void JX2DCurveNameList::HandleKeyPress ( const int key, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JPoint cell; JTableSelection& s = GetTableSelection(); const JBoolean ok = s.GetFirstSelectedCell(&cell); assert( ok ); if (key == kJUpArrow) { cell.y--; if (CellValid(cell)) { BeginEditing(cell); } } else if (key == kJDownArrow) { cell.y++; if (CellValid(cell)) { BeginEditing(cell); } } else { JXEditTable::HandleKeyPress(key, modifiers); } }
void GLFitParameterTable::HandleKeyPress ( const int key, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JPoint cell; if (key == kJReturnKey && GetEditedCell(&cell)) { if (EndEditing()) { if (!modifiers.shift() && cell.y < (JCoordinate)GetRowCount()) { BeginEditing(JPoint(cell.x, cell.y + 1)); } else if (modifiers.shift() && cell.y > 1) { BeginEditing(JPoint(cell.x, cell.y - 1)); } } } else if (key == kJTabKey) { // do nothing } else { JXEditTable::HandleKeyPress(key, modifiers); } }
void GMAccountList::HandleMouseDown ( const JPoint& pt, const JXMouseButton button, const JSize clickCount, const JXButtonStates& buttonStates, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JPoint cell; if (button == kJXLeftButton && clickCount == 1 && GetCell(pt, &cell)) { JTableSelection& s = GetTableSelection(); if (!s.IsSelected(cell) && itsDialog->OKToSwitchAccounts()) { s.ClearSelection(); s.SelectRow(cell.y); Broadcast(NameSelected(cell.y)); BeginEditing(cell); } else if (s.IsSelected(cell) && !IsEditing()) { BeginEditing(cell); } } else if (button > kJXRightButton) { ScrollForWheel(button, modifiers); } }
void CBCommandTable::HandleMouseDown ( const JPoint& pt, const JXMouseButton button, const JSize clickCount, const JXButtonStates& buttonStates, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JPoint cell; if (ScrollForWheel(button, modifiers) || !GetCell(pt, &cell)) { return; } itsStartPt = pt; if (cell.x == kOptionsColumn) { SelectSingleCell(cell); itsOptionsMenu->PopUp(this, pt, buttonStates, modifiers); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton) { SelectSingleCell(cell); if (clickCount == 2) { BeginEditing(cell); } } }
void ecValueWindow::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (event.LeftDown() && (event.GetX() > 2)) { // Find if this corresponds to a tree item int flags = 0; wxTreeItemId item = m_treeCtrl->HitTest(wxPoint(4, event.GetY()), flags); if (item.IsOk()) { m_treeCtrl->SelectItem(item); ecConfigItem* configItem = ((ecTreeItemData*) m_treeCtrl->GetItemData(item))->GetConfigItem(); if (configItem->CanEdit()) BeginEditing(configItem); } } else if (event.RightDown()) { // Find if this corresponds to a tree item int flags = 0; wxTreeItemId item = m_treeCtrl->HitTest(wxPoint(4, event.GetY()), flags); if (item != 0) { ecConfigItem* configItem = ((ecTreeItemData*) m_treeCtrl->GetItemData(item))->GetConfigItem(); m_treeCtrl->SelectItem(item); ((ecConfigTreeCtrl*) m_treeCtrl)->GetPropertiesMenu()->SetClientData((void*) TRUE); PopupMenu(((ecConfigTreeCtrl*) m_treeCtrl)->GetPropertiesMenu(), event.GetX(), event.GetY()); } else { wxGetApp().GetWhatsThisMenu()->SetClientData((void*) FALSE); PopupMenu(wxGetApp().GetWhatsThisMenu(), event.GetX(), event.GetY()); } } }
void THXVarTable::NewConstant() { const JIndex rowIndex = itsVarList->NewFunction() - THXVarList::kUserFnOffset; InsertRows(rowIndex, 1); BeginEditing(JPoint(1,rowIndex)); }
bool WndProperty::on_mouse_down(int x, int y) { if (mDialogStyle) { BeginEditing(); } else { if (!edit.has_focus()) { if (!edit.is_read_only()) edit.set_focus(); return true; } RasterPoint Pos; Pos.x = x; Pos.y = y; //POINTSTOPOINT(Pos, MAKEPOINTS(lParam)); mDownDown = (PtInRect(&mHitRectDown, Pos) != 0); if (mDownDown) { DecValue(); invalidate(mHitRectDown); } mUpDown = (PtInRect(&mHitRectUp, Pos) != 0); if (mUpDown) { IncValue(); invalidate(mHitRectUp); } set_capture(); } return true; }
void CMArray2DTable::HandleKeyPress ( const int key, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { if (key == kJReturnKey) { JPoint cell; if (!IsEditing() && (GetTableSelection()).GetSingleSelectedCell(&cell)) { BeginEditing(cell); } else { EndEditing(); } } else if (!IsEditing() && HandleSelectionKeyPress(key, modifiers)) { // work has been done } else { JXStringTable::HandleKeyPress(key, modifiers); } }
void CBCommandTable::DuplicateCommand() { JPoint cell; if ((GetTableSelection()).GetFirstSelectedCell(&cell) && EndEditing()) { itsCmdList->AppendElement((itsCmdList->GetElement(cell.y)).Copy()); AppendRows(1); BeginEditing(JPoint(kCommandColumn, itsCmdList->GetElementCount())); } }
JBoolean GLFitParameterTable::BeginEditingStartValues() { if (itsHasStartValues && itsStartValues->GetElement(1) == 0) { JPoint cell((JCoordinate)kStartColIndex, 1); BeginEditing(cell); return kJTrue; } return kJFalse; }
void CBMacroTable::ReadData ( const JCharacter* fileName, const JBoolean replace ) { JStringTableData* data = GetStringData(); if (replace) { data->RemoveAllRows(); } JIndex firstNewRow = 0; ifstream input(fileName); JString macro, script; JIndex state = 1; while (!input.eof() && !input.fail()) { if (state == 1) { macro = JReadLine(input); if (!macro.IsEmpty()) { state = 2; } } else if (state == 2) { script = JReadLine(input); if (!script.IsEmpty()) { data->AppendRows(1); const JSize rowCount = data->GetRowCount(); data->SetString(rowCount,kMacroColumn, macro); data->SetString(rowCount,kScriptColumn, script); if (firstNewRow == 0) { firstNewRow = rowCount; } state = 1; } } } if (firstNewRow != 0) { ScrollTo((GetBounds()).bottomLeft()); BeginEditing(JPoint(kMacroColumn, firstNewRow)); } }
JX2DCurveNameList::JX2DCurveNameList ( const JArray<J2DCurveInfo>& curveInfo, const JIndex startIndex, JXScrollbarSet* scrollbarSet, JXContainer* enclosure, const HSizingOption hSizing, const VSizingOption vSizing, const JCoordinate x, const JCoordinate y, const JCoordinate w, const JCoordinate h ) : JXEditTable(1, kDefColWidth, scrollbarSet, enclosure, hSizing,vSizing, x,y, w,h), itsInput(NULL) { itsMinColWidth = 1; const JFontManager* fontMgr = GetFontManager(); const JSize rowHeight = 2*kVMarginWidth + fontMgr->GetDefaultFont().GetLineHeight(); SetDefaultRowHeight(rowHeight); const JSize count = curveInfo.GetElementCount(); itsNameList = jnew JPtrArray<JString>(JPtrArrayT::kForgetAll, count); assert(itsNameList != NULL); AppendRows(count); for (JIndex i=1; i<=count; i++) { const J2DCurveInfo info = curveInfo.GetElement(i); itsNameList->Append(info.name); const JCoordinate width = 2*kHMarginWidth + fontMgr->GetDefaultFont().GetStringWidth(*(info.name)); if (width > itsMinColWidth) { itsMinColWidth = width; } } AppendCols(1); AdjustColWidth(); JXColormap* colormap = GetColormap(); SetRowBorderInfo(0, colormap->GetBlackColor()); SetColBorderInfo(0, colormap->GetBlackColor()); BeginEditing(JPoint(1, startIndex)); }
void CBCommandTable::AddCommand() { if (EndEditing()) { CBCommandManager::CmdInfo info(new JString("./"), new JString, new JString, new JString, new JString, new JString); assert( info.path != NULL && info.cmd != NULL && info.name != NULL && info.menuText != NULL && info.menuShortcut != NULL ); itsCmdList->AppendElement(info); AppendRows(1); BeginEditing(JPoint(kCommandColumn, itsCmdList->GetElementCount())); } }
void GLFitDescriptionList::HandleKeyPress ( const int key, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JPoint cell; JTableSelection& s = GetTableSelection(); if (!s.GetFirstSelectedCell(&cell)) { return; } if (key == kJUpArrow) { cell.y--; if (CellValid(cell)) { BeginEditing(cell); } } else if (key == kJDownArrow) { cell.y++; if (CellValid(cell)) { BeginEditing(cell); } } else { JXEditTable::HandleKeyPress(key, modifiers); } }
void JXFSBindingTable::AddPattern() { if (EndEditing()) { const JFSBinding* b = itsBindingList->GetDefaultCommand(); JFSBinding::CommandType type; JBoolean singleFile; const JString& cmd = b->GetCommand(&type, &singleFile); const JIndex rowIndex = itsBindingList->AddBinding("", cmd, type, singleFile); InsertRows(rowIndex, 1); BeginEditing(JPoint(kPatternColumn, rowIndex)); Broadcast(DataChanged()); } }
void GMFilterNameTable::HandleMouseUp ( const JPoint& pt, const JXMouseButton button, const JXButtonStates& buttonStates, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JPoint cell; if (!GetCell(pt, &cell)) { return; } if (cell == itsCurrentCell && itsIsWaitingForDrag) { BeginEditing(cell); } }
void JXFSBindingTable::DuplicatePattern() { JPoint cell; if ((GetTableSelection()).GetFirstSelectedCell(&cell) && EndEditing()) { const JFSBinding* b = itsBindingList->GetBinding(cell.y); JFSBinding::CommandType type; JBoolean singleFile; const JString& cmd = b->GetCommand(&type, &singleFile); const JIndex rowIndex = itsBindingList->AddBinding("", cmd, type, singleFile); InsertRows(rowIndex, 1); BeginEditing(JPoint(kPatternColumn, rowIndex)); Broadcast(DataChanged()); } }
void CBMacroSetTable::HandleMouseDown ( const JPoint& pt, const JXMouseButton button, const JSize clickCount, const JXButtonStates& buttonStates, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JPoint cell; if (button == kJXLeftButton && GetCell(pt, &cell)) { BeginEditing(cell); } else { ScrollForWheel(button, modifiers); } }
void CMArray2DTable::HandleMouseDown ( const JPoint& pt, const JXMouseButton button, const JSize clickCount, const JXButtonStates& buttonStates, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JTableSelection& s = GetTableSelection(); JPoint cell; if (ScrollForWheel(button, modifiers)) { // work has been done } else if (!GetCell(pt, &cell)) { s.ClearSelection(); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton && modifiers.meta()) { if (!s.IsSelected(cell)) { SelectSingleCell(cell, kJFalse); } const JString expr = itsArrayDir->GetExpression(cell); itsCmdDir->DisplayExpression(expr); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton && clickCount == 2) { BeginEditing(cell); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton && clickCount == 1) { SelectSingleCell(cell, kJFalse); } }
void CBMacroSetTable::AddRow() { if (ContentsValid()) { itsLastNewID++; CBPrefsManager::MacroSetInfo info(itsLastNewID, new JString("New"), new CBCharActionManager, new CBMacroManager); assert( info.name != NULL && info.action != NULL && info.macro != NULL ); itsMacroList->AppendElement(info); JStringTableData* data = GetStringData(); data->AppendRows(1); const JPoint newCell(1, GetRowCount()); data->SetString(newCell, *(info.name)); BeginEditing(newCell); } }
void JXFSBindingTable::HandleMouseDown ( const JPoint& pt, const JXMouseButton button, const JSize clickCount, const JXButtonStates& buttonStates, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JTableSelection& s = GetTableSelection(); s.ClearSelection(); JPoint cell; if (button == kJXLeftButton && GetCell(pt, &cell)) { s.SelectCell(cell); TableScrollToCell(cell); if (cell.x == kPatternColumn || cell.x == kCommandColumn) { BeginEditing(cell); } else if (cell.x == kTypeColumn) { itsTypeMenu->PopUp(this, pt, buttonStates, modifiers); } else if (cell.x == kSingleFileColumn) { itsBindingList->ToggleSingleFile(cell.y); TableRefreshRow(cell.y); Broadcast(DataChanged()); } } else { ScrollForWheel(button, modifiers); } }
void JXFSBindingTable::HandleKeyPress ( const int key, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JPoint cell; if (GetEditedCell(&cell) && cell.x == kPatternColumn && (key == kJTabKey || (modifiers.meta() && (key == kJRightArrow || key == '6')))) { if (EndEditing() && (GetTableSelection()).GetSingleSelectedCell(&cell)) { BeginEditing(JPoint(kCommandColumn, cell.y)); } } else { JXEditTable::HandleKeyPress(key, modifiers); } }
void GLFitParameterTable::HandleMouseDown ( const JPoint& pt, const JXMouseButton button, const JSize clickCount, const JXButtonStates& buttonStates, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JPoint cell; if (button == kJXLeftButton && clickCount == 1 && GetCell(pt, &cell)) { if (itsHasStartValues && cell.x == (JCoordinate)kStartColIndex) { BeginEditing(cell); } } else { ScrollForWheel(button, modifiers); } }
void TestFloatTable::HandleMouseDown ( const JPoint& pt, const JXMouseButton button, const JSize clickCount, const JXButtonStates& buttonStates, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { JPoint cell; if (button > kJXRightButton) { ScrollForWheel(button, modifiers); return; } else if (!GetCell(pt, &cell)) { return; } JFloatTableData* data = GetFloatData(); if (button == kJXMiddleButton) { BeginEditing(cell); } // row manipulations else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kInsertRow) { data->InsertRows(cell.y, 1); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kInsertRow) { data->InsertRows(cell.y+1, 1); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kDuplicateRow) { data->DuplicateRow(cell.y, cell.y); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kDuplicateRow) { data->DuplicateRow(cell.y, cell.y+1); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kMoveRow && cell.y > 1) { data->MoveRow(cell.y, cell.y-1); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kMoveRow && ((JIndex) cell.y) < GetRowCount()) { data->MoveRow(cell.y, cell.y+1); } else if (itsMouseAction == kRemoveRow) { data->RemoveRow(cell.y); } // column manipulations else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kInsertCol) { data->InsertCols(cell.x, 1); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kInsertCol) { data->InsertCols(cell.x+1, 1); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kDuplicateCol) { data->DuplicateCol(cell.x, cell.x); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kDuplicateCol) { data->DuplicateCol(cell.x, cell.x+1); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kMoveCol && cell.x > 1) { data->MoveCol(cell.x, cell.x-1); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kMoveCol && ((JIndex) cell.x) < GetColCount()) { data->MoveCol(cell.x, cell.x+1); } else if (itsMouseAction == kRemoveCol) { data->RemoveCol(cell.x); } }
bool WndProperty::on_mouse_down(int x, int y) { BeginEditing(); return true; }
void TestStringTable::HandleMouseDown ( const JPoint& pt, const JXMouseButton button, const JSize clickCount, const JXButtonStates& buttonStates, const JXKeyModifiers& modifiers ) { itsIsDraggingFlag = kJFalse; if (button > kJXRightButton) { ScrollForWheel(button, modifiers); return; } JPoint cell; if (!GetCell(pt, &cell)) { return; } JStringTableData* data = GetStringData(); JTableSelection& s = GetTableSelection(); if (button == kJXMiddleButton) { BeginEditing(cell); } else if (itsMouseAction == kSelectCells) { if (button == kJXLeftButton && !modifiers.shift()) { s.ClearSelection(); s.SetBoat(cell); s.SetAnchor(cell); s.SelectCell(cell); itsIsDraggingFlag = kJTrue; } else { itsIsDraggingFlag = s.ExtendSelection(cell); } } else if (itsMouseAction == kSelectRows) { if (button == kJXLeftButton && !modifiers.shift()) { s.ClearSelection(); } s.SetBoat(JPoint(1, cell.y)); s.SetAnchor(JPoint(GetColCount(), cell.y)); s.SelectRow(cell.y); } else if (itsMouseAction == kSelectCols) { if (button == kJXLeftButton && !modifiers.shift()) { s.ClearSelection(); } s.SetBoat(JPoint(cell.x, 1)); s.SetAnchor(JPoint(cell.x, GetRowCount())); s.SelectCol(cell.x); } // row manipulations else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kInsertRow) { data->InsertRows(cell.y, 1); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kInsertRow) { data->InsertRows(cell.y+1, 1); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kDuplicateRow) { data->DuplicateRow(cell.y, cell.y); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kDuplicateRow) { data->DuplicateRow(cell.y, cell.y+1); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kMoveRow && cell.y > 1) { data->MoveRow(cell.y, cell.y-1); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kMoveRow && ((JIndex) cell.y) < GetRowCount()) { data->MoveRow(cell.y, cell.y+1); } else if (itsMouseAction == kRemoveRow) { data->RemoveRow(cell.y); } // column manipulations else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kInsertCol) { data->InsertCols(cell.x, 1); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kInsertCol) { data->InsertCols(cell.x+1, 1); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kDuplicateCol) { data->DuplicateCol(cell.x, cell.x); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kDuplicateCol) { data->DuplicateCol(cell.x, cell.x+1); } else if (button == kJXLeftButton && itsMouseAction == kMoveCol && cell.x > 1) { data->MoveCol(cell.x, cell.x-1); } else if (button == kJXRightButton && itsMouseAction == kMoveCol && ((JIndex) cell.x) < GetColCount()) { data->MoveCol(cell.x, cell.x+1); } else if (itsMouseAction == kRemoveCol) { data->RemoveCol(cell.x); } }
bool WndProperty::OnMouseDown(PixelScalar x, PixelScalar y) { return BeginEditing(); }