static  void    ChkIOErr( cg_name io_stat ) {

// Check for i/o errors.

    label_handle        eq_label;

    io_stat = CGUnary( O_POINTS, io_stat, TY_INTEGER );
    if( ( EndEqLabel != 0 ) && ( ErrEqLabel != 0 ) ) {
        eq_label = BENewLabel();
        CG3WayControl( io_stat, GetLabel( EndEqLabel ), eq_label,
                       GetLabel( ErrEqLabel ) );
        CGControl( O_LABEL, NULL, eq_label );
        BEFiniLabel( eq_label );
    } else if( EndEqLabel != 0 ) {
        CGControl( O_IF_TRUE,
                   CGCompare( O_LT, io_stat, CGInteger( 0, TY_INTEGER ),
                              TY_INTEGER ),
                   GetLabel( EndEqLabel ) );
    } else if( ErrEqLabel != 0 ) {
        CGControl( O_IF_TRUE,
                   CGCompare( O_NE, io_stat, CGInteger( 0, TY_INTEGER ),
                              TY_INTEGER ),
                   GetLabel( ErrEqLabel ) );
    } else if( IOStatSpecified ) {
        IOSLabel = BENewLabel();
        CGControl( O_IF_TRUE,
                   CGCompare( O_NE, io_stat, CGInteger( 0, TY_INTEGER ),
                              TY_INTEGER ),
                   IOSLabel );
    } else {
        CGDone( io_stat );
void    FiniLabels( int label_type ) {

// Free specified class of labels.

    label_entry **owner;
    label_entry *curr;

    owner = (label_entry **)&LabelList;
    for(;;) {
        curr = *owner;
        if( curr == NULL ) break;
        if( ( curr->label & FORMAT_LABEL ) == label_type ) {
            if( ( CGFlags & CG_FATAL ) == 0 ) {
                if( curr->label & FORMAT_LABEL ) {
                    BEFiniBack( curr->handle );
                    BEFreeBack( curr->handle );
                } else {
                    InfoError( CP_ERROR, "unfreed label" );
                    BEFiniLabel( curr->handle );
            *owner = curr->link;
            FMemFree( curr );
        } else {
            owner = &curr->link;
void    FCEndIO( void ) {

// Call runtime routine to terminate i/o processing.

    CGDone( CGCall( InitCall( RT_ENDIO ) ) );
    if( ( ErrEqLabel == 0 ) && ( EndEqLabel == 0 ) && IOStatSpecified ) {
        CGControl( O_LABEL, NULL, IOSLabel );
        BEFiniLabel( IOSLabel );
void CgSwitchEnd                // GENERATE CODE FOR END OF SWITCH STMT
    ( void )
    SW_CTL *ctl;                // - control for switch

    ctl = VstkTop( &stack_switches );
    CgLabel( ctl->label );
    CGSelect( ctl->id, CgFetchTemp( ctl->temp, ctl->type ) );
    BEFiniLabel( ctl->label );
    VstkPop( &stack_switches );
    CgLabelsPop( &stack_labs_sw, ctl->cases );
void    DoneLabel( label_id label ) {

// Free specified label since it will no longer be referenced.

    label_entry **owner;
    label_entry *curr;

    owner = (label_entry **)&LabelList;
    for(;;) {
        curr = *owner;
        if( curr->label == label ) break;
        owner = &curr->link;
    *owner = curr->link;
    BEFiniLabel( curr->handle );
    FMemFree( curr );
static  void    DoStructArrayIO( tmp_handle num_elts, struct field *fieldz ) {

// Perform structure array i/o.

    label_handle        label;

    label = BENewLabel();
    CGControl( O_LABEL, NULL, label );
    StructIO( fieldz );
    CGControl( O_IF_TRUE,
               CGCompare( O_NE,
                          CGAssign( TmpPtr( num_elts, TY_INT_4 ),
                                    CGBinary( O_MINUS,
                                              TmpVal( num_elts, TY_INT_4 ),
                                              CGInteger( 1, TY_INTEGER ),
                                              TY_INT_4 ),
                                    TY_INT_4 ),
                          CGInteger( 0, TY_INTEGER ), TY_INT_4 ),
               label );
    BEFiniLabel( label );
void    FCAssignedGOTOList( void ) {

// Perform assigned GOTO with list.

    sel_handle          s;
    label_handle        label;
    sym_id              sn;
    sym_id              var;
    obj_ptr             curr_obj;

    var = GetPtr();
    curr_obj = FCodeTell( 0 );
    s = CGSelInit();
    for(;;) {
        sn = GetPtr();
        if( sn == NULL ) break;
        if( ( sn->u.st.flags & SN_IN_GOTO_LIST ) == 0 ) {
            sn->u.st.flags |= SN_IN_GOTO_LIST;
            label = GetStmtLabel( sn );
            CGSelCase( s, label, sn->u.st.address );
    label = BENewLabel();
    CGSelOther( s, label );
    CGSelect( s, CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( var, TY_INTEGER ), TY_INTEGER ) );
    CGControl( O_LABEL, NULL, label );
    BEFiniLabel( label );
    FCodeSeek( curr_obj );
    for(;;) {
        sn = GetPtr();
        if( sn == NULL ) break;
        sn->u.st.flags &= ~SN_IN_GOTO_LIST;
        RefStmtLabel( sn );
void            FCAllocate( void ) {

    call_handle         handle;
    sym_id              arr;
    act_dim_list        *dim;
    uint                num;
    unsigned_16         alloc_flags;
    cg_name             expr_stat;
    cg_name             expr_loc;
    cg_name             fl;
    label_handle        label;

    num = 0;
    SymPush( NULL );
    for(;;) {
        arr = GetPtr();
        if( arr == NULL ) break;
        // check if array is already allocated before filling in ADV
        label = BENewLabel();
        fl = getFlags( arr );
        fl = CGBinary( O_AND, fl, CGInteger( ALLOC_MEM, T_UINT_2 ), T_UINT_2 );
        CGControl( O_IF_TRUE, CGCompare( O_NE, fl,
                                CGInteger( 0, T_UINT_2 ), T_UINT_2 ), label );
        FCodeSequence(); // fill in the ADV, SCB or RCB
        CGControl( O_LABEL, NULL, label );
        BEFiniLabel( label );
        SymPush( arr );
    alloc_flags = GetU16();
    if( alloc_flags & ALLOC_NONE ) {
        expr_loc = CGInteger( 0, T_POINTER );
    } else {
        if( alloc_flags & ALLOC_LOC ) {
            expr_loc = XPopValue( T_INT_4 );
            if( alloc_flags & ALLOC_STAT ) {
                expr_stat = XPop();
        } else {
            expr_stat = XPop();
    handle = InitCall( RT_ALLOCATE );
    for(;;) {
        arr = SymPop();
        if( arr == NULL ) break;
        if( arr->ns.flags & SY_SUBSCRIPTED ) {
            dim = arr->ns.si.va.dim_ext;
            CGAddParm( handle, CGInteger( _SymSize( arr ), T_INT_4 ),
                       T_INT_4 );
            CGAddParm( handle, CGInteger( _DimCount( dim->dim_flags ),
                                          T_INTEGER ),
                       T_INTEGER );
            CGAddParm( handle, GetAdv( arr ), T_LOCAL_POINTER );
        CGAddParm( handle, CGFEName( arr, T_POINTER ), T_POINTER );
        CGAddParm( handle, getFlags( arr ), FLAG_PARM_TYPE );
    if( alloc_flags & ALLOC_NONE ) {
        CGAddParm( handle, expr_loc, T_POINTER );
    } else {
        if( alloc_flags & ALLOC_LOC ) {
            CGAddParm( handle, expr_loc, T_INT_4 );
        if( alloc_flags & ALLOC_STAT ) {
            CGAddParm( handle, expr_stat, T_POINTER );
    CGAddParm( handle, CGInteger( num, T_INTEGER ), T_INTEGER );
    CGAddParm( handle, CGInteger( alloc_flags, T_UINT_2 ), FLAG_PARM_TYPE );
    CGDone( CGCall( handle ) );