bool NoCachePdbReader::ReadRecord(word nRec, word n, word cb, void *pv)
	// See if the data is cached
	Assert(nRec < m_cRecs);
    CompressionHeader coh;
    dword offBytes = GetCompressionHeader(nRec, &coh);
    if (offBytes == 0) {
        return false;

    if (n + cb > BigWord(coh.cbUncompressed)) {
        return false;

    // If not compressed, read data straight from file
    if (!BigWord(coh.fCompressed)) {
        memcpy(pv, &m_pb[offBytes + n], cb);
    } else {
        byte *pbT = new byte[BigWord(coh.cbUncompressed)];
        if (pbT == NULL) {
            return false;
        DecompressToMemory(&m_pb[offBytes], pbT, &coh);
        memcpy(pv, &pbT[n], cb);
        delete[] pbT;
    return true;
byte *NoCachePdbReader::MapRecord(word nRec, void **ppvCookie, word *pcb)
	// First see if the record is cached

	Assert(m_pb != NULL);
	Assert(nRec < m_cRecs);

    CompressionHeader coh;
    dword offBytes = GetCompressionHeader(nRec, &coh);
    if (offBytes == 0)
        return NULL;

    word cbT = BigWord(coh.cbUncompressed);
    byte *pbT = new byte[cbT];
    if (pbT == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    if (BigWord(coh.fCompressed)) {
        DecompressToMemory(&m_pb[offBytes], pbT, &coh);
    } else {
        memcpy(pbT, &m_pb[offBytes], cbT);

    *ppvCookie = pbT;
    *pcb = cbT;
    return pbT;
byte *MemPdbReader::MapRecord(word nRec, void **ppvCookie, word *pcb)
	// First see if the record is cached

	Assert(m_pb != NULL);
	Assert(nRec < m_cRecs);
	CacheHandle hc = m_aphcRecordData[nRec];
	if (!gcam.IsValid(hc)) {
		// Not cached, get the compression header

		CompressionHeader coh;
		dword offBytes = GetCompressionHeader(nRec, &coh);
		if (offBytes == 0)
			return NULL;

		// If it is not compressed, we can't just point to it; it may
		// be unaligned

		if (!BigWord(coh.fCompressed)) {
			word cbT = BigWord(coh.cbUncompressed);
			byte *pbT = new byte[cbT];
			if (pbT == NULL)
				return NULL;
			memcpy(pbT, &m_pb[offBytes], cbT);
			*ppvCookie = pbT;
			*pcb = cbT;
			return pbT;

		// It is compressed, decompress it and lock it

		hc = gcam.NewObject(NULL, BigWord(coh.cbUncompressed), kfHintWillLock);
		if (hc == 0)
			return NULL;
		m_aphcRecordData[nRec] = hc;
		DecompressToCache(&m_pb[offBytes], hc, &coh);

	// We have cache access to this record and it is locked. Return a pointer.

	byte *pbUncompressed = (byte *)gcam.Lock(hc);
	if (pcb != NULL)
		*pcb = gcam.GetSize(hc);
	*ppvCookie = 0;
	return pbUncompressed;
bool NoCachePdbReader::Open(const char *pszFn)
	// Attempt to open

	Assert(m_pb == NULL);
	FILE *pfil = fopen(pszFn, "rb");
	if (pfil == NULL) {
        RLOG() << "fopen failed: " << pszFn;
		return false;

	// Read in the entire thing

	fseek(pfil, 0, SEEK_END);
	m_cb = ftell(pfil);
	fseek(pfil, 0, SEEK_SET);

	m_pb = new byte[m_cb];
	if (m_pb == NULL) {
		return false;
	if (fread(m_pb, m_cb, 1, pfil) != 1) {
		return false;

	DatabaseHdrType *phdr = (DatabaseHdrType *)m_pb;
	m_cRecs = BigWord(phdr->recordList.numRecords);

	return true;
bool NoCachePdbReader::GetRecordSize(word nRec, word *pcb)
	CompressionHeader coh;
	if (GetCompressionHeader(nRec, &coh) == 0)
		return false;
	*pcb = BigWord(coh.cbUncompressed);
	return true;
bool MemPdbReader::ReadRecord(word nRec, word n, word cb, void *pv)
	// See if the data is cached

	Assert(nRec < m_cRecs);
	CacheHandle hc = m_aphcRecordData[nRec];
	if (!gcam.IsValid(hc)) {
		// Not cached, get the compression header

		CompressionHeader coh;
		dword offBytes = GetCompressionHeader(nRec, &coh);
		if (offBytes == 0)
			return false;

		// If not compressed, read data straight from file

		if (!BigWord(coh.fCompressed)) {
			if (n + cb > BigWord(coh.cbUncompressed))
				return false;
			memcpy(pv, &m_pb[offBytes + n], cb);
			return true;

		// It is compressed, but not cached.

		hc = gcam.NewObject(NULL, BigWord(coh.cbUncompressed));
		if (hc == 0)
			return false;
		m_aphcRecordData[nRec] = hc;
		DecompressToCache(&m_pb[offBytes], hc, &coh);

	// Read from cached data

	word cbUncompressed = gcam.GetSize(hc);
	byte *pbUncompressed = (byte *)gcam.GetPtr(hc);
	if (n + cb > cbUncompressed)
		return false;
	memcpy(pv, pbUncompressed + n, cb);
	return true;
int Font::CalcMultilineHeight(char *psz, int cxMultiline)
	int cy = 0;
	char *pszNext = psz;
	while (pszNext != NULL) {
		char *pszStart = pszNext;
		CalcBreak(cxMultiline, &pszNext);
		cy += BigWord(m_pfnth->cy) - m_nLineOverlap;

	return cy;
void Font::DrawText(DibBitmap *pbm, char *psz, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
        bool fEllipsis)
	int cyFont = BigWord(m_pfnth->cy) - m_nLineOverlap;
	int cyT = cyFont;
	char *pszNext = psz;
	while (pszNext != NULL) {
		if (cy != -1 && cyT > cy)
		char *pszStart = pszNext;
		int cch = CalcBreak(cx, &pszNext);
        if (fEllipsis && pszNext != NULL && cy != -1 && cyT + cyFont > cy) {
            DrawTextWithEllipsis(pbm, pszStart, cch, x, y, cx, true);
        } else if (fEllipsis && pszNext == NULL) {
            DrawTextWithEllipsis(pbm, pszStart, cch, x, y, cx, false);
        } else {
            DrawText(pbm, pszStart, x, y, cch);
		y += cyFont;
		cyT += cyFont;
bool MemPdbReader::Open(char *pszFn)
	// Attempt to open

	Assert(m_pb == NULL);
	FILE *pfil = fopen(pszFn, "rb");
	if (pfil == NULL) {
        Trace("fopen(\"%s\", \"rb\"); failed", pszFn);
		return false;

	// Read in the entire thing

	fseek(pfil, 0, SEEK_END);
	m_cb = (dword)ftell(pfil);
	fseek(pfil, 0, SEEK_SET);

	m_pb = new byte[m_cb];
	if (m_pb == NULL) {
		return false;
	if (fread(m_pb, m_cb, 1, pfil) != 1) {
		return false;

	// Alloc cache handle array

	DatabaseHdrType *phdr = (DatabaseHdrType *)m_pb;
	m_cRecs = BigWord(phdr->recordList.numRecords);
	m_aphcRecordData = new CacheHandle[m_cRecs];
	if (m_aphcRecordData == NULL)
		return false;
	memset(m_aphcRecordData, 0, sizeof(CacheHandle) * m_cRecs);

	return true;
int Font::DrawText(DibBitmap *pbm, char *psz, int x, int y, int cch, dword *mpscaiclr)
#ifdef DEBUG
	for (int ichT = 0; ichT < cch; ichT++)
		Assert((word)psz[ichT] < (word)kcchFont);

	if (cch == -1)
		cch = (int)strlen(psz);

	// Clip entire line of text first.

	Size siz;

	// Top clip

	if (y < 0)
		return 0;
	if (y + BigWord(m_pfnth->cy) > siz.cy)
		return 0;

	// Don't include x clipped chars
	// Left clip

	int ich = 0;
	int xT = x;
	char *pszT;
	for (pszT = psz; pszT - psz < cch; pszT++) {
		if (xT < 0) {
			xT += m_pfnth->acxChar[(byte)*pszT] - m_nGlyphOverlap;
	int xDst = xT;

	// Right clip

	int cchT = 0;
	for (; pszT - psz < cch; pszT++) {
		int cx = m_pfnth->acxChar[(byte)*pszT] - m_nGlyphOverlap;
		if (xT + cx <= siz.cx) {
			xT += cx;
	if (cchT == 0)
		return 0;

	cch = cchT;

	// Draw

	xT = xDst;
	byte *pbDst = pbm->GetBits() + (long)y * siz.cx + xT;
	char *pszMax = &psz[ich + cch];

	for (pszT = &psz[ich]; pszT < pszMax; pszT++) {
		char ch = *pszT;
		int cxChar = m_pfnth->acxChar[(byte)ch];
		if (cxChar == 0)

		byte *pbDraw;
		if (xT & 1) {
			pbDraw = m_mpchpbCodeOdd[(byte)ch];
		} else {
			pbDraw = m_mpchpbCodeEven[(byte)ch];

		if (pbDraw == NULL) {
			ScanData *psd = (ScanData *)(((byte *)m_pfnth) +
			word cb = Compile8Thunk(gpbScratch, psd, xT & 1);
			byte *pbT = (byte *)gmmgr.AllocPtr(cb);
			if (pbT != NULL) {
				gmmgr.WritePtr(pbT, 0, gpbScratch, cb);
				if (xT & 1) {
					gmmgr.WritePtr(m_mpchpbCodeOdd, (byte)ch * sizeof(byte *),
                            &pbT, sizeof(byte *));
				} else {
					gmmgr.WritePtr(m_mpchpbCodeEven, (byte)ch * sizeof(byte *),
                            &pbT, sizeof(byte *));
			pbDraw = gpbScratch;

		DrawDispatchThunk(pbDraw, NULL, pbDst, siz.cx - cxChar, mpscaiclr,
		pbDst += cxChar - m_nGlyphOverlap;
		xT += cxChar - m_nGlyphOverlap;

	return xT - xDst;
bool SocConnection::Poll()
	if (m_fDisconnecting) {
		m_fDisconnecting = false;
		if (m_pccb != NULL)
		return false;

	if (m_soc == INVALID_SOCKET)
		return false;

	// Test if any incoming data is pending

	fd_set fds;
	FD_SET(m_soc, &fds);
	TIMEVAL tvTimeout;
	tvTimeout.tv_sec = 0;
	tvTimeout.tv_usec = 0;
	fd_set fdsDummy;
//	MpTrace("m_soc = %d, fds = %ld", (UInt16)m_soc, (UInt32)fds);
	int nSelected = select(((int)m_soc) + 1, &fds, &fdsDummy, &fdsDummy, &tvTimeout);

	if (nSelected == SOCKET_ERROR) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		HostMessageBox(TEXT("select err: %s"), PszFromSocError());
		return false;

	if (nSelected == 1) {
		NetMessage nm;
		int cb = recv(m_soc, (char *)&nm, sizeof(NetMessage), 0);
//		MpTrace("recv: cb %d", cb);
		if (cb != sizeof(NetMessage)) {
			return false;
		int cbT = BigWord(nm.cb);
		NetMessage *pnm = (NetMessage *)new byte[cbT];
		if (pnm == NULL) {
			// Data is still pending but we can't do anything about it.
			// Follow the usual course of action (HandleRecvError will close the Connection)

			return false;
		memcpy(pnm, &nm, sizeof(NetMessage));
		int cbRemaining = cbT - sizeof(NetMessage);

		// UNDONE: this now is a blocking operation until all of the message is
		// received. Better would be to accumulate the pieces of the message in
		// a temp buffer (SocConnection member) until it is complete, in a non-
		// blocking fashion.

		byte *pbT = (byte *)(pnm + 1);
		while (cbRemaining != 0) {
			cbT = recv(m_soc, (char *)pbT, cbRemaining, 0);
			if (cbT == SOCKET_ERROR) {
				int err = WSAGetLastError();
				if (err != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
					delete[] pnm;
					return false;
			pbT += cbT;
			cbRemaining -= cbT;

		if (m_pccb != NULL) {
			// Before calling OnReceive, order in native byte order

			NetMessageByteOrderSwap(pnm, false);

			MpTrace("< %s", PszFromNetMessage(pnm));
			m_pccb->OnReceive(this, pnm);
		delete[] pnm;

	return true;