void pollEventGUI() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    gui_event_t event;
    event.source = i;
    if (BUTTON_PRESSED(i)) {
      event.mask = EVENT_BUTTON_PRESSED;
    if (BUTTON_RELEASED(i)) {
      event.mask = EVENT_BUTTON_RELEASED;
// The SysTick handler.  Increments a tick counter and debounces the push
// button.
    uint8_t ui8Data, ui8Delta;

    // Increment the tick counter.

    // Get buttons status using button debouncer driver
    ui8Data = ButtonsPoll(&ui8Delta, 0);

    // See if the select button was just pressed.
    if(BUTTON_PRESSED(SELECT_BUTTON, ui8Data, ui8Delta))
        // Set a flag to indicate that the select button was just pressed.
        bSelectPressed = 1;

    // Else, see if the select button was just released.
    if(BUTTON_RELEASED(SELECT_BUTTON, ui8Data, ui8Delta))
        // Clear the button pressed flag.
        bSelectPressed = 0;
// This is interrupt handler for the systick interrupt.
// This function handles the interrupts generated by the system tick.  These
// are used for button debouncing and updating the state of the buttons.
// The buttons are stored in a bitmask indicating which buttons have been
// release.  If a button is pressed twice, only one press will be seen.  There
// is no press and hold detection.
// \return None.
    unsigned char ucButtons;
    unsigned char ucChanged;
    unsigned char ucRepeat;

    // Determine the state of the pushbuttons.
    ucButtons = ButtonsPoll(&ucChanged, &ucRepeat);

    // Up button has been released.
    if(BUTTON_RELEASED(UP_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged))
        g_ulButtons |= BUTTON_UP_CLICK;

    // Up button has been held.
    if(BUTTON_REPEAT(UP_BUTTON, ucRepeat))
        g_ulButtons |= BUTTON_UP_CLICK;

    // Down button has been released.
    if(BUTTON_RELEASED(DOWN_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged))
        g_ulButtons |= BUTTON_DOWN_CLICK;

    // Down button has been held.
        g_ulButtons |= BUTTON_DOWN_CLICK;

    // Left button has been released.
    if(BUTTON_RELEASED(LEFT_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged))
        g_ulButtons |= BUTTON_LEFT_CLICK;

    // Right button has been released.
    if(BUTTON_RELEASED(RIGHT_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged))
        g_ulButtons |= BUTTON_RIGHT_CLICK;

    // Select button has been released.
    if(BUTTON_RELEASED(SELECT_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged))
        g_ulButtons |= BUTTON_SELECT_CLICK;
// Performs all necessary menu and control processing based on new button
// states.
// \param ucButtons contains the current state of each of the front panel
// buttons.  A 1 in a bit position indicates that the corresponding button
// is released while a 0 indicates that the button is pressed.
// \param ucChanged contains bit flags showing which button states changed
// since the last call to this function.  A 1 indicates that the corresponding
// button state changed while a 0 indicates that it remains unchanged.
// \param ucRepeat contains bit flags indicating whether a key autorepeat
// event is being signalled for each key.  A 1 indicates that an autorepeat is
// being signalled while a 0 indicates that it is not.
// This is the top level function called when any key changes state.  This
// updates the relevant control or controls on the screen and processes
// the key appropriately for the control that currently has focus.
// \return Returns \b true if the menu was dismissed as a result of this
// call (in which case the caller should refresh the main waveform
// display area) or any control reported that a display update is required.
// Returns \b false if the menu is still being displayed or if it
// was not being displayed when the function was called and no control
// reported needing a display update.
MenuProcess(unsigned char ucButtons, unsigned char ucChanged,
            unsigned char ucRepeat)
    tGroup *pFocusGroup;
    tBoolean bRetcode;
    tBoolean bRedrawNeeded;

    // Assume we won't be dismissing the menu until we find out otherwise.
    bRedrawNeeded = false;

    // Which group has focus?
    pFocusGroup = g_sMenu.ppcGroups[g_sMenu.ucFocusGroup];

    // Is the menu currently visible?
        // The menu is not currently shown.  First check to see if we need to
        // show it and, if so, do this.  We look for a release of the select
        // button to trigger the display of the menu.  Note that we
        // deliberately ignore all other key notifications that may be present
        // at the same time.
        if(BUTTON_RELEASED(SELECT_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged))
            // Draw the menu.
            g_bMenuShown = MenuDisplay(&g_sMenu);

            // Get rid of any alert message that may currently be displayed.
            // We were not being asked to show the menu so we pass the
            // various events on to the group for it to decide what to do
            // with them.  For the group, we pass on any button press or auto-
            // repeat indication.  We ignore button releases in this case.

            // Left button press or repeat.
            if(BUTTON_PRESSED(LEFT_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged) ||
               BUTTON_REPEAT(LEFT_BUTTON, ucRepeat))
                bRetcode = pFocusGroup->pfnGroupEventProc(pFocusGroup,
                    bRedrawNeeded = true;

            // Right button press or repeat.
            if(BUTTON_PRESSED(RIGHT_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged) ||
               BUTTON_REPEAT(RIGHT_BUTTON, ucRepeat))
                bRetcode = pFocusGroup->pfnGroupEventProc(pFocusGroup,
                    bRedrawNeeded = true;

            // Left button released.
            if(BUTTON_RELEASED(LEFT_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged))
                bRetcode = pFocusGroup->pfnGroupEventProc(pFocusGroup,
                    bRedrawNeeded = true;

            // Right button released.
            if(BUTTON_RELEASED(RIGHT_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged))
                bRetcode = pFocusGroup->pfnGroupEventProc(pFocusGroup,
                    bRedrawNeeded = true;

            // Up button press.
            if(BUTTON_PRESSED(UP_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged) ||
               BUTTON_REPEAT(UP_BUTTON, ucRepeat))
                bRetcode = pFocusGroup->pfnGroupEventProc(pFocusGroup,
                    bRedrawNeeded = true;

            // Down button press.
            if(BUTTON_PRESSED(DOWN_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged) ||
               BUTTON_REPEAT(DOWN_BUTTON, ucRepeat))
                bRetcode = pFocusGroup->pfnGroupEventProc(pFocusGroup,
                    bRedrawNeeded = true;
        // The menu is already visible so we ignore left and right keys and
        // use up/down/select only to change the focus group.

        // If this button press will result in a group focus change we need to
        // redraw the current group in its non-focused colors, update the
        // focus to the new group then send an activate event to the group.
        if(BUTTON_PRESSED(DOWN_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged) ||
           BUTTON_REPEAT(DOWN_BUTTON, ucRepeat) ||
           BUTTON_PRESSED(UP_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged) ||
           BUTTON_REPEAT(UP_BUTTON, ucRepeat))
            // Redraw the current focus button in its original colors
            MenuDrawGroupButton(&g_sMenu, g_sMenu.ucFocusGroup,

            // Update the group with the focus
            if(BUTTON_PRESSED(DOWN_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged) ||
               BUTTON_REPEAT(DOWN_BUTTON, ucRepeat))
                if(g_sMenu.ucFocusGroup < (g_sMenu.ucNumGroups - 1))
                if(g_sMenu.ucFocusGroup > 0)

            // Redraw the new focus button with the focus colors.
            MenuDrawGroupButton(&g_sMenu, g_sMenu.ucFocusGroup,

            // Tell the new group that it has been activated.
            pFocusGroup = g_sMenu.ppcGroups[g_sMenu.ucFocusGroup];
            bRetcode = (pFocusGroup->pfnGroupEventProc)(pFocusGroup,
                bRedrawNeeded = true;

        // Now look for a release of the SELECT key.  This indicates that we
        // must dismiss the menu.
        if(BUTTON_RELEASED(SELECT_BUTTON, ucButtons, ucChanged))
            // We did receive a release message for the SELECT button so
            // tell the caller that the menu has been dismissed.
            g_bMenuShown = false;
            bRedrawNeeded = true;

    // Play the button click sound if any button was just pressed.
    if((~ucButtons & ucChanged) && g_bClicksEnabled)
        ClassDPlayADPCM(g_pucADPCMClick, sizeof(g_pucADPCMClick));
