void close_dialog(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
	const gchar* name;
	const gchar* quote;
    g_print ("in close_dialog\n");
	name = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(name_entry));
	quote = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(quote_entry));
	printf("name=%s, quote=%s\n", name, quote);
	gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET(data));
	AddHighScore(&gameData, name, quote, 
void BrickBreaker(void)
    uint8_t temp;
    uint16_t i = 0;
    uint16_t j = 0;
    uint8_t level = 4;
    uint8_t random = 0;
    uint16_t non_paddle_hits = 0;
    uint16_t num_blocks = 0;
    struct Solid solids[NUM_BRICKS];
    uint16_t ballSpeed = BALL_SPEED;
    uint32_t score = 0;
    uint8_t balls = 4;
    uint16_t blocks_destroyed = 0;
    char vertical = 0;
    char horizontal = 0;
    char item_flame = 0;
    char item_long_paddle = 0;
    char item_short_paddle = 0;
    char ball_speed_fast = 0;
    char ball_speed_slow = 0;
    char item_bullets = 0;
    uint16_t bullet_index = 0;
    uint16_t paddle_width = 25;
    uint16_t item_buffer[200];
    struct DropItem items[10]; //Items that get dropped
    struct MovingSolid bullets[15];
    struct Solid paddle;
    struct MovingSolid ball;
    printf_setFont_properties(2, 0, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_GREEN);
    printf_setFont_location(5, 300);
    _printf("Ball %d", balls);
    printf_setFont_location(5, 200);
    _printf("Score 0");
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_BRICKS; i++)
    	solids[i].status = 0;
    //Initialize the items
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    	items[i].sprite.status = 0;
    	items[i].sprite.type = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
    	bullets[i].solid.status = 0;

    //Load the last level from memory
	SetClockSpeed(0); //Clock Speed must be < 10Mhz to support EEProm
    level = EEProm_Read(BRICK_BREAKER_LEVEL);

    if (level == 0 || level > 4)
    	level = 1;
    	EEProm_Write(BRICK_BREAKER_LEVEL, level);
    SetClockSpeed(5); //Clock Speed must be < 10Mhz to support EEProm
    num_blocks = loadLevel(solids, level);
    build_solid(&paddle, 200, 160, 5, paddle_width, COLOR_DRKGREY);
    build_moving_solid(&ball, 200, 167, 7, 7, COLOR_DRKGREY, SOLID_AUTOUP | SOLID_AUTOLEFT, 4);

	StartTimer(0, PADDLE_SPEED + 21);
	StartTimer(1, ballSpeed + 31);
	StartTimer(2, PAUSE_CHECK);
	StartTimer(4, ITEM_DROP_SPEED);
	StartTimer(5, ITEM_RANDOM_DROP);

	for (;;)
		//Check the joystick
        if (CheckTimer(0))
        	if (GetLeft())
        	   solid_fastMoveLeft(&paddle, GetJoystickXMag() + 5, 0);
        	else if (GetRight())
        	   solid_fastMoveRight(&paddle, GetJoystickXMag() + 5, 0);
        	StartTimer(0, PADDLE_SPEED);
        //Auto-move the ball, check if it has hit any bricks.
        if (CheckTimer(1))
        	temp = solid_autoMove(&ball);
        	if (temp != 0)
        	if (temp == 3)
        	    printf_setFont_location(5, 300);
        	    _printf("Ball %d", balls);
        	    display_moving_solid(&ball, 1);
        	    ballSpeed = BALL_SPEED;// Reset the ball speed
                build_moving_solid(&ball, 200, 167, 7, 7, COLOR_DRKGREY, SOLID_AUTOUP | SOLID_AUTOLEFT, 4);
        	    if (balls == 0)
        	    	AddHighScore(score, BRICK_BREAKER_SCORE_ADDR);
                    display_solid(&paddle, 1);
                    display_moving_solid(&ball, 1);
                    balls = 4;
                    score = 0;
                    printf_setFont_location(5, 300);
                    _printf("Ball %d", balls);
                    printf_setFont_location(5, 200);
                    _printf("Score 0");
                    build_solid(&paddle, 200, 160, 5, 25, COLOR_DRKGREY);
                    build_moving_solid(&ball, 200, 167, 7, 7, COLOR_DRKGREY, SOLID_AUTOUP | SOLID_AUTOLEFT, 4);
                    num_blocks = loadLevel(solids, level);
                    StartTimer(0, PADDLE_SPEED);
                    StartTimer(1, ballSpeed);
                    StartTimer(2, SCORE_UPDATE);
        	if (solid_checkIntersectionPaddle(&ball, &paddle) != 0)
        		non_paddle_hits = 0;
        	for (i = 0; i < NUM_BRICKS; i++)
        	    if (solid_checkIntersectionBrick(&ball, &solids[i], &vertical, &horizontal, random) != 0)
        	    	if (solids[i].color == 0x0000 || item_flame == 0)
        	    	   solid_verticalBounce(&ball, vertical, random);
        	    	   solid_horizontalBounce(&ball, horizontal, random);

        	    	StartTimer(3, 1011);//A block was hit, schedule a block redraw
            		if (random == 1)
            			random = 0;
            		if (solids[i].color == 0x0000)
            			if (non_paddle_hits == 5)
            				random = 1;
            				non_paddle_hits = 0;
            			break;//Only allow one brick to be hit at once
            			blocks_destroyed = DropRandomItem(items, item_buffer, solids, blocks_destroyed, i);
        	           display_solid(&solids[i], 1);
        	           solids[i].status = 0;

        	           printf_setFont_location(5, 128);
        	           _printf("%d", score);
        	           if (ballSpeed > 20)
        	           //This game has been finished, reset for the next
        	           if (num_blocks == 0)
        	        	   level = NextLevel(&ball, &paddle, solids, &balls, &num_blocks, &ballSpeed, level);
        	           break; //Only allow one brick to be hit at once
        	StartTimer(1, ballSpeed);
        //Auto-move the bullets and check if bullets have intersected any bricks
        if (CheckTimer(7))
        	for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
        		if (bullets[i].solid.status > 0)
        	       if (solid_autoMove(&bullets[i]) == 2)
               			bullets[i].solid.status = 0;
               		    display_moving_solid(&bullets[i], 0);
        	          for (j = 0; j < NUM_BRICKS; j++)
        	    	     if (solid_checkIntersectionSolid(&bullets[i].solid, &solids[j]) != 0)
        	    		    bullets[i].solid.status = 0;
        	    		    //Black brick, do nothing
            	    	    if (solids[j].color == 0x0000)

            	    		   blocks_destroyed = DropRandomItem(items, item_buffer, solids, blocks_destroyed, i);
            	               display_solid(&solids[j], 1);
            	               solids[j].status = 0;
            	               printf_setFont_location(5, 128);
            	               _printf("%d", score);
            	               if (ballSpeed > 20)
            	               //This game has been finished, reset for the next
            	               if (num_blocks == 0)
            	        	       level = NextLevel(&ball, &paddle, solids, &balls, &num_blocks, &ballSpeed, level);
            	               break; //Only allow one brick to be hit at once
                //Re-display the bullet if it is still moving
        	    if (bullets[i].solid.status == 1)
        	       display_moving_solid(&bullets[i], 0);
        	StartTimer(7, 40);
        //Launch a new bullet (if the bullet item is currently in use
        if (CheckTimer(6))
        	build_moving_solid(&bullets[bullet_index], paddle.y_pos - 5, paddle.x_pos + 5, 4, 4, COLOR_BLACK, SOLID_AUTOUP, 4);
        	if (bullet_index == 15)
        		bullet_index = 0;
        	StartTimer(6, 400);
        //Check for pause (center joystick) button
        if (CheckTimer(2))
            if (GetJoystickBtn())
                if (Pause(BRICK_BREAKER_SCORE_ADDR) == 1)
                	AddHighScore(score, BRICK_BREAKER_SCORE_ADDR);
                printf_setFont_location(5, 300);
                _printf("Ball %d", balls);
                printf_setFont_location(5, 200);
                _printf("Score %d", score);
                StartTimer(3, 100); //Redraw the screen
            StartTimer(2, PAUSE_CHECK);
        //Redraw blocks timer
        if (CheckTimer(3))
            for (i = 0; i < NUM_BRICKS; i++)
                if (solids[i].status == 1)
                    display_solid(&solids[i], 0);
        //Auto-move items and check to see if the user has obtained one.
        if (CheckTimer(4))
        	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        		//Item was captured, enabled it
        		if (drop_item_autoMove(&items[i], &paddle) == 2)
        			if (items[i].sprite.type == 0)
        				//Easy break condition to prevent a lot of work on this
        			else if (items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMFLAMEBALL)
        				item_flame = 1;
        				ball.solid.color = COLOR_RED;
        			else if (items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMBULLET)
        				item_bullets = 1;
        				StartTimer(6, 300);
        				StartTimer(7, 40);
        				bullet_index = 0;
        			else if (items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMSHORTPADDLE)
        				item_short_paddle = 1;
        				display_solid(&paddle, 1); //Clear the old paddle
        				paddle_width = 15;
        				build_solid(&paddle, paddle.y_pos, paddle.x_pos, 5, paddle_width, COLOR_DRKGREY);
        			else if (items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMLONGPADDLE)
        				item_long_paddle = 1;
        				display_solid(&paddle, 1); //Clear the old paddle
        				paddle_width = 40;
        				build_solid(&paddle, paddle.y_pos, paddle.x_pos, 5, paddle_width, COLOR_DRKGREY);
        			else if (items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMFASTBALL)
        				ball_speed_fast = 1;
        				ballSpeed = 50; //(50ms per move)
        				StartTimer(1, ballSpeed + 31);
        			else if (items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMSLOWBALL)
        				ball_speed_slow = 1;
        				ballSpeed = 200; //(50ms per move)
        				StartTimer(1, ballSpeed + 31);
        		//Item is not active, if it is, disable it
        		else if (items[i].sprite.status == 0)
        			if (items[i].sprite.type == 0)
        				//Easy break condition to prevent a lot of work on this
        			else if (item_flame == 1 && items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMFLAMEBALL)
        	        	item_flame = 0;
        	        	items[i].sprite.type = 0;
        	        	ball.solid.color = COLOR_DRKGREY;
        			else if (items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMBULLET && item_bullets)
        				item_bullets = 0;
        				items[i].sprite.type = 0;
        			else if (items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMSHORTPADDLE && item_short_paddle)
        				item_short_paddle = 0;
        				items[i].sprite.type = 0;
        				display_solid(&paddle, 1); //Clear the old paddle
        				paddle_width = 25;
        				build_solid(&paddle, paddle.y_pos, paddle.x_pos, 5, paddle_width, COLOR_DRKGREY);
        			else if (items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMLONGPADDLE && item_long_paddle)
        				item_long_paddle = 0;
        				items[i].sprite.type = 0;
        				display_solid(&paddle, 1); //Clear the old paddle
        				paddle_width = 25;
        				build_solid(&paddle, paddle.y_pos, paddle.x_pos, 5, paddle_width, COLOR_DRKGREY);
        			else if (items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMFASTBALL && ball_speed_fast)
        				ball_speed_fast = 0;
        				items[i].sprite.type = 0;
        				ballSpeed = BALL_SPEED;
        				StartTimer(1, ballSpeed + 31);
        			else if (items[i].sprite.type == SPRITE_ITEMSLOWBALL && ball_speed_slow)
        				ball_speed_slow = 0;
        				items[i].sprite.type = 0;
        				ballSpeed = BALL_SPEED;
        				StartTimer(1, ballSpeed + 31);
        	StartTimer(4, ITEM_DROP_SPEED);
