recoverable and unrecoverable
				 * authentication errors to appropriate
				 * errno
				switch (p->cku_err.re_why) {
				case AUTH_BADCRED:
				case AUTH_BADVERF:
				case AUTH_TOOWEAK:
				case AUTH_FAILED:
					p->cku_err.re_errno = EACCES;
					p->cku_err.re_errno = EIO;
			    int, p->cku_err.re_why);
	} else {
static enum clnt_stat
clnt_rdma_call(CLIENT *cl,		/* client handle */
	       AUTH *auth,
	       rpcproc_t proc,		/* procedure number */
	       xdrproc_t xargs,		/* xdr routine for args */
	       void *argsp,		/* pointer to args */
	       xdrproc_t xresults,	/* xdr routine for results */
	       void *resultsp,		/* pointer to results */
	       struct timeval utimeout	/* seconds to wait before giving up */)
	struct cm_data *cm = CM_DATA((struct cx_data *) cl->cl_p1);
	XDR *xdrs;
	struct rpc_msg reply_msg;
	bool ok;
#if 0
	struct timeval timeout;
	int total_time;
//	sigset_t mask;
	socklen_t  __attribute__((unused)) inlen, salen;
	int nrefreshes = 2;		/* number of times to refresh cred */

//	thr_sigsetmask(SIG_SETMASK, (sigset_t *) 0, &mask); /* XXX */
//	vc_fd_lock_c(cl, &mask); //What does that do?
#if 0
	if (cm->cm_total.tv_usec == -1) {
		timeout = utimeout;	/* use supplied timeout */
	} else {
		timeout = cm->cm_total;	/* use default timeout */
	total_time = timeout.tv_sec * 1000 + timeout.tv_usec / 1000;

	/* Clean up in case the last call ended in a longjmp(3) call. */
	xdrs = &(cm->cm_xdrs);

	if (0) //FIXME check for async
		goto get_reply;

	if (! xdr_rdma_clnt_call(&cm->cm_xdrs, cm->call_msg.rm_xid) ||
	    ! xdr_callhdr(&(cm->cm_xdrs), &cm->call_msg)) {
		rpc_createerr.cf_stat = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS;  /* XXX */
		rpc_createerr.cf_error.re_errno = 0;
		goto out;

	if ((! XDR_PUTINT32(xdrs, (int32_t *)&proc)) ||
	    (! AUTH_MARSHALL(auth, xdrs)) ||
	    (! AUTH_WRAP(auth, xdrs, xargs, argsp))) {
		cm->cm_error.re_status = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS;
		goto out;

	if (! xdr_rdma_clnt_flushout(&cm->cm_xdrs)) {
		cm->cm_error.re_errno = errno;
		cm->cm_error.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND;
		goto out;


	 * sub-optimal code appears here because we have
	 * some clock time to spare while the packets are in flight.
	 * (We assume that this is actually only executed once.)
	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = _null_auth;
	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where = NULL;
	reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = (xdrproc_t)xdr_void;

	if (! xdr_rdma_clnt_reply(&cm->cm_xdrs, cm->call_msg.rm_xid)) {
		//FIXME add timeout
		cm->cm_error.re_status = RPC_TIMEDOUT;
		goto out;

	 * now decode and validate the response

	ok = xdr_replymsg(&cm->cm_xdrs, &reply_msg);
	if (ok) {
		if ((reply_msg.rm_reply.rp_stat == MSG_ACCEPTED) &&
			(reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_stat == SUCCESS))
			cm->cm_error.re_status = RPC_SUCCESS;
			_seterr_reply(&reply_msg, &(cm->cm_error));

		if (cm->cm_error.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS) {
			if (! AUTH_VALIDATE(auth,
					    &reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf)) {
				cm->cm_error.re_status = RPC_AUTHERROR;
				cm->cm_error.re_why = AUTH_INVALIDRESP;
			} else if (! AUTH_UNWRAP(auth, &cm->cm_xdrs,
						 xresults, resultsp)) {
				if (cm->cm_error.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS)
				     cm->cm_error.re_status = RPC_CANTDECODERES;
			if (reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf.oa_base != NULL) {
				xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE;
				(void) xdr_opaque_auth(xdrs,
		}		/* end successful completion */
		 * If unsuccesful AND error is an authentication error
		 * then refresh credentials and try again, else break
		else if (cm->cm_error.re_status == RPC_AUTHERROR)
			/* maybe our credentials need to be refreshed ... */
			if (nrefreshes > 0 &&
			    AUTH_REFRESH(auth, &reply_msg)) {
				goto call_again;
		/* end of unsuccessful completion */
	}	/* end of valid reply message */
	else {
		cm->cm_error.re_status = RPC_CANTDECODERES;


//	vc_fd_unlock_c(cl, &mask);
	return (cm->cm_error.re_status);
文件: clnt_tcp.c 项目: PADL/krb5
static enum clnt_stat
	rpcproc_t proc,
	xdrproc_t xdr_args,
	void * args_ptr,
	xdrproc_t xdr_results,
	void * results_ptr,
	struct timeval timeout)
	struct ct_data *ct = h->cl_private;
	XDR *xdrs = &ct->ct_xdrs;
	struct rpc_msg reply_msg;
	uint32_t x_id;
	uint32_t *msg_x_id = &ct->ct_u.ct_mcalli;	/* yuk */
	bool_t shipnow;
	int refreshes = 2;
	long procl = proc;

	if (!ct->ct_waitset) {
		ct->ct_wait = timeout;

	shipnow =
	    (xdr_results == (xdrproc_t)0 && timeout.tv_sec == 0
	    && timeout.tv_usec == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE;

	xdrs->x_op = XDR_ENCODE;
	ct->ct_error.re_status = RPC_SUCCESS;
	x_id = ntohl(--(*msg_x_id));
	if ((! XDR_PUTBYTES(xdrs, ct->ct_u.ct_mcall, ct->ct_mpos)) ||
	    (! XDR_PUTLONG(xdrs, &procl)) ||
	    (! AUTH_MARSHALL(h->cl_auth, xdrs)) ||
	    (! AUTH_WRAP(h->cl_auth, xdrs, xdr_args, args_ptr))) {
		if (ct->ct_error.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS)
			ct->ct_error.re_status = RPC_CANTENCODEARGS;
		(void)xdrrec_endofrecord(xdrs, TRUE);
		return (ct->ct_error.re_status);
	if (! xdrrec_endofrecord(xdrs, shipnow))
		return (ct->ct_error.re_status = RPC_CANTSEND);
	if (! shipnow)
		return (RPC_SUCCESS);
	 * Hack to provide rpc-based message passing
	if (timeout.tv_sec == 0 && timeout.tv_usec == 0) {
		return(ct->ct_error.re_status = RPC_TIMEDOUT);

	 * Keep receiving until we get a valid transaction id
	xdrs->x_op = XDR_DECODE;
	while (TRUE) {
		reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf = gssrpc__null_auth;
		reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.where = NULL;
		reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_results.proc = xdr_void;
		if (! xdrrec_skiprecord(xdrs))
			return (ct->ct_error.re_status);
		/* now decode and validate the response header */
		if (! xdr_replymsg(xdrs, &reply_msg)) {
			 * Free some stuff allocated by xdr_replymsg()
			 * to avoid leaks, since it may allocate
			 * memory from partially successful decodes.
			enum xdr_op op = xdrs->x_op;
			xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE;
			xdr_replymsg(xdrs, &reply_msg);
			xdrs->x_op = op;
			if (ct->ct_error.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS)
			return (ct->ct_error.re_status);
		if (reply_msg.rm_xid == x_id)

	 * process header
	gssrpc__seterr_reply(&reply_msg, &(ct->ct_error));
	if (ct->ct_error.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS) {
		if (! AUTH_VALIDATE(h->cl_auth, &reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf)) {
			ct->ct_error.re_status = RPC_AUTHERROR;
			ct->ct_error.re_why = AUTH_INVALIDRESP;
		} else if (! AUTH_UNWRAP(h->cl_auth, xdrs,
					 xdr_results, results_ptr)) {
			if (ct->ct_error.re_status == RPC_SUCCESS)
				ct->ct_error.re_status = RPC_CANTDECODERES;
	}  /* end successful completion */
	else {
		/* maybe our credentials need to be refreshed ... */
		if (refreshes-- && AUTH_REFRESH(h->cl_auth, &reply_msg))
			goto call_again;
	}  /* end of unsuccessful completion */
	/* free verifier ... */
	if ((reply_msg.rm_reply.rp_stat == MSG_ACCEPTED) &&
	    (reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf.oa_base != NULL)) {
	    xdrs->x_op = XDR_FREE;
	    (void)xdr_opaque_auth(xdrs, &(reply_msg.acpted_rply.ar_verf));
	return (ct->ct_error.re_status);