mapDrawSurface_t	*DrawSurfaceForMesh( mesh_t *m ) {
	mapDrawSurface_t	*ds;
	int				i, j;
	mesh_t			*copy;

	// to make valid normals for patches with degenerate edges,
	// we need to make a copy of the mesh and put the aproximating
	// points onto the curve
	copy = CopyMesh( m );
	PutMeshOnCurve( *copy );
	MakeMeshNormals( *copy );
	for ( j = 0 ; j < m->width ; j++ ) {
		for ( i = 0 ; i < m->height ; i++ ) {
			VectorCopy( copy->verts[i*m->width+j].normal, m->verts[i*m->width+j].normal );
	FreeMesh( copy );

	ds = AllocDrawSurf();
	ds->mapBrush = NULL;
	ds->side = NULL;

	ds->patch = qtrue;
	ds->patchWidth = m->width;
	ds->patchHeight = m->height;
	ds->numVerts = ds->patchWidth * ds->patchHeight;
	ds->verts = malloc( ds->numVerts * sizeof( *ds->verts ) );
	memcpy( ds->verts, m->verts, ds->numVerts * sizeof( *ds->verts ) );

	ds->lightmapNum = -1;
	ds->fogNum = -1;

	return ds;
void CreateTerrainSurface( terrainSurf_t *surf, shaderInfo_t *shader ) {
	int					i, j, k;
	drawVert_t			*out;
	drawVert_t			*in;
	mapDrawSurface_t	*newsurf;

	newsurf = AllocDrawSurf();

	newsurf->miscModel		= qtrue;
	newsurf->shaderInfo		= shader;
	newsurf->lightmapNum	= -1;
	newsurf->fogNum			= -1;
	newsurf->numIndexes		= surf->numIndexes;
	newsurf->numVerts		= surf->numVerts;

	// copy the indices
	newsurf->indexes = malloc( surf->numIndexes * sizeof( *newsurf->indexes ) );
	memcpy( newsurf->indexes, surf->indexes, surf->numIndexes * sizeof( *newsurf->indexes ) );

	// allocate the vertices
	newsurf->verts = malloc( surf->numVerts * sizeof( *newsurf->verts ) );
	memset( newsurf->verts, 0, surf->numVerts * sizeof( *newsurf->verts ) );

	// calculate the surface verts
	out = newsurf->verts;
	for( i = 0; i < newsurf->numVerts; i++, out++ ) {
		VectorCopy( surf->verts[ i ].xyz, out->xyz );

		// set the texture coordinates
		out->st[ 0 ] = surf->verts[ i ].st[ 0 ];
		out->st[ 1 ] = surf->verts[ i ].st[ 1 ];

		// the colors will be set by the lighting pass
		out->color[0] = 255;
		out->color[1] = 255;
		out->color[2] = 255;
		out->color[3] = surf->verts[ i ].color[ 3 ];

		// calculate the vertex normal
		VectorClear( out->normal );
		for( j = 0; j < numsurfaces; j++ ) {
			in = surfaces[ j ].verts;
			for( k = 0; k < surfaces[ j ].numVerts; k++, in++ ) {
				if ( CompareVert( out, in, qfalse ) ) {
					VectorAdd( out->normal, in->normal, out->normal );

		VectorNormalize( out->normal, out->normal );