void SensorManager::UpdateSensorOnList( _In_z_ const WCHAR* wcPortID, _In_ HRESULT hrStatus )
    // set the lock on the list
    AutoLock sensorLock( m_csSensorLock );
    AutoLock handleLock( m_csHandleLock );

    // find the sensor id on the list
    auto iter = m_kinectSensors.find( wcPortID );
    if( iter == m_kinectSensors.end() )
        // we didn't find this port id of a sensor
        // look for a temporary sensor that we can assign this to

        // select the first one on the list 
        iter = m_kinectSensors.begin();
        if( m_kinectSensors.size() == 1 && !iter->first.compare( this->m_wcTempPortID ) )
            // hold on to the instance of the sensor
            // have to re-add it to the list with the correct PortID
            auto pSensor = iter->second;
            assert( nullptr != pSensor );

            // has a handle been issued for the temporary sensor
            std::wstring wsPortID( pSensor->GetPortID() );
            for( auto handleIter = m_handleMap.begin(); handleIter != m_handleMap.end(); ++handleIter )
                if( 0 == wsPortID.compare( handleIter->second ) )
                    // update the portID for the handle
                    handleIter->second = wcPortID;

            // now remove it from the sensor map
            // set the lock/wait to modify the map of sensors
            m_kinectSensors.erase( iter );

            // add it with the correct id
            m_kinectSensors.insert( std::make_pair(wcPortID, pSensor) );
            // wasn't a sensor available based on the wcPortID
            // so we can create one since the id seems valid
            AddSensorToList( wcPortID );

        // should be there now since we can account to all id's
        // on the system
        iter = m_kinectSensors.find( wcPortID );

    // notify the wrapper of the change
    iter->second->NuiStatusNotification( iter->first.c_str(), hrStatus );
// called once on initialization
void SensorManager::CreateListOfAvailableSensors()
    // gets the count of sensors from Kinect for Windows API
    int iCount = 0;
    HRESULT hr = NuiGetSensorCount( &iCount );
    if( FAILED(hr) )

    // if there are no sensors, create a temporary one
    if( 0 == iCount )
        // when the first sensor is connected, it will be added
        // with the correct id
        if( m_kinectSensors.size() == 0 )
            AddSensorToList( m_wcTempPortID );

    // continue with the known sensors to the list
    for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i)
        INuiSensor* pNui = nullptr;
        ComSmartPtr<INuiSensor> pNuiPtr;
        if( SUCCEEDED( NuiCreateSensorByIndex(i, &pNui) ) )
            pNuiPtr.Attach(pNui); // Setting up smart pointer for sensor.

            const WCHAR* wcPortID = pNuiPtr->NuiDeviceConnectionId();  // contains the connections string for the device
                                                                    // plugged into a specific USB port. 
                                                                    // removing the sensor and using a different port will have
                                                                    // a different ID.
            AddSensorToList( wcPortID );

// gets an instance of the sensor for a particular port string that is 
// found by enumerating or one that is already known
std::shared_ptr<KinectSensor> SensorManager::GetSensor( _In_z_ const WCHAR* wcPortID )
    if( nullptr == wcPortID )
        return nullptr;

    auto iter = m_kinectSensors.find( wcPortID );
    if( iter == m_kinectSensors.end() )
        // if the id has not been found, add it to our list to track
        if( AddSensorToList(wcPortID) )
            iter = m_kinectSensors.find( wcPortID );
            return nullptr;

    return iter->second;