DictionaryEntry * MakeNode ( SRA_Statistics * self, ctx_t ctx, const char * path )
    FUNC_ENTRY ( ctx, rcSRA, rcDatabase, rcAccessing );
    size_t path_size = string_size ( path );
    DictionaryEntry * node = malloc ( sizeof ( * node ) + path_size );
    if ( node == NULL )
        SYSTEM_ERROR ( xcNoMemory, "allocating dictionary item" );
        rc_t rc;
        string_copy ( node -> path, path_size + 1, path, path_size );
        /*TODO: decide whether to allow overwriting (not allowed now) */
        rc = BSTreeInsertUnique ( & self -> dictionary, & node -> dad, NULL, DictionaryEntryCompare );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            return node;
        INTERNAL_ERROR ( xcUnexpected, "inserting dictionary item '%s' rc = %R", node -> path, rc );
        free ( node );
    return NULL;
rc_t populate_rdfilt_tbl ( BSTree *rftype_tbl, const VSchema *schema )
    rc_t rc;
    uint32_t i;
    const char *rftypes [] =

    BSTreeInit ( rftype_tbl );

    for ( rc = 0, i = 0; i < sizeof rftypes / sizeof rftypes [ 0 ]; ++ i )
        VTypedecl td;
        const char *decl = rftypes [ i ];
        rc = VSchemaResolveTypedecl ( schema, & td, decl );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            BSTNode *exist;

            stype_id *n = malloc ( sizeof * n );
            if ( n == NULL )
                rc = RC ( rcExe, rcNode, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
                LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to record read_filter data type" );

            n -> redact_value = NULL;
            n -> type_id = td . type_id;
            n -> elem_size = 8;

            rc = BSTreeInsertUnique ( rftype_tbl, & n -> n, & exist, stype_id_sort );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                free ( n );
                if ( GetRCState ( rc ) != rcExists )
                    LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to record read_filter data type" );
                rc = 0;
        else if ( GetRCState ( rc ) == rcNotFound )
            rc = 0;

    return rc;
/* you cannot addref to this dir object cause it's created on stack silently */
rc_t CC DirVisitor(const KDirectory *dir, uint32_t type, const char *name, void *data)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    DirVisit_Data* d = (DirVisit_Data*)data;

    if( (type & ~kptAlias) == kptFile ) {
        if (strcmp(&name[strlen(name) - 4], ".tsv") == 0 ||
            strcmp(&name[strlen(name) - 8], ".tsv.bz2") == 0 ||
            strcmp(&name[strlen(name) - 7], ".tsv.gz") == 0)
            char buf[4096];
            const CGLoaderFile* file;
            FGroupKey key;
            if( (rc = KDirectoryResolvePath(dir, true, buf, sizeof(buf), name)) == 0 &&
                (rc = CGLoaderFile_Make(&file, d->dir, buf, NULL, !d->param->no_read_ahead)) == 0 &&
                (rc = FGroupKey_Make(&key, file, d->param)) == 0 ) {

                FGroupMAP* found = (FGroupMAP*)BSTreeFind(d->tree, &key, FGroupMAP_Cmp);
                DEBUG_MSG(5, ("file %s recognized\n", name));
                if( found != NULL ) {
                    rc = FGroupMAP_Set(found, file);
                } else {
                    FGroupMAP* x = calloc(1, sizeof(*x));
                    if( x == NULL ) {
                        rc = RC(rcExe, rcFile, rcInserting, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
                    } else {
                        memcpy(&x->key, &key, sizeof(key));
                        if( (rc = FGroupMAP_Set(x, file)) == 0 ) {
                            rc = BSTreeInsertUnique(d->tree, &x->dad, NULL, FGroupMAP_Sort);
            } else if( GetRCObject(rc) == rcItem && GetRCState(rc) == rcIgnored ) {
                DEBUG_MSG(5, ("file %s ignored\n", name));
                rc = CGLoaderFile_Release(file, true);
                file = NULL;
            if( rc != 0 && file != NULL ) {
                CGLoaderFile_LOG(file, klogErr, rc, NULL, NULL);
                CGLoaderFile_Release(file, true);
        } else if( strcmp(&name[strlen(name) - 4], ".tar") == 0 ) {
            const KDirectory* tmp = d->dir;
            if( (rc = KDirectoryOpenArcDirRead(dir, &d->dir, true, name, tocKFile, KArcParseTAR, NULL, NULL)) == 0 ) {
                rc = KDirectoryVisit(d->dir, true, DirVisitor, d, ".");
            d->dir = tmp;
    return rc;
rc_t KU64IndexInsert_v3(KU64Index_v3* self, bool unique, uint64_t key, uint64_t key_size, int64_t id, uint64_t id_qty)
    KU64Index_Node* node = calloc(1, sizeof(KU64Index_Node));
    self->rc = 0;

    if( node == NULL ) {
        self->rc = RC(rcExe, rcNode, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcInsufficient);
    } else {
        node->key = key;
        node->key_size = key_size;
        node->id = id;
        node->id_qty = id_qty;
        if( unique ) {
            self->rc = BSTreeInsertUnique(&self->tree, &node->node, NULL, KU64Index_NodeSortUnique);
        } else {
            self->rc = BSTreeInsert(&self->tree, &node->node, KU64Index_NodeSort);
    if( self->rc != 0 ) {
    return self->rc;
rc_t KColumnIdx1Inflate ( KColumnIdx1 *self,
    const KColBlockLoc *buffer, uint32_t count )
    uint32_t i;
    for ( i = 0; i < count; ++ i )
        KColumnIdx1Node *exist, *n = malloc ( sizeof * n );
        if ( n == NULL )
            return RC ( rcDB, rcColumn, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );

        n -> loc = buffer [ i ];
        if ( BSTreeInsertUnique ( & self -> bst,
             & n -> n, ( BSTNode** ) & exist, KColumnIdx1NodeSort ) )
            free ( n );
            return RC ( rcDB, rcColumn, rcConstructing, rcIndex, rcCorrupt );

        ++ self -> count;

    return 0;
rc_t populate_stype_tbl ( BSTree *stype_tbl, const VSchema *schema )
    rc_t rc;
    uint32_t i;
    static struct
        const char *typename;
        const char *redact_value;
    } sensitive_types [] =
        /* original SRA types */
        { "INSDC:fasta", "N" },
        { "INSDC:csfasta", "." },
        { "NCBI:2na", "\x00" },
        { "NCBI:2cs", "\x00" },
        { "NCBI:4na", "\xFF" },
        { "NCBI:qual1", "\x00" },
        { "NCBI:qual4", "\xFB\xFB\xFB\xFB" },
        { "NCBI:isamp1", "\x00\x00\x00" },
        { "NCBI:isamp4", "\x00\x00\x00" },
        { "NCBI:fsamp1", "\x00\x00\x00" },
        { "NCBI:fsamp4", "\x00\x00\x00" },
        { "INSDC:dna:text", "N" },
        { "INSDC:dna:bin", "\x04" },
        { "INSDC:dna:4na", "\xFF" },
        { "INSDC:dna:2na", "\x00" },
        { "INSDC:color:text", "." },
        { "INSDC:color:bin", "\x04" },
        { "INSDC:color:2cs", "\x00" },
        { "INSDC:quality:phred", "\x00" },
        { "INSDC:quality:log_odds", "\x00\x00\x00" }
        /* signal types TBD */

    BSTreeInit ( stype_tbl );

    for ( rc = 0, i = 0; i < sizeof sensitive_types / sizeof sensitive_types [ 0 ]; ++ i )
        VTypedecl td;
        const char *decl = sensitive_types [ i ] . typename;
        rc = VSchemaResolveTypedecl ( schema, & td, decl );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            stype_id *n;
            BSTNode *exist;

            VTypedesc desc;
            rc = VSchemaDescribeTypedecl ( schema, & desc, & td );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                PLOGERR ( klogInt,  (klogInt, rc, "failed to describe type '$(type)'", "type=%s", decl ));

            n = malloc ( sizeof * n );
            if ( n == NULL )
                rc = RC ( rcExe, rcNode, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
                LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to record sensitive data type" );

            n -> redact_value = sensitive_types [ i ] . redact_value;
            n -> type_id = td . type_id;
            n -> elem_size = VTypedescSizeof ( & desc );

            rc = BSTreeInsertUnique ( stype_tbl, & n -> n, & exist, stype_id_sort );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                free ( n );
                if ( GetRCState ( rc ) != rcExists )
                    LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to record sensitive data type" );
                rc = 0;
        else if ( GetRCState ( rc ) == rcNotFound )
            rc = 0;

    return rc;