LIB_EXPORT uint32_t CC AgrepFindBest( const AgrepParams *self, int32_t threshold, const char *buf, int32_t len, AgrepMatch *match )
    if( self != NULL && buf != NULL && match != NULL ) {
        AgrepCallArgs args;

        args.self = self;
        args.threshold = threshold;
        args.buf = buf;
        args.buflen = len;
        args.cb = AgrepFindBestCallback;
        args.cbinfo = match;

        match->score = -1;
        if (match->score != -1) {
            return 1;
    return 0;
LIB_EXPORT int32_t CC agrep ( AgrepFlags alg, char const* pattern, FILE* fp, int32_t print, 
        int32_t printcontext, int32_t k, int32_t findall, int32_t simulate )
    AgrepParams *self = NULL;
    int32_t count;
    size_t len;
    AgrepFlags mode = alg;
    AgrepMatch match;
    agrepinfo info;
    char szBuf[BUF_SIZE];

    AgrepCallArgs args;

    int32_t linenum = 0;
    char const* na = "ACGTN";
    size_t const nPatternSize = strlen(pattern);
    size_t const nBufSize = BUF_SIZE;
    size_t const nMaxTextLen = nBufSize-nPatternSize-1;
    size_t nExtendBufSize;

    int32_t i;

    AgrepMake(&self, mode, pattern);

    count = 0;

    while (!feof(fp) && fgets(szBuf, nMaxTextLen, fp))
        len = strlen(szBuf);
        if (szBuf[len-1] == '\n')
            szBuf[len-1] = '\0';

        /* Make szBuf somewhat circular to be able to find pattern cut in between */
        nExtendBufSize = nPatternSize <= len ? nPatternSize : len;
        memmove(szBuf+len, szBuf, nExtendBufSize - 1);
        szBuf[len + nExtendBufSize - 1] = '\0';

        if (simulate)
            for (i = 0; szBuf[i]; ++i)
                if (NULL != index(na, szBuf[i]))
                    szBuf[i] = index(na, szBuf[i]) - na;
        if (findall)
            AgrepBestMatch best_match = {9999, 0, 0}; /* TODO: it's not C89*/

            info.buf = szBuf;
            info.linenum = linenum;
            info.original_length = len;
            info.pBestMatch = &best_match;

            args.self = self;
            args.threshold = k;
            args.buf = szBuf;
            args.buflen = len + nPatternSize;
            args.cb = simulate ? agrep_2na_callback : agrep_callback_find_best;
            args.cbinfo = (void *)&info;


            if (!simulate) /* output best match */
                printf("line=%d, pos=%d, len=%d, end=%d, score=%d: %.*s%s%.*s\n",
                    linenum, best_match.indexStart, best_match.nMatchLength,
                    (best_match.indexStart + best_match.nMatchLength) % (int32_t)len,
                    (int)(min(best_match.nMatchLength, (int32_t)len - best_match.indexStart)), szBuf + best_match.indexStart,
                    (best_match.indexStart + best_match.nMatchLength) > (int32_t)len ? "|" : "",
                    (int)((best_match.indexStart + best_match.nMatchLength) > (int32_t)len ? best_match.nMatchLength - ((int32_t)len - best_match.indexStart) : 0), szBuf);
        else if (AgrepFindFirst(self, k, szBuf, len + nPatternSize, &match))
            if (print)
                printf("%s\n", szBuf);
            if (printcontext)
                printf("%.*s\n", match.length, szBuf + match.position);

    return count;