bool vfeSession::StopRender(const string& reason)
  if (m_Frontend->GetState() <= kReady)
    return true;
  if (reason.empty() == false)
    AppendStatusMessage (reason);
    AppendErrorMessage (reason);
    m_Frontend->Stop() ;
  catch (pov_base::Exception& e)
    if (e.codevalid() && e.code() == kNotNowErr)
      Delay (100) ;
      return (m_Frontend->GetState() == kReady);
    if (m_Frontend->GetState () > kReady)
      Delay (100) ;
      return (m_Frontend->GetState () == kReady);
  return (true);
// Start a render. Will set m_LastError and return vfeRenderOptionsNotSet
// if you didn't call vfeSession::SetOptions() first. Otherwise will attempt
// to start the render; if this fails vfeFailedToSendRenderStart is returned.
// If the start attempt succeeds (note this is distinct from the start itself
// actually succeeding - all that the lack of a vfeFailedToSendRenderStart
// error means is that the start request was successfully sent to the backend)
// then a stRenderStartup notification is sent and the state is changed to
// kStarting.
// If the start attempt fails (signified by the receipt of a std::exception),
// the exception code will, in the case of a pov_base::Exception, be extracted
// and stored in m_LastError and returned; otherwise (not pov_base::Exception),
// m_LastError is set to -1. In either case, a failed status is set (so that
// vfeSession::Failed() will return true), and, if a fatal error message has
// not already been queued, the text of the exception will be added to both
// the status and error message queues.
int vfeSession::StartRender()
  if (m_OptionsSet == false)
    return (m_LastError = vfeRenderOptionsNotSet);

  if (m_RenderOptions.m_Options.Exist(kPOVAttrib_CreateIni))
    // we deliberately do this twice - once here and once in SetOptions
    POVMSUCS2String fn = m_RenderOptions.m_Options.TryGetUCS2String(kPOVAttrib_CreateIni, "");
    if (fn.empty() == false)
      vfeProcessRenderOptions options(this);
      POVMSObject obj = *m_RenderOptions.GetOptions();
      if (options.WriteFile (UCS2toASCIIString(fn).c_str(), &obj) != kNoErr)
        return (m_LastError = vfeFailedToWriteINI);

    if (!m_Frontend->Start (m_RenderOptions.m_Options))
      return (m_LastError = vfeFailedToSendRenderStart) ;
  catch (std::exception& e)
    if (dynamic_cast<pov_base::Exception *> (&e) != NULL)
      m_RenderErrorCode = dynamic_cast<pov_base::Exception *> (&e)->code() ;
    if (m_RenderErrorCode == 0)
      m_RenderErrorCode = -1 ;
    m_Failed = true ;
    if (m_HadErrorMessage == false)
      AppendErrorMessage (e.what()) ;
      AppendStatusMessage (e.what()) ;
    return (m_LastError = m_RenderErrorCode) ;


  // set this now in case an error causes the frontend state to return to
  // kReady before we pick up kStarting in vfeSession::Process().
  StateChanged(kStarting) ;

  return (m_LastError = vfeNoError) ;
wxString CUtils::ConstructProjectStatus(CBSLProject& bslProject)
    wxString strBuffer = wxEmptyString;
    wxString strBuffer2 = wxEmptyString;

    if (bslProject.IsInterfaceSuspensionEnabled())
        AppendStatusMessage(strBuffer, _("Project suspended by volunteer"));
    if (bslProject.IsTaskAccumulationDisabled())
        AppendStatusMessage(strBuffer, _("Won't get new tasks"));
    if (bslProject.GetSchedulerRPCPending())
            _("Scheduler request pending, %s"),
        AppendStatusMessage(strBuffer, strBuffer2);
    if (bslProject.IsSchedulerRPCInProgress())
        AppendStatusMessage(strBuffer, _("Scheduler request in progress"));
    if (bslProject.IsTricklePending())
        AppendStatusMessage(strBuffer, _("Trickle up message pending"));
    if (bslProject.GetSchedulerRPCMinimumTime() > wxDateTime::Now()) {
        wxTimeSpan tsNextRPC(bslProject.GetSchedulerRPCMinimumTime() - wxDateTime::Now());
            _("Communication deferred %s"),
        AppendStatusMessage(strBuffer, strBuffer2);
    return strBuffer;
// Sets the options to be used on the next render. Accepts a vfeRenderOptions
// instance as its only parameter, and returns any one of a number of possible
// error codes (and sets m_LastError), as documented below:
//   vfeFailedToInitObject           - this is an internal error
//   vfeFailedToSetMaxThreads        - self-explanatory
//   vfeFailedToParseINI             - an INI file specified could not be parsed
//   vfeFailedToSetSource            - the source file specified could not be set
//   vfeFailedToParseCommand         - a command-line option was invalid
//   vfeNoInputFile                  - no input file specified either directly or via INI
//   vfeRenderBlockSizeTooSmall      - self-explanatory
//   vfeFailedToWriteINI             - a request to write the render options to an INI file failed
//   vfeUnsupportedOptionCombination - unsupported option combination
// If vfeRenderOptions explicitly specifies a source file, it will override
// any set via a parsed INI file. Furthermore, any source file set via a
// command-line option overrides both of the above.
// Note that it is your responsibility to add any default INI files that should
// be processed to the INI file list; neither SetOptions() nor any other part
// of the VFE or POV-Ray code will do that for you. This includes non-platform
// specific files such as a potential povray.ini in the CWD.
int vfeSession::SetOptions (vfeRenderOptions& opts)
  int                     err;
  UCS2                    str [MAX_PATH];
  POVMSObject             obj;
  vfeProcessRenderOptions options(this);

  m_OutputToFileSet = false;
  m_UsingAlpha = false;
  m_RenderingAnimation = false;
  m_RealTimeRaytracing = false;
  m_ClocklessAnimation = false;
  m_RenderWidth = m_RenderHeight = 0;

  if ((err = POVMSObject_New (&obj, kPOVObjectClass_RenderOptions)) != kNoErr)
    return (m_LastError = vfeFailedToInitObject) ;

  if ((err = POVMSUtil_SetInt (&obj, kPOVAttrib_MaxRenderThreads, opts.m_ThreadCount)) != kNoErr)
    return (m_LastError = vfeFailedToSetMaxThreads) ;

  // we set this here for potential use by the IO permissions path checking code
  m_InputFilename = opts.m_SourceFile;

  // most likely povray.ini will be the first INI file processed here (as it's included by default)
  for (vector<UCS2String>::iterator i = opts.m_IniFiles.begin(); i != opts.m_IniFiles.end(); i++)
    // we call TestAccessAllowed() here, even though ParseFile() will do it also, since if
    // access is denied, the reason will not be obvious (ParseFile() just returns kCannotOpenFileErr).
    if (!TestAccessAllowed (Path(*i), false))
      return (m_LastError = vfeIORestrictionDeny);

    if ((err = options.ParseFile (UCS2toASCIIString(*i).c_str(), &obj)) != kNoErr)
      return (m_LastError = vfeFailedToParseINI) ;

    // we keep this up to date since the IO permissions feature will use the current input
    // filename to determine the path for default read/write permission in the scene dir.
    int n = sizeof (str) ;
    if ((err = POVMSUtil_GetUCS2String (&obj, kPOVAttrib_InputFile, str, &n)) == kNoErr)
      if (m_InputFilename != str)
        m_InputFilename = str;

  // m_SourceFile overrides any source file set by the INI files
  if (opts.m_SourceFile.empty() == false)
    m_InputFilename = opts.m_SourceFile;
    if ((err = POVMSUtil_SetUCS2String (&obj, kPOVAttrib_InputFile, opts.m_SourceFile.c_str())) != kNoErr)
      return (m_LastError = vfeFailedToSetSource);

  // any source file set on the command-line overrides a source file set another way
  for (vector<string>::iterator i = opts.m_Commands.begin(); i != opts.m_Commands.end(); i++)
    if ((err = options.ParseString (i->c_str(), &obj)) != kNoErr)
      return (m_LastError = vfeFailedToParseCommand) ;
    int n = sizeof (str) ;
    if ((err = POVMSUtil_GetUCS2String (&obj, kPOVAttrib_InputFile, str, &n)) == kNoErr)
      if (m_InputFilename != str)
        m_InputFilename = str;

  int n = sizeof (str) ;
  if ((err = POVMSUtil_GetUCS2String (&obj, kPOVAttrib_InputFile, str, &n)) != kNoErr)
    return (m_LastError = vfeNoInputFile);
  m_InputFilename = str;

  POVMSUtil_GetInt (&obj, kPOVAttrib_Width, &m_RenderWidth) ;
  POVMSUtil_GetInt (&obj, kPOVAttrib_Height, &m_RenderHeight) ;

  std::list<Path> libpaths;
  POVMS_Object ropts (obj) ;
  if (ropts.Exist (kPOVAttrib_LibraryPath))
    POVMS_List pathlist;
    ropts.Get (kPOVAttrib_LibraryPath, pathlist) ;

    // we take the opportunity to remove any duplicates that are in the path list.
    // it's cleaner to do that here, rather than in the INI parser, since it's table-
    // driven and doesn't have an explicit function for adding library paths per se.
    // we use the Path equivalence operator rather than a string compare since
    // using Path should handle platform-specific issues like case-sensitivity (or,
    // rather, lack thereof). note that at the time of writing, the Path class did
    // not yet implement case-insensitive comparisions.
    // NB while it would of course be more efficient to sort the list so searches are
    // faster, we'd have to make a copy of it to do that, as we can't change the order
    // of existing entries (that would change the include path search order). it's not
    // common to have a lot of include paths, so we just use linear searches.
    for (int i = 1; i <= pathlist.GetListSize(); i++)
      POVMS_Attribute lp;

      pathlist.GetNth(i, lp);
      Path path(lp.GetUCS2String());
      if (find(libpaths.begin(), libpaths.end(), path) == libpaths.end())

  if (opts.m_LibraryPaths.empty() == false)
    for (vector<UCS2String>::const_iterator i = opts.m_LibraryPaths.begin(); i != opts.m_LibraryPaths.end(); i++)
      Path path(*i);

      if (find(libpaths.begin(), libpaths.end(), path) == libpaths.end())

  if (libpaths.empty() == false)
    POVMS_List pathlist;
    for (list<Path>::iterator i = libpaths.begin(); i != libpaths.end(); i++)
      POVMS_Attribute attr((*i)().c_str());
    ropts.Set (kPOVAttrib_LibraryPath, pathlist) ;

  if (ropts.TryGetBool(kPOVAttrib_RealTimeRaytracing, false) == true)
    ropts.SetBool(kPOVAttrib_OutputToFile, false);

  m_OutputToFileSet = ropts.TryGetBool(kPOVAttrib_OutputToFile, true);

  // this is a bit messy: Grayscale_Output or OutputAlpha may be specified
  // in an INI file or elsewhere prior to the output file type being set.
  // so we can't check to see if it is supported with that file type
  // until all options have been parsed.
  if (m_OutputToFileSet)
    int oft = ropts.TryGetInt(kPOVAttrib_OutputFileType, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT);
    bool has16BitGrayscale = false;
    bool hasAlpha = false;
    for (int i = 0; FileTypeTable[i].internalId != 0; i ++)
      if (oft == FileTypeTable[i].internalId)
        has16BitGrayscale = FileTypeTable[i].has16BitGrayscale;
        hasAlpha          = FileTypeTable[i].hasAlpha;
    if (ropts.TryGetBool(kPOVAttrib_GrayscaleOutput, false) && !has16BitGrayscale)
      AppendStatusMessage ("Grayscale output not currently supported with selected output file type.");
      AppendErrorMessage ("Grayscale output not currently supported with selected output file type.") ;
      return (m_LastError = vfeUnsupportedOptionCombination);
    if (ropts.TryGetBool(kPOVAttrib_OutputAlpha, false) && !hasAlpha)
      AppendWarningMessage ("Warning: Alpha channel output currently not (or not officially) supported with selected output file type.") ;

  if (ropts.TryGetInt(kPOVAttrib_RenderBlockSize, 32) < 4)
    return (m_LastError = vfeRenderBlockSizeTooSmall);

  if ((ropts.TryGetInt(kPOVAttrib_DisplayGammaType, DEFAULT_DISPLAY_GAMMA_TYPE) == kPOVList_GammaType_PowerLaw) &&
      (ropts.TryGetFloat(kPOVAttrib_DisplayGamma, DEFAULT_DISPLAY_GAMMA) < 0.001f))
    return (m_LastError = vfeDisplayGammaTooSmall);
  if ((ropts.TryGetInt(kPOVAttrib_FileGammaType, DEFAULT_FILE_GAMMA_TYPE) == kPOVList_GammaType_PowerLaw) &&
      (ropts.TryGetFloat(kPOVAttrib_FileGamma, DEFAULT_FILE_GAMMA) < 0.001f))
    return (m_LastError = vfeFileGammaTooSmall);

  n = sizeof (str) ;
  if ((err = POVMSUtil_GetUCS2String (&obj, kPOVAttrib_CreateIni, str, &n)) == kNoErr && str [0] != 0)
    if ((err = options.WriteFile (UCS2toASCIIString(str).c_str(), &obj)) != kNoErr)
      return (m_LastError = vfeFailedToWriteINI);

  opts.m_Options = ropts;
  m_RenderOptions = opts ;
  m_OptionsSet = true;

  return (m_LastError = vfeNoError) ;