result_t cmp_anim_createskeleton(struct cmp_anim* a, struct cmp_model* m, struct gfx_model* gmodel,
                                 uint geo_idx)
    uint root_idx = 0;
    uint root_nodes[CMP_MESH_XFORM_MAX];

    struct gfx_model_skeleton* sk = gmodel->geos[geo_idx].skeleton;

    anim_reel reel = rs_get_animreel(a->clip_hdl);
    if (reel == NULL)
        return RET_OK;

    struct anim_reel_desc desc;
    anim_get_desc(&desc, reel);
    a->bindmap = (uint*)A_ALLOC(a->alloc, sizeof(uint)*desc.pose_cnt, MID_ANIM);
    if (a->bindmap == NULL)    {
        return RET_OUTOFMEMORY;

    a->pose = m->model_inst->poses[geo_idx];

    for (uint i = 0, cnt = desc.pose_cnt; i < cnt; i++)   {
        const char* bind_name = anim_get_posebinding(reel, i);
        uint idx = gfx_model_findjoint(sk, bind_name);
        if (idx == INVALID_INDEX) {
            log_printf(LOG_WARNING, "Mapping model '%s' to animation '%s' failed", m->filepath,
            return RET_FAIL;

        /* collect root joints */
        if (sk->joints[idx].parent_id == INVALID_INDEX) {
            ASSERT(root_idx < CMP_MESH_XFORM_MAX);
            root_nodes[root_idx++] = idx;

        a->bindmap[i] = idx;

    /* setup root matrix and root indexes */
    mat3_setm(&a->root_mat, &sk->joints_rootmat);
    if (root_idx > 0)   {
        a->root_idxs = (uint*)A_ALLOC(a->alloc, sizeof(uint)*root_idx, MID_ANIM);
        if (a->root_idxs == NULL)   {
            return RET_OUTOFMEMORY;
        for (uint i = 0; i < root_idx; i++)
            a->root_idxs[i] = root_nodes[i];

        a->root_cnt = root_idx;

    return RET_OK;
result_t cmp_anim_createhierarchy(struct cmp_anim* a, struct cmp_model* m, struct gfx_model* gmodel)
    uint root_idx = 0;
    uint root_nodes[CMP_MESH_XFORM_MAX];

    a->xform_hdls = m->xforms;

    /* bind maps */
    anim_reel reel = rs_get_animreel(a->clip_hdl);
    if (reel == NULL)
        return RET_OK;

    struct anim_reel_desc desc;
    anim_get_desc(&desc, reel);
    a->bindmap = (uint*)A_ALLOC(a->alloc, sizeof(uint)*desc.pose_cnt, MID_ANIM);
    if (a->bindmap == NULL)    {
        return RET_OUTOFMEMORY;

    for (uint i = 0; i < desc.pose_cnt; i++)   {
        const char* bind_name = anim_get_posebinding(reel, i);
        uint idx = gfx_model_findnode(gmodel, bind_name);

        if (idx == INVALID_INDEX) {
            log_printf(LOG_WARNING, "Mapping model '%s' to animation '%s' failed", m->filepath,
            return RET_FAIL;

        a->bindmap[i] = idx;

        /* collect 1st level child nodes (as root nodes) */
        if (gmodel->nodes[idx].parent_id != INVALID_INDEX &&
            gmodel->nodes[gmodel->nodes[idx].parent_id].parent_id == INVALID_INDEX)
            ASSERT(root_idx < CMP_MESH_XFORM_MAX);
            root_nodes[root_idx++] = idx;
    } /* foreach: pose */

    /* setup root matrix and root indexes */
    mat3_setm(&a->root_mat, &gmodel->root_mat);
    if (root_idx > 0)   {
        a->root_idxs = (uint*)A_ALLOC(a->alloc, sizeof(uint)*root_idx, MID_ANIM);
        if (a->root_idxs == NULL)   {
            return RET_OUTOFMEMORY;
        for (uint i = 0; i < root_idx; i++)
            a->root_idxs[i] = root_nodes[i];

        a->root_cnt = root_idx;

    return RET_OK;
struct gfx_model_posegpu* model_load_gpupose(struct allocator* alloc,
		struct allocator* tmp_alloc, const struct gfx_model_geo* geo, uint rpath_flags)
	ASSERT(geo->skeleton != NULL);

	struct gfx_model_posegpu* gpose = (struct gfx_model_posegpu*)A_ALLOC(alloc,
        sizeof(struct gfx_model_posegpu), MID_GFX);
	memset(gpose, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model_posegpu));

    uint joint_cnt = geo->skeleton->joint_cnt;
	gpose->mats = (struct mat3f*)A_ALIGNED_ALLOC(alloc, sizeof(struct mat3f)*joint_cnt*3, MID_GFX);

	gpose->mat_cnt = geo->skeleton->joint_cnt;
    gpose->offset_mats = gpose->mats + geo->skeleton->joint_cnt;
    gpose->skin_mats = gpose->mats + geo->skeleton->joint_cnt*2;
    gpose->skeleton = geo->skeleton;

	memcpy(gpose->mats, geo->skeleton->init_pose, sizeof(struct mat3f)*geo->skeleton->joint_cnt);
    for (uint i = 0; i < joint_cnt; i++)
        mat3_setm(&gpose->offset_mats[i], &geo->skeleton->joints[i].offset_mat);

    return gpose;
 * Events
mt_event mt_event_create(struct allocator* alloc)
    mt_event e = (mt_event)A_ALLOC(alloc, sizeof(struct mt_event_data), 0);
    if (e == NULL)
        return NULL;
    memset(e, 0x00, sizeof(struct mt_event_data));
    e->alloc = alloc;

    result_t r = arr_create(alloc, &e->signals, sizeof(HANDLE), 8, 16, 0);
    if (IS_FAIL(r)) {
        A_FREE(alloc, e);
        return NULL;

    return e;
gfx_buffer model_loadvbuffer(file_t f, uint vert_cnt, uint elem_sz, struct allocator* tmp_alloc,
                             uint thread_id)
	uint size = vert_cnt * elem_sz;
	void* buf = A_ALLOC(tmp_alloc, size, MID_GFX);
	if (buf == NULL)    {
		return NULL;
    fio_read(f, buf, elem_sz, vert_cnt);

	gfx_buffer gbuf = gfx_create_buffer(GFX_BUFFER_VERTEX, GFX_MEMHINT_STATIC, size, buf, thread_id);

    A_FREE(tmp_alloc, buf);
	return gbuf;
int model_loadmesh(struct gfx_model_mesh* mesh, file_t f, struct allocator* alloc)
	struct h3d_mesh h3dmesh;
    fio_read(f, &h3dmesh, sizeof(h3dmesh), 1);
	mesh->geo_id = h3dmesh.geo_idx;
	mesh->submesh_cnt = h3dmesh.submesh_cnt;
	if (h3dmesh.submesh_cnt > 0)	{
		mesh->submeshes = (struct gfx_model_submesh*)A_ALLOC(alloc,
            sizeof(struct gfx_model_submesh)*h3dmesh.submesh_cnt, MID_GFX);
		if (mesh->submeshes == NULL)
			return FALSE;
		for (uint i = 0; i < h3dmesh.submesh_cnt; i++)	{
			struct h3d_submesh h3dsubmesh;
		    fio_read(f, &h3dsubmesh, sizeof(h3dsubmesh), 1);
			mesh->submeshes[i].mtl_id = h3dsubmesh.mtl_idx;
			mesh->submeshes[i].subset_id = h3dsubmesh.subset_idx;
	return TRUE;
int model_loadocc(struct gfx_model_occ* occ, file_t f, struct allocator* alloc)
    struct h3d_occ h3docc;
    fio_read(f, &h3docc, sizeof(struct h3d_occ), 1);

    strcpy(occ->name, h3docc.name);
    occ->tri_cnt = h3docc.tri_cnt;
    occ->vert_cnt = h3docc.vert_cnt;

    occ->indexes = (uint16*)A_ALLOC(alloc, sizeof(uint16)*h3docc.tri_cnt*3, MID_GFX);
    occ->poss = (struct vec3f*)A_ALIGNED_ALLOC(alloc, sizeof(struct vec3f)*h3docc.vert_cnt, MID_GFX);
    if (occ->indexes == NULL || occ->poss == NULL)  {
        err_printn(__FILE__, __LINE__, RET_OUTOFMEMORY);
        return FALSE;

    fio_read(f, occ->indexes, sizeof(uint16), h3docc.tri_cnt*3);
    fio_read(f, occ->poss, sizeof(struct vec3f), h3docc.vert_cnt);
    return TRUE;
int model_loadnode(struct gfx_model_node* node, file_t f, struct allocator* alloc)
	struct h3d_node h3dnode;
    fio_read(f, &h3dnode, sizeof(h3dnode), 1);
	strcpy(node->name, h3dnode.name);
    node->name_hash = hash_str(h3dnode.name);
	node->mesh_id = h3dnode.mesh_idx;
	node->child_cnt = h3dnode.child_cnt;
	node->parent_id = h3dnode.parent_idx;

    model_loadmat(&node->local_mat, h3dnode.local_xform);
    aabb_setf(&node->bb, h3dnode.bb_min[0], h3dnode.bb_min[1], h3dnode.bb_min[2],
        h3dnode.bb_max[0], h3dnode.bb_max[1], h3dnode.bb_max[2]);

	if (h3dnode.child_cnt > 0)	{
		node->child_ids = (uint*)A_ALLOC(alloc, sizeof(uint)*h3dnode.child_cnt, MID_GFX);
		if (node->child_ids == NULL)
			return FALSE;
	 fio_read(f, node->child_ids, sizeof(uint), h3dnode.child_cnt);
	return TRUE;
int model_loadmtl(struct gfx_model_mtl* mtl, file_t f, struct allocator* alloc)
	struct h3d_mtl h3dmtl;
    fio_read(f, &h3dmtl, sizeof(h3dmtl), 1);
	color_setf(&mtl->ambient, h3dmtl.ambient[0], h3dmtl.ambient[1], h3dmtl.ambient[2], 1.0f);
	color_setf(&mtl->diffuse, h3dmtl.diffuse[0], h3dmtl.diffuse[1], h3dmtl.diffuse[2], 1.0f);
	color_setf(&mtl->specular, h3dmtl.specular[0], h3dmtl.specular[1], h3dmtl.specular[2], 1.0f);
	color_setf(&mtl->emissive, h3dmtl.emissive[0], h3dmtl.emissive[1], h3dmtl.emissive[2], 1.0f);
	mtl->spec_exp = h3dmtl.spec_exp;
	mtl->spec_intensity = h3dmtl.spec_intensity;
	mtl->opacity = h3dmtl.opacity;
	mtl->map_cnt = h3dmtl.texture_cnt;
	if (h3dmtl.texture_cnt > 0)	{
		mtl->maps = (struct gfx_model_map*)A_ALLOC(alloc,
            sizeof(struct gfx_model_map)*h3dmtl.texture_cnt, MID_GFX);
		if (mtl->maps == NULL)
			return FALSE;
		for (uint i = 0; i < h3dmtl.texture_cnt; i++)	{
			struct h3d_texture h3dtex;
		    fio_read(f, &h3dtex, sizeof(h3dtex), 1);
			/* h3d_texture_type = gfx_model_maptype */
			mtl->maps[i].type = (enum gfx_model_maptype)h3dtex.type;
			strcpy(mtl->maps[i].filepath, h3dtex.filepath);

            /* TODO: this is a workaround for diffuse mapped materials that
             * imports false color values from assimp */
            if (mtl->maps[i].type == GFX_MODEL_DIFFUSEMAP)
                color_setc(&mtl->diffuse, &g_color_white);

	if (mtl->opacity < (1.0f - EPSILON))

	return TRUE;
/* Runs in main thread, syncs resources */
void rs_update()
    uint job_id = g_rs.load_jobid;
    if (job_id != 0)    {
        if (!tsk_check_finished(job_id))    {
        }   else    {

    struct rs_load_job_params* params = &g_rs.job_params;
    struct rs_load_job_result* result = &g_rs.job_result;

    /* if we already have a job_id, it means that the job is finished
     * update the database and destroy the task */
    if (job_id != 0)    {
        struct rs_load_job_params* params = (struct rs_load_job_params*)tsk_get_params(job_id);
        struct rs_load_job_result* result = (struct rs_load_job_result*)tsk_get_result(job_id);

        for (uint i = 0; i < params->cnt; i++)    {
            struct rs_load_data* ldata = params->load_items[i];
            reshandle_t hdl = ldata->hdl;

            /* check the handle in unload list and unload immediately */
            int must_unload = rs_search_in_unloads(hdl);

            struct rs_resource* r = rs_resource_get(hdl);
            if (result->ptrs[i] != NULL)    {
                r->ptr = result->ptrs[i];

                if (!must_unload)    {
                    /* register hot-loading */
                    if (BIT_CHECK(g_rs.flags, RS_FLAG_HOTLOADING) && !ldata->reload)

                    /* apply reload funcs */
                }   else    {
            }   else if (must_unload)   {

            mem_pool_free(&g_rs.load_data_pool, params->load_items[i]);

        /* cleanup */

    /* fill new params and dispatch the job */
    struct linked_list* lnode = g_rs.load_list;
    uint qcnt = 0;
    while (qcnt < g_rs.load_threads_max && lnode != NULL)    {
        params->load_items[qcnt++] = (struct rs_load_data*)lnode->data;
        list_remove(&g_rs.load_list, lnode);
        lnode = g_rs.load_list;
    params->cnt = qcnt;

    /* dispatch to first thread only (exclusive mode) */
    if (qcnt > 0)   {
        int thread_cnt = (int)g_rs.load_threads_max;
        struct allocator* tmp_alloc = tsk_get_tmpalloc(0);
        int* thread_idxs = (int*)A_ALLOC(tmp_alloc, sizeof(uint)*thread_cnt, MID_RES);
        for (int i = 0; i < thread_cnt; i++)
            thread_idxs[i] = i;
        g_rs.load_jobid = tsk_dispatch_exclusive(rs_threaded_load_fn, thread_idxs, thread_cnt,
            params, result);
        A_FREE(tmp_alloc, thread_idxs);
    }   else    {
        g_rs.load_jobid = 0;
void test_freelist()
    const uint item_cnt = 100000;
    const uint max_size = item_cnt * 1024;
    void** ptrs = (void**)ALLOC(item_cnt*sizeof(void*), 0);
    uint* h = (uint*)ALLOC(item_cnt*sizeof(uint), 0);
    size_t* sizes = (size_t*)ALLOC(item_cnt*sizeof(size_t), 0);

    uint free_cnt = 0;

    struct freelist_alloc freelist;
    struct allocator alloc;
    mem_freelist_create(mem_heap(), &freelist, max_size, 0);
    mem_freelist_bindalloc(&freelist, &alloc);

    uint64 t1 = timer_querytick();

    log_printf(LOG_TEXT, "allocating %d items from freelist (with hash validation)...", item_cnt);
    for (uint i = 0; i < item_cnt; i++)    {
        int s = rand_geti(8, 1024);
        ASSERT(s <= 1024);
        ptrs[i] = A_ALLOC(&alloc, s, 6);

        if (i > 0 && rand_flipcoin(50))  {
            uint idx_tofree = rand_geti(0, i-1);
            if (ptrs[idx_tofree] != NULL)   {
                A_FREE(&alloc, ptrs[idx_tofree]);
                ptrs[idx_tofree] = NULL;

        // random fill the buffer
        memset(ptrs[i], 0x00, s);

        h[i] = hash_murmur32(ptrs[i], s, 100);
        sizes[i] = s;

    // check if the remaining buffers are untouched
    for (uint i = 0; i < item_cnt; i++)   {
        if (ptrs[i] != NULL)    {
#if defined(_DEBUG_)
            uint hh = hash_murmur32(ptrs[i], sizes[i], 100);
            ASSERT(h[i] == hh);

    for (uint i = 0; i < item_cnt; i++)   {
        //if (rand_flipcoin(50))  {
        if (ptrs[i] != NULL)    {
            A_FREE(&alloc, ptrs[i]);
            free_cnt ++;
            ptrs[i] = NULL;

    /* report leaks */
    uint leaks_cnt = mem_freelist_getleaks(&freelist, NULL);
    if (leaks_cnt > 0)
        log_printf(LOG_TEXT, "%d leaks found", leaks_cnt);

    log_print(LOG_TEXT, "done.");
    log_printf(LOG_TEXT, "took %f ms.",
        timer_calctm(t1, timer_querytick())*1000.0f);

struct gfx_model_mtlgpu* model_load_gpumtl(struct allocator* main_alloc,
        struct allocator* alloc, struct allocator* tmp_alloc, const struct gfx_model_mtl* mtl,
        uint rpath_flags)
	struct gfx_model_mtlgpu* gmtl = (struct gfx_model_mtlgpu*)A_ALLOC(alloc,
        sizeof(struct gfx_model_mtlgpu), MID_GFX);
	memset(gmtl, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model_mtlgpu));

    for (uint i = 0; i < GFX_MODEL_MAX_MAPS; i++)
        gmtl->textures[i] = INVALID_HANDLE;

    /* load textures */
    for (uint i = 0; i < mtl->map_cnt; i++)	{
    	enum gfx_model_maptype type = mtl->maps[i].type;
        int srgb = FALSE;
        if (type == GFX_MODEL_DIFFUSEMAP || type == GFX_MODEL_REFLECTIONMAP ||
            type == GFX_MODEL_EMISSIVEMAP)
            srgb = TRUE;

    	gmtl->textures[type] = rs_load_texture(mtl->maps[i].filepath, 0, srgb, 0);
    	if (gmtl->textures[type] == INVALID_HANDLE)	{
    		model_destroy_gpumtl(alloc, gmtl);
    		return NULL;

    const struct gfx_rpath* rpath;

    /* render-passes for each material */
    /* PRIMARY pass */
    rpath = gfx_rpath_detect(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags);
    gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_PRIMARY].rpath = rpath;
    if (rpath != NULL)	{
        gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_PRIMARY].shader_id =
        		rpath->getshader_fn(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags);
        if (gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_PRIMARY].shader_id == 0) {
            log_printf(LOG_WARNING, "unsupported shader for render-path '%s' : %s", rpath->name,
            model_destroy_gpumtl(alloc, gmtl);
            return NULL;

    /* sun shadow pass */
    rpath = gfx_rpath_detect(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags | GFX_RPATH_CSMSHADOW);
    gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_SUNSHADOW].rpath = rpath;
    if (rpath != NULL)	{
		gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_SUNSHADOW].shader_id =
				rpath->getshader_fn(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags | GFX_RPATH_CSMSHADOW);

    /* spot shadow pass */
    rpath = gfx_rpath_detect(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags | GFX_RPATH_SPOTSHADOW);
    gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_SPOTSHADOW].rpath = rpath;
    if (rpath != NULL)	{
		gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_SPOTSHADOW].shader_id =
				rpath->getshader_fn(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags | GFX_RPATH_SPOTSHADOW);

    /* point shadow pass */
    rpath = gfx_rpath_detect(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags | GFX_RPATH_POINTSHADOW);
    gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_POINTSHADOW].rpath = rpath;
    if (rpath != NULL)	{
		gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_POINTSHADOW].shader_id =
				rpath->getshader_fn(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags | GFX_RPATH_POINTSHADOW);

    /* mirror/reflection pass */
    rpath = gfx_rpath_detect(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags | GFX_RPATH_MIRROR);
    gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_MIRROR].rpath = rpath;
    if (rpath != NULL)	{
		gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_MIRROR].shader_id =
				rpath->getshader_fn(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags | GFX_RPATH_MIRROR);

    /* transparent pass */
    rpath = gfx_rpath_detect(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags | GFX_RPATH_ALPHABLEND);
    gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_TRANSPARENT].rpath = rpath;
    if (rpath != NULL)	{
		gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_TRANSPARENT].shader_id =
				rpath->getshader_fn(CMP_OBJTYPE_MODEL, rpath_flags | GFX_RPATH_ALPHABLEND);

    /* cblock for material: use primary shader for it's creation */
    /* note that cblock of mtl can be NULL, because some render-paths like deferred may not use it*/
    gmtl->cb = gfx_shader_create_cblock(main_alloc, tmp_alloc,
    		gfx_shader_get(gmtl->passes[GFX_RENDERPASS_PRIMARY].shader_id), "cb_mtl", NULL);

    /* if could not find 'cb_mtl' in the shader, try creating it in raw mode (w/o gpu_buffer) */
    if (gmtl->cb == NULL)   {
        static const struct gfx_constant_desc constants[] = {
            {"c_mtl_ambientclr", 0, GFX_CONSTANT_FLOAT4, 16, 1, 16, 0},
            {"c_mtl_diffuseclr", 0, GFX_CONSTANT_FLOAT4, 16, 1, 16, 16},
            {"c_mtl_specularclr", 0, GFX_CONSTANT_FLOAT4, 16, 1, 16, 32},
            {"c_mtl_emissiveclr", 0, GFX_CONSTANT_FLOAT4, 16, 1, 16, 48},
            {"c_mtl_props", 0, GFX_CONSTANT_FLOAT4, 16, 1, 16, 64}
        gmtl->cb = gfx_shader_create_cblockraw(main_alloc, "cb_mtl", constants, 5);

    return gmtl;
struct gfx_model* gfx_model_load(struct allocator* alloc, const char* h3dm_filepath,
    uint thread_id)
	struct allocator* tmp_alloc = tsk_get_tmpalloc(thread_id);

	struct h3d_header header;
    struct h3d_model h3dmodel;
	struct gfx_model* model = NULL;
    uint renderable_idx = 0;
    struct stack_alloc stack_mem;
    struct allocator stack_alloc;
    result_t r;

    memset(&stack_mem, 0x00, sizeof(stack_mem));

	file_t f = fio_openmem(tmp_alloc, h3dm_filepath, FALSE, MID_GFX);
	if (f == NULL)	{
		err_printf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "load model '%s' failed: could not open file", h3dm_filepath);
		goto err_cleanup;

	/* header */
    fio_read(f, &header, sizeof(header), 1);
	if (header.sign != H3D_SIGN || header.type != H3D_MESH)	{
		err_printf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "load model '%s' failed: invalid file format", h3dm_filepath);
		goto err_cleanup;

    if (header.version != H3D_VERSION && header.version != H3D_VERSION_13)  {
        err_printf(__FILE__, __LINE__, "load model '%s' failed: file version not implemented/obsolete",
        goto err_cleanup;

    /* model */
    fio_read(f, &h3dmodel, sizeof(h3dmodel), 1);

    /* calculate size and create stack allocator for proceeding allocations */
    size_t total_sz =
        sizeof(struct gfx_model) +
        h3dmodel.node_cnt*sizeof(struct gfx_model_node) + 16 +
        h3dmodel.node_cnt*sizeof(uint) +
        h3dmodel.geo_cnt*sizeof(struct gfx_model_geo) +
        h3dmodel.mesh_cnt*sizeof(struct gfx_model_mesh) +
        h3dmodel.mtl_cnt*sizeof(struct gfx_model_mtl) +
        h3dmodel.has_occ*sizeof(struct gfx_model_occ) +
        h3dmodel.total_childidxs*sizeof(uint) +
        h3dmodel.total_geo_subsets*sizeof(struct gfx_model_geosubset) +
        h3dmodel.total_joints*sizeof(struct gfx_model_joint) +
        h3dmodel.total_joints*sizeof(struct mat3f) +
        h3dmodel.total_submeshes*sizeof(struct gfx_model_submesh) +
        h3dmodel.total_skeletons*sizeof(struct gfx_model_skeleton) +
        h3dmodel.total_skeletons*32 + /* 2 aligned allocs per skeleton */
        h3dmodel.total_maps*sizeof(struct gfx_model_map) +
        h3dmodel.occ_idx_cnt*sizeof(uint16) +
        h3dmodel.occ_vert_cnt*sizeof(struct vec3f) +
        h3dmodel.has_occ*16; /* 1 aligned alloc for occ */
    r = mem_stack_create(alloc, &stack_mem, total_sz, MID_GFX);
    if (IS_FAIL(r)) {
        err_printn(__FILE__, __LINE__, RET_OUTOFMEMORY);
        goto err_cleanup;
    mem_stack_bindalloc(&stack_mem, &stack_alloc);

    /* */
    model = (struct gfx_model*)A_ALLOC(&stack_alloc, sizeof(struct gfx_model), MID_GFX);
    if (model == NULL)	{
        err_printn(__FILE__, __LINE__, RET_OUTOFMEMORY);
        goto err_cleanup;
    memset(model, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model));
    model->alloc = alloc;

	/* nodes */
	if (h3dmodel.node_cnt > 0)	{
		model->nodes = (struct gfx_model_node*)A_ALIGNED_ALLOC(&stack_alloc,
            sizeof(struct gfx_model_node)*h3dmodel.node_cnt, MID_GFX);
		memset(model->nodes, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model_node)*h3dmodel.node_cnt);

		for (uint i = 0; i < h3dmodel.node_cnt; i++)	{
			struct gfx_model_node* node = &model->nodes[i];
			if (!model_loadnode(node, f, &stack_alloc))
				goto err_cleanup;

            /* NOTE: we set root matrix to identity and keep the old one as "root_mat" */
            if (i == 0) {
                mat3_setm(&model->root_mat, &node->local_mat);
			model->node_cnt ++;

	/* meshes */
	if (h3dmodel.mesh_cnt > 0)	{
		model->meshes = (struct gfx_model_mesh*)A_ALLOC(&stack_alloc,
            sizeof(struct gfx_model_mesh)*h3dmodel.mesh_cnt, MID_GFX);
		memset(model->meshes, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model_mesh)*h3dmodel.mesh_cnt);
		uint idx = 0;

		for (uint i = 0; i < h3dmodel.mesh_cnt; i++)	{
			struct gfx_model_mesh* mesh = &model->meshes[i];
			if (!model_loadmesh(mesh, f, &stack_alloc))
				goto err_cleanup;

			/* assign global indexes */
			for (uint k = 0; k < mesh->submesh_cnt; k++)
				mesh->submeshes[k].offset_idx = idx++;

			model->mesh_cnt ++;

	/* geos */
	if (h3dmodel.geo_cnt > 0)	{
		model->geos = (struct gfx_model_geo*)A_ALLOC(&stack_alloc,
            sizeof(struct gfx_model_geo)*h3dmodel.geo_cnt, MID_GFX);

		memset(model->geos, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model_geo)*h3dmodel.geo_cnt);
		for (uint i = 0; i < h3dmodel.geo_cnt; i++)	{
			struct gfx_model_geo* geo = &model->geos[i];
			if (!model_loadgeo(geo, f, &stack_alloc, tmp_alloc, thread_id))
				goto err_cleanup;
			model->geo_cnt ++;

	/* materials */
	if (h3dmodel.mtl_cnt > 0)	{
		model->mtls = (struct gfx_model_mtl*)A_ALLOC(&stack_alloc,
            sizeof(struct gfx_model_mtl)*h3dmodel.mtl_cnt, MID_GFX);

		memset(model->mtls, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model_mtl)*h3dmodel.mtl_cnt);
		for (uint i = 0; i < h3dmodel.mtl_cnt; i++)	{
			struct gfx_model_mtl* mtl = &model->mtls[i];
			if (!model_loadmtl(mtl, f, &stack_alloc))
                goto err_cleanup;
			model->mtl_cnt ++;

    if (header.version >= H3D_VERSION_11 && h3dmodel.has_occ)   {
        model->occ = (struct gfx_model_occ*)A_ALLOC(&stack_alloc, sizeof(struct gfx_model_occ),

        memset(model->occ, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model_occ));
        if (!model_loadocc(model->occ, f, &stack_alloc))
            goto err_cleanup;

    /* populate renderable nodes */
    model->renderable_idxs = (uint*)A_ALLOC(&stack_alloc, sizeof(uint)*h3dmodel.node_cnt,

    for (uint i = 0; i < h3dmodel.node_cnt; i++)	{
        struct gfx_model_node* node = &model->nodes[i];
        if (node->mesh_id != INVALID_INDEX)
            model->renderable_idxs[renderable_idx++] = i;
    model->renderable_cnt = renderable_idx;

    /* calculate sum of aabb(s) from renderable nodes */
    struct mat3f node_mat;  /* transform matrix, relative to model */
	for (uint i = 0; i < renderable_idx; i++)   {
        struct gfx_model_node* node = &model->nodes[model->renderable_idxs[i]];
        mat3_setm(&node_mat, &node->local_mat);
        struct gfx_model_node* pnode = node;
        while (pnode->parent_id != INVALID_INDEX)	{
            pnode = &model->nodes[pnode->parent_id];
            mat3_mul(&node_mat, &node_mat, &pnode->local_mat);
        if (node->parent_id != INVALID_INDEX)
            mat3_mul(&node_mat, &node_mat, &model->root_mat);

        /* transform local box to model-relative bounding box and merge with final */
        struct aabb bb;
        aabb_xform(&bb, &model->nodes[model->renderable_idxs[i]].bb, &node_mat);
		aabb_merge(&model->bb, &model->bb, &bb);
    /* for empty models, we set a minimal bounding-box */
    if (aabb_iszero(&model->bb))    {
        aabb_pushptf(&model->bb, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
        aabb_pushptf(&model->bb, -0.1f, -0.1f, -0.1f);


    if (thread_id != 0) {

	return model;

	if (f != NULL)
	if (model != NULL)
	return NULL;
struct gfx_model_instance* gfx_model_createinstance(struct allocator* alloc,
		struct allocator* tmp_alloc, reshandle_t model)
    struct gfx_model* m = rs_get_model(model);
    uint unique_cnt = 0;
    uint joint_cnt = 0;
    uint skeleton_cnt = 0;
    for (uint i = 0; i < m->mesh_cnt; i++)
        unique_cnt += m->meshes[i].submesh_cnt;
    for (uint i = 0; i < m->geo_cnt; i++) {
        if (m->geos[i].skeleton != NULL)    {
            joint_cnt += m->geos[i].skeleton->joint_cnt*3;
            skeleton_cnt ++;

    /* create stack memory for proceeding allocs and calculate size */
    struct stack_alloc stack_mem;
    struct allocator stack_alloc;
    size_t total_sz =
        sizeof(struct gfx_model_instance) +
        m->mtl_cnt*sizeof(struct gfx_model_mtlgpu) +
        m->geo_cnt*sizeof(struct gfx_model_posegpu) +
        sizeof(uint)*unique_cnt +
        sizeof(int)*m->renderable_cnt +
        skeleton_cnt*16 +
        joint_cnt*sizeof(struct mat3f)*3;

    if (IS_FAIL(mem_stack_create(alloc, &stack_mem, total_sz, MID_GFX)))
        return NULL;
    mem_stack_bindalloc(&stack_mem, &stack_alloc);

    /* */
	struct gfx_model_instance* inst = (struct gfx_model_instance*)A_ALLOC(&stack_alloc,
        sizeof(struct gfx_model_instance), MID_GFX);
	memset(inst, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model_instance));

	inst->alloc = alloc;
	inst->model = model;

	/* gpu materials */
	if (m->mtl_cnt > 0)	{
		inst->mtls = (struct gfx_model_mtlgpu**)A_ALLOC(&stack_alloc,
            sizeof(struct gfx_model_mtlgpu*)*m->mtl_cnt, MID_GFX);
		memset(inst->mtls, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model_mtlgpu*)*m->mtl_cnt);

	if (m->geo_cnt > 0)	{
		inst->poses = (struct gfx_model_posegpu**)A_ALLOC(&stack_alloc,
            sizeof(struct gfx_model_posegpu*)*m->geo_cnt, MID_GFX);
		memset(inst->poses, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model_posegpu*)*m->geo_cnt);
        inst->pose_cnt = m->geo_cnt;

	for (uint i = 0; i < m->renderable_cnt; i++)	{
		struct gfx_model_node* n = &m->nodes[m->renderable_idxs[i]];
		struct gfx_model_mesh* mesh = &m->meshes[n->mesh_id];

		for (uint k = 0; k < mesh->submesh_cnt; k++)	{
			uint geo_id = mesh->geo_id;
			uint mtl_id = mesh->submeshes[k].mtl_id;
			uint rpath_flags = model_make_rpathflags(m, n->mesh_id, k);

			/* create material gpu data, if not created before */
			if (inst->mtls[mtl_id] == NULL)	{
				inst->mtls[mtl_id] = model_load_gpumtl(alloc, &stack_alloc, tmp_alloc,
                    &m->mtls[mtl_id], rpath_flags);
				if (inst->mtls[mtl_id] == NULL)	{
					return NULL;

			if (inst->poses[geo_id] == NULL && BIT_CHECK(rpath_flags, GFX_RPATH_SKINNED))	{
				inst->poses[geo_id] = model_load_gpupose(&stack_alloc, tmp_alloc, &m->geos[geo_id],
				if (inst->poses[geo_id] == NULL)	{
					return NULL;

	/* create unique Ids */
	if (unique_cnt > 0)	{
		inst->unique_ids = (uint*)A_ALLOC(&stack_alloc, sizeof(uint)*unique_cnt, MID_GFX);
		if (inst->unique_ids == NULL)	{
			return NULL;
		memset(inst->unique_ids, 0x00, sizeof(uint)*unique_cnt);

    /* create alpha flags */
    inst->alpha_flags = (int*)A_ALLOC(&stack_alloc, sizeof(int)*m->renderable_cnt, MID_GFX);
    memset(inst->alpha_flags, 0x00, sizeof(int)*m->renderable_cnt);

	/* update data of materials */

	return inst;
int model_loadgeo(struct gfx_model_geo* geo, file_t f, struct allocator* alloc,
		struct allocator* tmp_alloc, uint thread_id)
	struct h3d_geo h3dgeo;
	uint v_cnt = 0;

    fio_read(f, &h3dgeo, sizeof(h3dgeo), 1);
	geo->vert_cnt = h3dgeo.vert_cnt;
	geo->vert_id_cnt = h3dgeo.vert_id_cnt;
	geo->tri_cnt = h3dgeo.tri_cnt;
	geo->subset_cnt = h3dgeo.subset_cnt;
	geo->ib_type = h3dgeo.ib_isui32 ? GFX_INDEX_UINT32 : GFX_INDEX_UINT16;
	memcpy(geo->vert_ids, h3dgeo.vert_ids, sizeof(h3dgeo.vert_ids));

	/* subsets */
	ASSERT(h3dgeo.subset_cnt > 0);
	geo->subsets = (struct gfx_model_geosubset*)A_ALLOC(alloc,
        sizeof(struct gfx_model_geosubset)*h3dgeo.subset_cnt, MID_GFX);
	ASSERT(geo->subsets != NULL);

	for (uint i = 0; i < h3dgeo.subset_cnt; i++)	{
		struct h3d_geo_subset h3dsubset;
	    fio_read(f, &h3dsubset, sizeof(h3dsubset), 1);
		geo->subsets[i].ib_idx = h3dsubset.ib_idx;
		geo->subsets[i].idx_cnt = h3dsubset.idx_cnt;

	/* indexes */
	ASSERT(h3dgeo.tri_cnt > 0);
	uint ibuffer_sz = (geo->ib_type == GFX_INDEX_UINT16) ? sizeof(uint16)*h3dgeo.tri_cnt*3 :
	void* indexes = A_ALLOC(tmp_alloc, ibuffer_sz, MID_GFX);
	if (indexes == NULL)
		goto err_cleanup;

    fio_read(f, indexes, ibuffer_sz, 1);

 	geo->ibuffer = gfx_create_buffer(GFX_BUFFER_INDEX, GFX_MEMHINT_STATIC, ibuffer_sz, indexes,
	A_FREE(tmp_alloc, indexes);
	if (geo->ibuffer == NULL)
		goto err_cleanup;

	/* vertices */
	/* base data */
    int has_pos = model_checkvertid(h3dgeo.vert_ids, h3dgeo.vert_id_cnt,
    int has_norm = model_checkvertid(h3dgeo.vert_ids, h3dgeo.vert_id_cnt,
    int has_coord = model_checkvertid(h3dgeo.vert_ids, h3dgeo.vert_id_cnt,

	if (has_pos | has_norm | has_coord)	{
		geo->vbuffers[GFX_MODEL_BUFFER_BASE] =
				model_loadvbuffer(f, h3dgeo.vert_cnt, sizeof(struct h3d_vertex_base), tmp_alloc,
		if (geo->vbuffers[GFX_MODEL_BUFFER_BASE] == NULL)
			goto err_cleanup;
    geo->vert_ids[v_cnt++] = GFX_INPUTELEMENT_ID_POSITION;
	if (has_norm)
		geo->vert_ids[v_cnt++] = GFX_INPUTELEMENT_ID_NORMAL;
	if (has_coord)
		geo->vert_ids[v_cnt++] = GFX_INPUTELEMENT_ID_TEXCOORD0;

    /* skin data */
    int has_bindex = model_checkvertid(h3dgeo.vert_ids, h3dgeo.vert_id_cnt,
    int has_bweight = model_checkvertid(h3dgeo.vert_ids, h3dgeo.vert_id_cnt,
    if (has_bindex | has_bweight)   {
        geo->vbuffers[GFX_MODEL_BUFFER_SKIN] = model_loadvbuffer(f, h3dgeo.vert_cnt,
            sizeof(struct h3d_vertex_skin), tmp_alloc, thread_id);
        if (geo->vbuffers[GFX_MODEL_BUFFER_BASE] == NULL)
            goto err_cleanup;

    if (has_bindex)
        geo->vert_ids[v_cnt++] = GFX_INPUTELEMENT_ID_BLENDINDEX;
    if (has_bweight)
        geo->vert_ids[v_cnt++] = GFX_INPUTELEMENT_ID_BLENDWEIGHT;

    /* normal-map coord data */
    int has_tangent = model_checkvertid(h3dgeo.vert_ids, h3dgeo.vert_id_cnt,
    int has_binorm = model_checkvertid(h3dgeo.vert_ids, h3dgeo.vert_id_cnt,
    if (has_tangent | has_binorm)   {
        geo->vbuffers[GFX_MODEL_BUFFER_NMAP] = model_loadvbuffer(f, h3dgeo.vert_cnt,
            sizeof(struct h3d_vertex_nmap), tmp_alloc, thread_id);
        if (geo->vbuffers[GFX_MODEL_BUFFER_NMAP] == NULL)
            goto err_cleanup;
    if (has_tangent)
        geo->vert_ids[v_cnt++] = GFX_INPUTELEMENT_ID_TANGENT;
    if (has_binorm)
        geo->vert_ids[v_cnt++] = GFX_INPUTELEMENT_ID_BINORMAL;

    /* Extra data */
    int has_coord1 = model_checkvertid(h3dgeo.vert_ids, h3dgeo.vert_id_cnt,
    int has_color = model_checkvertid(h3dgeo.vert_ids, h3dgeo.vert_id_cnt,
    if (has_coord1 | has_color) {
        geo->vbuffers[GFX_MODEL_BUFFER_EXTRA] = model_loadvbuffer(f, h3dgeo.vert_cnt,
            sizeof(struct h3d_vertex_extra), tmp_alloc, thread_id);
        if (geo->vbuffers[GFX_MODEL_BUFFER_EXTRA] == NULL)
            goto err_cleanup;
	if (has_coord1)
		geo->vert_ids[v_cnt++] = GFX_INPUTELEMENT_ID_TEXCOORD1;
	if (has_color)
		geo->vert_ids[v_cnt++] = GFX_INPUTELEMENT_ID_COLOR;

	/* skeleton */
	if (h3dgeo.joint_cnt > 0)	{
		geo->skeleton = (struct gfx_model_skeleton*)A_ALLOC(alloc,
            sizeof(struct gfx_model_skeleton), MID_GFX);
		if (geo->skeleton == NULL)
			return FALSE;
		memset(geo->skeleton, 0x00, sizeof(struct gfx_model_skeleton));
		geo->skeleton->joint_cnt = h3dgeo.joint_cnt;
		geo->skeleton->bones_pervertex_max = h3dgeo.bones_pervertex_max;
        model_loadmat(&geo->skeleton->joints_rootmat, h3dgeo.joints_rootmat);

		geo->skeleton->init_pose = (struct mat3f*)A_ALIGNED_ALLOC(alloc,
            sizeof(struct mat3f)*h3dgeo.joint_cnt, MID_GFX);
		geo->skeleton->joints = (struct gfx_model_joint*)A_ALIGNED_ALLOC(alloc,
				sizeof(struct gfx_model_joint)*h3dgeo.joint_cnt, MID_GFX);
		ASSERT(geo->skeleton->init_pose != NULL);
        ASSERT(geo->skeleton->joints != NULL);

		for (uint i = 0; i < h3dgeo.joint_cnt; i++)	{
			struct h3d_joint h3djoint;
			struct gfx_model_joint* joint = &geo->skeleton->joints[i];
		    fio_read(f, &h3djoint, sizeof(h3djoint), 1);

			strcpy(joint->name, h3djoint.name);
            joint->name_hash = hash_str(h3djoint.name);

            model_loadmat(&joint->offset_mat, h3djoint.offset_mat);

			joint->parent_id = h3djoint.parent_idx;

        fio_read(f, geo->skeleton->init_pose, sizeof(struct mat3f), h3dgeo.joint_cnt);

    ASSERT(v_cnt > 0);

    /* input layout */
    uint buff_cnt = 0;
    uint input_cnt = geo->vert_id_cnt;
    struct gfx_input_vbuff_desc vbuffs[GFX_MODEL_BUFFER_CNT];
    struct gfx_input_element_binding inputs[GFX_INPUTELEMENT_ID_CNT];

    for (uint i = 0; i < input_cnt; i++)  {
        inputs[i].id = (enum gfx_input_element_id)geo->vert_ids[i];
        inputs[i].vb_idx = gfx_model_choose_elem_buffidx(inputs[i].id, &inputs[i].elem_offset);

    for (uint i = 0; i < GFX_MODEL_BUFFER_CNT; i++)   {
        if (geo->vbuffers[i] != NULL)   {
            vbuffs[buff_cnt].stride = gfx_model_choose_vbuff_size(i);
            vbuffs[buff_cnt].vbuff = geo->vbuffers[i];
            buff_cnt ++;

    geo->inputlayout = gfx_create_inputlayout(vbuffs, buff_cnt, inputs, input_cnt,
        geo->ibuffer, geo->ib_type, thread_id);
	if (geo->inputlayout == NULL)
		goto err_cleanup;

	return TRUE;

	if (geo != NULL)
	return FALSE;