/* 'Normal' layers, no line/columnscroll. No per-line effects.
Zooming isn't supported just because it's not used and it would be slow */
static void draw_bglayer( running_machine &machine, int layer, bitmap_t *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect, UINT8 req_pri )
	psikyosh_state *state = machine.driver_data<psikyosh_state>();
	gfx_element *gfx;
	int offs = 0, sx, sy;
	int scrollx, scrolly, regbank, tilebank, alpha, alphamap, zoom, pri, size, width;


	gfx = BG_DEPTH_8BPP(layer) ? machine.gfx[1] : machine.gfx[0];
	size = BG_LARGE(layer) ? 32 : 16;
	width = 16 * size;

	regbank = BG_TYPE(layer);

	scrollx  = (state->m_bgram[(regbank * 0x800) / 4 + 0x3f0 / 4 + (layer * 0x04) / 4 - 0x4000 / 4] & 0x000001ff) >> 0;
	scrolly  = (state->m_bgram[(regbank * 0x800) / 4 + 0x3f0 / 4 + (layer * 0x04) / 4 - 0x4000 / 4] & 0x03ff0000) >> 16;

	tilebank = (state->m_bgram[(regbank * 0x800) / 4 + 0x7f0 / 4 + (layer * 0x04) / 4 - 0x4000 / 4] & 0x000000ff) >> 0;
	alpha    = (state->m_bgram[(regbank * 0x800) / 4 + 0x7f0 / 4 + (layer * 0x04) / 4 - 0x4000 / 4] & 0x00003f00) >> 8;
	alphamap = (state->m_bgram[(regbank * 0x800) / 4 + 0x7f0 / 4 + (layer * 0x04) / 4 - 0x4000 / 4] & 0x00008000) >> 15;
	zoom     = (state->m_bgram[(regbank * 0x800) / 4 + 0x7f0 / 4 + (layer * 0x04) / 4 - 0x4000 / 4] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
	pri      = (state->m_bgram[(regbank * 0x800) / 4 + 0x7f0 / 4 + (layer * 0x04) / 4 - 0x4000 / 4] & 0xff000000) >> 24;

	if(pri != req_pri) return;

	if (alphamap) /* alpha values are per-pen */
		alpha = -1;
		alpha = pal6bit(0x3f - alpha);	/* 0x3f-0x00 maps to 0x00-0xff */

	if(zoom) {
		popmessage("draw_bglayer() zoom not implemented\nContact MAMEDEV");

	if ((tilebank >= 0x0a) && (tilebank <= 0x1f)) /* 20 banks of 0x800 bytes. filter garbage. */
		for (sy = 0; sy < size; sy++)
			for (sx = 0; sx < 32; sx++)
				int tileno, colour;

				tileno = (state->m_bgram[(tilebank * 0x800) / 4 + offs - 0x4000 / 4] & 0x0007ffff); /* seems to take into account spriteram, hence -0x4000 */
				colour = (state->m_bgram[(tilebank * 0x800) / 4 + offs - 0x4000 / 4] & 0xff000000) >> 24;

				drawgfx_alphatable(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, tileno, colour, 0, 0, (16 * sx + scrollx) & 0x1ff, ((16 * sy + scrolly) & (width - 1)), alpha); /* normal */

				if (scrollx)
					drawgfx_alphatable(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, tileno, colour, 0, 0, ((16 * sx + scrollx) & 0x1ff) - 0x200, ((16 * sy + scrolly) & (width - 1)), alpha); /* wrap x */
				if (scrolly)
					drawgfx_alphatable(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, tileno, colour, 0, 0, (16 * sx + scrollx) & 0x1ff, ((16 * sy + scrolly) & (width - 1)) - width, alpha); /* wrap y */
				if (scrollx && scrolly)
					drawgfx_alphatable(bitmap, cliprect, gfx, tileno, colour, 0, 0, ((16 * sx + scrollx) & 0x1ff) - 0x200, ((16 * sy + scrolly) & (width - 1)) - width, alpha); /* wrap xy */

/* 'Normal' layers, no line/columnscroll. No per-line effects */
static void psikyosh_drawbglayer( int layer, struct mame_bitmap *bitmap, const struct rectangle *cliprect )
	struct GfxElement *gfx;
	int offs=0, sx, sy;
	int scrollx, scrolly, bank, alpha, alphamap, trans, size, width;

	if ( BG_TYPE(layer) == BG_NORMAL_ALT )
		bank    = (psikyosh_bgram[0x1ff0/4 + (layer*0x04)/4] & 0x000000ff) >> 0;
		alpha   = (psikyosh_bgram[0x1ff0/4 + (layer*0x04)/4] & 0x00003f00) >> 8;
		alphamap =(psikyosh_bgram[0x1ff0/4 + (layer*0x04)/4] & 0x00008000) >> 15;
		scrollx = (psikyosh_bgram[0x1bf0/4 + (layer*0x04)/4] & 0x000001ff) >> 0;
		scrolly = (psikyosh_bgram[0x1bf0/4 + (layer*0x04)/4] & 0x03ff0000) >> 16;