LONG PrintLine(LONG x, struct line_node *line, LONG line_nr, BOOL doublebuffer, struct InstData *data)
  STRPTR text = line->line.Contents;
  LONG length;
  struct RastPort *rp = &data->doublerp;


  length  = LineCharsWidth(text+x, data);

  if(doublebuffer == FALSE)
    rp = &data->copyrp;

  if((line_nr > 0) && (data->update) && !(data->flags & FLG_Quiet) && data->rport != NULL && data->shown == TRUE)
    LONG c_length = length;
    LONG startx = 0, stopx = 0;
    LONG starty = 0, xoffset = ((data->height-rp->TxBaseline+1)>>1)+1;
    LONG flow = 0;
    UWORD *styles = line->line.Styles;
    UWORD *colors = line->line.Colors;
    struct marking block;
    BOOL cursor = FALSE;

    if(line->line.Color && x == 0 && line->line.Length == 1)
      line->line.Color = FALSE;

    if(doublebuffer == FALSE)
      starty = data->ypos+(data->height * (line_nr-1));
      xoffset = data->xpos;

    flow = FlowSpace(line->line.Flow, text+x, data);
    Move(rp, xoffset+flow, starty+rp->TxBaseline);

      struct line_node *blkline;

      NiceBlock(&data->blockinfo, &block);

      blkline = block.startline->next;

      if(block.startline == block.stopline)
        if(block.startline == line)
          startx = block.startx;
          stopx = block.stopx;
        if(block.startline == line)
          startx = block.startx;
          stopx = line->line.Length;
          if(block.stopline == line)
            stopx = block.stopx;
            while((blkline != block.stopline) && (!stopx))
              if(blkline == line)
                stopx = line->line.Length;
              blkline = blkline->next;

      UWORD blockstart = 0;
      UWORD blockwidth = 0;
      struct RastPort *old = muiRenderInfo(data->object)->mri_RastPort;

      if(startx < x+c_length && stopx > x)
        if(startx > x)
          blockstart = TextLength(&data->tmprp, text+x, startx-x);
          startx = x;

        blockwidth = ((stopx >= c_length+x) ? data->innerwidth-(blockstart+flow) : TextLength(&data->tmprp, text+startx, stopx-startx));
      else if(!(data->flags & (FLG_ReadOnly | FLG_Ghosted)) &&
              line == data->actualline && data->CPos_X >= x &&
              data->CPos_X < x+c_length && !Enabled(data) &&
              (data->flags & FLG_Active || data->inactiveCursor == TRUE))
        cursor = TRUE;
        blockstart = TextLength(&data->tmprp, text+x, data->CPos_X-x);

        // calculate the cursor width
        // if it is set to 6 then we should find out how the width of the current char is
        if(data->CursorWidth == 6)
          blockwidth = TextLength(&data->tmprp, (*(text+data->CPos_X) < ' ') ? (char *)" " : (char *)(text+data->CPos_X), 1);
          blockwidth = data->CursorWidth;

      SetDrMd(rp, JAM1);
      muiRenderInfo(data->object)->mri_RastPort = rp;

      // clear the background first
      DoMethod(data->object, MUIM_DrawBackground, xoffset, starty,
                                                  flow+blockstart, data->height,
                                                  (data->flags & FLG_InVGrp) ? 0 : data->xpos,
                                                  (data->flags & FLG_InVGrp) ? data->height*(data->visual_y+line_nr-2) : data->realypos+data->height * (data->visual_y+line_nr-2),

        ULONG color;

        // in case the gadget is in inactive state we use a different background
        // color for our selected area
        if((data->flags & FLG_Active) == 0 && (data->flags & FLG_Activated) == 0 &&
           (data->flags & FLG_ActiveOnClick) != 0)
          color = data->inactivecolor;
          color = data->markedcolor;

        // if selectmode == 2 then a whole line should be drawn as being marked, so
        // we have to start at xoffset instead of xoffset+flow+blockstart.
        // Please note that the second part of the following "empiric" evaluation should
        // prevent that centered or right aligned lines are not correctly marked right
        // from the beginning of the line. However, it seems to be not cover 100% of all different
        // cases so that the evaluation if a line should be completely marked should be probably
        // moved elsewhere in future.
        if(data->selectmode == 2 ||
           (flow && data->selectmode != 1 && startx-x == 0 && cursor == FALSE &&
            ((data->blockinfo.startline != data->blockinfo.stopline) || x > 0)))
          SetAPen(rp, color);
          RectFill(rp, xoffset, starty, xoffset+flow+blockwidth-1, starty+data->height-1);
          SetAPen(rp, cursor ? data->cursorcolor : color);
          RectFill(rp, xoffset+flow+blockstart, starty, xoffset+flow+blockstart+blockwidth-1, starty+data->height-1);

          // if the gadget is in inactive state we just draw a skeleton cursor instead
          if(cursor == TRUE &&
             (data->flags & FLG_Active) == 0 && (data->flags & FLG_Activated) == 0)
            DoMethod(data->object, MUIM_DrawBackground, xoffset+flow+blockstart+1, starty+1,
                                                        blockwidth-2, data->height-2,
                                                        (data->flags & FLG_InVGrp) ? 0 : data->xpos,
                                                        (data->flags & FLG_InVGrp) ? data->height*(data->visual_y+line_nr-2) : data->realypos+data->height * (data->visual_y+line_nr-2),

        LONG  x_start = xoffset+blockstart+blockwidth,
            y_start = starty,
            x_width = data->innerwidth-(blockstart+blockwidth),
            y_width = data->height,
            x_ptrn = blockstart+blockwidth,
            y_ptrn = data->height*(data->visual_y+line_nr-2);

          x_start += flow;
          x_width -= flow;
          x_ptrn += flow;
        if(!(data->flags & FLG_InVGrp))
          x_ptrn += data->xpos;
          y_ptrn += data->realypos;

        DoMethod(data->object, MUIM_DrawBackground, x_start, y_start, x_width, y_width, x_ptrn, y_ptrn);
      muiRenderInfo(data->object)->mri_RastPort = old;

    if(doublebuffer == FALSE)

    SetAPen(rp, (line->line.Color ? data->highlightcolor : data->textcolor));

      LONG p_length = c_length;

      SetSoftStyle(rp, convert(GetStyle(x, line)), AskSoftStyle(rp));
        while(*styles-1 <= x)
          styles += 2;
        if(*styles-x-1 < p_length)
          p_length = *styles-x-1;

        while(*colors-1 <= x)
          SetAPen(rp, ConvertPen(*(colors+1), line->line.Color, data));
          colors += 2;
        if(*colors-x-1 < p_length)
          p_length = *colors-x-1;

/*      if(stopx)
        if((startx > x) && (startx-x < p_length))
          p_length = startx-x;
          SetAPen(rp, 3);
          if((stopx > x) && (stopx-x < p_length))
            p_length = stopx-x;
            SetAPen(rp, 4);
            SetAPen(rp, (line->color ? data->highlightcolor : data->textcolor));

      if(text[x+p_length-1] < ' ')
        Text(rp, text+x, p_length-1);
        Text(rp, text+x, p_length);

      x += p_length;
      c_length -= p_length;
    SetSoftStyle(rp, FS_NORMAL, AskSoftStyle(rp));

        WORD  LeftX, LeftWidth,
            RightX, RightWidth,
            Y, Height;

      LeftX = xoffset;
      LeftWidth = flow-3;
      RightX = rp->cp_x+3;
      RightWidth = xoffset+data->innerwidth - RightX;
      Y = starty;
      Height = (line->line.Separator & LNSF_Thick) ? 2 : 1;

      if(line->line.Separator & LNSF_Middle)
        Y += (data->height/2)-Height;
        if(line->line.Separator & LNSF_Bottom)
          Y += data->height-(2*Height);

      if(line->line.Separator & LNSF_StrikeThru || line->line.Length == 1)
        LeftWidth = data->innerwidth;
        DrawSeparator(rp, RightX, Y, RightWidth, Height, data);
      DrawSeparator(rp, LeftX, Y, LeftWidth, Height, data);

    if(data->flags & FLG_Ghosted)
      UWORD *oldPattern = (UWORD *)rp->AreaPtrn;
      UBYTE oldSize = rp->AreaPtSz;
      UWORD newPattern[] = {0x1111, 0x4444};

      if(doublebuffer == TRUE)
        ULONG ptrn1 = 0x11111111;
        ULONG ptrn2 = 0x44444444;

        ptrn1 = ptrn1>>((data->xpos-xoffset)%16);
        ptrn2 = ptrn2>>((data->xpos-xoffset)%16);

        if((data->height*(data->visual_y+line_nr-2))%2 == 0)
          newPattern[0] = ptrn2;
          newPattern[1] = ptrn1;
          newPattern[0] = ptrn1;
          newPattern[1] = ptrn2;
IPTR MenuDecorClass__MDM_DRAW_SYSIMAGE(Class *cl, Object *obj, struct mdpDrawSysImage *msg)
    struct RastPort 	 *rport = msg->mdp_RPort;
    UWORD   	    	 *pens = DRI(msg->mdp_Dri)->dri_Pens;
    LONG    	     	  left = msg->mdp_X;
    LONG    	     	  top = msg->mdp_Y;
    LONG   	          width = msg->mdp_Width;
    LONG   	    	  height = msg->mdp_Height;
    LONG    	    	  right = left + width - 1;
    LONG    	    	  bottom = top + height - 1;
    SetDrMd(rport, JAM1);
            if (MENUS_AMIGALOOK)
                SetAPen(rport, pens[BARBLOCKPEN]);
                SetAPen(rport, pens[(msg->mdp_State == IDS_SELECTED) ? FILLPEN : BACKGROUNDPEN]);
            RectFill(rport, left, top, right, bottom);
            SetAPen(rport, pens[BARDETAILPEN]);
            SetDrMd(rport, JAM1);
            WORD x = left;

    	    Move(rport, x, top + rport->Font->tf_Baseline);
            Text(rport, ">>", 2);

    	case MENUCHECK:
            if (MENUS_AMIGALOOK)
                SetAPen(rport, pens[BARBLOCKPEN]);
                SetAPen(rport, pens[(msg->mdp_State == IDS_SELECTED) ? FILLPEN : BACKGROUNDPEN]);

            RectFill(rport, left, top, right, bottom);

            SetAPen(rport, pens[BARDETAILPEN]);
            menu_draw_thick_line(rport, left + 1, top + height / 3 , left + 1, bottom, 0);
            menu_draw_thick_line(rport, left + 2, bottom, right - 2, top, 0);


            struct TextFont *oldfont;
            UBYTE   	     oldstyle;
            if (MENUS_AMIGALOOK)
                SetAPen(rport, pens[BARDETAILPEN]);
                SetAPen(rport, pens[SHINEPEN]);

            RectFill(rport, left, top, right, bottom);

            if (MENUS_AMIGALOOK)
                SetAPen(rport, pens[BARBLOCKPEN]);
                oldfont = rport->Font;
                oldstyle = rport->AlgoStyle;
                SetFont(rport, GfxBase->DefaultFont);
                SetSoftStyle(rport, FSF_ITALIC, AskSoftStyle(rport));
                Move(rport, left + (width - rport->TxWidth) / 2,
                     top  + (height - rport->TxHeight) / 2 + rport->TxBaseline);
                Text(rport, "A", 1);
                SetSoftStyle(rport, oldstyle, AskSoftStyle(rport));
                SetFont(rport, oldfont);
                SetAPen(rport, pens[BARBLOCKPEN]);
                SetAPen(rport, pens[SHADOWPEN]);
                RectFill(rport, left + 1, top, right - 1, top);
                RectFill(rport, right, top + 1, right, bottom - 1);
                RectFill(rport, left + 1, bottom, right - 1, bottom);
                RectFill(rport, left, top + 1, left, bottom - 1);
                SetAPen(rport, pens[BACKGROUNDPEN]);
                RectFill(rport, left + 1, bottom - 1, right - 1, bottom - 1);
                RectFill(rport, right - 1, top + 1, right - 1, bottom - 2);
                RectFill(rport, left + 2, top + 2, left + 4, top + 2);
                RectFill(rport, left + 2, top + 3, left + 2, top + 4);
                SetAPen(rport, pens[SHADOWPEN]);
                RectFill(rport, left + 2, bottom - 2, right - 2, bottom - 2);
                RectFill(rport, right - 2, top + 2, right - 2, bottom - 4);
                    WORD a_size   = height - 7;
                    WORD a_left   = left + 5;
                    WORD a_top    = top + 2;
                    WORD a_right  = a_left + a_size;
                    WORD a_bottom = a_top + a_size;
                    Move(rport, a_left, a_bottom);
                    Draw(rport, a_right, a_top);
                    Draw(rport, a_right, a_bottom);
                    Move(rport, a_right - 1, a_top + 1);
                    Draw(rport, a_right - 1, a_bottom);
                SetAPen(rport, pens[(msg->mdp_State == IDS_SELECTED) ? FILLPEN : BACKGROUNDPEN]);
            WritePixel(rport, left, top);
            WritePixel(rport, right, top);
            WritePixel(rport, right, bottom);
            WritePixel(rport, left, bottom);
    return TRUE;
   Render tab bar
static void RenderRegisterTab(struct IClass *cl, Object *obj, ULONG flags)
    struct Register_DATA *data = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
    WORD tabx;

     * Erase / prepare for drawing
    if (flags & MADF_DRAWOBJECT)
        DoMethod(obj, MUIM_DrawParentBackground, data->left, data->top,
                 data->framewidth, data->tab_height - 1, data->left, data->top, 0);
        /* draw parent bg over oldactive */
        IPTR method;
        WORD old_left, old_top, old_width, old_height;
        struct RegisterTabItem *ri = &data->items[data->oldactive];
        if (data->oldactive >= data->columns) method = MUIM_DrawBackground;
        else method = MUIM_DrawParentBackground;

        old_left = _left(obj) + ri->x1 - 2;
        old_top = _top(obj) + ri->y1;
        old_width = ri->x2 - ri->x1 + 5;
        old_height = data->tab_height - 1;
        DoMethod(obj, method, old_left, old_top,
                 old_width, old_height, old_left, old_top, 0);
        SetDrMd(_rp(obj), JAM1);
        SetAPen(_rp(obj), _pens(obj)[MPEN_SHINE]);
        RectFill(_rp(obj), old_left, old_top + old_height, old_left + old_width, old_top + old_height);

    SetDrMd(_rp(obj), JAM1);
    SetAPen(_rp(obj), _pens(obj)[MPEN_SHINE]);
    SetFont(_rp(obj), _font(obj));
    SetSoftStyle(_rp(obj), FS_NORMAL, AskSoftStyle(_rp(obj)));

     * Draw new graphics
    /* register frame */
    if (flags & MADF_DRAWOBJECT || (data->active / data->columns != data->oldactive / data->columns))
        int i,y,tabs_on_bottom = 0;

        SetAPen(_rp(obj), _pens(obj)[MPEN_SHINE]);

        RectFill(_rp(obj), data->left,
                 data->top + data->tab_height - 1,
                 data->top + data->tab_height + data->frameheight - 1);

        y = data->top + data->tab_height - 1;

        for (i=0; i<data->rows; i++)
            if (!tabs_on_bottom && (i > data->active/data->columns))
                y = _bottom(obj) - muiAreaData(obj)->mad_InnerBottom + data->tab_height;
                tabs_on_bottom = 1;

            RectFill(_rp(obj), data->left + 1, y, data->left + data->framewidth - 2, y);
            y += data->tab_height;

        SetAPen(_rp(obj), _pens(obj)[MPEN_SHADOW]);

        RectFill(_rp(obj), data->left + data->framewidth - 1,
                 data->top + data->tab_height - 1,
                 data->left + data->framewidth - 1,
                 data->top + data->tab_height + data->frameheight - 1);

        RectFill(_rp(obj), data->left + 1,
                 data->top + data->tab_height + data->frameheight - 1,
                 data->left + data->framewidth - 2,
                 data->top + data->tab_height + data->frameheight - 1);
        for(i = 0, tabx = 0; i < data->numitems; i++)
            RenderRegisterTabItem(cl, obj, i);
        /* If active register has been changed and is on same row we simply draw both registers only */
        RenderRegisterTabItem(cl, obj, data->active);
        RenderRegisterTabItem(cl, obj, data->oldactive);

    bits set.





    AskSoftStyle(), graphics/text.h



    24.7.98  SDuvan  implemented


    ULONG  realEnable = enable & AskSoftStyle(rp);

    rp->AlgoStyle = ((~realEnable & rp->AlgoStyle) | (realEnable & style));

    return rp->AlgoStyle | rp->Font->tf_Style;
} /* SetSoftStyle */