void init_menu(void)
//    MenuNode *taalNode = Level1Node("Taal",  NULL); //de laatste is de functiepointer
    MenuNode *tijdNode = Level1Node("Tijd", &time_loop);
    MenuNode *audioNode = Level1Node("Audio", NULL);
	MenuNode *tijdzoneNode = Level1Node("Tijdzone", &timezone_loop);
    MenuNode *alarmNode = Level1Node("Alarm", &alarm_loop);
	MenuNode *resetNode = Level1Node("Reset", &factory_reset_loop);
	MenuNode *weatherNode = Level1Node("Weer", &weather_loop);

	MenuNode *volumeNode = ChildNode("Volume", audioNode, NULL, &volume_loop);
	MenuNode *bassNode = ChildNode("Bass", audioNode, NULL, &bass_loop);
	MenuNode *trebleNode = ChildNode("Treble", audioNode, NULL, &treble_loop);
//	AddL1Node(taalNode);

	currentMenuItem = head;
	printf("\nMenu Initialized");
static void
RDF_ParseTypeResourcePropertyElement ( XMP_Node * xmpParent, const XML_Node & xmlNode, bool isTopLevel )

    XMP_Node * newStruct = AddChildNode ( xmpParent, xmlNode, "", isTopLevel );
    newStruct->options  |= kXMP_PropValueIsStruct;

    XML_cNodePos currAttr = xmlNode.attrs.begin();
    XML_cNodePos endAttr  = xmlNode.attrs.end();

    for ( ; currAttr != endAttr; ++currAttr ) {
        XMP_VarString & attrName = (*currAttr)->name;
        if ( attrName == "rdf:parseType" ) {
            continue;	// ! The caller ensured the value is "Resource".
        } else if ( attrName == "xml:lang" ) {
            AddQualifierNode ( newStruct, **currAttr );
        } else if ( attrName == "rdf:ID" ) {
            continue;	// Ignore all rdf:ID attributes.
        } else {
            XMP_Throw ( "Invalid attribute for ParseTypeResource property element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );

    RDF_PropertyElementList ( newStruct, xmlNode, kNotTopLevel );

    if ( newStruct->options & kRDF_HasValueElem ) FixupQualifiedNode ( newStruct );

    // *** Need to look for arrays using rdf:Description and rdf:type.

}	// RDF_ParseTypeResourcePropertyElement
	// 函数名称: Add
	// 返回类型: bool
	// 参数信息: CControlUI * _pTreeNodeUI
	// 函数说明: 通过节点对象添加节点
	bool CTreeNodeUI::Add( CControlUI* _pTreeNodeUI )
		if (_tcsicmp(_pTreeNodeUI->GetClass(), _T("TreeNodeUI")) == 0)
			return AddChildNode((CTreeNodeUI*)_pTreeNodeUI);

		return CListContainerElementUI::Add(_pTreeNodeUI);
FReply SDockingArea::OnUserAttemptingDock( SDockingNode::RelativeDirection Direction, const FDragDropEvent& DragDropEvent )
	TSharedPtr<FDockingDragOperation> DragDropOperation = DragDropEvent.GetOperationAs<FDockingDragOperation>();
	if ( DragDropOperation.IsValid() )
		if (Direction == Center)
			//check(Children.Num() <= 1);

			TSharedRef<SDockingTabStack> NewStack = SNew(SDockingTabStack, FTabManager::NewStack());
			AddChildNode( NewStack );
			NewStack->OpenTab( DragDropOperation->GetTabBeingDragged().ToSharedRef() );
			DockFromOutside( Direction, DragDropEvent );

		return FReply::Handled();
		return FReply::Unhandled();
static void
RDF_ResourcePropertyElement ( XMP_Node * xmpParent, const XML_Node & xmlNode, bool isTopLevel )
    if ( isTopLevel && (xmlNode.name == "iX:changes") ) return;	// Strip old "punchcard" chaff.

    XMP_Node * newCompound = AddChildNode ( xmpParent, xmlNode, "", isTopLevel );

    XML_cNodePos currAttr = xmlNode.attrs.begin();
    XML_cNodePos endAttr  = xmlNode.attrs.end();

    for ( ; currAttr != endAttr; ++currAttr ) {
        XMP_VarString & attrName = (*currAttr)->name;
        if ( attrName == "xml:lang" ) {
            AddQualifierNode ( newCompound, **currAttr );
        } else if ( attrName == "rdf:ID" ) {
            continue;	// Ignore all rdf:ID attributes.
        } else {
            XMP_Throw ( "Invalid attribute for resource property element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );

    XML_cNodePos currChild = xmlNode.content.begin();
    XML_cNodePos endChild  = xmlNode.content.end();

    for ( ; currChild != endChild; ++currChild ) {
        if ( ! (*currChild)->IsWhitespaceNode() ) break;
    if ( currChild == endChild ) XMP_Throw ( "Missing child of resource property element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
    if ( (*currChild)->kind != kElemNode ) XMP_Throw ( "Children of resource property element must be XML elements", kXMPErr_BadRDF );

    if ( (*currChild)->name == "rdf:Bag" ) {
        newCompound->options |= kXMP_PropValueIsArray;
    } else if ( (*currChild)->name == "rdf:Seq" ) {
        newCompound->options |= kXMP_PropValueIsArray | kXMP_PropArrayIsOrdered;
    } else if ( (*currChild)->name == "rdf:Alt" ) {
        newCompound->options |= kXMP_PropValueIsArray | kXMP_PropArrayIsOrdered | kXMP_PropArrayIsAlternate;
    } else {
        newCompound->options |= kXMP_PropValueIsStruct;
        if ( (*currChild)->name != "rdf:Description" ) {
            XMP_VarString typeName ( (*currChild)->ns );
            size_t        colonPos = (*currChild)->name.find_first_of(':');
            if ( colonPos == XMP_VarString::npos ) XMP_Throw ( "All XML elements must be in a namespace", kXMPErr_BadXMP );
            typeName.append ( (*currChild)->name, colonPos, XMP_VarString::npos );
            AddQualifierNode ( newCompound, XMP_VarString("rdf:type"), typeName );

    RDF_NodeElement ( newCompound, **currChild, kNotTopLevel );
    if ( newCompound->options & kRDF_HasValueElem ) {
        FixupQualifiedNode ( newCompound );
    } else if ( newCompound->options & kXMP_PropArrayIsAlternate ) {
        DetectAltText ( newCompound );

    for ( ++currChild; currChild != endChild; ++currChild ) {
        if ( ! (*currChild)->IsWhitespaceNode() ) XMP_Throw ( "Invalid child of resource property element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );

}	// RDF_ResourcePropertyElement
FCDENode* FCDENode::AddParameter(const char* name, const fchar* value)
	FCDENode* parameter = AddChildNode();
	return parameter;
   CCylinderEntity& CLoopFunctions::AddCylinder(const std::string& str_id,
                                                const CVector3& c_position,
                                                const CQuaternion& c_orientation,
                                                Real f_radius,
                                                Real f_height,
                                                bool b_movable,
                                                Real f_mass,
                                                const std::vector<std::string>& str_physics_ids,
                                                const std::vector<SAdditionalLED>& vec_additional_leds,
                                                bool b_visible) {

      /* Get the angles in degrees from the quaternion */
      CRadians cX, cY, cZ;
      c_orientation.ToEulerAngles(cZ, cY, cX);
      CVector3 cOrientationAngles(ToDegrees(cZ).GetValue(),

      /* Build the XML tree */
      TConfigurationNode tRootNode("cylinder");
      SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "id", str_id);
      SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "position", c_position);
      SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "orientation", cOrientationAngles);
      SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "radius", f_radius);
      SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "height", f_height);
      SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "movable", b_movable);
      SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "mass", f_mass);
      SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "visible", b_visible);
      /* Add LEDs, if any */
      if(!vec_additional_leds.empty()) {
         TConfigurationNode tLEDNode("leds");
         for(UInt32 i = 0; i < vec_additional_leds.size(); ++i) {
            TConfigurationNode tLED("led");
            SetNodeAttribute(tLED, "position", vec_additional_leds[i].Position);
            SetNodeAttribute(tLED, "color", vec_additional_leds[i].Color);
            AddChildNode(tLEDNode, tLED);
         AddChildNode(tRootNode, tLEDNode);
      /* Add the entity to the space */
      CCylinderEntity& cEntity = AddEntityToSpace<CCylinderEntity>(tRootNode);
      /* Add the entity to physics */
      AddEntityToPhysics(cEntity, str_physics_ids);
      /* Return the entity */
      return cEntity;
 * Overridden function for Creating Child Nodes
void FCategoryPropertyNode::InitChildNodes()
	const bool bShowHiddenProperties = !!HasNodeFlags( EPropertyNodeFlags::ShouldShowHiddenProperties );
	const bool bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance = !!HasNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::ShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance);

	TArray<UProperty*> Properties;
	// The parent of a category window has to be an object window.
	auto ComplexNode = FindComplexParent();
	if (ComplexNode)
		// Get a list of properties that are in the same category
		for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(ComplexNode->GetBaseStructure()); It; ++It)
			bool bMetaDataAllowVisible = true;
			if (!bShowHiddenProperties)
				FString MetaDataVisibilityCheckString = It->GetMetaData(TEXT("bShowOnlyWhenTrue"));
				if (MetaDataVisibilityCheckString.Len())
					//ensure that the metadata visibility string is actually set to true in order to show this property
					// @todo Remove this
					GConfig->GetBool(TEXT("UnrealEd.PropertyFilters"), *MetaDataVisibilityCheckString, bMetaDataAllowVisible, GEditorUserSettingsIni);

			if (bMetaDataAllowVisible)
				const bool bShowIfEditableProperty = (*It)->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Edit);
				const bool bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance = !(*It)->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_DisableEditOnInstance) || bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;

				// Add if we are showing non-editable props and this is the 'None' category, 
				// or if this is the right category, and we are either showing non-editable
				if (FObjectEditorUtils::GetCategoryFName(*It) == CategoryName && (bShowHiddenProperties || (bShowIfEditableProperty && bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance)))

	for( int32 PropertyIndex = 0 ; PropertyIndex < Properties.Num() ; ++PropertyIndex )
		TSharedPtr<FItemPropertyNode> NewItemNode( new FItemPropertyNode );

		FPropertyNodeInitParams InitParams;
		InitParams.ParentNode = SharedThis(this);
		InitParams.Property = Properties[PropertyIndex];
		InitParams.ArrayOffset = 0;
		InitParams.ArrayIndex = INDEX_NONE;
		InitParams.bAllowChildren = true;
		InitParams.bForceHiddenPropertyVisibility = bShowHiddenProperties;
		InitParams.bCreateDisableEditOnInstanceNodes = bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;

		NewItemNode->InitNode( InitParams );

void SDockingArea::DockFromOutside(SDockingNode::RelativeDirection Direction, const FDragDropEvent& DragDropEvent)
	TSharedPtr<FDockingDragOperation> DragDropOperation = StaticCastSharedPtr<FDockingDragOperation>(DragDropEvent.GetOperation());
	// Dock from outside.
	const bool bDirectionMatches = DoesDirectionMatchOrientation( Direction, this->Splitter->GetOrientation() );

	if (!bDirectionMatches && Children.Num() > 1)
		// We have multiple children, but the user wants to add a new node that's perpendicular to their orientation.
		// We need to nest our children into a child splitter so that we can re-orient ourselves.
			// Create a new, re-oriented splitter and copy all the children into it.
			TSharedRef<SDockingSplitter> NewSplitter = SNew(SDockingSplitter, FTabManager::NewSplitter()->SetOrientation(Splitter->GetOrientation()) );
			for( int32 ChildIndex=0; ChildIndex < Children.Num(); ++ChildIndex )
				NewSplitter->AddChildNode( Children[ChildIndex], INDEX_NONE );

			// Remove all our children.
			while( Children.Num() > 0 )
			AddChildNode( NewSplitter );

		// Re-orient ourselves
		const EOrientation NewOrientation = (this->Splitter->GetOrientation() == Orient_Horizontal)
			? Orient_Vertical
			: Orient_Horizontal;

		this->SetOrientation( NewOrientation );

	// Add the new node.
		TSharedRef<SDockingTabStack> NewStack = SNew(SDockingTabStack, FTabManager::NewStack());

		if ( Direction == LeftOf || Direction == Above )
			this->PlaceNode( NewStack, Direction, Children[0] );
			this->PlaceNode( NewStack, Direction, Children.Last() );

		NewStack->OpenTab( DragDropOperation->GetTabBeingDragged().ToSharedRef() );

nsSubscribableServer::FindAndCreateNode(const nsACString &aPath,
                                        SubscribeTreeNode **aResult)
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  NS_ASSERTION(aResult, "no result");
  if (!aResult) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  if (!mTreeRoot) {
      nsCString serverUri;
      rv = mIncomingServer->GetServerURI(serverUri);
      // the root has no parent, and its name is server uri
      rv = CreateNode(nsnull, serverUri.get(), &mTreeRoot);

  if (aPath.IsEmpty()) {
      *aResult = mTreeRoot;
      return NS_OK;

  char *token = nsnull;
  nsCString pathStr(aPath);
  char *rest = pathStr.BeginWriting();

  // todo do this only once
  char delimstr[2];
  delimstr[0] = mDelimiter;
  delimstr[1] = '\0';

  *aResult = nsnull;

  SubscribeTreeNode *parent = mTreeRoot;
  SubscribeTreeNode *child = nsnull;

  token = NS_strtok(delimstr, &rest); 
  // special case paths that start with the hierarchy delimiter.
  // We want to include that delimiter in the first token name.
  if (token && pathStr[0] == mDelimiter)
  while (token && *token) {
    rv = AddChildNode(parent, token, &child);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
      return rv;
    token = NS_strtok(delimstr, &rest);
    parent = child;

  // the last child we add is the result
  *aResult = child;
  return rv;
void Node::Serialize(IOPacket& packet) {
    packet.Stream(mId, "uuid");
    packet.Stream(mName, "name", mName);
    packet.Stream(mPosition, "position");
    packet.Stream(mScale, "scale", Ogre::Vector3(1,1,1));
    packet.Stream(mRotation, "rotation");
    packet.Stream(mIsEnabled, "enabled");

    // Components
    uint32_t count = packet.BeginList(mComponents.size(), "components");

    if(packet.GetDirection() == IOPacket::SERIALIZE) {
        // serialize
        for(auto iter = mComponents.begin(); iter != mComponents.end(); ++iter) {
    } else {
        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            std::string type;
            packet.Stream(type, "type", std::string(""));
            Component* c = Serializer::CreateComponent(type);

    // Children
    count = packet.BeginList(mChildren.size(), "children");

    if(packet.GetDirection() == IOPacket::SERIALIZE) {
        for(auto iter = mChildren.begin(); iter != mChildren.end(); ++iter) {
    } else {
        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            Node* n = new Node;
static void
RDF_NodeElementAttrs ( XMP_Node * xmpParent, const XML_Node & xmlNode, bool isTopLevel )
    XMP_OptionBits exclusiveAttrs = 0;	// Used to detect attributes that are mutually exclusive.

    XML_cNodePos currAttr = xmlNode.attrs.begin();
    XML_cNodePos endAttr  = xmlNode.attrs.end();

    for ( ; currAttr != endAttr; ++currAttr ) {

        RDFTermKind attrTerm = GetRDFTermKind ( (*currAttr)->name );

        switch ( attrTerm ) {

            case kRDFTerm_ID     :
            case kRDFTerm_nodeID :
            case kRDFTerm_about  :

                if ( exclusiveAttrs & kExclusiveAttrMask ) XMP_Throw ( "Mutally exclusive about, ID, nodeID attributes", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
                exclusiveAttrs |= (1 << attrTerm);

                if ( isTopLevel && (attrTerm == kRDFTerm_about) ) {
                    // This is the rdf:about attribute on a top level node. Set the XMP tree name if
                    // it doesn't have a name yet. Make sure this name matches the XMP tree name.
                    XMP_Assert ( xmpParent->parent == 0 );	// Must be the tree root node.
                    if ( xmpParent->name.empty() ) {
                        xmpParent->name = (*currAttr)->value;
                    } else if ( ! (*currAttr)->value.empty() ) {
                        if ( xmpParent->name != (*currAttr)->value ) XMP_Throw ( "Mismatched top level rdf:about values", kXMPErr_BadXMP );


            case kRDFTerm_Other :
                AddChildNode ( xmpParent, **currAttr, (*currAttr)->value.c_str(), isTopLevel );

            default :
                XMP_Throw ( "Invalid nodeElement attribute", kXMPErr_BadRDF );



}	// RDF_NodeElementAttrs
文件: worm2.c 项目: landisliu/project
功能:从 src 中分析出网页链接,并加入到当前节点的子节点上
void GetLink(char * src)
	char * pa, * pb, * pc;
	char * myanchor = 0;
	int len = 0;

	pa = src;
		if((pb = strstr(pa, "href='")))
			pc = strchr(pb + 6, '\'');
			len = strlen(pb + 6) - strlen(pc);
			GetMemory(&myanchor, len);
			memcpy(myanchor, pb + 6, len);
		else if((pb = strstr(pa, "href=\"")))
			pc = strchr(pb + 6, '"');
			len = strlen(pb + 6) - strlen(pc);
			GetMemory(&myanchor, len);
			memcpy(myanchor, pb + 6, len);
		else if((pb = strstr(pa, "href=")))
			GetAfterPosWithSlash(pb + 5, &pc);
			len = strlen(pb + 5) - strlen(pc);
			GetMemory(&myanchor, len);
			memcpy(myanchor, pb + 5, len);
		else {goto __returnLink ;}

		if(strlen(myanchor) > 0)
			AddChildNode(NodeCurr, myanchor);
		if(pc + 1)
			pa = pc + 1;
功能:从 src 中分析出网页链接,并加入到当前节点的子节点上
void GetLink(char * src)
char * pa, * pb, * pc;
char * myanchor = 0;
int len = 0;

pa = src;
do {
if((pb = strstr(pa, "href='"))) {
pc = strchr(pb + 6, '\'');
len = strlen(pb + 6) - strlen(pc);
GetMemory(&myanchor, len);
memcpy(myanchor, pb + 6, len);
else if((pb = strstr(pa, "href=\""))) {
pc = strchr(pb + 6, '"');
len = strlen(pb + 6) - strlen(pc);
GetMemory(&myanchor, len);
memcpy(myanchor, pb + 6, len);
else if((pb = strstr(pa, "href="))) {
GetAfterPosWithSlash(pb + 5, &pc);
len = strlen(pb + 5) - strlen(pc);
GetMemory(&myanchor, len);
memcpy(myanchor, pb + 5, len);
else {goto __returnLink ;}
if(DEBUG) {
if(strcmp(NodeCurr->dir, "/")) fprintf(stdout, "%s\thttp://%s/%s/%s\n", myanchor, NodeCurr->host, NodeCurr->dir, strcmp(NodeCurr->page, "`")?NodeCurr->page:"");
else fprintf(stdout, "%s\thttp://%s%s%s\n", myanchor, NodeCurr->host, NodeCurr->dir, strcmp(NodeCurr->page, "`")?NodeCurr->page:"");
if(strlen(myanchor) > 0) AddChildNode(NodeCurr, myanchor);
if(pc + 1) pa = pc + 1;
static void
RDF_LiteralPropertyElement ( XMP_Node * xmpParent, const XML_Node & xmlNode, bool isTopLevel )
    XMP_Node * newChild = AddChildNode ( xmpParent, xmlNode, "", isTopLevel );

    XML_cNodePos currAttr = xmlNode.attrs.begin();
    XML_cNodePos endAttr  = xmlNode.attrs.end();

    for ( ; currAttr != endAttr; ++currAttr ) {
        XMP_VarString & attrName = (*currAttr)->name;
        if ( attrName == "xml:lang" ) {
            AddQualifierNode ( newChild, **currAttr );
        } else if ( (attrName == "rdf:ID") || (attrName == "rdf:datatype") ) {
            continue;	// Ignore all rdf:ID and rdf:datatype attributes.
        } else {
            XMP_Throw ( "Invalid attribute for literal property element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );

    XML_cNodePos currChild = xmlNode.content.begin();
    XML_cNodePos endChild  = xmlNode.content.end();
    size_t      textSize  = 0;

    for ( ; currChild != endChild; ++currChild ) {
        if ( (*currChild)->kind != kCDataNode ) XMP_Throw ( "Invalid child of literal property element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
        textSize += (*currChild)->value.size();

    newChild->value.reserve ( textSize );

    for ( currChild = xmlNode.content.begin(); currChild != endChild; ++currChild ) {
        newChild->value += (*currChild)->value;

    #if 0	// *** XMP_DebugBuild
        newChild->_valuePtr = newChild->value.c_str();

}	// RDF_LiteralPropertyElement
文件: Pipe.cpp 项目: abroun/SubSim
bool Pipe::Init( irr::scene::ISceneManager* pSceneManager )
    if ( !mbInitialised )
        if ( !Entity::Init( pSceneManager ) )
            return false;
        // Create a cylinder to represent the pipe
        const irr::scene::IGeometryCreator* pCreator = pSceneManager->getGeometryCreator();

        mpMesh = pCreator->createCylinderMesh( RADIUS, LENGTH, 16, COLOUR );
        if ( NULL == mpMesh )
            return false;
        mpMeshNode = pSceneManager->addMeshSceneNode( mpMesh );
        if ( NULL == mpMeshNode )
            return false;
        mpMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_LIGHTING, false );
        mpMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true );
        mpMeshNode->setRotation( irr::core::vector3df( 90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
        mpMeshNode->setPosition( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, -LENGTH/2.0f ) );
        // Put the node under the control of SubSim
        AddChildNode( mpMeshNode );

        mbInitialised = true;

    return true;
void FStructurePropertyNode::InitChildNodes()
	const bool bShouldShowHiddenProperties = !!HasNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::ShouldShowHiddenProperties);
	const bool bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance = !!HasNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::ShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance);

	const UStruct* Struct = StructData.IsValid() ? StructData->GetStruct() : NULL;

	for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(Struct); It; ++It)
		UProperty* StructMember = *It;

		if (StructMember)
			static const FName Name_InlineEditConditionToggle("InlineEditConditionToggle");
			const bool bOnlyShowAsInlineEditCondition = StructMember->HasMetaData(Name_InlineEditConditionToggle);
			const bool bShowIfEditableProperty = StructMember->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Edit);
			const bool bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance = !StructMember->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_DisableEditOnInstance) || bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;

			if (bShouldShowHiddenProperties || (bShowIfEditableProperty && !bOnlyShowAsInlineEditCondition && bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance))
				TSharedPtr<FItemPropertyNode> NewItemNode(new FItemPropertyNode);//;//CreatePropertyItem(StructMember,INDEX_NONE,this);

				FPropertyNodeInitParams InitParams;
				InitParams.ParentNode = SharedThis(this);
				InitParams.Property = StructMember;
				InitParams.ArrayOffset = 0;
				InitParams.ArrayIndex = INDEX_NONE;
				InitParams.bAllowChildren = true;
				InitParams.bForceHiddenPropertyVisibility = bShouldShowHiddenProperties;
				InitParams.bCreateDisableEditOnInstanceNodes = bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;
				InitParams.bCreateCategoryNodes = false;

void FObjectPropertyNode::InternalInitChildNodes( FName SinglePropertyName )
	// Assemble a list of category names by iterating over all fields of BaseClass.

	// build a list of classes that we need to look at
	TSet<UClass*> ClassesToConsider;
	for( int32 i = 0; i < GetNumObjects(); ++i )
		UObject* TempObject = GetUObject( i );
		if( TempObject )
			ClassesToConsider.Add( TempObject->GetClass() );

	const bool bShouldShowHiddenProperties = !!HasNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::ShouldShowHiddenProperties);
	const bool bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance = !!HasNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::ShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance);

	TSet<FName> Categories;
	for( TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(BaseClass.Get()); It; ++It )
		bool bHidden = false;

		FName CategoryName = FObjectEditorUtils::GetCategoryFName(*It);

		for( UClass* Class : ClassesToConsider )
			if( FEditorCategoryUtils::IsCategoryHiddenFromClass(Class, CategoryName.ToString()) )
				HiddenCategories.Add( CategoryName );

				bHidden = true;

		bool bMetaDataAllowVisible = true;
		FString MetaDataVisibilityCheckString = It->GetMetaData(TEXT("bShowOnlyWhenTrue"));
		if (MetaDataVisibilityCheckString.Len())
			//ensure that the metadata visibility string is actually set to true in order to show this property
			GConfig->GetBool(TEXT("UnrealEd.PropertyFilters"), *MetaDataVisibilityCheckString, bMetaDataAllowVisible, GEditorUserSettingsIni);

		if (bMetaDataAllowVisible)
			const bool bShowIfNonHiddenEditableProperty = (*It)->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Edit) && !bHidden;
			const bool bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance = !(*It)->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_DisableEditOnInstance) || bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;
			if( bShouldShowHiddenProperties || (bShowIfNonHiddenEditableProperty && bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance) )
				Categories.Add( CategoryName );

	// Add the category headers and the child items that belong inside of them.

	// Only show category headers if this is the top level object window and the parent window allows headers.
	if( HasNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::ShowCategories) )
		FString CategoryDelimiterString;
		CategoryDelimiterString.AppendChar( FPropertyNodeConstants::CategoryDelimiterChar );

		TArray< FPropertyNode* > ParentNodesToSort;

		for( const FName& FullCategoryPath : Categories )
			// Figure out the nesting level for this category
			TArray< FString > FullCategoryPathStrings;
			FullCategoryPath.ToString().ParseIntoArray( FullCategoryPathStrings, *CategoryDelimiterString, true );

			TSharedPtr<FPropertyNode> ParentLevelNode = SharedThis(this);
			FString CurCategoryPathString;
			for( int32 PathLevelIndex = 0; PathLevelIndex < FullCategoryPathStrings.Num(); ++PathLevelIndex )
				// Build up the category path name for the current path level index
				if( CurCategoryPathString.Len() != 0 )
					CurCategoryPathString += FPropertyNodeConstants::CategoryDelimiterChar;
				CurCategoryPathString += FullCategoryPathStrings[ PathLevelIndex ];
				const FName CategoryName( *CurCategoryPathString );

				// Check to see if we've already created a category at the specified path level
				bool bFoundMatchingCategory = false;
					for( int32 CurNodeIndex = 0; CurNodeIndex < ParentLevelNode->GetNumChildNodes(); ++CurNodeIndex )
						TSharedPtr<FPropertyNode>& ChildNode = ParentLevelNode->GetChildNode( CurNodeIndex );
						check( ChildNode.IsValid() );

						// Is this a category node?
						FCategoryPropertyNode* ChildCategoryNode = ChildNode->AsCategoryNode();
						if( ChildCategoryNode != NULL )
							// Does the name match?
							if( ChildCategoryNode->GetCategoryName() == CategoryName )
								// Descend by using the child node as the new parent
								bFoundMatchingCategory = true;
								ParentLevelNode = ChildNode;

				// If we didn't find the category, then we'll need to create it now!
				if( !bFoundMatchingCategory )
					// Create the category node and assign it to its parent node
					TSharedPtr<FCategoryPropertyNode> NewCategoryNode( new FCategoryPropertyNode );
						NewCategoryNode->SetCategoryName( CategoryName );

						FPropertyNodeInitParams InitParams;
						InitParams.ParentNode = ParentLevelNode;
						InitParams.Property = NULL;
						InitParams.ArrayOffset = 0;
						InitParams.ArrayIndex = INDEX_NONE;
						InitParams.bAllowChildren = true;
						InitParams.bForceHiddenPropertyVisibility = bShouldShowHiddenProperties;
						InitParams.bCreateDisableEditOnInstanceNodes = bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;

						NewCategoryNode->InitNode( InitParams );

						// Recursively expand category properties if the category has been flagged for auto-expansion.
						if (BaseClass->IsAutoExpandCategory(*CategoryName.ToString())
							&&	!BaseClass->IsAutoCollapseCategory(*CategoryName.ToString()))
							NewCategoryNode->SetNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::Expanded, true);

						// Add this node to it's parent.  Note that no sorting happens here, so the parent's
						// list of child nodes will not be in the correct order.  We'll keep track of which
						// nodes we added children to so we can sort them after we're finished adding new nodes.
						ParentNodesToSort.AddUnique( ParentLevelNode.Get() );

					// Descend into the newly created category by using this node as the new parent
					ParentLevelNode = NewCategoryNode;
		// Iterate over all fields, creating items.
		for( TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(BaseClass.Get()); It; ++It )
			const bool bShowIfNonHiddenEditableProperty = (*It)->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Edit) && !FEditorCategoryUtils::IsCategoryHiddenFromClass(BaseClass.Get(), FObjectEditorUtils::GetCategory(*It));
			const bool bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance = !(*It)->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_DisableEditOnInstance) || bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;
			if (bShouldShowHiddenProperties || (bShowIfNonHiddenEditableProperty && bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance))
				UProperty* CurProp = *It;
				if( SinglePropertyName == NAME_None || CurProp->GetFName() == SinglePropertyName )
					TSharedPtr<FItemPropertyNode> NewItemNode( new FItemPropertyNode );

					FPropertyNodeInitParams InitParams;
					InitParams.ParentNode = SharedThis(this);
					InitParams.Property = CurProp;
					InitParams.ArrayOffset =  0;
					InitParams.ArrayIndex = INDEX_NONE;
					InitParams.bAllowChildren = SinglePropertyName == NAME_None;
					InitParams.bForceHiddenPropertyVisibility = bShouldShowHiddenProperties;
					InitParams.bCreateDisableEditOnInstanceNodes = bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;

					NewItemNode->InitNode( InitParams );


					if( SinglePropertyName != NAME_None )
						// Generate no other children

static void
RDF_EmptyPropertyElement ( XMP_Node * xmpParent, const XML_Node & xmlNode, bool isTopLevel )
    bool hasPropertyAttrs = false;
    bool hasResourceAttr  = false;
    bool hasNodeIDAttr    = false;
    bool hasValueAttr     = false;

    const XML_Node * valueNode = 0;	// ! Can come from rdf:value or rdf:resource.

    if ( ! xmlNode.content.empty() ) XMP_Throw ( "Nested content not allowed with rdf:resource or property attributes", kXMPErr_BadRDF );

    // First figure out what XMP this maps to and remember the XML node for a simple value.

    XML_cNodePos currAttr = xmlNode.attrs.begin();
    XML_cNodePos endAttr  = xmlNode.attrs.end();

    for ( ; currAttr != endAttr; ++currAttr ) {

        RDFTermKind attrTerm = GetRDFTermKind ( (*currAttr)->name );

        switch ( attrTerm ) {

            case kRDFTerm_ID :
                // Nothing to do.

            case kRDFTerm_resource :
                if ( hasNodeIDAttr ) XMP_Throw ( "Empty property element can't have both rdf:resource and rdf:nodeID", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
                if ( hasValueAttr ) XMP_Throw ( "Empty property element can't have both rdf:value and rdf:resource", kXMPErr_BadXMP );
                hasResourceAttr = true;
                if ( ! hasValueAttr ) valueNode = *currAttr;

            case kRDFTerm_nodeID :
                if ( hasResourceAttr ) XMP_Throw ( "Empty property element can't have both rdf:resource and rdf:nodeID", kXMPErr_BadRDF );
                hasNodeIDAttr = true;

            case kRDFTerm_Other :
                if ( (*currAttr)->name == "rdf:value" ) {
                    if ( hasResourceAttr ) XMP_Throw ( "Empty property element can't have both rdf:value and rdf:resource", kXMPErr_BadXMP );
                    hasValueAttr = true;
                    valueNode = *currAttr;
                } else if ( (*currAttr)->name != "xml:lang" ) {
                    hasPropertyAttrs = true;

            default :
                XMP_Throw ( "Unrecognized attribute of empty property element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );



    // Create the right kind of child node and visit the attributes again to add the fields or qualifiers.
    // ! Because of implementation vagaries, the xmpParent is the tree root for top level properties.
    // ! The schema is found, created if necessary, by AddChildNode.

    XMP_Node * childNode = AddChildNode ( xmpParent, xmlNode, "", isTopLevel );
    bool childIsStruct = false;

    if ( hasValueAttr | hasResourceAttr ) {
        childNode->value = valueNode->value;
        if ( ! hasValueAttr ) childNode->options |= kXMP_PropValueIsURI;	// ! Might have both rdf:value and rdf:resource.
    } else if ( hasPropertyAttrs ) {
        childNode->options |= kXMP_PropValueIsStruct;
        childIsStruct = true;

    currAttr = xmlNode.attrs.begin();
    endAttr  = xmlNode.attrs.end();

    for ( ; currAttr != endAttr; ++currAttr ) {

        if ( *currAttr == valueNode ) continue;	// Skip the rdf:value or rdf:resource attribute holding the value.
        RDFTermKind attrTerm = GetRDFTermKind ( (*currAttr)->name );

        switch ( attrTerm ) {

            case kRDFTerm_ID       :
            case kRDFTerm_nodeID   :
                break;	// Ignore all rdf:ID and rdf:nodeID attributes.w

            case kRDFTerm_resource :
                AddQualifierNode ( childNode, **currAttr );

            case kRDFTerm_Other :
                if ( (! childIsStruct) || (*currAttr)->name == "xml:lang" ) {
                    AddQualifierNode ( childNode, **currAttr );
                } else {
                    AddChildNode ( childNode, **currAttr, (*currAttr)->value.c_str(), false );

            default :
                XMP_Throw ( "Unrecognized attribute of empty property element", kXMPErr_BadRDF );



}	// RDF_EmptyPropertyElement
#include "FCDocument/FCDSceneNode.h"


	// None of the previous tests should be leaving dangling documents.
	PassIf(FCollada::GetTopDocumentCount() == 0);

	FCDocument* firstDoc = FCollada::NewTopDocument();
	FCDocument* secondDoc = FCollada::NewTopDocument();

	FCDGeometry* mesh1 = firstDoc->GetGeometryLibrary()->AddEntity();
	FCDGeometry* mesh2 = secondDoc->GetGeometryLibrary()->AddEntity();

	FCDSceneNode* node1 = firstDoc->AddVisualScene();
	node1 = node1->AddChildNode();
	FCDSceneNode* node2 = secondDoc->AddVisualScene();
	node2 = node2->AddChildNode();


	FCollada::SaveDocument(secondDoc, FC("XRefDoc2.dae"));
	FCollada::SaveDocument(firstDoc, FC("XRefDoc1.dae"));


	// None of the previous tests should be leaving dangling documents.
static void VisitParseInternal(char *buf, Node **result)
   int candidate ;
   Node *nd = new Node(ParentNode) ;
   char *vname ;

   while (*buf != '\0') {
      while (isspace(*buf)) ++buf ;

      switch (*buf) {
         case '(' :     // Views
            ++buf ; ++buf ; // advance to next token
            vname = buf ;

            // advance to next token
            while (!isspace(*buf)) ++buf ;
            *buf++ = '\0' ;

            for (candidate=0; candidate<nd->numChild; ++candidate)
               if (!strcmp(vname, nd->child[candidate]->text))
                  break ;

            if (candidate == nd->numChild) {

               AddChildNode(nd) ;

               // create the node for the subview
               nd->child[nd->numChild] = new Node(ViewNode, nd) ;
               ++nd->numChild ;

               // set the current node to the subview node
               nd = nd->child[nd->numChild-1] ;

               // get the name of the subview
               nd->text = vname ;
            else {
               /* this view already exists */
               nd = nd->child[candidate] ;
         break ;

         case '{' :     // Relations
            ++buf ; ++buf ; // advance to next token

            AddChildNode(nd) ;

            // create the node for the relation
            nd->child[nd->numChild] = new Node(RelationNode, nd) ;
            ++nd->numChild ;

            // set the current node to the relation node
            nd = nd->child[nd->numChild-1] ;

            // get the name of the relation
            nd->text = buf ;

            // advance to next token
            while (!isspace(*buf)) ++buf ;
            *buf++ = '\0' ;
         break ;

         case '[' :     // Fields
            ++buf ; ++buf ; // advance to next token

            AddChildNode(nd) ;

            // create the node for the field
            nd->child[nd->numChild] = new Node(FieldNode, nd) ;
            ++nd->numChild ;

            // set the current node to the field node
            nd = nd->child[nd->numChild-1] ;

            // get the name of the field
            nd->text = buf ;

            // advance to next token
            while (!isspace(*buf)) ++buf ;
            *buf++ = '\0' ;
         break ;

         case ')' :
         case '}' :
         case ']' :
            // go up a level of scope
            nd = nd->parent ;

            // advance to next token
            ++buf ; ++buf ;
            break ;

         default: // add sibling to list
            nd->next = new Node(nd->type, nd->parent) ;
            nd = nd->next ;

            // point at current text
            nd->text = buf ;

            // advance to next token
            while (!isspace(*buf)) ++buf ;
            *buf++ = '\0' ;
   *result = nd ;
void SDockingArea::Construct( const FArguments& InArgs, const TSharedRef<FTabManager>& InTabManager, const TSharedRef<FTabManager::FArea>& PersistentNode )
	MyTabManager = InTabManager;
	InTabManager->GetPrivateApi().OnDockAreaCreated( SharedThis(this) );

	bManageParentWindow = InArgs._ShouldManageParentWindow;
	bIsOverlayVisible = false;

	bIsCenterTargetVisible = false;

	const TAttribute<EVisibility> TargetCrossVisibility = TAttribute<EVisibility>(SharedThis(this), &SDockingArea::TargetCrossVisibility);
	const TAttribute<EVisibility> TargetCrossCenterVisibility = TAttribute<EVisibility>(SharedThis(this), &SDockingArea::TargetCrossCenterVisibility);

	// In DockSplitter mode we just act as a thin shell around a Splitter widget
		.Visibility( EVisibility::SelfHitTestInvisible )
			SAssignNew(Splitter, SSplitter)
			. Orientation( PersistentNode->GetOrientation() )
		+ SOverlay::Slot()
		// Houses the minimize, maximize, restore, and icon
			.OwnerNode( SharedThis(this) )
			.DockDirection( SDockingNode::LeftOf )
			.OwnerNode( SharedThis(this) )
			.DockDirection( SDockingNode::RightOf )
			.OwnerNode( SharedThis(this) )
			.DockDirection( SDockingNode::Above )
			.OwnerNode( SharedThis(this) )
			.DockDirection( SDockingNode::Below )
			.OwnerNode( SharedThis(this) )
			.DockDirection( SDockingNode::Center )

	bCleanUpUponTabRelocation = false;

	// If the owner window is set and bManageParentWindow is true, this docknode will close the window when its last tab is removed.
	if (InArgs._ParentWindow.IsValid())
	// Add initial content if it was provided
	if ( InArgs._InitialContent.IsValid() )
		AddChildNode( InArgs._InitialContent.ToSharedRef() );
文件: Pool.cpp 项目: abroun/SubSim
bool Pool::Init( irr::scene::ISceneManager* pSceneManager )
    if ( !mbInitialised )
        if ( !Entity::Init( pSceneManager ) )
            return false;
        // Create cuboids to represent the walls
        const irr::scene::IGeometryCreator* pCreator = pSceneManager->getGeometryCreator();
        irr::core::vector3df bottomDims( WIDTH, WALL_THICKNESS, LENGTH );
        irr::core::vector3df leftDims( WALL_THICKNESS, HEIGHT, LENGTH );
        irr::core::vector3df rightDims( WALL_THICKNESS, HEIGHT, LENGTH );
        irr::core::vector3df frontDims( WIDTH, HEIGHT, WALL_THICKNESS );
        irr::core::vector3df backDims( WIDTH, HEIGHT, WALL_THICKNESS );
        mpBottomMesh = pCreator->createCubeMesh( bottomDims );
        mpLeftMesh = pCreator->createCubeMesh( leftDims );
        mpRightMesh = pCreator->createCubeMesh( rightDims );
        mpFrontMesh = pCreator->createCubeMesh( frontDims );
        mpBackMesh = pCreator->createCubeMesh( backDims );
        if ( NULL == mpBottomMesh 
            || NULL == mpLeftMesh || NULL == mpRightMesh
            || NULL == mpFrontMesh || NULL == mpBackMesh )
            return false;
        // Colour the meshes
        irr::scene::IMesh* pMeshList[] =
        for ( S32 meshIdx = 0; meshIdx < 5; meshIdx++ )
            irr::scene::IMeshBuffer* pMeshBuffer = pMeshList[ meshIdx ]->getMeshBuffer( 0 );
            S32 numVertices = pMeshBuffer->getVertexCount();
            irr::video::S3DVertex* pVertices = (irr::video::S3DVertex*)pMeshBuffer->getVertices();
            for ( S32 vertexIdx = 0; vertexIdx < numVertices; vertexIdx++ )
                pVertices[ vertexIdx ].Color = WALL_COLOUR;
        mpBottomMeshNode = pSceneManager->addMeshSceneNode( mpBottomMesh );
        mpLeftMeshNode = pSceneManager->addMeshSceneNode( mpLeftMesh );
        mpRightMeshNode = pSceneManager->addMeshSceneNode( mpRightMesh );
        mpFrontMeshNode = pSceneManager->addMeshSceneNode( mpFrontMesh );
        mpBackMeshNode = pSceneManager->addMeshSceneNode( mpBackMesh );
        if ( NULL == mpBottomMeshNode 
            || NULL == mpLeftMeshNode || NULL == mpRightMeshNode
            || NULL == mpFrontMeshNode || NULL == mpBackMeshNode )
            return false;
        mpBottomMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_LIGHTING, false );
        mpBottomMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true );
        mpLeftMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_LIGHTING, false );
        mpLeftMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true );
        mpRightMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_LIGHTING, false );
        mpRightMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true );
        mpFrontMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_LIGHTING, false );
        mpFrontMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true );
        mpBackMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_LIGHTING, false );
        mpBackMeshNode->setMaterialFlag( irr::video::EMF_FOG_ENABLE, true );
        // Position the walls that make up the pool
        mpBottomMeshNode->setPosition( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, -HEIGHT / 2.0f, 0.0f ) );
        //mpLeftMeshNode->setRotation( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f ) );
        mpLeftMeshNode->setPosition( irr::core::vector3df( -WIDTH / 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
        //mpRightMeshNode->setRotation( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f ) );
        mpRightMeshNode->setPosition( irr::core::vector3df( WIDTH / 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
        //mpFrontMeshNode->setRotation( irr::core::vector3df( 90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
        mpFrontMeshNode->setPosition( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, LENGTH / 2.0f ) );
        //mpBackMeshNode->setRotation( irr::core::vector3df( 90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
        mpBackMeshNode->setPosition( irr::core::vector3df( 0.0f, 0.0f, -LENGTH / 2.0f ) );
        // Put the nodes under the control of SubSim
        AddChildNode( mpBottomMeshNode );
        AddChildNode( mpLeftMeshNode );
        AddChildNode( mpRightMeshNode );
        AddChildNode( mpFrontMeshNode );
        AddChildNode( mpBackMeshNode );

        mbInitialised = true;

    return true;