*   Function   : EncodeLZSSByFile
*   Description: This function will read an input file and write an output
*                file encoded according to the traditional LZSS algorithm.
*                This algorithm encodes strings as 16 bits (a 12 bit offset
*                + a 4 bit length).
*   Parameters : fpIn - pointer to the open binary file to encode
*                fpOut - pointer to the open binary file to write encoded
*                       output
*   Effects    : fpIn is encoded and written to fpOut.  Neither file is
*                closed after exit.
int EncodeLZSSByFile(FILE *fpIn, FILE *fpOut)
    bit_file_t *bfpOut;

    encoded_string_t matchData;
    unsigned int i, c;
    unsigned int len;                       /* length of string */

    /* head of sliding window and lookahead */
    unsigned int windowHead, uncodedHead;

    /* use stdin if no input file */
    if (fpIn == NULL)
        fpIn = stdin;

    if (fpOut == NULL)
        /* use stdout if no output file */
        bfpOut = MakeBitFile(stdout, BF_WRITE);
        /* convert output file to bitfile */
        bfpOut = MakeBitFile(fpOut, BF_WRITE);

    windowHead = 0;
    uncodedHead = 0;

    /* Window Size : 2^12 same as offset  */
    * Fill the sliding window buffer with some known vales.  DecodeLZSS must
    * use the same values.  If common characters are used, there's an
    * increased chance of matching to the earlier strings.
    memset(slidingWindow, ' ', WINDOW_SIZE * sizeof(unsigned char));

    /* MAX_CODED : 2 to 17 because we cant have 0 to 1 */
    * Copy MAX_CODED bytes from the input file into the uncoded lookahead
    * buffer.
    for (len = 0; len < MAX_CODED && (c = getc(fpIn)) != EOF; len++)
        uncodedLookahead[len] = c;

    if (len == 0)
        return (EXIT_SUCCESS);   /* inFile was empty */

    /* Look for matching string in sliding window */
    matchData = FindMatch(windowHead, uncodedHead);

    /* now encoded the rest of the file until an EOF is read */
    while (len > 0)
        if (matchData.length > len)
            /* garbage beyond last data happened to extend match length */
            matchData.length = len;

        if (matchData.length <= MAX_UNCODED)
            /* not long enough match.  write uncoded flag and character */
            BitFilePutBit(UNCODED, bfpOut);
            BitFilePutChar(uncodedLookahead[uncodedHead], bfpOut);

            matchData.length = 1;   /* set to 1 for 1 byte uncoded */
            unsigned int adjustedLen;

            /* adjust the length of the match so minimun encoded len is 0*/
            adjustedLen = matchData.length - (MAX_UNCODED + 1);

            /* match length > MAX_UNCODED.  Encode as offset and length. */
            BitFilePutBit(ENCODED, bfpOut);
            BitFilePutBitsInt(bfpOut, &matchData.offset, OFFSET_BITS,
                sizeof(unsigned int));
            BitFilePutBitsInt(bfpOut, &adjustedLen, LENGTH_BITS,
                sizeof(unsigned int));

        * Replace the matchData.length worth of bytes we've matched in the
        * sliding window with new bytes from the input file.
        i = 0;
        while ((i < matchData.length) && ((c = getc(fpIn)) != EOF))
            /* add old byte into sliding window and new into lookahead */
            ReplaceChar(windowHead, uncodedLookahead[uncodedHead]);
            uncodedLookahead[uncodedHead] = c;
            windowHead = Wrap((windowHead + 1), WINDOW_SIZE);
            uncodedHead = Wrap((uncodedHead + 1), MAX_CODED);

        /* handle case where we hit EOF before filling lookahead */
        while (i < matchData.length)
            ReplaceChar(windowHead, uncodedLookahead[uncodedHead]);
            /* nothing to add to lookahead here */
            windowHead = Wrap((windowHead + 1), WINDOW_SIZE);
            uncodedHead = Wrap((uncodedHead + 1), MAX_CODED);

        /* find match for the remaining characters */
        matchData = FindMatch(windowHead, uncodedHead);

    /* we've decoded everything, free bitfile structure */

   return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
文件: main.c 项目: mpetri/aazip
 * aazip - compress files using a transform based compression system
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    FILE* f;
    bit_file_t* of;
    char* infile,*outfile;
    uint8_t* input,*lupdate,*bwt,lumode;
    int32_t I,osize,opt;
    uint32_t size;
    mode_t lupdate_alg;
    float ient,oent;
    uint64_t cost,tstart,tstop,elapsed;

    /* parse command line parameter */
    if (argc <= 1) {
    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "m:h")) != GETOPT_FINISHED) {
        switch (opt) {
            case 'm':
                if (strcmp(optarg, "simple") == 0) lupdate_alg = SIMPLE;
                else if (strcmp(optarg, "mtf") == 0) lupdate_alg = MTF;
                else if (strcmp(optarg, "fc") == 0) lupdate_alg = FC;
                else if (strcmp(optarg, "wfc") == 0) lupdate_alg = WFC;
                else if (strcmp(optarg, "timestamp") == 0) lupdate_alg = TS;
                else fatal("ERROR: mode <%s> unknown!\n", optarg);
            case 'h':
    /* read input file name */
    if (optind < argc) infile = argv[optind];
    else {

    /* read input file */
    f = safe_fopen(infile,"r");
    size = safe_filesize(f);
    input = (uint8_t*) safe_malloc(size+1);
    if (fread(input,1,size,f)!=(size_t)size) {
        fatal("read input file.");
    input[size] = 0;

    /* TODO calculate input entropy */
    ient = 0.0f;

    /* perform bwt */
    bwt = (uint8_t*) safe_malloc(size);

    tstart = gettime();

    bwt = transform_bwt(input,size,bwt,&I);

    /* peform list update */
    switch (lupdate_alg) {
        case SIMPLE:
            fprintf(stdout,"ALGORITHM: simple\n");
            lupdate = lupdate_simple(bwt,size,input,&cost);
        case MTF:
            fprintf(stdout,"ALGORITHM: move to front\n");
            lupdate = lupdate_movetofront(bwt,size,input,&cost);
        case FC:
            fprintf(stdout,"ALGORITHM: frequency count\n");
            lupdate = lupdate_freqcount(bwt,size,input,&cost);
        case WFC:
            fprintf(stdout,"ALGORITHM: weighted frequency count\n");
            lupdate = lupdate_wfc(bwt,size,input,&cost);
        case TS:
            fprintf(stdout,"ALGORITHM: timestamp\n");
            lupdate = lupdate_timestamp(bwt,size,input,&cost);
            fatal("unkown list update algorithm.");

    fprintf(stdout,"INPUT: %s (%d bytes)\n",infile,size);
    fprintf(stdout,"COST: %lu\n",cost);

    /* TODO calculate entropy after list update*/
    oent = 0.0f;

    /* write output */
    outfile = safe_strcat(infile,".aazip");
    /* create bit file for writing */
    of = BitFileOpen(outfile, BF_WRITE);

    /* write aa zip header */
    BitFilePutChar('A', of);
    BitFilePutChar('A', of);

    /* write I */

    /* write lupdate mode */
    lumode = lupdate_alg;

    fprintf(stderr,"I %d lumode %d\n",I,lumode);

    /* perform huffman coding */

    tstop = gettime();

    elapsed = tstop - tstart;
    fprintf(stdout,"TIME: %.3f s\n",(float)elapsed/1000000);

    /* flush and get file stats */
    f = BitFileToFILE(of);
    osize = ftell(f);

    fprintf(stdout,"OUTPUT: %s\n",outfile);
    fprintf(stdout,"ENTROPY: %.2f bps / %.2f bps\n",ient,oent);
    fprintf(stdout,"COMPRESSION: %.2f\n",((float)osize/(float)size)*100);

    /* clean up*/

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
*   Function   : HuffmanDecodeFile
*   Description: This routine reads a Huffman coded file and writes out a
*                decoded version of that file.
*   Parameters : inFile - Open file pointer for file to decode
*                outFile - Open file pointer for file receiving decoded data
*   Effects    : Huffman encoded file is decoded
*   Returned   : 0 for success, -1 for failure.  errno will be set in the
*                event of a failure.  Either way, inFile and outFile will
*                be left open.
int HuffmanDecodeFile(FILE *inFile, FILE *outFile)
    huffman_node_t *huffmanArray[NUM_CHARS];    /* array of all leaves */
    huffman_node_t *huffmanTree;
    huffman_node_t *currentNode;
    int i, c;
    bit_file_t *bInFile;

    /* validate input and output files */
    if ((NULL == inFile) || (NULL == outFile))
        errno = ENOENT;
        return -1;

    bInFile = MakeBitFile(inFile, BF_READ);

    if (NULL == bInFile)
        perror("Making Input File a BitFile");
        return -1;

    /* allocate array of leaves for all possible characters */
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHARS; i++)
        if ((huffmanArray[i] = AllocHuffmanNode(i)) == NULL)
            /* allocation failed clear existing allocations */
            for (i--; i >= 0; i--)

            inFile = BitFileToFILE(bInFile);
            return -1;

    /* populate leaves with frequency information from file header */
    if (0 != ReadHeader(huffmanArray, bInFile))
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHARS; i++)

        inFile = BitFileToFILE(bInFile);
        return -1;

    /* put array of leaves into a huffman tree */
    if ((huffmanTree = BuildHuffmanTree(huffmanArray, NUM_CHARS)) == NULL)
        inFile = BitFileToFILE(bInFile);
        return -1;

    /* now we should have a tree that matches the tree used on the encode */
    currentNode = huffmanTree;

    while ((c = BitFileGetBit(bInFile)) != EOF)
        /* traverse the tree finding matches for our characters */
        if (c != 0)
            currentNode = currentNode->right;
            currentNode = currentNode->left;

        if (currentNode->value != COMPOSITE_NODE)
            /* we've found a character */
            if (currentNode->value == EOF_CHAR)
                /* we've just read the EOF */

            fputc(currentNode->value, outFile); /* write out character */
            currentNode = huffmanTree;          /* back to top of tree */

    /* clean up */
    inFile = BitFileToFILE(bInFile);            /* make file normal again */
    FreeHuffmanTree(huffmanTree);     /* free allocated memory */

    return 0;
*   Function   : HuffmanEncodeFile
*   Description: This routine genrates a huffman tree optimized for a file
*                and writes out an encoded version of that file.
*   Parameters : inFile - Open file pointer for file to encode (must be
*                         rewindable).
*                outFile - Open file pointer for file receiving encoded data
*   Effects    : File is Huffman encoded
*   Returned   : 0 for success, -1 for failure.  errno will be set in the
*                event of a failure.  Either way, inFile and outFile will
*                be left open.
int HuffmanEncodeFile(FILE *inFile, FILE *outFile)
    huffman_node_t *huffmanTree;        /* root of huffman tree */
    code_list_t codeList[NUM_CHARS];    /* table for quick encode */
    bit_file_t *bOutFile;
    int c;

    /* validate input and output files */
    if ((NULL == inFile) || (NULL == outFile))
        errno = ENOENT;
        return -1;

    bOutFile = MakeBitFile(outFile, BF_WRITE);

    if (NULL == bOutFile)
        perror("Making Output File a BitFile");
        return -1;

    /* build tree */
    if ((huffmanTree = GenerateTreeFromFile(inFile)) == NULL)
        outFile = BitFileToFILE(bOutFile);
        return -1;

    /* build a list of codes for each symbol */

    /* initialize code list */
    for (c = 0; c < NUM_CHARS; c++)
        codeList[c].code = NULL;
        codeList[c].codeLen = 0;

    if (0 != MakeCodeList(huffmanTree, codeList))
        outFile = BitFileToFILE(bOutFile);
        return -1;

    /* write out encoded file */

    /* write header for rebuilding of tree */
    WriteHeader(huffmanTree, bOutFile);

    /* read characters from file and write them to encoded file */
    rewind(inFile);         /* start another pass on the input file */

    while((c = fgetc(inFile)) != EOF)

    /* now write EOF */

    /* free the code list */
    for (c = 0; c < NUM_CHARS; c++)
        if (codeList[c].code != NULL)

    /* clean up */
    outFile = BitFileToFILE(bOutFile);          /* make file normal again */
    FreeHuffmanTree(huffmanTree);               /* free allocated memory */

    return 0;
*   Function   : main
*   Description: This function demonstrates the usage of each of the bit
*                bit file functions.
*   Parameters : argc - the number command line arguments (not used)
*   Parameters : argv - array of command line arguments (not used)
*   Effects    : Writes bit file, reads back results, printing them to
*                stdout.
*   Returned   : EXIT_SUCCESS
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    bit_file_t *bfp;
    FILE *fp;
    int i, numCalls, value;

    if (argc < 2)
        numCalls = NUM_CALLS;
        numCalls = atoi(argv[1]);

    /* create bit file for writing */
    bfp = BitFileOpen("testfile", BF_WRITE);

    if (bfp == NULL)
         perror("opening file");
         return (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /* write chars */
    value = (int)'A';
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        printf("writing char %c\n", value);
        if(BitFilePutChar(value, bfp) == EOF)
            perror("writing char");
            if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
                perror("closing bitfile");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);


    /* write single bits */
    value = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        printf("writing bit %d\n", value);
        if(BitFilePutBit(value, bfp) == EOF)
            perror("writing bit");
            if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
                perror("closing bitfile");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);

        value = 1 - value;

    /* write ints as bits */
    value = 0x11111111;
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        printf("writing bits %0X\n", (unsigned int)value);
        if(BitFilePutBits(bfp, &value,
            (unsigned int)(8 * sizeof(int))) == EOF)
            perror("writing bits");
            if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
                perror("closing bitfile");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);

        value += 0x11111111;

    /* close bit file */
    if (BitFileClose(bfp) != 0)
         perror("closing file");
         return (EXIT_FAILURE);
        printf("closed file\n");

    /* reopen file for appending */
    bfp = BitFileOpen("testfile", BF_APPEND);

    if (bfp == NULL)
         perror("opening file");
         return (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /* append some chars */
    value = (int)'A';
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        printf("appending char %c\n", value);
        if(BitFilePutChar(value, bfp) == EOF)
            perror("appending char");
            if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
                perror("closing bitfile");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);


    /* write some bits from an integer */
    value = 0x111;
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        printf("writing 12 bits from an integer %03X\n", (unsigned int)value);
        if(BitFilePutBitsInt(bfp, &value, 12, sizeof(value)) == EOF)
            perror("writing bits from an integer");
            if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
                perror("closing bitfile");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);

        value += 0x111;

    /* convert to normal file */
    fp = BitFileToFILE(bfp);

    if (fp == NULL)
         perror("converting to stdio FILE");
         return (EXIT_FAILURE);
        printf("converted to stdio FILE\n");

    /* append some chars */
    value = (int)'a';
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        printf("appending char %c\n", value);
        if(fputc(value, fp) == EOF)
            perror("appending char to FILE");
            if (fclose(fp) == EOF)
                 perror("closing stdio FILE");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);


    /* close file */
    if (fclose(fp) == EOF)
         perror("closing stdio FILE");
         return (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /* now read back writes */

    /* open bit file */
    bfp = BitFileOpen("testfile", BF_READ);

    if (bfp == NULL)
         perror("reopening file");
         return (EXIT_FAILURE);

    /* read chars */
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        value = BitFileGetChar(bfp);
        if(value == EOF)
            perror("reading char");
            if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
                perror("closing bitfile");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);
            printf("read %c\n", value);

    /* read single bits */
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        value = BitFileGetBit(bfp);
        if(value == EOF)
            perror("reading bit");
            if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
                perror("closing bitfile");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);
            printf("read bit %d\n", value);

    /* read ints as bits */
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        if(BitFileGetBits(bfp, &value, (unsigned int)(8 * sizeof(int))) == EOF)
            perror("reading bits");
            if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
                perror("closing bitfile");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);
            printf("read bits %0X\n", (unsigned int)value);

    if (BitFileByteAlign(bfp) == EOF)
        fprintf(stderr, "failed to align file\n");
        if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
            perror("closing bitfile");
        return (EXIT_FAILURE);
        printf("byte aligning file\n");

    /* read appended characters */
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        value = BitFileGetChar(bfp);
        if(value == EOF)
            perror("reading char");
            if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
                perror("closing bitfile");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);
            printf("read %c\n", value);

    /* read some bits into an integer */
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        value = 0;
        if(BitFileGetBitsInt(bfp, &value, 12, sizeof(value)) == EOF)
            perror("reading bits from an integer");
            if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
                perror("closing bitfile");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);
            printf("read 12 bits into an integer %03X\n", (unsigned int)value);

    /* convert to stdio FILE */
    fp = BitFileToFILE(bfp);

    if (fp == NULL)
         perror("converting to stdio FILE");
         return (EXIT_FAILURE);
        printf("converted to stdio FILE\n");

    /* read append some chars */
    value = (int)'a';
    for (i = 0; i < numCalls; i++)
        value = fgetc(fp);
        if(value == EOF)
            perror("stdio reading char");
            if (0 != BitFileClose(bfp))
                perror("closing bitfile");
            return (EXIT_FAILURE);
            printf("stdio read %c\n", value);

    /* close file */
    if (fclose(fp) == EOF)
         perror("closing stdio FILE");
         return (EXIT_FAILURE);
