int cg(MAT &A,VEC b,VEC &x,int maxIter, double tol)
	//A_p: A * p
	VEC  A_p(A.dim());
    int node = std::sqrt(A.dim());
    //p: search direction; 
    VEC p(A.dim()), r(A.dim()), newr(A.dim()), newx(A.dim());//,ans(A.dim()),temp(A.dim());
    //MAT LU(A.dim()),a = A;
    //r2: rT * r
    double alpha, beta, r2, newr2, err;//,g;
    //g = (double)(node-1)/2000.0;
    int iter = 0;//
    LU = luFact(a);       //LU in-place decomposition
    temp=fwdSubs(LU,b);   //forward substitution
    ans= bckSubs(LU,temp);//backward substitution

    //Initial condition for CGM
    p = r = b - (A * x);
    r2 = r * r;
    while(iter < maxIter)
	A_p = A * p;
	alpha = r2 / (p * A_p);
	newx = x + (alpha * p);
	err = std::sqrt(r2/A.dim());
	if ( err < tol )

	newr = r - (alpha * A_p);
	newr2 = newr * newr;
	beta = newr2 / r2;
	p = newr + beta * p;

	//Re-initialization for next iteration
	x = newx;
	r = newr;
	r2 = newr2;
    //printf("cg:Vne: %lf; Vsw: %lf; Vse: %lf; R:%lf\n",newx[node-1],newx[(node-1)*node],newx[node*node-1], std::abs( 1/(g*(newx[0]-newx[1])+g*(newx[0]-newx[node] )) ) );
    //printf("LU:Vne: %lf; Vsw: %lf; Vse: %lf; R:%lf\n",ans[node-1],ans[(node-1)*node],ans[node*node-1], std::abs( 1/(g*(ans[0]-ans[1])+g*(ans[0]-ans[node] )) )  );
    //printf("Difference w.r.t. hw4: %E\n",linfnorm(ans - newx));
    return iter;
unsigned long CSysSolve::CG_LinSolver(const CSysVector & b, CSysVector & x, CMatrixVectorProduct & mat_vec,
                                           CPreconditioner & precond, su2double tol, unsigned long m, bool monitoring) {
int rank = 0;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  /*--- Check the subspace size ---*/
  if (m < 1) {
    if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cerr << "CSysSolve::ConjugateGradient: illegal value for subspace size, m = " << m << endl;
#ifndef HAVE_MPI
  CSysVector r(b);
  CSysVector A_p(b);
  /*--- Calculate the initial residual, compute norm, and check if system is already solved ---*/
  mat_vec(x, A_p);
  r -= A_p; // recall, r holds b initially
  su2double norm_r = r.norm();
  su2double norm0 = b.norm();
  if ( (norm_r < tol*norm0) || (norm_r < eps) ) {
    if (rank == MASTER_NODE) cout << "CSysSolve::ConjugateGradient(): system solved by initial guess." << endl;
    return 0;
  su2double alpha, beta, r_dot_z;
  CSysVector z(r);
  precond(r, z);
  CSysVector p(z);
  /*--- Set the norm to the initial initial residual value ---*/
  norm0 = norm_r;
  /*--- Output header information including initial residual ---*/
  int i = 0;
  if ((monitoring) && (rank == MASTER_NODE)) {
    WriteHeader("CG", tol, norm_r);
    WriteHistory(i, norm_r, norm0);
  /*---  Loop over all search directions ---*/
  for (i = 0; i < (int)m; i++) {
    /*--- Apply matrix to p to build Krylov subspace ---*/
    mat_vec(p, A_p);
    /*--- Calculate step-length alpha ---*/
    r_dot_z = dotProd(r, z);
    alpha = dotProd(A_p, p);
    alpha = r_dot_z / alpha;
    /*--- Update solution and residual: ---*/
    x.Plus_AX(alpha, p);
    r.Plus_AX(-alpha, A_p);
    /*--- Check if solution has converged, else output the relative residual if necessary ---*/
    norm_r = r.norm();
    if (norm_r < tol*norm0) break;
    if (((monitoring) && (rank == MASTER_NODE)) && ((i+1) % 5 == 0)) WriteHistory(i+1, norm_r, norm0);
    precond(r, z);
    /*--- Calculate Gram-Schmidt coefficient beta,
		 beta = dotProd(r_{i+1}, z_{i+1}) / dotProd(r_{i}, z_{i}) ---*/
    beta = 1.0 / r_dot_z;
    r_dot_z = dotProd(r, z);
    beta *= r_dot_z;
    /*--- Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization; p = beta *p + z ---*/
    p.Equals_AX_Plus_BY(beta, p, 1.0, z);

  if ((monitoring) && (rank == MASTER_NODE)) {
    cout << "# Conjugate Gradient final (true) residual:" << endl;
    cout << "# Iteration = " << i << ": |res|/|res0| = "  << norm_r/norm0 << ".\n" << endl;
//  /*--- Recalculate final residual (this should be optional) ---*/
//  mat_vec(x, A_p);
//  r = b;
//  r -= A_p;
//  su2double true_res = r.norm();
//  if (fabs(true_res - norm_r) > tol*10.0) {
//    if (rank == MASTER_NODE) {
//      cout << "# WARNING in CSysSolve::ConjugateGradient(): " << endl;
//      cout << "# true residual norm and calculated residual norm do not agree." << endl;
//      cout << "# true_res - calc_res = " << true_res - norm_r << endl;
//    }
//  }
	return i;
void NavEstimator::prediction(float Ts)
    float psidot, tmp, Vgdot;
    if(fabsf(xhat_p(2)) < 0.01f)
        xhat_p(2) = 0.01;

    for(int i=0;i<N_;i++)
        psidot = (qhat*sinf(phihat) + rhat*cosf(phihat))/cosf(thetahat);
        tmp = -psidot*Vwhat*(xhat_p(4)*cosf(xhat_p(6)) + xhat_p(5)*sinf(xhat_p(6)))/xhat_p(2);
        Vgdot = ((Vwhat*cosf(xhat_p(6)) + xhat_p(4))*(-psidot*Vwhat*sinf(xhat_p(6))) + (Vwhat*sinf(xhat_p(6)) + xhat_p(5))*(psidot*Vwhat*cosf(xhat_p(6))))/xhat_p(2);

        f_p = Eigen::VectorXf::Zero(7);
        f_p(0) = xhat_p(2)*cosf(xhat_p(3));
        f_p(1) = xhat_p(2)*sinf(xhat_p(3));
        f_p(2) = Vgdot;
        f_p(3) = GRAVITY/xhat_p(2)*tanf(phihat)*cosf(xhat_p(3) - xhat_p(6));
        f_p(6) = psidot;

        A_p = Eigen::MatrixXf::Zero(7,7);
        A_p(0,2) = cos(xhat_p(3));
        A_p(0,3) = -xhat_p(2)*sinf(xhat_p(3));
        A_p(1,2) = sin(xhat_p(3));
        A_p(1,3) = xhat_p(2)*cosf(xhat_p(3));
        A_p(2,2) = -Vgdot/xhat_p(2);
        A_p(2,4) = -psidot*Vwhat*sinf(xhat_p(6))/xhat_p(2);
        A_p(2,5) = psidot*Vwhat*cosf(xhat_p(6))/xhat_p(2);
        A_p(2,6) = tmp;
        A_p(3,2) = -GRAVITY/powf(xhat_p(2),2)*tanf(phihat)*cosf(xhat_p(3) - xhat_p(6));
        A_p(3,3) = -GRAVITY/xhat_p(2)*tanf(phihat)*sinf(xhat_p(3) - xhat_p(6));
        A_p(3,6) = GRAVITY/xhat_p(2)*tanf(phihat)*sinf(xhat_p(3) - xhat_p(6));

        xhat_p += f_p *(Ts/N_);
        P_p += (A_p*P_p + P_p*A_p.transpose() + Q_p)*(Ts/N_);