void AMainCameraSpecPawn::ZoomOutWheel() {
	if (!bCanMoveCamera) return;

	CameraZoom += CameraZoomSpeed * FastMoveMultiplier;
	CameraZoom = FMath::Clamp(CameraZoom, CameraZoomMin, CameraZoomMax);

AMainCameraSpecPawn::AMainCameraSpecPawn(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) {
	PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
	bAddDefaultMovementBindings = false;
	bUseControllerRotationPitch = false;
	bUseControllerRotationRoll = false;
	bUseControllerRotationYaw = false;

	CameraZoom = 7500.0f;
	CameraZoomMin = 200.0f;
	CameraZoomMax = 7500.0f;
	CameraMinViewDistance = 0;
	CameraMaxViewDistance = 100000.0f;

	CameraZoomSpeed = 200.0f;
	CameraMovementSpeed = 3000.0f;
	CameraFastMoveMultiplier = 2.0f;
	CameraScrollBounds = 25.0f;

	bCanMoveCamera = true;

	// Setup Camera
	CameraComponent = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(this, TEXT("Main Camera"));
	CameraComponent->ProjectionMode = ECameraProjectionMode::Orthographic;
	CameraComponent->OrthoWidth = CameraZoomMax;
	CameraComponent->OrthoNearClipPlane = CameraMinViewDistance;
	CameraComponent->OrthoFarClipPlane = CameraMaxViewDistance;

	CameraComponent->AttachParent = GetRootComponent();
	CameraComponent->bUsePawnControlRotation = false;

	FVector spawnLoc = FVector(0, 0, 2000);							// Default camera spawn position.
	FRotator spawnRot = FRotator(-45.0f, 225.0f, 0);	// Default camera spawn rotation.

// Update the "looking around" behavior.
void CCSBot::UpdateLookAround(bool updateNow)
	// check if looking around has been inhibited
	// Moved inhibit to allow high priority enemy lookats to still occur
	if (gpGlobals->time < m_inhibitLookAroundTimestamp)

	const float recentThreatTime = 0.25f; // 1.0f;

	// Unless we can hear them moving, in which case look towards the noise
	if (!IsEnemyVisible())
		const float noiseStartleRange = 1000.0f;
		if (CanHearNearbyEnemyGunfire(noiseStartleRange))
			Vector spot = m_noisePosition;
			spot.z += HalfHumanHeight;

			SetLookAt("Check dangerous noise", &spot, PRIORITY_HIGH, recentThreatTime);
			InhibitLookAround(RANDOM_FLOAT(2.0f, 4.0f));


	// If we recently saw an enemy, look towards where we last saw them
	if (!IsLookingAtSpot(PRIORITY_MEDIUM) && gpGlobals->time - m_lastSawEnemyTimestamp < recentThreatTime)

		Vector spot = m_lastEnemyPosition;

		// find enemy position on the ground
		if (GetSimpleGroundHeight(&m_lastEnemyPosition, &spot.z))
			spot.z += HalfHumanHeight;
			SetLookAt("Last Enemy Position", &spot, PRIORITY_MEDIUM, RANDOM_FLOAT(2.0f, 3.0f), true);

	// Look at nearby enemy noises
	if (UpdateLookAtNoise())

	if (IsNotMoving())
		// if we're sniping, zoom in to watch our approach points
		if (IsUsingSniperRifle())
			// low skill bots don't pre-zoom
			if (GetProfile()->GetSkill() > 0.4f)
				if (!IsViewMoving())
					float range = ComputeWeaponSightRange();
					// zoom out
					if (GetZoomLevel() != NO_ZOOM)

		if (m_lastKnownArea == NULL)

		if (gpGlobals->time < m_lookAroundStateTimestamp)

		// if we're sniping, switch look-at spots less often
		if (IsUsingSniperRifle())
			m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT(5.0f, 10.0f);
			m_lookAroundStateTimestamp = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT(1.0f, 2.0f);

		if (m_approachPointCount == 0)

		int which = RANDOM_LONG(0, m_approachPointCount - 1);
		Vector spot = m_approachPoint[ which ];

		// don't look at the floor, look roughly at chest level
		// TODO: If this approach point is very near, this will cause us to aim up in the air if were crouching
		spot.z += HalfHumanHeight;

		SetLookAt("Approach Point (Hiding)", &spot, PRIORITY_LOW);


	// Glance at "encouter spots" as we move past them
	if (m_spotEncounter)
		// Check encounter spots
		if (!IsSafe() && !IsLookingAtSpot(PRIORITY_LOW))
			// allow a short time to look where we're going
			if (gpGlobals->time < m_spotCheckTimestamp)

			// TODO: Use skill parameter instead of accuracy

			// lower skills have exponentially longer delays
			float_precision asleep = (1.0f - GetProfile()->GetSkill());
			asleep *= asleep;
			asleep *= asleep;

			m_spotCheckTimestamp = gpGlobals->time + asleep * RANDOM_FLOAT(10.0f, 30.0f);

			// figure out how far along the path segment we are
			Vector delta = m_spotEncounter->path.to - m_spotEncounter->path.from;
			float_precision length = delta.Length();
			float adx = float(Q_abs(int64(delta.x)));
			float ady = float(Q_abs(int64(delta.y)));
			float_precision t;

			if (adx > ady)
				t = (pev->origin.x - m_spotEncounter->path.from.x) / delta.x;
				t = (pev->origin.y - m_spotEncounter->path.from.y) / delta.y;

			// advance parameter a bit so we "lead" our checks
			const float leadCheckRange = 50.0f;
			t += leadCheckRange / length;

			if (t < 0.0f)
				t = 0.0f;
			else if (t > 1.0f)
				t = 1.0f;

			// collect the unchecked spots so far
			const int MAX_DANGER_SPOTS = 8;
			HidingSpot *dangerSpot[MAX_DANGER_SPOTS];
			int dangerSpotCount = 0;
			int dangerIndex = 0;

			const float checkTime = 10.0f;
			const SpotOrder *spotOrder;

			for (SpotOrderList::iterator iter = m_spotEncounter->spotList.begin(); iter != m_spotEncounter->spotList.end(); ++iter)
				spotOrder = &(*iter);

				// if we have seen this spot recently, we don't need to look at it
				if (gpGlobals->time - GetHidingSpotCheckTimestamp(spotOrder->spot) <= checkTime)

				if (spotOrder->t > t)

				dangerSpot[ dangerIndex++ ] = spotOrder->spot;
				if (dangerIndex >= MAX_DANGER_SPOTS)
					dangerIndex = 0;
				if (dangerSpotCount < MAX_DANGER_SPOTS)

			if (dangerSpotCount)
				// pick one of the spots at random
				int which = RANDOM_LONG(0, dangerSpotCount - 1);

				const Vector *checkSpot = dangerSpot[ which ]->GetPosition();

				Vector pos = *checkSpot;
				pos.z += HalfHumanHeight;

				// glance at the spot for minimum time
				SetLookAt("Encounter Spot", &pos, PRIORITY_LOW, 0, true, 10.0f);

				// immediately mark it as "checked", so we don't check it again
				// if we get distracted before we check it - that's the way it goes