int main(int argc, char *argv[], char **envp) { memset(command,0,MAX_COMMAND); if (debug) printf("Debug: Hit main code block. Parsing arguments...\n"); parse_arguments(argc, argv, envp); if (help) { print_help(); return 0; } if (debug) { if (user_is_root) printf("Debug: Detection suggests user may be root\n"); else printf("Debug: Detection suggests user may NOT be root\n"); } if (command[0]==0) printf("Warning: no command or preset supplied\n"); if (AlienfxInit()) { if (debug) printf("Debug: Found an AlienFX chip\n"); if (reboot) afx_reboot(); if (darkness) afx_reset(); if (rawmode) { afx_raw(rawcmd); } else { if (command[0]>0) { /*if (usb_is_ready())*/ afx_process(command); } else if (!darkness) { if (usb_is_ready()) afx_reset(); } } AlienfxDeinit(); } else { if (debug) printf("Debug: USB driver could not locate AlienFX chip. Consult manpage?\n"); if (debug2) printf("Debug: Use the -P setting to specify the product ID of your AlienFX chip.\n"); if (debug2) printf("Debug: You may find the product ID by running the 'lsusb' command.\n"); printf("Error: AlienFX not detected.\n"); return 1; } if (debug) printf("Debug: Exiting\n"); return 0; } //EOF
~WorkCleanup() { AlienfxDeinit(); }