文件: tzadw4aw.c 项目: arksoftgit/10c
// PURPOSE: This function places the paint literals of selected
// attributes above the fields in a partition or list box.
// vNewDialog - handle to the group
// OffsetDLG_Y - offset row to the group
// OffsetDLG_X - offset column to the group
// PartitionSize - length size of the group
// Return Codes:
//     0 - Everything is O.K. and the literals were placed into the
//         partition
//    -1 - The literal widths exceeded the partitions width
ofnTZWDLGSO_AutoPaintLstLitPart( zVIEW    vSubtask,
                                 zVIEW    vUserSpec,
                                 zVIEW    vNewDialog,
                                 zLONG    OffsetDLG_Y,
                                 zLONG    OffsetDLG_X,
                                 zLONG    PartitionSize,
                                 zPCHAR   szListType )
   zVIEW    vCtrlDef;
   zLONG    lCC;
   zLONG    lCL;
   zLONG    lFieldCol;
   zLONG    lListAttributeLength;
   zLONG    lPaintLiteralLength;
   zCHAR    sPaintLiteral[ 65 ];
   zLONG    lTempInteger_1;
   zLONG    lTempInteger_2;
   zCHAR    X_LOD_Attribute[ 16 ];
   zCHAR    X_ER_Attribute[ 15 ];

// TraceLineS("IN", "AutoPaintLstListPart W4" );

   // Set up variables to either I_LOD listbox or L_LOD listbox.
   if ( szListType[ 0 ] == 'I' )
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Attribute, "I_LOD_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_ER_Attribute, "I_ER_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Attribute, "L_LOD_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_ER_Attribute, "L_ER_Attribute" );

   lCC = 5;
   lCL = 12;

   GetViewByName( &vCtrlDef, "TZADCTLD", vNewDialog, zLEVEL_TASK );

   lFieldCol = 1;

   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, "" );
      /* This gets the length of the field to be painted */
      lListAttributeLength = ofnTZWDLGSO_GetSizeForListAttr( vSubtask,
                                                             szListType );

      lListAttributeLength = lListAttributeLength * lCC;
      /* Limit the size of the attribute length. */
      if ( lListAttributeLength > 100 )
         lListAttributeLength = 100;
      if ( lListAttributeLength < 25 )
         lListAttributeLength = 25;

      /* Get the paint literal */
      GetStringFromAttribute( sPaintLiteral, vUserSpec,
                               X_ER_Attribute, "ListPaintLit" );
      if ( sPaintLiteral[ 0 ] == 0 )
         GetStringFromAttribute( sPaintLiteral, vUserSpec,
                                 X_ER_Attribute, "PromptPaintLit" );
      if ( sPaintLiteral[ 0 ] == 0 )
         GetStringFromAttribute( sPaintLiteral, vUserSpec,
                                  X_ER_Attribute, "Name" );
         /* Add a ':' to the end. */
         zstrcat( sPaintLiteral, ":" );
         /* Add spaces before any capital letters. */
         AddSpacesToString( sPaintLiteral );

      lPaintLiteralLength = zstrlen( sPaintLiteral );
      lPaintLiteralLength = lPaintLiteralLength * lCC;
      /* Limit the size of the literal length. */
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength > 100 )
         lPaintLiteralLength = 100;
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength < 25 )
         lPaintLiteralLength = 25;

      lTempInteger_1 = CheckForOverlappingFields( vNewDialog, OffsetDLG_Y,
                                                   OffsetDLG_Y + nCL,
                                                   lFieldCol + OffsetDLG_X - lCC, lFieldCol + OffsetDLG_X + lPaintLiteralLength - lCC );

      lTempInteger_1 = 0;
      /* Check to see IF there is a field or group located above
         the listbox that would be in the way of painting the literals */
      if ( lTempInteger_1 == -1 )
         /* Cannot place text fields above the listbox because of
            either a field or a group */
         /* InformationMessage( "Field literals can't fit because of FIELD or GROUP" ); */
         MessageSend( vUserSpec, "AD10301", "Autodesigner",
                      "Field literals can't fit because of FIELD or GROUP",
                      zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, zBEEP );
         return( -1 );

      /* Add the listbox literals at the end of the client fields.
         This makes a difference in fnCompressWindow in autodesigning.*/
      SetCursorLastEntity( vNewDialog, "Control", "" );

      /* Do not continue to add fields into the list box if
         the field sizes exceed the size of the list box */
      /* If the field attribute length is greater than the text
         literal length, then add the field attribute length
         to lFieldCol. */
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength < lListAttributeLength )
         /* If the length of lFieldCol is greater than the
            partition size, then RETURN */
         if ( lFieldCol + lListAttributeLength > PartitionSize )
            return( 1 );
         /* If the length of lFieldCol is greater than the
            partition size, then RETURN */
         if ( lFieldCol + lPaintLiteralLength > PartitionSize )
            return( 1 );

      /* Create literals for the list box */
      CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, vNewDialog, "Control", zPOS_AFTER );
      SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vCtrlDef, "ControlDef", "Tag", "Text", "" );
      IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vNewDialog, "ControlDef",
                                     vCtrlDef, "ControlDef", zPOS_AFTER );

      /* Remove the text border. */
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vNewDialog, "Control", "Subtype",
                               zCONTROL_BORDEROFF | zCONTROL_NOTABSTOP );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vNewDialog, "Control",
                               "PSDLG_Y", OffsetDLG_Y );
      lTempInteger_2 = OffsetDLG_X + lFieldCol - lCC;
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vNewDialog, "Control",
                               "PSDLG_X", lTempInteger_2 );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vNewDialog, "Control",
                               "SZDLG_X", lPaintLiteralLength );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vNewDialog, "Control",
                               "SZDLG_Y", 10 );

      ofnTZWDLGSO_AssignTag( vSubtask, vNewDialog, vNewDialog, "ListText" );
      SetAttributeFromString( vNewDialog, "Control",
                              "Text", sPaintLiteral );

      /* If the field length is longer than the paint literal,
         then position the next field by using the field length,
         otherwise position the next field by using the paint
         literal length */
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength < lListAttributeLength )
         lFieldCol = lFieldCol + lListAttributeLength + lCC;
         lFieldCol = lFieldCol + lPaintLiteralLength + lCC;
      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, "" );
// TraceLineS("END", "AutoPaintLstListPart W4" );

   return( 0 );
文件: tzadw4aw.c 项目: arksoftgit/10c
// PURPOSE: This function places selected attributes in an already
// existing partition without the attributes text literals.
// vNewDialog - handle to the partition
// lFieldRow - offset row in the group
// lFieldCol - offset column in the group
// PartitionSize - length size for the group
// Return Codes:
//     0 - Everything is O.K. and the fields were placed into the
//         partition
//    -1 - The field widths exceeded the partitions width
ofnTZWDLGSO_AutoPaintListPart( zVIEW    vSubtask,
                               zVIEW    vUserSpec,
                               zVIEW    vNewDialog,
                               zLONG    lFieldRow,
                               zLONG    lFieldCol,
                               zLONG    PartitionSize,
                               zPCHAR   szListType )
   zVIEW    vAutoDesWk;
   zVIEW    vTempStyle;
   zVIEW    vSubobject;
   zVIEW    vCtrlDef;
   zLONG    lListAttributeLength;
   zLONG    lPaintLiteralLength;
   zLONG    lCC;
   zLONG    lCL;
   zCHAR    szControlType[ 33 ];
   zCHAR    szMapEntity[ 33 ];
   zCHAR    szParentName[ 33 ];
   zCHAR    szWorkString[ 65 ];
   zCHAR    szLiteralString[ 65 ];
   zLONG    lTempInteger_0;
   zSHORT   lFieldsPainted;
   zLONG    lRC;
   zCHAR    X_LOD_Attribute[ 16 ];
   zCHAR    X_LOD_Entity[ 13 ];
   zCHAR    X_ER_Attribute[ 15 ];

// TraceLineS( "IN", "AutoPaintListPart W4" );

   // Set up variables to either I_LOD listbox or L_LOD listbox.
   if ( szListType[ 0 ] == 'I' )
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Attribute, "I_LOD_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Entity, "I_LOD_Entity" );
      zstrcpy( X_ER_Attribute, "I_ER_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Attribute, "L_LOD_Attribute" );
      zstrcpy( X_LOD_Entity, "L_LOD_Entity" );
      zstrcpy( X_ER_Attribute, "L_ER_Attribute" );

   lCL = 12;
   lCC = 5;

   GetViewByName( &vCtrlDef, "TZADCTLD", vNewDialog, zLEVEL_TASK );
   GetViewByName( &vAutoDesWk, "TZADWWKO", vNewDialog, zLEVEL_TASK );
   GetStringFromAttribute( szControlType, vNewDialog, "ControlDef", "Tag" );

   /* It is important to know whether the parent is a WINDOW(WDODs)
      or a SECTION(RODs). */
   zstrcpy( szParentName, "Window" );

   /* IF we are Autodesigning a ROD, set lCL to 8 so line
      skips do not take place */
   lTempInteger_0  = zstrcmp( szParentName, "SECTION" );
   if ( lTempInteger_0 == 0 )
      lCL = 8;

   /* Create a view that will point to the controls under the listbox. */
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vSubobject, vNewDialog, 0 );

   /* Set handle to the fields under the group */
   SetViewToSubobject( vSubobject, "CtrlCtrl" );

   /* Delete any existing fields in the listbox */
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
      RESULT = DeleteEntity( vSubobject, "Control", zREPOS_NEXT );

   /* Create a new view that will point to the UIS_ViewObjRef entity
      in the user spec object.  Sometimes vUserSpec is pointing to a
      recursive subobject and UI_ViewObjRef cannot be accessed. */
   CreateViewFromViewForTask( &vTempStyle, vUserSpec, 0 );
   ResetView( vTempStyle );

   lFieldsPainted = 0;

   //// Paint the fields in the Partition //////////
   /* IF Attributes have been found to paint, paint them */
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, "" );
      // This gets the length of the field to be painted.
      lListAttributeLength = ofnTZWDLGSO_GetSizeForListAttr( vSubtask,
                                                             szListType );

      if ( lListAttributeLength == 0 )
         lListAttributeLength = 4;
      lListAttributeLength = lListAttributeLength * lCC;
      if ( lListAttributeLength > 100 )
         lListAttributeLength = 100;
      if ( lListAttributeLength < 25 )
         lListAttributeLength = 25;

      /* If there isn't a paint literal then use the entity name
         as the paint literal */
      GetStringFromAttribute( szLiteralString, vUserSpec,
                               X_ER_Attribute, "ListPaintLit" );
      if ( szLiteralString[ 0 ] == 0 )
         GetStringFromAttribute( szLiteralString, vUserSpec,
                                 X_ER_Attribute, "PromptPaintLit" );
      lPaintLiteralLength = zstrlen( szLiteralString );
      if ( szLiteralString[ 0 ] == 0 )
         GetStringFromAttribute( szLiteralString, vUserSpec,
                                 X_ER_Attribute, "Name" );
         AddSpacesToString( szLiteralString );
         lPaintLiteralLength = zstrlen( szLiteralString ) + 1;

      lPaintLiteralLength = lPaintLiteralLength * lCC;
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength > 100 )
         lPaintLiteralLength = 100;
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength < 25 )
         lPaintLiteralLength = 25;

      /* Do not continue to add fields into the partition if
         the field sizes exceed the size of the partition */
      /* If the field attribute length is greater than the text
         literal length, then add the field attribute length
         to lFieldCol. */
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength < lListAttributeLength )
         /* If the length of lFieldCol is greater than the
            partition size, then delete all the fields that have
            been added and give a message to the user. */
         if ( lFieldCol + lListAttributeLength > PartitionSize )
            RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
            while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
               DeleteEntity( vSubobject, "Control", zREPOS_NEXT );
               RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
            DropView( vSubobject );
            MessageSend( vUserSpec, "AD10302", "Autodesigner",
                         "Partition too small( width )",
                         zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, zBEEP );
            return( -1 );
      /* If the text literal length is greater than the field
         attribute length, then add the text literal length
         to lFieldCol. */

         /* If the length of lFieldCol is greater than the
            partition size, then delete all the fields that have
            been added and give a message to the user. */
         if ( lFieldCol + lPaintLiteralLength > PartitionSize )
            RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
            while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
               DeleteEntity( vSubobject, "Control", zREPOS_NEXT );
               RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vSubobject, "Control", "" );
            DropView( vSubobject );
            MessageSend( vUserSpec, "AD10303", "Autodesigner",
                         "Partition too small( width )",
                         zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, zBEEP );
            return( -1 );

      /* Create the partition's fields */
      CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, vSubobject, "Control", zPOS_AFTER );
      SetAttributeFromString( vSubobject, "Control", "Text", szLiteralString );
      if ( zstrcmp( szControlType, "ListBox" ) == 0 )
         SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vCtrlDef, "ControlDef",
                                       "Tag", "ListBoxCtl", "" );
         IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "ControlDef",
                                        vCtrlDef, "ControlDef", zPOS_AFTER );
         SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vCtrlDef, "ControlDef",
                                       "Tag", "Text", "" );
         IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "ControlDef",
                                        vCtrlDef, "ControlDef", zPOS_AFTER );
      // Set the tag
      ofnTZWDLGSO_AssignTag( vSubtask, vNewDialog, vSubobject, "ListCtrl" );
/*    GetStringFromAttribute( szTag, vUserSpec, X_ER_Attribute, "Name" );
      szTag[ 30 ] = 0;

      lFieldsPainted = lFieldsPainted + 1;
      zltoa( lFieldsPainted, szWork );
      zstrcat( szTag, szWork );
      SetAttributeFromString( vSubobject, "Control", "Tag", szTag );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "SZDLG_X",
                               lListAttributeLength );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "SZDLG_Y",  lCL );

      /* If the domain is an integer or a long, then right justify. */
      IF vUserSpec.L_Domain.DerivedDataType = 'I' OR
         vUserSpec.L_Domain.DerivedDataType = 'L' OR
         vUserSpec.L_Domain.DerivedDataType = 'M'
         vNewDialog.FLAGFLD.RJUST = 'Y'

      GetStringFromAttribute( szMapEntity, vUserSpec, "LOD_Entity", "Name" );
      GetStringFromAttribute( szWorkString, vUserSpec, X_LOD_Entity, "Name" );
      /* If this LISTATTRIB is from a different ENTITY than the
         current ENTITY, then make sure the value gets mapped. */
      lRC = zstrcmp( szWorkString, "" );
      if ( lRC != 0 )
         lRC = zstrcmp( szWorkString, szMapEntity );
         if ( lRC == 0 )
            zstrcpy( szMapEntity, szWorkString );

      /* setting the group and field's ENAME and ANAME */
      CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, vSubobject, "CtrlMap", zPOS_AFTER );

      /* set the partitions OI name */
      if ( szListType[ 0 ] == 'I' )
         IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "CtrlMapView",
                                        vUserSpec, "ListViewObjRef", zPOS_AFTER );
         IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "CtrlMapView",
                                        vTempStyle, "UIS_ViewObjRef", zPOS_AFTER );

      IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vSubobject, "CtrlMapLOD_Attribute",
                                     vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, zPOS_AFTER );

      /* lFieldRow should always stay the same */
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "PSDLG_X", lFieldCol );
      SetAttributeFromInteger( vSubobject, "Control", "PSDLG_Y", lFieldRow );

      /* If the field length is longer than the paint literal,
         then position the next field by using the field length,
         otherwise position the next field by using the paint
         literal length */
      if ( lPaintLiteralLength < lListAttributeLength )
         lFieldCol = lFieldCol + lListAttributeLength + lCC;
         lFieldCol = lFieldCol + lPaintLiteralLength + lCC;
      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, "" );

   DropView( vSubobject );
   DropView( vTempStyle );
// TraceLineS("END", "AutoPaintListPart W4" );
   return( 0 );
文件: tzadw3aw.c 项目: DeegC/10d
// ENTRY:   CreateListBox
// PURPOSE: This function creates a listbox with the given
//          specifications and then autodesigns this listbox with
//          the LISTATTRIB attributes for the listbox's entity.
//          In addition to auto designing the listbox's fields, any
//          actions defined for the listbox(in the style object)
//          get autodesigned.
ofnTZWDLGSO_CreateListBox( zVIEW    vSubtask,
                           zVIEW    vNewDialog,
                           zVIEW    vUserSpec,
                           zLONG    lStart_X,
                           zLONG    lStart_Y,
                           zLONG    lHeight,
                           zPCHAR   szListType )
   zVIEW    vCtrlDef;
   zLONG    lTotalLth;
   zLONG    lAttribLth;
   zLONG    lPaintLth;
   zLONG    lCC;
   zLONG    lCL;
   zCHAR    szPaintStr[ 50 ];
   zCHAR    X_LOD_Attribute[ 16 ];
   zCHAR    X_ER_Attribute[ 15 ];

// TraceLineS("IN", "AutoPaintLstListPart W4" );

   // Set up variables to either I_LOD listbox or L_LOD listbox.
   if ( szListType[ 0 ] == 'I' )
      strcpy_s( X_LOD_Attribute, zsizeof( X_LOD_Attribute ), "I_LOD_Attribute" );
      strcpy_s( X_ER_Attribute, zsizeof( X_ER_Attribute ), "I_ER_Attribute" );
      strcpy_s( X_LOD_Attribute, zsizeof( X_LOD_Attribute ), "L_LOD_Attribute" );
      strcpy_s( X_ER_Attribute, zsizeof( X_ER_Attribute ), "L_ER_Attribute" );

   lCC = 5;
   lCL = 12;
   GetViewByName( &vCtrlDef, "TZADCTLD", vNewDialog, zLEVEL_TASK );

// TraceLineS("IN", "CreateListBox W3" );
   /* Create the listbox. */
   CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, vNewDialog, "Control", zPOS_AFTER );

   SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vCtrlDef, "ControlDef", "Tag", "ListBox", "" );
   IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( vNewDialog, "ControlDef",
                                  vCtrlDef, "ControlDef", zPOS_AFTER );
   SetAttributeFromInteger( vNewDialog, "Control", "PSDLG_X", lStart_X );
   SetAttributeFromInteger( vNewDialog, "Control", "PSDLG_Y", lStart_Y );

   // We must set the CtrlBOI.
   ActivateEmptyObjectInstance( &vTZPNCTWO, "TZPNCTWO",
                                vUserSpec, zSINGLE );
   CreateEntity( vTZPNCTWO, "TZPNCTWO", zPOS_AFTER );
   CreateEntity( vTZPNCTWO, "ListBox", zPOS_AFTER );
   SetAttributeFromInteger( vTZPNCTWO, "ListBox", "Subtype", 8192 );

   // Set Control.CtrlBOI from work entity GroupBox
   SetBlobFromEntityAttributes( vNewDialog, "Control",
                                 "CtrlBOI", vTZPNCTWO, "ListBox" );
   DropView( vTZPNCTWO );

   // Set the control subtype to 0(Single).
   SetAttributeFromInteger( vNewDialog, "Control", "Subtype", 8192 );

   lTotalLth = 0;

   if ( CheckExistenceOfEntity ( vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute ) != 0 )
      lTotalLth = 5;

   // Loop through the L_LOD_Attribute and find the total width needed
   // for this listbox.
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, "" );
      lAttribLth = ofnTZWDLGSO_GetSizeForListAttr( vSubtask, vUserSpec,
                                                   szListType );

      if ( lAttribLth > 20 )
         lAttribLth = 20;

      if ( lAttribLth < 5 )
         lAttribLth = 5;

      GetStringFromAttribute( szPaintStr, zsizeof( szPaintStr ), vUserSpec,
                              X_ER_Attribute, "ListPaintLit" );
      if ( szPaintStr[ 0 ] == 0 )
         GetStringFromAttribute( szPaintStr, zsizeof( szPaintStr ), vUserSpec,
                                 X_ER_Attribute, "PromptPaintLit" );
      if ( szPaintStr[ 0 ] == 0 )
         GetStringFromAttribute( szPaintStr, zsizeof( szPaintStr ), vUserSpec,
                                 X_ER_Attribute, "Name" );
         /* Add a ':' to the end. */
         strcat_s( szPaintStr, zsizeof( szPaintStr ), ":" );
         /* Add spaces before any capital letters. */
         AddSpacesToString( szPaintStr );
      lPaintLth = zstrlen( szPaintStr );
      if ( lPaintLth > 20 )
         lPaintLth = 20;
      if ( lPaintLth < 5 )
         lPaintLth = 5;

      if ( lAttribLth > lPaintLth )
         lTotalLth = lTotalLth + lAttribLth + 1;
         lTotalLth = lTotalLth + lPaintLth + 1;

      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vUserSpec, X_LOD_Attribute, "" );

   lTotalLth ++;

   SetAttributeFromInteger( vNewDialog, "Control",
                            "SZDLG_X", lTotalLth * lCC );
   SetAttributeFromInteger( vNewDialog, "Control", "SZDLG_Y", lHeight );

// TraceLineS("END", "CreateListBox W3" );
   return( 0 );