void CDepartmentEstimationDialog::HandlePositioningMessage(SDialogPositioingMessage *Message)
	Assert(Message->m_MessageType == DialogPositioningMessage);

	int ListEntryIndex = GetListEntryIndex(Message);

	if (ListEntryIndex == -1)
		UpdateEntry(ListEntryIndex, Message);

	UpdateUserLocation(Message->m_BDADDRESS, Message->m_EstimatedPosition, Message->m_DepartmentNamesUserCurrentlyIn);
Loads the log data from a file.
int VTTpddServerLog::LoadFile(MString filename)
	FILE*			fd;
	int				c, lineNo, rxTx;
	//VTTpddLogEntry*	pEntry;
	//MString			fmt, hexFmt;
	char			line[256];
	char			*ptr;

	// Test if we are loading from the root window
	if (this == gpLog)
		// Don't load files from the root window.  Create a new window
		VTTpddServerLog* pLog = new VTTpddServerLog(w(), h(), "TPDD Log Viewer");
		// Validate the window was created
		if (pLog == NULL)
			return FALSE;

		// Let the new window open the log
		if (!pLog->LoadFile(filename))
			// Load was not successful.  Destroy the window
			delete pLog;
			return FALSE;

		// Now show the new window
		pLog->resize(x()+MENU_HEIGHT, y()+MENU_HEIGHT, w(), h());
		return TRUE;

	// Try to open the file
	if ((fd = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
		fl_message("Unable to open file %s", fl_filename_name((const char *) filename)); return FALSE;

	// Loop for all data in the file
	lineNo = 0;
	while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd) != NULL)
		// Start at beginning of line
		ptr = line;
		c = 0;
		// Search for a reference.  This means we log the existing entry and start a new one
		while (*ptr == ' ')
			// Increment ptr and c

		// Test if a reference found
		if (c < 4)
			// Validate the file format
			if (*ptr < '0' || *ptr > '9')
				// Not a trace file!!
				fl_message("This does not appear to be a valid file on line %d", lineNo);
				return FALSE;

			// Reference found.  This entry and start a new one
			if (m_rxCount > 0)
				AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_RX, m_rxCount, m_rxBuffer);
			if (m_txCount > 0)
				AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_TX, m_txCount, m_txBuffer);
			m_txCount = 0;
			m_rxCount = 0;

			// Skip past the reference and find the ':'
			while (*ptr != ':' && c < sizeof(line))
				// Increment pointer and index

			// Test if ':' found
			if (c >= sizeof(line) || *ptr != ':')
				// Not a trace file!!
				fl_message("This does not appear to be a valid file on line %d", lineNo);
				return FALSE;

			// Skip the ':' and spaces after it
			ptr += 2;
			c += 2;

			// Now get RX/TX marker
			if (*ptr == 'T')
				rxTx = 1;
			else if (*ptr == 'R')
				rxTx = 0;
				// Not a trace file!!
				fl_message("This does not appear to be a valid file on line %d", lineNo);
				return FALSE;

			// Skip past "RX: " or "TX: "
			ptr += 4;
			c += 4;

		// Now we are pointing at the HEX data.  Read all data from this line into
		// either the m_rxBuffer or m_txBuffer
		while (*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\0' && c < sizeof(line))
			unsigned char val;

			val = (*ptr > '9' ? *ptr = 'A' + 10 : *ptr - '0') << 4;
			val += *ptr > '9' ? *ptr = 'A' + 10 : *ptr - '0';
			ptr += 2;
			c += 3;

			// Now save val in either rx or tx buffer
			if (rxTx)
				m_txBuffer[m_txCount++] = val;
				if (m_txCount >= sizeof(m_txBuffer))
					AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_TX, m_txCount, m_txBuffer);
					m_txCount = 0;
				m_rxBuffer[m_rxCount++] = val;
				if (m_rxCount >= sizeof(m_rxBuffer))
					AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_RX, m_rxCount, m_rxBuffer);
					m_rxCount = 0;

	// Log any remaining data
	if (m_rxCount > 0)
		AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_RX, m_rxCount, m_rxBuffer);
	if (m_txCount > 0)
		AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_TX, m_txCount, m_txBuffer);
	m_txCount = 0;
	m_rxCount = 0;

	// Close the file
	return TRUE;
Saves the log data to a file using the current window width
void VTTpddServerLog::SaveFile(MString filename)
	FILE*			fd;
	int				count, c, i, dataIdx;
	VTTpddLogEntry*	pEntry;
	MString			fmt, hexFmt;

	// Validate we have data
	if (m_log.GetSize() == 0)

	// Test if the file exists
	if ((fd = fopen((const char *) filename, "r")) != NULL)
		// Close the file
		int ans = fl_choice("Overwrite existing file %s?", "Ok", "Cancel", NULL, 
				fl_filename_name((const char *) filename));	
		if (ans == 1)

	// Try to open the file
	if ((fd = fopen((const char *) filename, "w")) == NULL)
		MString err;

		err.Format("Unable to create file %s\n", (const char *) filename);
		fl_message("%s", (const char *) err);

	// Test if any leftover RX or TX data not logged to an entry yet
	if (m_rxCount > 0)
		AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_RX, m_rxCount, m_rxBuffer);
	if (m_txCount > 0)
		AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_TX, m_txCount, m_txBuffer);
	m_txCount = 0;
	m_rxCount = 0;
	// Now loop for all entries
	count = m_log.GetSize();
	for (c = 0; c < count; c++)
		// Get the next entry
		pEntry = (VTTpddLogEntry *) m_log[c];
		fmt.Format("%4d: %s: ", pEntry->m_ref, pEntry->m_rxTx ? "TX" : "RX");
		i = 0;
		dataIdx = 0;
		while (dataIdx < pEntry->m_count)
			if (dataIdx != 0)
				fmt = "          ";
			// "Print" the HEX data to the line
			for (i = 0; i < m_bytesPerLine && dataIdx + i < pEntry->m_count; i++)
				hexFmt.Format("%02X ", (unsigned char) pEntry->m_pData[dataIdx + i]);
				fmt += hexFmt;

			// Pad with spaces if less then m_bytesPerLine
			for ( ; i < m_bytesPerLine; i++)
				fmt += (char *) "   ";

			// "Print" the ASCII data to the line
			fmt += (char *) "  ";
			for (i = 0; i < m_bytesPerLine && dataIdx + i < pEntry->m_count; i++)
				// Test if it's actual ASCII data or not
				if (pEntry->m_pData[dataIdx + i] >= ' ' && pEntry->m_pData[dataIdx + i] <= '~')
					hexFmt.Format("%c", (unsigned char) pEntry->m_pData[dataIdx + i]);
					hexFmt = '.';
				fmt += hexFmt;

			// Save to the file
			fprintf(fd, "%s\n", (const char *) fmt);
			dataIdx += i;

	// Close the file
Log data to the TPPD Server Log
void VTTpddServerLog::LogData(char data, int rxTx)
	// Test if logging is enabled
	if (m_enabled)
		int		cmdlineState = m_pServer->IsCmdlineState();

		// Test if logging RX data
		if (rxTx == TPDD_LOG_RX)
			// Test if last logged data was RX or not
			if (!m_lastWasRx && !cmdlineState)
				// We are starting a new RX entry.  Save the existing TX entry 
				// And start a new RX entry
				if (m_rxCount > 0)
					AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_RX, m_rxCount, m_rxBuffer);
				if (m_txCount > 0)
					AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_TX, m_txCount, m_txBuffer);
				m_txCount = 0;
				m_rxCount = 0;
				//printf("\nRX:  ");
			m_lastWasRx = TRUE;
			m_rxBuffer[m_rxCount++] = data;
			// Test if the rxBuffer is full
			if (m_rxCount == sizeof(m_rxBuffer))
				// Need to dump this packet and start a new one
				AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_RX, m_rxCount, m_rxBuffer);
				m_rxCount = 0;

			//printf("%02X ", (unsigned char) data);
			// Logging TX data test if starting a new TX packet
			if (m_lastWasRx && !cmdlineState)
				// We are starting a new RX entry.  Save the existing TX entry 
				// And start a new RX entry
				if (m_rxCount > 0)
					AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_RX, m_rxCount, m_rxBuffer);
				if (m_txCount > 0)
					AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_TX, m_txCount, m_txBuffer);
				m_txCount = m_rxCount = 0;
				//printf("\nTX:  ");
			m_lastWasRx = FALSE;

			// Add data to the tx buffer
			m_txBuffer[m_txCount++] = data;

			// Test if the TX buffer is full
			if (m_txCount == sizeof(m_txBuffer))
				// Need to dump this packet and start a new one
				AddNewEntry(TPDD_LOG_TX, m_txCount, m_txBuffer);
				m_txCount = 0;

			//printf("%02X ", (unsigned char) data);

	// TODO:  Make redrawing smarter and add auto-scroll
	if (!m_callbackActive)
		Fl::add_timeout(0.1, cb_redraw, this);
		m_callbackActive = TRUE;