void SV_SendClientDatagram( sv_client_t *cl )
	byte    	msg_buf[NET_MAX_PAYLOAD];
	sizebuf_t	msg;

	svs.currentPlayer = cl;
	svs.currentPlayerNum = (cl - svs.clients);

	BF_Init( &msg, "Datagram", msg_buf, sizeof( msg_buf ));

	// always send servertime at new frame
	BF_WriteByte( &msg, svc_time );
	BF_WriteFloat( &msg, sv.time );

	SV_WriteClientdataToMessage( cl, &msg );
	SV_WriteEntitiesToClient( cl, &msg );

	// copy the accumulated multicast datagram
	// for this client out to the message
	if( BF_CheckOverflow( &cl->datagram )) MsgDev( D_WARN, "datagram overflowed for %s\n", cl->name );
	else BF_WriteBits( &msg, BF_GetData( &cl->datagram ), BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &cl->datagram ));
	BF_Clear( &cl->datagram );

	if( BF_CheckOverflow( &msg ))
		// must have room left for the packet header
		MsgDev( D_WARN, "msg overflowed for %s\n", cl->name );
		BF_Clear( &msg );

	// send the datagram
	Netchan_TransmitBits( &cl->netchan, BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &msg ), BF_GetData( &msg ));

qboolean Netchan_CopyNormalFragments( netchan_t *chan, sizebuf_t *msg )
	fragbuf_t	*p, *n;

	if( !chan->incomingready[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM] )
		return false;

	if( !chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM] )
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Netchan_CopyNormalFragments:  Called with no fragments readied\n" );
		chan->incomingready[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM] = false;
		return false;

	p = chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM];

	BF_Init( msg, "NetMessage", net_message_buffer, sizeof( net_message_buffer ));

	while( p )
		n = p->next;
		// copy it in
		BF_WriteBits( msg, BF_GetData( &p->frag_message ), BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &p->frag_message ));

		Mem_Free( p );
		p = n;
	chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM] = NULL;

	// reset flag
	chan->incomingready[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM] = false;

	return true;
文件: cl_main.c 项目: Reedych/xash3d

Create and send the command packet to the server
Including both the reliable commands and the usercmds
void CL_WritePacket( void )
	sizebuf_t		buf;
	qboolean		send_command = false;
	byte		data[MAX_CMD_BUFFER];
	int		i, from, to, key, size;
	int		numbackup = 2;
	int		numcmds;
	int		newcmds;
	int		cmdnumber;
	// don't send anything if playing back a demo
	if( cls.demoplayback || cls.state == ca_cinematic )

	if( cls.state == ca_disconnected || cls.state == ca_connecting )

	CL_ComputePacketLoss ();

#ifndef _DEBUG
	if( cl_cmdrate->value < MIN_CMD_RATE )
		Cvar_SetFloat( "cl_cmdrate", MIN_CMD_RATE );
	Q_memset( data, 0, MAX_CMD_BUFFER );
	BF_Init( &buf, "ClientData", data, sizeof( data ));

	// Determine number of backup commands to send along
	numbackup = bound( 0, cl_cmdbackup->integer, MAX_BACKUP_COMMANDS );
	if( cls.state == ca_connected ) numbackup = 0;

	// Check to see if we can actually send this command

	// In single player, send commands as fast as possible
	// Otherwise, only send when ready and when not choking bandwidth
	if(( cl.maxclients == 1 ) || ( NET_IsLocalAddress( cls.netchan.remote_address ) && !host_limitlocal->integer ))
		send_command = true;
	else if(( host.realtime >= cls.nextcmdtime ) && Netchan_CanPacket( &cls.netchan ))
		send_command = true;

	if( cl.force_send_usercmd )
		send_command = true;
		cl.force_send_usercmd = false;

	if(( cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - cls.netchan.incoming_acknowledged ) >= CL_UPDATE_MASK )
		if(( host.realtime - cls.netchan.last_received ) > CONNECTION_PROBLEM_TIME )
			Con_NPrintf( 1, "^3Warning:^1 Connection Problem^7\n" );
			cl.validsequence = 0;

	if( cl_nodelta->integer )
		cl.validsequence = 0;
	// send a userinfo update if needed
	if( userinfo->modified )
		BF_WriteByte( &cls.netchan.message, clc_userinfo );
		BF_WriteString( &cls.netchan.message, Cvar_Userinfo( ));
	if( send_command )
		int	outgoing_sequence;
		if( cl_cmdrate->integer > 0 )
			cls.nextcmdtime = host.realtime + ( 1.0f / cl_cmdrate->value );
		else cls.nextcmdtime = host.realtime; // always able to send right away

		if( cls.lastoutgoingcommand == -1 )
			outgoing_sequence = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence;
			cls.lastoutgoingcommand = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence;
		else outgoing_sequence = cls.lastoutgoingcommand + 1;

		// begin a client move command
		BF_WriteByte( &buf, clc_move );

		// save the position for a checksum byte
		key = BF_GetRealBytesWritten( &buf );
		BF_WriteByte( &buf, 0 );

		// write packet lossage percentation
		BF_WriteByte( &buf, cls.packet_loss );

		// say how many backups we'll be sending
		BF_WriteByte( &buf, numbackup );

		// how many real commands have queued up
		newcmds = ( cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - cls.lastoutgoingcommand );

		// put an upper/lower bound on this
		newcmds = bound( 0, newcmds, MAX_TOTAL_CMDS );
		if( cls.state == ca_connected ) newcmds = 0;
		BF_WriteByte( &buf, newcmds );

		numcmds = newcmds + numbackup;
		from = -1;

		for( i = numcmds - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
			cmdnumber = ( cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - i ) & CL_UPDATE_MASK;

			to = cmdnumber;
			CL_WriteUsercmd( &buf, from, to );
			from = to;

			if( BF_CheckOverflow( &buf ))
				Host_Error( "CL_Move, overflowed command buffer (%i bytes)\n", MAX_CMD_BUFFER );

		// calculate a checksum over the move commands
		size = BF_GetRealBytesWritten( &buf ) - key - 1;
		buf.pData[key] = CRC32_BlockSequence( buf.pData + key + 1, size, cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence );

		// message we are constructing.
		i = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & CL_UPDATE_MASK;
		// determine if we need to ask for a new set of delta's.
		if( cl.validsequence && (cls.state == ca_active) && !( cls.demorecording && cls.demowaiting ))
			cl.delta_sequence = cl.validsequence;

			BF_WriteByte( &buf, clc_delta );
			BF_WriteByte( &buf, cl.validsequence & 0xFF );
			// request delta compression of entities
			cl.delta_sequence = -1;

		if( BF_CheckOverflow( &buf ))
			Host_Error( "CL_Move, overflowed command buffer (%i bytes)\n", MAX_CMD_BUFFER );

		// remember outgoing command that we are sending
		cls.lastoutgoingcommand = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence;

		// composite the rest of the datagram..
		if( BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &cls.datagram ) <= BF_GetNumBitsLeft( &buf ))
			BF_WriteBits( &buf, BF_GetData( &cls.datagram ), BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &cls.datagram ));
		BF_Clear( &cls.datagram );

		// deliver the message (or update reliable)
		Netchan_Transmit( &cls.netchan, BF_GetNumBytesWritten( &buf ), BF_GetData( &buf ));
		// increment sequence number so we can detect that we've held back packets.

	if( cls.demorecording )
		// Back up one because we've incremented outgoing_sequence each frame by 1 unit
		cmdnumber = ( cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - 1 ) & CL_UPDATE_MASK;
		CL_WriteDemoUserCmd( cmdnumber );

	// update download/upload slider.
	Netchan_UpdateProgress( &cls.netchan );
void SV_UpdateToReliableMessages( void )
	int		i;
	sv_client_t	*cl;

	// check for changes to be sent over the reliable streams to all clients
	for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
		if( !cl->edict ) continue;	// not in game yet

		if( cl->state != cs_spawned )

		if( cl->sendinfo )
			cl->sendinfo = false;
			SV_FullClientUpdate( cl, &sv.reliable_datagram );

		if( cl->sendmovevars )
			cl->sendmovevars = false;
			SV_FullUpdateMovevars( cl, &cl->netchan.message );

	// 1% chanse for simulate random network bugs
	if( sv.write_bad_message && Com_RandomLong( 0, 512 ) == 404 )
		// just for network debugging (send only for local client)
		BF_WriteByte( &sv.datagram, svc_bad );
		BF_WriteLong( &sv.datagram, rand( ));		// send some random data
		BF_WriteString( &sv.datagram, host.finalmsg );	// send final message
		sv.write_bad_message = false;

	// clear the server datagram if it overflowed.
	if( BF_CheckOverflow( &sv.datagram ))
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "sv.datagram overflowed!\n" );
		BF_Clear( &sv.datagram );

	// clear the server datagram if it overflowed.
	if( BF_CheckOverflow( &sv.spectator_datagram ))
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "sv.spectator_datagram overflowed!\n" );
		BF_Clear( &sv.spectator_datagram );

	// now send the reliable and server datagrams to all clients.
	for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
		if( cl->state < cs_connected || cl->fakeclient )
			continue;	// reliables go to all connected or spawned

		BF_WriteBits( &cl->netchan.message, BF_GetData( &sv.reliable_datagram ), BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &sv.reliable_datagram ));
		BF_WriteBits( &cl->datagram, BF_GetData( &sv.datagram ), BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &sv.datagram ));

		if( cl->hltv_proxy )
			BF_WriteBits( &cl->datagram, BF_GetData( &sv.spectator_datagram ), BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &sv.spectator_datagram ));

	// now clear the reliable and datagram buffers.
	BF_Clear( &sv.spectator_datagram );
	BF_Clear( &sv.reliable_datagram );
	BF_Clear( &sv.datagram );

qboolean Netchan_CopyFileFragments( netchan_t *chan, sizebuf_t *msg )
	fragbuf_t	*p, *n;
	char	filename[CS_SIZE];
	int	nsize;
	byte	*buffer;
	int	pos;

	if( !chan->incomingready[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] )
		return false;

	if( !chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] )
		MsgDev( D_WARN, "Netchan_CopyFileFragments:  Called with no fragments readied\n" );
		chan->incomingready[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] = false;
		return false;

	p = chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM];

	BF_Init( msg, "NetMessage", net_message_buffer, sizeof( net_message_buffer ));

	// copy in first chunk so we can get filename out
	BF_WriteBits( msg, BF_GetData( &p->frag_message ), BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &p->frag_message ));
	BF_SeekToBit( msg, 0 ); // rewind buffer

	//Q_strncpy( filename, BF_ReadString( msg ), sizeof( filename ));
	Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "downloaded/%s", BF_ReadString( msg ) );

	if( Q_strlen( filename ) <= 0 )
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "File fragment received with no filename\nFlushing input queue\n" );
		// clear out bufs
		Netchan_FlushIncoming( chan, FRAG_FILE_STREAM );
		return false;
	else if( Q_strstr( filename, ".." ))
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "File fragment received with relative path, ignoring\n" );
		// clear out bufs
		Netchan_FlushIncoming( chan, FRAG_FILE_STREAM );
		return false;

	Q_strncpy( chan->incomingfilename, filename, sizeof( chan->incomingfilename ));

	if( FS_FileExists( filename, false ))
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Can't download %s, already exists\n", filename );
		// clear out bufs
		Netchan_FlushIncoming( chan, FRAG_FILE_STREAM );
		return true;

	// create file from buffers
	nsize = 0;
	while ( p )
		nsize += BF_GetNumBytesWritten( &p->frag_message ); // Size will include a bit of slop, oh well
		if( p == chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] )
			nsize -= BF_GetNumBytesRead( msg );
		p = p->next;

	buffer = Mem_Alloc( net_mempool, nsize + 1 );
	p = chan->incomingbufs[ FRAG_FILE_STREAM ];
	pos = 0;

	while( p )
		int	cursize;

		n = p->next;
		cursize = BF_GetNumBytesWritten( &p->frag_message );

		// first message has the file name, don't write that into the data stream,
		// just write the rest of the actual data
		if( p == chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] ) 
			// copy it in
			cursize -= BF_GetNumBytesRead( msg );
			Q_memcpy( &buffer[pos], &p->frag_message.pData[BF_GetNumBytesRead( msg )], cursize );
			Q_memcpy( &buffer[pos], p->frag_message.pData, cursize );

		pos += cursize;

		Mem_Free( p );
		p = n;

	FS_WriteFile( filename, buffer, pos );
	Mem_Free( buffer );

	// clear remnants
	BF_Clear( msg );

	chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] = NULL;

	// reset flag
	chan->incomingready[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] = false;

	return true;

tries to send an unreliable message to a connection, and handles the
transmition / retransmition of the reliable messages.

A 0 length will still generate a packet and deal with the reliable messages.
void Netchan_TransmitBits( netchan_t *chan, int length, byte *data )
	sizebuf_t	send;
	byte	send_buf[NET_MAX_MESSAGE];
	qboolean	send_reliable_fragment;
	qboolean	send_resending = false;
	qboolean	send_reliable;
	size_t	size1, size2;
	uint	w1, w2, hdr_size;
	int	i, j;
	float	fRate;

	// check for message overflow
	// check for message overflow
	if( BF_CheckOverflow( &chan->message ))
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "%s:outgoing message overflow\n", NET_AdrToString( chan->remote_address ));

	// if the remote side dropped the last reliable message, resend it
	send_reliable = false;

	if( chan->incoming_acknowledged > chan->last_reliable_sequence && chan->incoming_reliable_acknowledged != chan->reliable_sequence )
		send_reliable = true;
		send_resending = true;

	// A packet can have "reliable payload + frag payload + unreliable payload
	// frag payload can be a file chunk, if so, it needs to be parsed on the receiving end and reliable payload + unreliable payload need
	// to be passed on to the message queue.  The processing routine needs to be able to handle the case where a message comes in and a file
	// transfer completes

	// if the reliable transmit buffer is empty, copy the current message out
	if( !chan->reliable_length )
		qboolean	send_frag = false;
		fragbuf_t	*pbuf;

		// will be true if we are active and should let chan->message get some bandwidth
		int	send_from_frag[MAX_STREAMS] = { 0, 0 };
		int	send_from_regular = false;

		// if we have data in the waiting list(s) and we have cleared the current queue(s), then 
		// push the waitlist(s) into the current queue(s)
		Netchan_FragSend( chan );

		// sending regular payload
		send_from_regular = BF_GetNumBytesWritten( &chan->message ) ? 1 : 0;

		// check to see if we are sending a frag payload
		for( i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++ )
			if( chan->fragbufs[i] )
				send_from_frag[i] = 1;

		// stall reliable payloads if sending from frag buffer
		if( send_from_regular && ( send_from_frag[FRAG_NORMAL_STREAM] ))
			send_from_regular = false;

			// if the reliable buffer has gotten too big, queue it at the end of everything and clear out buffer
			if( BF_GetNumBytesWritten( &chan->message ) > MAX_RELIABLE_PAYLOAD )
				Netchan_CreateFragments(( chan->sock == NS_SERVER ), chan, &chan->message );
				BF_Clear( &chan->message );

		// startpos will be zero if there is no regular payload
		for( i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++ )
			chan->frag_startpos[i] = 0;

			// assume no fragment is being sent
			chan->reliable_fragment[i] = 0;
			chan->reliable_fragid[i] = 0;
			chan->frag_length[i] = 0;

			if( send_from_frag[i] )
				send_frag = true;

		if( send_from_regular || send_frag )
			chan->reliable_sequence ^= 1;
			send_reliable = true;

		if( send_from_regular )
			Q_memcpy( chan->reliable_buf, chan->message_buf, BF_GetNumBytesWritten( &chan->message ));
			chan->reliable_length = BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &chan->message );
			BF_Clear( &chan->message );

			// if we send fragments, this is where they'll start
			for( i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++ )
				chan->frag_startpos[i] = chan->reliable_length;

		for( i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++ )
			int	fragment_size;
			int	newpayloadsize;

			// is there someting in the fragbuf?
			pbuf = chan->fragbufs[i];
			fragment_size = 0;

			if( pbuf )
				fragment_size = BF_GetNumBytesWritten( &pbuf->frag_message );
				// files set size a bit differently.
				if( pbuf->isfile && !pbuf->isbuffer )
					fragment_size = pbuf->size;

			newpayloadsize = (( chan->reliable_length + ( fragment_size << 3 )) + 7 ) >> 3;

			// make sure we have enought space left
			if( send_from_frag[i] && pbuf && ( newpayloadsize < MAX_RELIABLE_PAYLOAD ))
				sizebuf_t	temp;

				// which buffer are we sending ?
				chan->reliable_fragid[i] = MAKE_FRAGID( pbuf->bufferid, chan->fragbufcount[i] );
				// if it's not in-memory, then we'll need to copy it in frame the file handle.
				if( pbuf->isfile && !pbuf->isbuffer )
					byte	filebuffer[2048];
					file_t	*hfile;

					hfile = FS_Open( pbuf->filename, "rb", false );
					FS_Seek( hfile, pbuf->foffset, SEEK_SET );
					FS_Read( hfile, filebuffer, pbuf->size );

					BF_WriteBits( &pbuf->frag_message, filebuffer, pbuf->size << 3 );
					FS_Close( hfile );

				// copy frag stuff on top of current buffer
				BF_StartWriting( &temp, chan->reliable_buf, sizeof( chan->reliable_buf ), chan->reliable_length, -1 );
				BF_WriteBits( &temp, BF_GetData( &pbuf->frag_message ), BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &pbuf->frag_message ));

				chan->reliable_length += BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &pbuf->frag_message );
				chan->frag_length[i] = BF_GetNumBitsWritten( &pbuf->frag_message );

				// unlink pbuf
				Netchan_UnlinkFragment( pbuf, &chan->fragbufs[i] );	

				chan->reliable_fragment[i] = 1;

				// offset the rest of the starting positions
				for( j = i + 1; j < MAX_STREAMS; j++ )
					chan->frag_startpos[j] += chan->frag_length[i];