/** * @brief Buys the given UGV * @param[in] ugv The ugv template of the UGV to buy * @param[out] base Base to buy at * @return @c true if the ugv could get bought, @c false otherwise * @todo Implement this correctly once we have UGV */ bool BS_BuyUGV (const ugv_t* ugv, base_t* base) { const objDef_t* ugvWeapon; if (!ugv) cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "BS_BuyUGV: Called on nullptr UGV!"); if (!base) cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "BS_BuyUGV: Called on nullptr base!"); ugvWeapon = INVSH_GetItemByID(ugv->weapon); if (!ugvWeapon) cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "BS_BuyItem_f: Could not get weapon '%s' for ugv/tank '%s'.", ugv->weapon, ugv->id); if (ccs.credits < ugv->price) return false; if (E_CountUnhiredRobotsByType(ugv) <= 0) return false; if (BS_GetItemOnMarket(ugvWeapon) <= 0) return false; if (CAP_GetFreeCapacity(base, CAP_ITEMS) < UGV_SIZE + ugvWeapon->size) return false; if (!E_HireRobot(base, ugv)) return false; BS_RemoveItemFromMarket(ugvWeapon, 1); CP_UpdateCredits(ccs.credits - ugv->price); B_AddToStorage(base, ugvWeapon, 1); return true; }
/** * @brief Buys items from the market * @param[in] od pointer to the item (Object Definition record) * @param[out] base Base to buy at * @param[in ] count Number of items to buy * @return @c true if the ugv could get bought, @c false otherwise */ bool BS_BuyItem (const objDef_t* od, base_t* base, int count) { if (!od) cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "BS_BuyItem: Called on nullptr objDef!"); if (!base) cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "BS_BuyItem: Called on nullptr base!"); if (count <= 0) return false; if (!BS_IsOnMarket(od)) return false; if (ccs.credits < BS_GetItemBuyingPrice(od) * count) return false; if (BS_GetItemOnMarket(od) < count) return false; if (CAP_GetFreeCapacity(base, CAP_ITEMS) < od->size * count) return false; B_AddToStorage(base, od, count); BS_RemoveItemFromMarket(od, count); CP_UpdateCredits(ccs.credits - BS_GetItemBuyingPrice(od) * count); return true; }
/** * @brief Fill market item list */ static void BS_FillMarket_f (void) { const base_t* base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase(); itemFilterTypes_t type; if (cgi->Cmd_Argc() < 2) { cgi->Com_Printf("Usage: %s <category>\n", cgi->Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } if (cgi->Cmd_Argc() >= 3) base = B_GetFoundedBaseByIDX(atoi(cgi->Cmd_Argv(2))); if (!base) { cgi->Com_Printf("No/invalid base selected.\n"); return; } type = cgi->INV_GetFilterTypeID(cgi->Cmd_Argv(1)); cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("ui_market_clear"); switch (type) { case FILTER_UGVITEM: /* show own UGV */ E_Foreach(EMPL_ROBOT, robot) { const ugv_t* ugv = robot->getUGV(); const technology_t* tech = RS_GetTechByProvided(ugv->id); if (!robot->isHiredInBase(base)) continue; cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("ui_market_add \"ugv-%d\" \"%s\" 1 0 0 %d - \"%s\"", robot->chr.ucn, _(tech->name), ugv->price, robot->isAwayFromBase() ? _("UGV is away from home") : "-"); } /* show buyable UGV */ for (int i = 0; i < cgi->csi->numUGV; i++) { const ugv_t* ugv = &cgi->csi->ugvs[i]; const technology_t* tech = RS_GetTechByProvided(ugv->id); const objDef_t* ugvWeapon = INVSH_GetItemByID(ugv->weapon); const int buyable = std::min(E_CountUnhiredRobotsByType(ugv), BS_GetItemOnMarket(ugvWeapon)); assert(tech); if (!RS_IsResearched_ptr(tech)) continue; if (buyable <= 0) continue; cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("ui_market_add %s \"%s\" 0 %d %d %d - -", ugv->id, _(tech->name), buyable, ugv->price, ugv->price); } /* show (UGV) items, fall through */ case FILTER_S_PRIMARY: case FILTER_S_SECONDARY: case FILTER_S_HEAVY: case FILTER_S_IMPLANT: case FILTER_S_MISC: case FILTER_S_ARMOUR: case FILTER_DUMMY: case FILTER_CRAFTITEM: case MAX_FILTERTYPES: { for (int i = 0; i < cgi->csi->numODs; i++) { const objDef_t* od = &cgi->csi->ods[i]; const technology_t* tech = RS_GetTechForItem(od); if (!BS_IsOnMarket(od)) continue; if (B_ItemInBase(od, base) + BS_GetItemOnMarket(od) <= 0) continue; if (type != MAX_FILTERTYPES && !cgi->INV_ItemMatchesFilter(od, type)) continue; cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("ui_market_add %s \"%s\" %d %d %d %d %s -", od->id, _(od->name), B_ItemInBase(od, base), BS_GetItemOnMarket(od), BS_GetItemBuyingPrice(od), BS_GetItemSellingPrice(od), RS_IsResearched_ptr(tech) ? va("%d", ccs.eMarket.autosell[i]) : "-"); } break; } case FILTER_AIRCRAFT: { AIR_ForeachFromBase(aircraft, base) { cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("ui_market_add \"aircraft_%d\" \"%s\" 1 0 0 %d - \"%s\"", aircraft->idx, aircraft->name, BS_GetAircraftSellingPrice(aircraft), AIR_IsAircraftInBase(aircraft) ? "-" : _("Aircraft is away from home")); } for (int i = 0; i < ccs.numAircraftTemplates; i++) { const aircraft_t* aircraft = &ccs.aircraftTemplates[i]; if (!BS_AircraftIsOnMarket(aircraft)) continue; if (!RS_IsResearched_ptr(aircraft->tech)) continue; if (BS_GetAircraftOnMarket(aircraft) <= 0) continue; cgi->UI_ExecuteConfunc("ui_market_add \"%s\" \"%s\" 0 %d %d %d - -", aircraft->id, _(aircraft->tech->name), BS_GetAircraftOnMarket(aircraft), BS_GetAircraftBuyingPrice(aircraft), BS_GetAircraftSellingPrice(aircraft)); } break; } default: break; }
/** * @brief Buy/Sell item/aircraft/ugv on the market */ static void BS_Buy_f (void) { const char* itemid; int count; base_t* base = B_GetCurrentSelectedBase(); const aircraft_t* aircraft; const ugv_t* ugv; const objDef_t* od; if (cgi->Cmd_Argc() < 2) { cgi->Com_Printf("Usage: %s <item-id> <count> [base-idx] \nNegative count means selling. If base index is omitted buys on the currently selected base.\n", cgi->Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } itemid = cgi->Cmd_Argv(1); count = atoi(cgi->Cmd_Argv(2)); if (cgi->Cmd_Argc() >= 4) base = B_GetFoundedBaseByIDX(atoi(cgi->Cmd_Argv(3))); if (char const* const rest = Q_strstart(itemid, "aircraft_")) { /* aircraft sell - with aircraft golbal idx */ int idx = atoi(rest); aircraft_t* aircraft = AIR_AircraftGetFromIDX(idx); if (!aircraft) { cgi->Com_Printf("Invalid aircraft index!\n"); return; } AIR_RemoveEmployees(*aircraft); BS_SellAircraft(aircraft); return; } if (char const* const rest = Q_strstart(itemid, "ugv-")) { /* ugv sell - with unique character number index */ int ucn = atoi(rest); Employee* robot = E_GetEmployeeByTypeFromChrUCN(EMPL_ROBOT, ucn); if (!robot) { cgi->Com_Printf("Invalid UCN for UGV!\n"); return; } BS_SellUGV(robot); return; } if (!base) { cgi->Com_Printf("No/invalid base selected.\n"); return; } aircraft = AIR_GetAircraftSilent(itemid); if (aircraft) { if (!B_GetBuildingStatus(base, B_COMMAND)) { CP_Popup(_("Note"), _("No Command Centre in this base.\nHangars are not functional.\n")); return; } /* We cannot buy aircraft if there is no power in our base. */ if (!B_GetBuildingStatus(base, B_POWER)) { CP_Popup(_("Note"), _("No power supplies in this base.\nHangars are not functional.")); return; } /* We cannot buy aircraft without any hangar. */ if (!AIR_AircraftAllowed(base)) { CP_Popup(_("Note"), _("Build a hangar first.")); return; } /* Check free space in hangars. */ if (CAP_GetFreeCapacity(base, AIR_GetHangarCapacityType(aircraft)) <= 0) { CP_Popup(_("Notice"), _("You cannot buy this aircraft.\nNot enough space in hangars.\n")); return; } if (ccs.credits < BS_GetAircraftBuyingPrice(aircraft)) { CP_Popup(_("Notice"), _("You cannot buy this aircraft.\nNot enough credits.\n")); return; } BS_BuyAircraft(aircraft, base); return; } ugv = cgi->Com_GetUGVByIDSilent(itemid); if (ugv) { const objDef_t* ugvWeapon = INVSH_GetItemByID(ugv->weapon); if (!ugvWeapon) cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "BS_BuyItem_f: Could not get weapon '%s' for ugv/tank '%s'.", ugv->weapon, ugv->id); if (E_CountUnhiredRobotsByType(ugv) < 1) return; if (ccs.eMarket.numItems[ugvWeapon->idx] < 1) return; if (ccs.credits < ugv->price) { CP_Popup(_("Not enough money"), _("You cannot buy this item as you don't have enough credits.")); return; } if (CAP_GetFreeCapacity(base, CAP_ITEMS) < UGV_SIZE + ugvWeapon->size) { CP_Popup(_("Not enough storage space"), _("You cannot buy this item.\nNot enough space in storage.\nBuild more storage facilities.")); return; } BS_BuyUGV(ugv, base); return; } if (count == 0) { cgi->Com_Printf("Invalid number of items to buy/sell: %s\n", cgi->Cmd_Argv(2)); return; } /* item */ od = INVSH_GetItemByID(cgi->Cmd_Argv(1)); if (od) { if (!BS_IsOnMarket(od)) return; if (count > 0) { /* buy */ const int price = BS_GetItemBuyingPrice(od); count = std::min(count, BS_GetItemOnMarket(od)); /* no items available on market */ if (count <= 0) return; if (price <= 0) { cgi->Com_Printf("Item on market with invalid buying price: %s (%d)\n", od->id, BS_GetItemBuyingPrice(od)); return; } /** @todo warn if player can buy less item due to available credits? */ count = std::min(count, ccs.credits / price); /* not enough money for a single item */ if (count <= 0) { CP_Popup(_("Not enough money"), _("You cannot buy this item as you don't have enough credits.")); return; } if (od->size <= 0) { cgi->Com_Printf("Item on market with invalid size: %s (%d)\n", od->id, od->size); return; } count = std::min(count, CAP_GetFreeCapacity(base, CAP_ITEMS) / od->size); if (count <= 0) { CP_Popup(_("Not enough storage space"), _("You cannot buy this item.\nNot enough space in storage.\nBuild more storage facilities.")); return; } BS_BuyItem(od, base, count); } else { /* sell */ count = std::min(-1 * count, B_ItemInBase(od, base)); /* no items in storage */ if (count <= 0) return; BS_SellItem(od, base, count); } return; } cgi->Com_Printf("Invalid item ID\n"); }