HRESULT DI_HID_WrapperBase::CreateDevice( const GUID & r_guid, DI_HID_DeviceBase ** di_device, LPUNKNOWN p_unk ) {

	*di_device = AllocDevice( );

	// found a mouse, use vtbl of DI_HID_DeviceBase
	if( r_guid == GUID_DI_SysMouse ) return S_OK;

	HRESULT res = diInterface->CreateDevice( r_guid, ( DIDeviceStructPtr * )( *di_device )->GetDIPtr( ), p_unk );

	// use the di's virtual table
	*di_device = reinterpret_cast< DI_HID_DeviceBase * >( *( *di_device )->GetDIPtr( ) );
	return res;
	bool CWindowsApp::Init(wchar_t *windowName, int width, int height)
		m_wndClassEx.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
		m_wndClassEx.style = CS_CLASSDC;
		m_wndClassEx.lpfnWndProc = MsgProc;
		m_wndClassEx.cbClsExtra = 0L;
		m_wndClassEx.cbWndExtra = 0L;
		m_wndClassEx.hInstance = m_instanceHandle;
		m_wndClassEx.hIcon = nullptr;
		m_wndClassEx.hCursor = LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW);
		m_wndClassEx.hbrBackground = nullptr;
		m_wndClassEx.lpszMenuName = nullptr;
		m_wndClassEx.lpszClassName = L"framework_9";
		m_wndClassEx.hIconSm = nullptr;

		int screenX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
		int screenY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);

		RECT windowRect;
		ZeroMemory(&windowRect, sizeof(windowRect));
		windowRect.left = (screenX - width) / 2;
		windowRect.top = (screenY - height) / 2;
		windowRect.right = windowRect.left + width;
		windowRect.bottom = windowRect.top + height;
		AdjustWindowRectEx(&windowRect, WindowStyle, 0, 0);

		//m_windowHandle = CreateWindowEx(
		m_windowHandle = CreateWindowExW(
			0L, m_wndClassEx.lpszClassName, windowName,
			windowRect.left, windowRect.top, windowRect.right - windowRect.left, windowRect.bottom - windowRect.top,
			nullptr, nullptr, m_wndClassEx.hInstance, nullptr

		m_width = width;
		m_height = height;

		if (!AllocDevice())
			return false;

		return true;