void VertexShaderManager::Init()
	// Initialize state tracking variables
	nTransformMatricesChanged[0] = -1;
	nTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;
	nNormalMatricesChanged[0] = -1;
	nNormalMatricesChanged[1] = -1;
	nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] = -1;
	nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;
	nLightsChanged[0] = -1;
	nLightsChanged[1] = -1;
	nMaterialsChanged = BitSet32(0);
	bTexMatricesChanged[0] = false;
	bTexMatricesChanged[1] = false;
	bPosNormalMatrixChanged = false;
	bProjectionChanged = true;
	bViewportChanged = false;

	memset(&xfmem, 0, sizeof(xfmem));
	memset(&constants, 0, sizeof(constants));

	// TODO: should these go inside ResetView()?
	memset(g_fProjectionMatrix, 0, sizeof(g_fProjectionMatrix));
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		g_fProjectionMatrix[i*5] = 1.0f;

	dirty = true;
TEST(BitSet, Count)
	u32 random_numbers[] = {
		0x2cb0b5f3,	0x81ab32a6,	0xd9030dc5,	0x325ffe26,	0xb2fcaee3,
		0x4ccf188a,	0xf8be36dc,	0xb2fcecd5,	0xb750c2e5,	0x31d19074,
		0xf267644a,	0xac00a719,	0x6d45f19b,	0xf7e91c5b,	0xf687e694,
		0x9057c24e,	0x5eb65c39,	0x85d3038b,	0x101f4e66,	0xc202d136
	u32 counts[] = {
		17, 14, 14, 19, 20, 14, 20, 20, 16, 13, 16, 12, 18, 20, 18, 14, 18, 14, 14, 12
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 20; i++)
		EXPECT_EQ(counts[i], BitSet32(random_numbers[i]).Count());

	u64 random_numbers_64[] = {
		0xf86cd6f6ef09d7d4ULL, 0x6f2d8533255ead3cULL, 0x9da7941e0e52b345ULL,
		0x06e4189be67d2b17ULL, 0x3eb0681f65cb6d25ULL, 0xccab8a7c74a51203ULL,
		0x09d470516694c64bULL, 0x38cd077e075c778fULL, 0xd69ebfa6355ebfdeULL
	u32 counts_64[] = {
		39, 34, 31, 32, 33, 29, 27, 35, 43
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; i++)
		EXPECT_EQ(counts_64[i], BitSet64(random_numbers_64[i]).Count());
TEST(BitSet, Basics)
	BitSet32 bs;
	BitSet64 bs2(1);
	BitSet64 bs3(2);
	EXPECT_EQ(true, !!bs2);
	EXPECT_EQ(false, !!bs);
	EXPECT_EQ(bs2, bs2);
	EXPECT_NE(bs2, bs3);
	EXPECT_EQ(BitSet32(0xfff), BitSet32::AllTrue(12));
	EXPECT_EQ(BitSet64(0xffffffffffffffff), BitSet64::AllTrue(64));
TEST(BitSet, BitOps)
	BitSet32 a(3), b(5), c;
	EXPECT_EQ(BitSet32(7), a | b);
	EXPECT_EQ(BitSet32(6), a ^ b);
	EXPECT_EQ(BitSet32(1), a & b);
	EXPECT_EQ(BitSet32(0xfffffffc), ~a);
	c = a; c |= b; EXPECT_EQ(BitSet32(7), c);
	c = a; c ^= b; EXPECT_EQ(BitSet32(6), c);
	c = a; c &= b; EXPECT_EQ(BitSet32(1), c);
__forceinline void WriteToHardware(u32 em_address, const T data)
	int segment = em_address >> 28;
	// Quick check for an address that can't meet any of the following conditions,
	// to speed up the MMU path.
	if (!BitSet32(0xCFC)[segment])
		// First, let's check for FIFO writes, since they are probably the most common
		// reason we end up in this function:
		if ((em_address & 0xFFFFF000) == 0xCC008000)
			switch (sizeof(T))
			case 1: GPFifo::Write8((u8)data, em_address); return;
			case 2: GPFifo::Write16((u16)data, em_address); return;
			case 4: GPFifo::Write32((u32)data, em_address); return;
			case 8: GPFifo::Write64((u64)data, em_address); return;
		if ((em_address & 0xC8000000) == 0xC8000000)
			if (em_address < 0xcc000000)
				int x = (em_address & 0xfff) >> 2;
				int y = (em_address >> 12) & 0x3ff;

				// TODO figure out a way to send data without falling into the template trap
				if (em_address & 0x00400000)
					g_video_backend->Video_AccessEFB(POKE_Z, x, y, (u32)data);
					DEBUG_LOG(MEMMAP, "EFB Z Write %08x @ %i, %i", (u32)data, x, y);
					g_video_backend->Video_AccessEFB(POKE_COLOR, x, y, (u32)data);
					DEBUG_LOG(MEMMAP, "EFB Color Write %08x @ %i, %i", (u32)data, x, y);
				mmio_mapping->Write(em_address, data);
// Syncs the shader constant buffers with xfmem
// TODO: A cleaner way to control the matrices without making a mess in the parameters field
void VertexShaderManager::SetConstants()
	if (nTransformMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
		int startn = nTransformMatricesChanged[0] / 4;
		int endn = (nTransformMatricesChanged[1] + 3) / 4;
		memcpy(constants.transformmatrices[startn], &xfmem.posMatrices[startn * 4], (endn - startn) * 16);
		dirty = true;
		nTransformMatricesChanged[0] = nTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;

	if (nNormalMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
		int startn = nNormalMatricesChanged[0] / 3;
		int endn = (nNormalMatricesChanged[1] + 2) / 3;
		for (int i=startn; i<endn; i++)
			memcpy(constants.normalmatrices[i], &xfmem.normalMatrices[3*i], 12);
		dirty = true;
		nNormalMatricesChanged[0] = nNormalMatricesChanged[1] = -1;

	if (nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
		int startn = nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] / 4;
		int endn = (nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] + 3 ) / 4;
		memcpy(constants.posttransformmatrices[startn], &xfmem.postMatrices[startn * 4], (endn - startn) * 16);
		dirty = true;
		nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] = nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;

	if (nLightsChanged[0] >= 0)
		// TODO: Outdated comment
		// lights don't have a 1 to 1 mapping, the color component needs to be converted to 4 floats
		int istart = nLightsChanged[0] / 0x10;
		int iend = (nLightsChanged[1] + 15) / 0x10;

		for (int i = istart; i < iend; ++i)
			const Light& light = xfmem.lights[i];
			VertexShaderConstants::Light& dstlight = constants.lights[i];

			// xfmem.light.color is packed as abgr in u8[4], so we have to swap the order
			dstlight.color[0] = light.color[3];
			dstlight.color[1] = light.color[2];
			dstlight.color[2] = light.color[1];
			dstlight.color[3] = light.color[0];

			dstlight.cosatt[0] = light.cosatt[0];
			dstlight.cosatt[1] = light.cosatt[1];
			dstlight.cosatt[2] = light.cosatt[2];

			if (fabs(light.distatt[0]) < 0.00001f &&
			    fabs(light.distatt[1]) < 0.00001f &&
			    fabs(light.distatt[2]) < 0.00001f)
				// dist attenuation, make sure not equal to 0!!!
				dstlight.distatt[0] = .00001f;
				dstlight.distatt[0] = light.distatt[0];
			dstlight.distatt[1] = light.distatt[1];
			dstlight.distatt[2] = light.distatt[2];

			dstlight.pos[0] = light.dpos[0];
			dstlight.pos[1] = light.dpos[1];
			dstlight.pos[2] = light.dpos[2];

			double norm = double(light.ddir[0]) * double(light.ddir[0]) +
			              double(light.ddir[1]) * double(light.ddir[1]) +
			              double(light.ddir[2]) * double(light.ddir[2]);
			norm = 1.0 / sqrt(norm);
			float norm_float = static_cast<float>(norm);
			dstlight.dir[0] = light.ddir[0] * norm_float;
			dstlight.dir[1] = light.ddir[1] * norm_float;
			dstlight.dir[2] = light.ddir[2] * norm_float;
		dirty = true;

		nLightsChanged[0] = nLightsChanged[1] = -1;

	for (int i : nMaterialsChanged)
		u32 data = i >= 2 ? xfmem.matColor[i - 2] : xfmem.ambColor[i];
		constants.materials[i][0] = (data >> 24) & 0xFF;
		constants.materials[i][1] = (data >> 16) & 0xFF;
		constants.materials[i][2] = (data >>  8) & 0xFF;
		constants.materials[i][3] =  data        & 0xFF;
		dirty = true;
	nMaterialsChanged = BitSet32(0);

	if (bPosNormalMatrixChanged)
		bPosNormalMatrixChanged = false;

		const float *pos = (const float *)xfmem.posMatrices + g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx * 4;
		const float *norm = (const float *)xfmem.normalMatrices + 3 * (g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx & 31);

		memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix, pos, 3*16);
		memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[3], norm, 12);
		memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[4], norm+3, 12);
		memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[5], norm+6, 12);
		dirty = true;

	if (bTexMatricesChanged[0])
		bTexMatricesChanged[0] = false;
		const float *fptrs[] =
			(const float *)&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex0MtxIdx * 4],
			(const float *)&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex1MtxIdx * 4],
			(const float *)&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex2MtxIdx * 4],
			(const float *)&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex3MtxIdx * 4]

		for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			memcpy(constants.texmatrices[3*i], fptrs[i], 3*16);
		dirty = true;

	if (bTexMatricesChanged[1])
		bTexMatricesChanged[1] = false;
		const float *fptrs[] = {
			(const float *)&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex4MtxIdx * 4],
			(const float *)&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex5MtxIdx * 4],
			(const float *)&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex6MtxIdx * 4],
			(const float *)&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex7MtxIdx * 4]

		for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			memcpy(constants.texmatrices[3*i+12], fptrs[i], 3*16);
		dirty = true;

	if (bViewportChanged)
		bViewportChanged = false;

		// The console GPU places the pixel center at 7/12 unless antialiasing
		// is enabled, while D3D and OpenGL place it at 0.5. See the comment
		// in VertexShaderGen.cpp for details.
		// NOTE: If we ever emulate antialiasing, the sample locations set by
		// BP registers 0x01-0x04 need to be considered here.
		const float pixel_center_correction = 7.0f / 12.0f - 0.5f;
		const float pixel_size_x = 2.f / Renderer::EFBToScaledXf(2.f * xfmem.viewport.wd);
		const float pixel_size_y = 2.f / Renderer::EFBToScaledXf(2.f * xfmem.viewport.ht);
		constants.pixelcentercorrection[0] = pixel_center_correction * pixel_size_x;
		constants.pixelcentercorrection[1] = pixel_center_correction * pixel_size_y;
		dirty = true;
		// This is so implementation-dependent that we can't have it here.

		// Update projection if the viewport isn't 1:1 useable
		if (!g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsOversizedViewports)
			bProjectionChanged = true;

	if (bProjectionChanged)
		bProjectionChanged = false;

		float *rawProjection = xfmem.projection.rawProjection;

		switch (xfmem.projection.type)

			g_fProjectionMatrix[0] = rawProjection[0] * g_ActiveConfig.fAspectRatioHackW;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[1] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[2] = rawProjection[1];
			g_fProjectionMatrix[3] = 0.0f;

			g_fProjectionMatrix[4] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[5] = rawProjection[2] * g_ActiveConfig.fAspectRatioHackH;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[6] = rawProjection[3];
			g_fProjectionMatrix[7] = 0.0f;

			g_fProjectionMatrix[8] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[9] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[10] = rawProjection[4];

			g_fProjectionMatrix[11] = rawProjection[5];

			g_fProjectionMatrix[12] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[13] = 0.0f;
			// donkopunchstania suggested the GC GPU might round differently
			// He had thus changed this to -(1 + epsilon) to fix clipping issues.
			// I (neobrain) don't think his conjecture is true and thus reverted his change.
			g_fProjectionMatrix[14] = -1.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[15] = 0.0f;

			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_0, g_fProjectionMatrix[0]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_1, g_fProjectionMatrix[1]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_2, g_fProjectionMatrix[2]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_3, g_fProjectionMatrix[3]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_4, g_fProjectionMatrix[4]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_5, g_fProjectionMatrix[5]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_6, g_fProjectionMatrix[6]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_7, g_fProjectionMatrix[7]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_8, g_fProjectionMatrix[8]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_9, g_fProjectionMatrix[9]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_10, g_fProjectionMatrix[10]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_11, g_fProjectionMatrix[11]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_12, g_fProjectionMatrix[12]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_13, g_fProjectionMatrix[13]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_14, g_fProjectionMatrix[14]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_15, g_fProjectionMatrix[15]);


			g_fProjectionMatrix[0] = rawProjection[0];
			g_fProjectionMatrix[1] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[2] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[3] = rawProjection[1];

			g_fProjectionMatrix[4] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[5] = rawProjection[2];
			g_fProjectionMatrix[6] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[7] = rawProjection[3];

			g_fProjectionMatrix[8] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[9] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[10] = (g_ProjHack1.value + rawProjection[4]) * ((g_ProjHack1.sign == 0) ? 1.0f : g_ProjHack1.sign);
			g_fProjectionMatrix[11] = (g_ProjHack2.value + rawProjection[5]) * ((g_ProjHack2.sign == 0) ? 1.0f : g_ProjHack2.sign);

			g_fProjectionMatrix[12] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[13] = 0.0f;

			g_fProjectionMatrix[14] = 0.0f;
			g_fProjectionMatrix[15] = 1.0f + FLT_EPSILON; // hack to fix depth clipping precision issues (such as Sonic Unleashed UI)

			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_0, g_fProjectionMatrix[0]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_1, g_fProjectionMatrix[1]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_2, g_fProjectionMatrix[2]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_3, g_fProjectionMatrix[3]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_4, g_fProjectionMatrix[4]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_5, g_fProjectionMatrix[5]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_6, g_fProjectionMatrix[6]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_7, g_fProjectionMatrix[7]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_8, g_fProjectionMatrix[8]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_9, g_fProjectionMatrix[9]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_10, g_fProjectionMatrix[10]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_11, g_fProjectionMatrix[11]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_12, g_fProjectionMatrix[12]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_13, g_fProjectionMatrix[13]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_14, g_fProjectionMatrix[14]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_15, g_fProjectionMatrix[15]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_0, rawProjection[0]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_1, rawProjection[1]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_2, rawProjection[2]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_3, rawProjection[3]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_4, rawProjection[4]);
			SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_5, rawProjection[5]);

			ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown projection type: %d", xfmem.projection.type);

		PRIM_LOG("Projection: %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", rawProjection[0], rawProjection[1], rawProjection[2], rawProjection[3], rawProjection[4], rawProjection[5]);

		if (g_ActiveConfig.bFreeLook && xfmem.projection.type == GX_PERSPECTIVE)
			Matrix44 mtxA;
			Matrix44 mtxB;
			Matrix44 viewMtx;

			Matrix44::Translate(mtxA, s_fViewTranslationVector);
			Matrix44::LoadMatrix33(mtxB, s_viewRotationMatrix);
			Matrix44::Multiply(mtxB, mtxA, viewMtx); // view = rotation x translation
			Matrix44::Set(mtxB, g_fProjectionMatrix);
			Matrix44::Multiply(mtxB, viewMtx, mtxA); // mtxA = projection x view
			Matrix44::Multiply(s_viewportCorrection, mtxA, mtxB); // mtxB = viewportCorrection x mtxA
			memcpy(constants.projection, mtxB.data, 4*16);
			Matrix44 projMtx;
			Matrix44::Set(projMtx, g_fProjectionMatrix);

			Matrix44 correctedMtx;
			Matrix44::Multiply(s_viewportCorrection, projMtx, correctedMtx);
			memcpy(constants.projection, correctedMtx.data, 4*16);

		dirty = true;
__forceinline T ReadFromHardware(const u32 em_address)
	int segment = em_address >> 28;
	// Quick check for an address that can't meet any of the following conditions,
	// to speed up the MMU path.
	if (!BitSet32(0xCFC)[segment])
		// TODO: Figure out the fastest order of tests for both read and write (they are probably different).
		if ((em_address & 0xC8000000) == 0xC8000000)
			if (em_address < 0xcc000000)
				return EFB_Read(em_address);
				return (T)mmio_mapping->Read<typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type>(em_address);
		else if (segment == 0x8 || segment == 0xC || segment == 0x0)
			return bswap((*(const T*)&m_pRAM[em_address & RAM_MASK]));
		else if (m_pEXRAM && (segment == 0x9 || segment == 0xD || segment == 0x1))
			return bswap((*(const T*)&m_pEXRAM[em_address & EXRAM_MASK]));
		else if (segment == 0xE && (em_address < (0xE0000000 + L1_CACHE_SIZE)))
			return bswap((*(const T*)&m_pL1Cache[em_address & L1_CACHE_MASK]));

	if (bFakeVMEM && (segment == 0x7 || segment == 0x4))
		// fake VMEM
		return bswap((*(const T*)&m_pFakeVMEM[em_address & FAKEVMEM_MASK]));

	// MMU: Do page table translation
	u32 tlb_addr = TranslateAddress<flag>(em_address);
	if (tlb_addr == 0)
		if (flag == FLAG_READ)
			GenerateDSIException(em_address, false);
		return 0;

	// Handle loads that cross page boundaries (ewwww)
	// The alignment check isn't strictly necessary, but since this is a rare slow path, it provides a faster
	// (1 instruction on x86) bailout.
	if (sizeof(T) > 1 && (em_address & (sizeof(T) - 1)) && (em_address & (HW_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) > HW_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(T))
		// This could be unaligned down to the byte level... hopefully this is rare, so doing it this
		// way isn't too terrible.
		// TODO: floats on non-word-aligned boundaries should technically cause alignment exceptions.
		// Note that "word" means 32-bit, so paired singles or doubles might still be 32-bit aligned!
		u32 em_address_next_page = (em_address + sizeof(T) - 1) & ~(HW_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
		u32 tlb_addr_next_page = TranslateAddress<flag>(em_address_next_page);
		if (tlb_addr == 0 || tlb_addr_next_page == 0)
			if (flag == FLAG_READ)
				GenerateDSIException(em_address_next_page, false);
			return 0;
		T var = 0;
		for (u32 addr = em_address; addr < em_address + sizeof(T); addr++, tlb_addr++)
			if (addr == em_address_next_page)
				tlb_addr = tlb_addr_next_page;
			var = (var << 8) | Memory::base[tlb_addr];
		return var;

	// The easy case!
	return bswap(*(const T*)&Memory::base[tlb_addr]);
// Syncs the shader constant buffers with xfmem
// TODO: A cleaner way to control the matrices without making a mess in the parameters field
void VertexShaderManager::SetConstants()
  if (nTransformMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
    int startn = nTransformMatricesChanged[0] / 4;
    int endn = (nTransformMatricesChanged[1] + 3) / 4;
    memcpy(constants.transformmatrices[startn].data(), &xfmem.posMatrices[startn * 4],
           (endn - startn) * sizeof(float4));
    dirty = true;
    nTransformMatricesChanged[0] = nTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;

  if (nNormalMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
    int startn = nNormalMatricesChanged[0] / 3;
    int endn = (nNormalMatricesChanged[1] + 2) / 3;
    for (int i = startn; i < endn; i++)
      memcpy(constants.normalmatrices[i].data(), &xfmem.normalMatrices[3 * i], 12);
    dirty = true;
    nNormalMatricesChanged[0] = nNormalMatricesChanged[1] = -1;

  if (nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
    int startn = nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] / 4;
    int endn = (nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] + 3) / 4;
    memcpy(constants.posttransformmatrices[startn].data(), &xfmem.postMatrices[startn * 4],
           (endn - startn) * sizeof(float4));
    dirty = true;
    nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] = nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;

  if (nLightsChanged[0] >= 0)
    // TODO: Outdated comment
    // lights don't have a 1 to 1 mapping, the color component needs to be converted to 4 floats
    int istart = nLightsChanged[0] / 0x10;
    int iend = (nLightsChanged[1] + 15) / 0x10;

    for (int i = istart; i < iend; ++i)
      const Light& light = xfmem.lights[i];
      VertexShaderConstants::Light& dstlight = constants.lights[i];

      // xfmem.light.color is packed as abgr in u8[4], so we have to swap the order
      dstlight.color[0] = light.color[3];
      dstlight.color[1] = light.color[2];
      dstlight.color[2] = light.color[1];
      dstlight.color[3] = light.color[0];

      dstlight.cosatt[0] = light.cosatt[0];
      dstlight.cosatt[1] = light.cosatt[1];
      dstlight.cosatt[2] = light.cosatt[2];

      if (fabs(light.distatt[0]) < 0.00001f && fabs(light.distatt[1]) < 0.00001f &&
          fabs(light.distatt[2]) < 0.00001f)
        // dist attenuation, make sure not equal to 0!!!
        dstlight.distatt[0] = .00001f;
        dstlight.distatt[0] = light.distatt[0];
      dstlight.distatt[1] = light.distatt[1];
      dstlight.distatt[2] = light.distatt[2];

      dstlight.pos[0] = light.dpos[0];
      dstlight.pos[1] = light.dpos[1];
      dstlight.pos[2] = light.dpos[2];

      double norm = double(light.ddir[0]) * double(light.ddir[0]) +
                    double(light.ddir[1]) * double(light.ddir[1]) +
                    double(light.ddir[2]) * double(light.ddir[2]);
      norm = 1.0 / sqrt(norm);
      float norm_float = static_cast<float>(norm);
      dstlight.dir[0] = light.ddir[0] * norm_float;
      dstlight.dir[1] = light.ddir[1] * norm_float;
      dstlight.dir[2] = light.ddir[2] * norm_float;
    dirty = true;

    nLightsChanged[0] = nLightsChanged[1] = -1;

  for (int i : nMaterialsChanged)
    u32 data = i >= 2 ? xfmem.matColor[i - 2] : xfmem.ambColor[i];
    constants.materials[i][0] = (data >> 24) & 0xFF;
    constants.materials[i][1] = (data >> 16) & 0xFF;
    constants.materials[i][2] = (data >> 8) & 0xFF;
    constants.materials[i][3] = data & 0xFF;
    dirty = true;
  nMaterialsChanged = BitSet32(0);

  if (bPosNormalMatrixChanged)
    bPosNormalMatrixChanged = false;

    const float* pos = &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx * 4];
    const float* norm =
        &xfmem.normalMatrices[3 * (g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx & 31)];

    memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix.data(), pos, 3 * sizeof(float4));
    memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[3].data(), norm, 3 * sizeof(float));
    memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[4].data(), norm + 3, 3 * sizeof(float));
    memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[5].data(), norm + 6, 3 * sizeof(float));
    dirty = true;

  if (bTexMatricesChanged[0])
    bTexMatricesChanged[0] = false;
    const float* pos_matrix_ptrs[] = {
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex0MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex1MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex2MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex3MtxIdx * 4]};

    for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(pos_matrix_ptrs); ++i)
      memcpy(constants.texmatrices[3 * i].data(), pos_matrix_ptrs[i], 3 * sizeof(float4));
    dirty = true;

  if (bTexMatricesChanged[1])
    bTexMatricesChanged[1] = false;
    const float* pos_matrix_ptrs[] = {
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex4MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex5MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex6MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex7MtxIdx * 4]};

    for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(pos_matrix_ptrs); ++i)
      memcpy(constants.texmatrices[3 * i + 12].data(), pos_matrix_ptrs[i], 3 * sizeof(float4));
    dirty = true;

  if (bViewportChanged)
    bViewportChanged = false;

    // The console GPU places the pixel center at 7/12 unless antialiasing
    // is enabled, while D3D and OpenGL place it at 0.5. See the comment
    // in VertexShaderGen.cpp for details.
    // NOTE: If we ever emulate antialiasing, the sample locations set by
    // BP registers 0x01-0x04 need to be considered here.
    const float pixel_center_correction = 7.0f / 12.0f - 0.5f;
    const bool bUseVertexRounding = g_ActiveConfig.bVertexRounding && g_ActiveConfig.iEFBScale != 1;
    const float viewport_width = bUseVertexRounding ?
                                     (2.f * xfmem.viewport.wd) :
                                     g_renderer->EFBToScaledXf(2.f * xfmem.viewport.wd);
    const float viewport_height = bUseVertexRounding ?
                                      (2.f * xfmem.viewport.ht) :
                                      g_renderer->EFBToScaledXf(2.f * xfmem.viewport.ht);
    const float pixel_size_x = 2.f / viewport_width;
    const float pixel_size_y = 2.f / viewport_height;
    constants.pixelcentercorrection[0] = pixel_center_correction * pixel_size_x;
    constants.pixelcentercorrection[1] = pixel_center_correction * pixel_size_y;

    // By default we don't change the depth value at all in the vertex shader.
    constants.pixelcentercorrection[2] = 1.0f;
    constants.pixelcentercorrection[3] = 0.0f;

    constants.viewport[0] = (2.f * xfmem.viewport.wd);
    constants.viewport[1] = (2.f * xfmem.viewport.ht);

    if (g_renderer->UseVertexDepthRange())
      // Oversized depth ranges are handled in the vertex shader. We need to reverse
      // the far value to use the reversed-Z trick.
      if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsReversedDepthRange)
        // Sometimes the console also tries to use the reversed-Z trick. We can only do
        // that with the expected accuracy if the backend can reverse the depth range.
        constants.pixelcentercorrection[2] = fabs(xfmem.viewport.zRange) / 16777215.0f;
        if (xfmem.viewport.zRange < 0.0f)
          constants.pixelcentercorrection[3] = xfmem.viewport.farZ / 16777215.0f;
          constants.pixelcentercorrection[3] = 1.0f - xfmem.viewport.farZ / 16777215.0f;
        // For backends that don't support reversing the depth range we can still render
        // cases where the console uses the reversed-Z trick. But we simply can't provide
        // the expected accuracy, which might result in z-fighting.
        constants.pixelcentercorrection[2] = xfmem.viewport.zRange / 16777215.0f;
        constants.pixelcentercorrection[3] = 1.0f - xfmem.viewport.farZ / 16777215.0f;

    dirty = true;

    // Update projection if the viewport isn't 1:1 useable
    if (!g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsOversizedViewports)
      bProjectionChanged = true;

  if (bProjectionChanged)
    bProjectionChanged = false;

    float* rawProjection = xfmem.projection.rawProjection;

    switch (xfmem.projection.type)

      g_fProjectionMatrix[0] = rawProjection[0] * g_ActiveConfig.fAspectRatioHackW;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[1] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[2] = rawProjection[1] * g_ActiveConfig.fAspectRatioHackW;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[3] = 0.0f;

      g_fProjectionMatrix[4] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[5] = rawProjection[2] * g_ActiveConfig.fAspectRatioHackH;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[6] = rawProjection[3] * g_ActiveConfig.fAspectRatioHackH;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[7] = 0.0f;

      g_fProjectionMatrix[8] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[9] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[10] = rawProjection[4];
      g_fProjectionMatrix[11] = rawProjection[5];

      g_fProjectionMatrix[12] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[13] = 0.0f;

      g_fProjectionMatrix[14] = -1.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[15] = 0.0f;

      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_0, g_fProjectionMatrix[0]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_1, g_fProjectionMatrix[1]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_2, g_fProjectionMatrix[2]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_3, g_fProjectionMatrix[3]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_4, g_fProjectionMatrix[4]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_5, g_fProjectionMatrix[5]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_6, g_fProjectionMatrix[6]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_7, g_fProjectionMatrix[7]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_8, g_fProjectionMatrix[8]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_9, g_fProjectionMatrix[9]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_10, g_fProjectionMatrix[10]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_11, g_fProjectionMatrix[11]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_12, g_fProjectionMatrix[12]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_13, g_fProjectionMatrix[13]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_14, g_fProjectionMatrix[14]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_15, g_fProjectionMatrix[15]);


      g_fProjectionMatrix[0] = rawProjection[0];
      g_fProjectionMatrix[1] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[2] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[3] = rawProjection[1];

      g_fProjectionMatrix[4] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[5] = rawProjection[2];
      g_fProjectionMatrix[6] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[7] = rawProjection[3];

      g_fProjectionMatrix[8] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[9] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[10] = rawProjection[4];
      g_fProjectionMatrix[11] = rawProjection[5];

      g_fProjectionMatrix[12] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[13] = 0.0f;

      g_fProjectionMatrix[14] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[15] = 1.0f;

      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_0, g_fProjectionMatrix[0]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_1, g_fProjectionMatrix[1]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_2, g_fProjectionMatrix[2]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_3, g_fProjectionMatrix[3]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_4, g_fProjectionMatrix[4]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_5, g_fProjectionMatrix[5]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_6, g_fProjectionMatrix[6]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_7, g_fProjectionMatrix[7]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_8, g_fProjectionMatrix[8]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_9, g_fProjectionMatrix[9]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_10, g_fProjectionMatrix[10]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_11, g_fProjectionMatrix[11]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_12, g_fProjectionMatrix[12]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_13, g_fProjectionMatrix[13]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_14, g_fProjectionMatrix[14]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_15, g_fProjectionMatrix[15]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_0, rawProjection[0]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_1, rawProjection[1]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_2, rawProjection[2]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_3, rawProjection[3]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_4, rawProjection[4]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_5, rawProjection[5]);

      ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown projection type: %d", xfmem.projection.type);

    PRIM_LOG("Projection: %f %f %f %f %f %f", rawProjection[0], rawProjection[1], rawProjection[2],
             rawProjection[3], rawProjection[4], rawProjection[5]);

    if (g_ActiveConfig.bFreeLook && xfmem.projection.type == GX_PERSPECTIVE)
      Matrix44 mtxA;
      Matrix44 mtxB;
      Matrix44 viewMtx;

      Matrix44::Translate(mtxA, s_fViewTranslationVector);
      Matrix44::LoadMatrix33(mtxB, s_viewRotationMatrix);
      Matrix44::Multiply(mtxB, mtxA, viewMtx);  // view = rotation x translation
      Matrix44::Set(mtxB, g_fProjectionMatrix);
      Matrix44::Multiply(mtxB, viewMtx, mtxA);               // mtxA = projection x view
      Matrix44::Multiply(s_viewportCorrection, mtxA, mtxB);  // mtxB = viewportCorrection x mtxA
      memcpy(constants.projection.data(), mtxB.data, 4 * sizeof(float4));
      Matrix44 projMtx;
      Matrix44::Set(projMtx, g_fProjectionMatrix);

      Matrix44 correctedMtx;
      Matrix44::Multiply(s_viewportCorrection, projMtx, correctedMtx);
      memcpy(constants.projection.data(), correctedMtx.data, 4 * sizeof(float4));

    dirty = true;

  if (bTexMtxInfoChanged)
    bTexMtxInfoChanged = false;
    constants.xfmem_dualTexInfo = xfmem.dualTexTrans.enabled;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(xfmem.texMtxInfo); i++)
      constants.xfmem_pack1[i][0] = xfmem.texMtxInfo[i].hex;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(xfmem.postMtxInfo); i++)
      constants.xfmem_pack1[i][1] = xfmem.postMtxInfo[i].hex;

    dirty = true;

  if (bLightingConfigChanged)
    bLightingConfigChanged = false;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
      constants.xfmem_pack1[i][2] = xfmem.color[i].hex;
      constants.xfmem_pack1[i][3] = xfmem.alpha[i].hex;
    constants.xfmem_numColorChans = xfmem.numChan.numColorChans;

    dirty = true;
__forceinline static void WriteToHardware(u32 em_address, const T data)
	int segment = em_address >> 28;
	// Quick check for an address that can't meet any of the following conditions,
	// to speed up the MMU path.
	bool performTranslation = UReg_MSR(MSR).DR;

	if (!BitSet32(0xCFC)[segment] && performTranslation)
		// First, let's check for FIFO writes, since they are probably the most common
		// reason we end up in this function.
		// Note that we must mask the address to correctly emulate certain games;
		// Pac-Man World 3 in particular is affected by this.
		if (flag == FLAG_WRITE && (em_address & 0xFFFFF000) == 0xCC008000)
			switch (sizeof(T))
			case 1: GPFifo::Write8((u8)data); return;
			case 2: GPFifo::Write16((u16)data); return;
			case 4: GPFifo::Write32((u32)data); return;
			case 8: GPFifo::Write64((u64)data); return;
		if (flag == FLAG_WRITE && (em_address & 0xF8000000) == 0xC8000000)
			if (em_address < 0xcc000000)
				// TODO: This only works correctly for 32-bit writes.
				EFB_Write((u32)data, em_address);
				Memory::mmio_mapping->Write(em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF, data);
		if (segment == 0x0 || segment == 0x8 || segment == 0xC)
			// Handle RAM; the masking intentionally discards bits (essentially creating
			// mirrors of memory).
			// TODO: Only the first REALRAM_SIZE is supposed to be backed by actual memory.
			*(T*)&Memory::m_pRAM[em_address & Memory::RAM_MASK] = bswap(data);
		if (Memory::m_pEXRAM && (segment == 0x9 || segment == 0xD) && (em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF) < Memory::EXRAM_SIZE)
			// Handle EXRAM.
			// TODO: Is this supposed to be mirrored like main RAM?
			*(T*)&Memory::m_pEXRAM[em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF] = bswap(data);
		if (segment == 0xE && (em_address < (0xE0000000 + Memory::L1_CACHE_SIZE)))
			*(T*)&Memory::m_pL1Cache[em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF] = bswap(data);

	if (Memory::bFakeVMEM && performTranslation && (segment == 0x7 || segment == 0x4))
		// fake VMEM
		*(T*)&Memory::m_pFakeVMEM[em_address & Memory::FAKEVMEM_MASK] = bswap(data);

	if (!performTranslation)
		if (flag == FLAG_WRITE && (em_address & 0xFFFFF000) == 0x0C008000)
			switch (sizeof(T))
			case 1: GPFifo::Write8((u8)data); return;
			case 2: GPFifo::Write16((u16)data); return;
			case 4: GPFifo::Write32((u32)data); return;
			case 8: GPFifo::Write64((u64)data); return;
		if (flag == FLAG_WRITE && (em_address & 0xF8000000) == 0x08000000)
			if (em_address < 0x0c000000)
				// TODO: This only works correctly for 32-bit writes.
				EFB_Write((u32)data, em_address);
				Memory::mmio_mapping->Write(em_address, data);
		if (segment == 0x0)
			// Handle RAM; the masking intentionally discards bits (essentially creating
			// mirrors of memory).
			// TODO: Only the first REALRAM_SIZE is supposed to be backed by actual memory.
			*(T*)&Memory::m_pRAM[em_address & Memory::RAM_MASK] = bswap(data);
		if (Memory::m_pEXRAM && segment == 0x1 && (em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF) < Memory::EXRAM_SIZE)
			*(T*)&Memory::m_pEXRAM[em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF] = bswap(data);
		PanicAlert("Unable to resolve write address %x PC %x", em_address, PC);

	// MMU: Do page table translation
	u32 tlb_addr = TranslateAddress<flag>(em_address);
	if (tlb_addr == 0)
		if (flag == FLAG_WRITE)
			GenerateDSIException(em_address, true);

	// Handle stores that cross page boundaries (ewwww)
	if (sizeof(T) > 1 && (em_address & (sizeof(T) - 1)) && (em_address & (HW_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) > HW_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(T))
		T val = bswap(data);

		// We need to check both addresses before writing in case there's a DSI.
		u32 em_address_next_page = (em_address + sizeof(T) - 1) & ~(HW_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
		u32 tlb_addr_next_page = TranslateAddress<flag>(em_address_next_page);
		if (tlb_addr_next_page == 0)
			if (flag == FLAG_WRITE)
				GenerateDSIException(em_address_next_page, true);
		for (u32 addr = em_address; addr < em_address + sizeof(T); addr++, tlb_addr++, val >>= 8)
			if (addr == em_address_next_page)
				tlb_addr = tlb_addr_next_page;
			Memory::physical_base[tlb_addr] = (u8)val;
__forceinline static T ReadFromHardware(const u32 em_address)
	int segment = em_address >> 28;
	bool performTranslation = UReg_MSR(MSR).DR;

	// Quick check for an address that can't meet any of the following conditions,
	// to speed up the MMU path.
	if (!BitSet32(0xCFC)[segment] && performTranslation)
		// TODO: Figure out the fastest order of tests for both read and write (they are probably different).
		if (flag == FLAG_READ && (em_address & 0xF8000000) == 0xC8000000)
			if (em_address < 0xcc000000)
				return EFB_Read(em_address);
				return (T)Memory::mmio_mapping->Read<typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type>(em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF);
		if (segment == 0x0 || segment == 0x8 || segment == 0xC)
			// Handle RAM; the masking intentionally discards bits (essentially creating
			// mirrors of memory).
			// TODO: Only the first REALRAM_SIZE is supposed to be backed by actual memory.
			return bswap((*(const T*)&Memory::m_pRAM[em_address & Memory::RAM_MASK]));
		if (Memory::m_pEXRAM && (segment == 0x9 || segment == 0xD) && (em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF) < Memory::EXRAM_SIZE)
			// Handle EXRAM.
			// TODO: Is this supposed to be mirrored like main RAM?
			return bswap((*(const T*)&Memory::m_pEXRAM[em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF]));
		if (segment == 0xE && (em_address < (0xE0000000 + Memory::L1_CACHE_SIZE)))
			return bswap((*(const T*)&Memory::m_pL1Cache[em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF]));

	if (Memory::bFakeVMEM && performTranslation && (segment == 0x7 || segment == 0x4))
		// fake VMEM
		return bswap((*(const T*)&Memory::m_pFakeVMEM[em_address & Memory::FAKEVMEM_MASK]));

	if (!performTranslation)
		if (flag == FLAG_READ && (em_address & 0xF8000000) == 0x08000000)
			if (em_address < 0x0c000000)
				return EFB_Read(em_address);
				return (T)Memory::mmio_mapping->Read<typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type>(em_address);
		if (segment == 0x0)
			// Handle RAM; the masking intentionally discards bits (essentially creating
			// mirrors of memory).
			// TODO: Only the first REALRAM_SIZE is supposed to be backed by actual memory.
			return bswap((*(const T*)&Memory::m_pRAM[em_address & Memory::RAM_MASK]));
		if (Memory::m_pEXRAM && segment == 0x1 && (em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF) < Memory::EXRAM_SIZE)
			return bswap((*(const T*)&Memory::m_pEXRAM[em_address & 0x0FFFFFFF]));
		PanicAlert("Unable to resolve read address %x PC %x", em_address, PC);
		return 0;

	// MMU: Do page table translation
	u32 tlb_addr = TranslateAddress<flag>(em_address);
	if (tlb_addr == 0)
		if (flag == FLAG_READ)
			GenerateDSIException(em_address, false);
		return 0;

	// Handle loads that cross page boundaries (ewwww)
	// The alignment check isn't strictly necessary, but since this is a rare slow path, it provides a faster
	// (1 instruction on x86) bailout.
	if (sizeof(T) > 1 && (em_address & (sizeof(T) - 1)) && (em_address & (HW_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) > HW_PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(T))
		// This could be unaligned down to the byte level... hopefully this is rare, so doing it this
		// way isn't too terrible.
		// TODO: floats on non-word-aligned boundaries should technically cause alignment exceptions.
		// Note that "word" means 32-bit, so paired singles or doubles might still be 32-bit aligned!
		u32 em_address_next_page = (em_address + sizeof(T) - 1) & ~(HW_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
		u32 tlb_addr_next_page = TranslateAddress<flag>(em_address_next_page);
		if (tlb_addr == 0 || tlb_addr_next_page == 0)
			if (flag == FLAG_READ)
				GenerateDSIException(em_address_next_page, false);
			return 0;
		T var = 0;
		for (u32 addr = em_address; addr < em_address + sizeof(T); addr++, tlb_addr++)
			if (addr == em_address_next_page)
				tlb_addr = tlb_addr_next_page;
			var = (var << 8) | Memory::physical_base[tlb_addr];
		return var;

	// The easy case!
	return bswap(*(const T*)&Memory::physical_base[tlb_addr]);
// Syncs the shader constant buffers with xfmem
// TODO: A cleaner way to control the matrices without making a mess in the parameters field
void VertexShaderManager::SetConstants()
  if (nTransformMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
    int startn = nTransformMatricesChanged[0] / 4;
    int endn = (nTransformMatricesChanged[1] + 3) / 4;
    memcpy(constants.transformmatrices[startn], &xfmem.posMatrices[startn * 4],
           (endn - startn) * sizeof(float4));
    dirty = true;
    nTransformMatricesChanged[0] = nTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;

  if (nNormalMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
    int startn = nNormalMatricesChanged[0] / 3;
    int endn = (nNormalMatricesChanged[1] + 2) / 3;
    for (int i = startn; i < endn; i++)
      memcpy(constants.normalmatrices[i], &xfmem.normalMatrices[3 * i], 12);
    dirty = true;
    nNormalMatricesChanged[0] = nNormalMatricesChanged[1] = -1;

  if (nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
    int startn = nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] / 4;
    int endn = (nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] + 3) / 4;
    memcpy(constants.posttransformmatrices[startn], &xfmem.postMatrices[startn * 4],
           (endn - startn) * sizeof(float4));
    dirty = true;
    nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] = nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;

  if (nLightsChanged[0] >= 0)
    // TODO: Outdated comment
    // lights don't have a 1 to 1 mapping, the color component needs to be converted to 4 floats
    int istart = nLightsChanged[0] / 0x10;
    int iend = (nLightsChanged[1] + 15) / 0x10;

    for (int i = istart; i < iend; ++i)
      const Light& light = xfmem.lights[i];
      VertexShaderConstants::Light& dstlight = constants.lights[i];

      // xfmem.light.color is packed as abgr in u8[4], so we have to swap the order
      dstlight.color[0] = light.color[3];
      dstlight.color[1] = light.color[2];
      dstlight.color[2] = light.color[1];
      dstlight.color[3] = light.color[0];

      dstlight.cosatt[0] = light.cosatt[0];
      dstlight.cosatt[1] = light.cosatt[1];
      dstlight.cosatt[2] = light.cosatt[2];

      if (fabs(light.distatt[0]) < 0.00001f && fabs(light.distatt[1]) < 0.00001f &&
          fabs(light.distatt[2]) < 0.00001f)
        // dist attenuation, make sure not equal to 0!!!
        dstlight.distatt[0] = .00001f;
        dstlight.distatt[0] = light.distatt[0];
      dstlight.distatt[1] = light.distatt[1];
      dstlight.distatt[2] = light.distatt[2];

      dstlight.pos[0] = light.dpos[0];
      dstlight.pos[1] = light.dpos[1];
      dstlight.pos[2] = light.dpos[2];

      double norm = double(light.ddir[0]) * double(light.ddir[0]) +
                    double(light.ddir[1]) * double(light.ddir[1]) +
                    double(light.ddir[2]) * double(light.ddir[2]);
      norm = 1.0 / sqrt(norm);
      float norm_float = static_cast<float>(norm);
      dstlight.dir[0] = light.ddir[0] * norm_float;
      dstlight.dir[1] = light.ddir[1] * norm_float;
      dstlight.dir[2] = light.ddir[2] * norm_float;
    dirty = true;

    nLightsChanged[0] = nLightsChanged[1] = -1;

  for (int i : nMaterialsChanged)
    u32 data = i >= 2 ? xfmem.matColor[i - 2] : xfmem.ambColor[i];
    constants.materials[i][0] = (data >> 24) & 0xFF;
    constants.materials[i][1] = (data >> 16) & 0xFF;
    constants.materials[i][2] = (data >> 8) & 0xFF;
    constants.materials[i][3] = data & 0xFF;
    dirty = true;
  nMaterialsChanged = BitSet32(0);

  if (bPosNormalMatrixChanged)
    bPosNormalMatrixChanged = false;

    const float* pos = &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx * 4];
    const float* norm =
        &xfmem.normalMatrices[3 * (g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx & 31)];

    memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix, pos, 3 * sizeof(float4));
    memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[3], norm, 3 * sizeof(float));
    memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[4], norm + 3, 3 * sizeof(float));
    memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[5], norm + 6, 3 * sizeof(float));
    dirty = true;

  if (bTexMatricesChanged[0])
    bTexMatricesChanged[0] = false;
    const float* pos_matrix_ptrs[] = {
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex0MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex1MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex2MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex3MtxIdx * 4]};

    for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(pos_matrix_ptrs); ++i)
      memcpy(constants.texmatrices[3 * i], pos_matrix_ptrs[i], 3 * sizeof(float4));
    dirty = true;

  if (bTexMatricesChanged[1])
    bTexMatricesChanged[1] = false;
    const float* pos_matrix_ptrs[] = {
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex4MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex5MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex6MtxIdx * 4],
        &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex7MtxIdx * 4]};

    for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(pos_matrix_ptrs); ++i)
      memcpy(constants.texmatrices[3 * i + 12], pos_matrix_ptrs[i], 3 * sizeof(float4));
    dirty = true;

  if (bViewportChanged)
    bViewportChanged = false;

    // The console GPU places the pixel center at 7/12 unless antialiasing
    // is enabled, while D3D and OpenGL place it at 0.5. See the comment
    // in VertexShaderGen.cpp for details.
    // NOTE: If we ever emulate antialiasing, the sample locations set by
    // BP registers 0x01-0x04 need to be considered here.
    const float pixel_center_correction = 7.0f / 12.0f - 0.5f;
    const float pixel_size_x = 2.f / Renderer::EFBToScaledXf(2.f * xfmem.viewport.wd);
    const float pixel_size_y = 2.f / Renderer::EFBToScaledXf(2.f * xfmem.viewport.ht);
    constants.pixelcentercorrection[0] = pixel_center_correction * pixel_size_x;
    constants.pixelcentercorrection[1] = pixel_center_correction * pixel_size_y;

    // By default we don't change the depth value at all in the vertex shader.
    constants.pixelcentercorrection[2] = 1.0f;
    constants.pixelcentercorrection[3] = 0.0f;

    if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsDepthClamp)
      // Oversized depth ranges are handled in the vertex shader. We need to reverse
      // the far value to get a reversed depth range mapping. This is necessary
      // because the standard depth range equation pushes all depth values towards
      // the back of the depth buffer where conventionally depth buffers have the
      // least precision.
      if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsReversedDepthRange)
        if (fabs(xfmem.viewport.zRange) > 16777215.0f || fabs(xfmem.viewport.farZ) > 16777215.0f)
          // For backends that support reversing the depth range we also support cases
          // where the console also uses reversed depth with the same accuracy. We need
          // to make sure the depth range is positive here and then reverse the depth in
          // the backend viewport.
          constants.pixelcentercorrection[2] = fabs(xfmem.viewport.zRange) / 16777215.0f;
          if (xfmem.viewport.zRange < 0.0f)
            constants.pixelcentercorrection[3] = xfmem.viewport.farZ / 16777215.0f;
            constants.pixelcentercorrection[3] = 1.0f - xfmem.viewport.farZ / 16777215.0f;
        if (xfmem.viewport.zRange < 0.0f || xfmem.viewport.zRange > 16777215.0f ||
            fabs(xfmem.viewport.farZ) > 16777215.0f)
          // For backends that don't support reversing the depth range we can still render
          // cases where the console uses reversed depth correctly. But we simply can't
          // provide the same accuracy as the console.
          constants.pixelcentercorrection[2] = xfmem.viewport.zRange / 16777215.0f;
          constants.pixelcentercorrection[3] = 1.0f - xfmem.viewport.farZ / 16777215.0f;

    dirty = true;
    // This is so implementation-dependent that we can't have it here.

    // Update projection if the viewport isn't 1:1 useable
    if (!g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsOversizedViewports)
      bProjectionChanged = true;

  if (bProjectionChanged)
    bProjectionChanged = false;

    float* rawProjection = xfmem.projection.rawProjection;

    switch (xfmem.projection.type)

      g_fProjectionMatrix[0] = rawProjection[0] * g_ActiveConfig.fAspectRatioHackW;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[1] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[2] = rawProjection[1];
      g_fProjectionMatrix[3] = 0.0f;

      g_fProjectionMatrix[4] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[5] = rawProjection[2] * g_ActiveConfig.fAspectRatioHackH;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[6] = rawProjection[3];
      g_fProjectionMatrix[7] = 0.0f;

      g_fProjectionMatrix[8] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[9] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[10] = rawProjection[4];

      g_fProjectionMatrix[11] = rawProjection[5];

      g_fProjectionMatrix[12] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[13] = 0.0f;

      g_fProjectionMatrix[14] = -1.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[15] = 0.0f;

      // Heuristic to detect if a GameCube game is in 16:9 anamorphic widescreen mode.
      if (!SConfig::GetInstance().bWii)
        bool viewport_is_4_3 = AspectIs4_3(xfmem.viewport.wd, xfmem.viewport.ht);
        if (AspectIs16_9(rawProjection[2], rawProjection[0]) && viewport_is_4_3)
          Core::g_aspect_wide = true;  // Projection is 16:9 and viewport is 4:3, we are rendering
                                       // an anamorphic widescreen picture
        else if (AspectIs4_3(rawProjection[2], rawProjection[0]) && viewport_is_4_3)
          Core::g_aspect_wide =
              false;  // Project and viewports are both 4:3, we are rendering a normal image.

      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_0, g_fProjectionMatrix[0]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_1, g_fProjectionMatrix[1]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_2, g_fProjectionMatrix[2]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_3, g_fProjectionMatrix[3]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_4, g_fProjectionMatrix[4]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_5, g_fProjectionMatrix[5]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_6, g_fProjectionMatrix[6]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_7, g_fProjectionMatrix[7]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_8, g_fProjectionMatrix[8]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_9, g_fProjectionMatrix[9]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_10, g_fProjectionMatrix[10]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_11, g_fProjectionMatrix[11]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_12, g_fProjectionMatrix[12]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_13, g_fProjectionMatrix[13]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_14, g_fProjectionMatrix[14]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_15, g_fProjectionMatrix[15]);


      g_fProjectionMatrix[0] = rawProjection[0];
      g_fProjectionMatrix[1] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[2] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[3] = rawProjection[1];

      g_fProjectionMatrix[4] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[5] = rawProjection[2];
      g_fProjectionMatrix[6] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[7] = rawProjection[3];

      g_fProjectionMatrix[8] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[9] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[10] = (g_ProjHack1.value + rawProjection[4]) *
                                ((g_ProjHack1.sign == 0) ? 1.0f : g_ProjHack1.sign);
      g_fProjectionMatrix[11] = (g_ProjHack2.value + rawProjection[5]) *
                                ((g_ProjHack2.sign == 0) ? 1.0f : g_ProjHack2.sign);

      g_fProjectionMatrix[12] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[13] = 0.0f;

      g_fProjectionMatrix[14] = 0.0f;
      g_fProjectionMatrix[15] = 1.0f;

      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_0, g_fProjectionMatrix[0]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_1, g_fProjectionMatrix[1]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_2, g_fProjectionMatrix[2]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_3, g_fProjectionMatrix[3]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_4, g_fProjectionMatrix[4]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_5, g_fProjectionMatrix[5]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_6, g_fProjectionMatrix[6]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_7, g_fProjectionMatrix[7]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_8, g_fProjectionMatrix[8]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_9, g_fProjectionMatrix[9]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_10, g_fProjectionMatrix[10]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_11, g_fProjectionMatrix[11]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_12, g_fProjectionMatrix[12]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_13, g_fProjectionMatrix[13]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_14, g_fProjectionMatrix[14]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_15, g_fProjectionMatrix[15]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_0, rawProjection[0]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_1, rawProjection[1]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_2, rawProjection[2]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_3, rawProjection[3]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_4, rawProjection[4]);
      SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_5, rawProjection[5]);

      ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown projection type: %d", xfmem.projection.type);

    PRIM_LOG("Projection: %f %f %f %f %f %f", rawProjection[0], rawProjection[1], rawProjection[2],
             rawProjection[3], rawProjection[4], rawProjection[5]);

    if (g_ActiveConfig.bFreeLook && xfmem.projection.type == GX_PERSPECTIVE)
      Matrix44 mtxA;
      Matrix44 mtxB;
      Matrix44 viewMtx;

      Matrix44::Translate(mtxA, s_fViewTranslationVector);
      Matrix44::LoadMatrix33(mtxB, s_viewRotationMatrix);
      Matrix44::Multiply(mtxB, mtxA, viewMtx);  // view = rotation x translation
      Matrix44::Set(mtxB, g_fProjectionMatrix);
      Matrix44::Multiply(mtxB, viewMtx, mtxA);               // mtxA = projection x view
      Matrix44::Multiply(s_viewportCorrection, mtxA, mtxB);  // mtxB = viewportCorrection x mtxA
      memcpy(constants.projection, mtxB.data, 4 * sizeof(float4));
      Matrix44 projMtx;
      Matrix44::Set(projMtx, g_fProjectionMatrix);

      Matrix44 correctedMtx;
      Matrix44::Multiply(s_viewportCorrection, projMtx, correctedMtx);
      memcpy(constants.projection, correctedMtx.data, 4 * sizeof(float4));

    dirty = true;
u32 PPCAnalyzer::Analyze(u32 address, CodeBlock *block, CodeBuffer *buffer, u32 blockSize)
	// Clear block stats
	memset(block->m_stats, 0, sizeof(BlockStats));

	// Clear register stats
	block->m_gpa->any = true;
	block->m_fpa->any = false;


	// Set the blocks start address
	block->m_address = address;

	// Reset our block state
	block->m_broken = false;
	block->m_memory_exception = false;
	block->m_num_instructions = 0;

	if (address == 0)
		// Memory exception occurred during instruction fetch
		block->m_memory_exception = true;
		return address;

	if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bMMU && (address & JIT_ICACHE_VMEM_BIT))
		if (!Memory::TranslateAddress(address, Memory::FLAG_NO_EXCEPTION))
			// Memory exception occurred during instruction fetch
			block->m_memory_exception = true;
			return address;

	CodeOp *code = buffer->codebuffer;

	bool found_exit = false;
	u32 return_address = 0;
	u32 numFollows = 0;
	u32 num_inst = 0;

	for (u32 i = 0; i < blockSize; ++i)
		UGeckoInstruction inst = JitInterface::ReadOpcodeJIT(address);

		if (inst.hex != 0)
			memset(&code[i], 0, sizeof(CodeOp));
			GekkoOPInfo *opinfo = GetOpInfo(inst);

			code[i].opinfo = opinfo;
			code[i].address = address;
			code[i].inst = inst;
			code[i].branchTo = -1;
			code[i].branchToIndex = -1;
			code[i].skip = false;
			block->m_stats->numCycles += opinfo->numCycles;

			SetInstructionStats(block, &code[i], opinfo, i);

			bool follow = false;
			u32 destination = 0;

			bool conditional_continue = false;

			// Do we inline leaf functions?
			if (HasOption(OPTION_LEAF_INLINE))
				if (inst.OPCD == 18 && blockSize > 1)
					//Is bx - should we inline? yes!
					if (inst.AA)
						destination = SignExt26(inst.LI << 2);
						destination = address + SignExt26(inst.LI << 2);
					if (destination != block->m_address)
						follow = true;
				else if (inst.OPCD == 19 && inst.SUBOP10 == 16 &&
					(inst.BO & (1 << 4)) && (inst.BO & (1 << 2)) &&
					return_address != 0)
					// bclrx with unconditional branch = return
					follow = true;
					destination = return_address;
					return_address = 0;

					if (inst.LK)
						return_address = address + 4;
				else if (inst.OPCD == 31 && inst.SUBOP10 == 467)
					// mtspr
					const u32 index = (inst.SPRU << 5) | (inst.SPRL & 0x1F);
					if (index == SPR_LR)
						// We give up to follow the return address
						// because we have to check the register usage.
						return_address = 0;

				// TODO: Find the optimal value for FUNCTION_FOLLOWING_THRESHOLD.
				//       If it is small, the performance will be down.
				//       If it is big, the size of generated code will be big and
				//       cache clearning will happen many times.
				// TODO: Investivate the reason why
				//       "0" is fastest in some games, MP2 for example.
					follow = false;

				if (inst.OPCD == 16 &&
				   ((inst.BO & BO_DONT_DECREMENT_FLAG) == 0 || (inst.BO & BO_DONT_CHECK_CONDITION) == 0))
					// bcx with conditional branch
					conditional_continue = true;
				else if (inst.OPCD == 19 && inst.SUBOP10 == 16 &&
				        ((inst.BO & BO_DONT_DECREMENT_FLAG) == 0 || (inst.BO & BO_DONT_CHECK_CONDITION) == 0))
					// bclrx with conditional branch
					conditional_continue = true;
				else if (inst.OPCD == 3 ||
					  (inst.OPCD == 31 && inst.SUBOP10 == 4))
					// tw/twi tests and raises an exception
					conditional_continue = true;
				else if (inst.OPCD == 19 && inst.SUBOP10 == 528 &&
				        (inst.BO_2 & BO_DONT_CHECK_CONDITION) == 0)
					// Rare bcctrx with conditional branch
					// Seen in NES games
					conditional_continue = true;

			if (!follow)
				address += 4;
				if (!conditional_continue && opinfo->flags & FL_ENDBLOCK) //right now we stop early
					found_exit = true;
			// XXX: We don't support inlining yet.
#if 0
				// We don't "code[i].skip = true" here
				// because bx may store a certain value to the link register.
				// Instead, we skip a part of bx in Jit**::bx().
				address = destination;
				merged_addresses[size_of_merged_addresses++] = address;
			// ISI exception or other critical memory exception occured (game over)
			ERROR_LOG(DYNA_REC, "Instruction hex was 0!");

	block->m_num_instructions = num_inst;

	if (block->m_num_instructions > 1)
		ReorderInstructions(block->m_num_instructions, code);

	if ((!found_exit && num_inst > 0) || blockSize == 1)
		// We couldn't find an exit
		block->m_broken = true;

	// Scan for flag dependencies; assume the next block (or any branch that can leave the block)
	// wants flags, to be safe.
	bool wantsCR0 = true, wantsCR1 = true, wantsFPRF = true, wantsCA = true;
	BitSet32 fprInUse, gprInUse, gprInReg, fprInXmm;
	for (int i = block->m_num_instructions - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		bool opWantsCR0 = code[i].wantsCR0;
		bool opWantsCR1 = code[i].wantsCR1;
		bool opWantsFPRF = code[i].wantsFPRF;
		bool opWantsCA = code[i].wantsCA;
		code[i].wantsCR0 = wantsCR0 || code[i].canEndBlock;
		code[i].wantsCR1 = wantsCR1 || code[i].canEndBlock;
		code[i].wantsFPRF = wantsFPRF || code[i].canEndBlock;
		code[i].wantsCA = wantsCA || code[i].canEndBlock;
		wantsCR0 |= opWantsCR0 || code[i].canEndBlock;
		wantsCR1 |= opWantsCR1 || code[i].canEndBlock;
		wantsFPRF |= opWantsFPRF || code[i].canEndBlock;
		wantsCA |= opWantsCA || code[i].canEndBlock;
		wantsCR0 &= !code[i].outputCR0 || opWantsCR0;
		wantsCR1 &= !code[i].outputCR1 || opWantsCR1;
		wantsFPRF &= !code[i].outputFPRF || opWantsFPRF;
		wantsCA &= !code[i].outputCA || opWantsCA;
		code[i].gprInUse = gprInUse;
		code[i].fprInUse = fprInUse;
		code[i].gprInReg = gprInReg;
		code[i].fprInXmm = fprInXmm;
		// TODO: if there's no possible endblocks or exceptions in between, tell the regcache
		// we can throw away a register if it's going to be overwritten later.
		gprInUse |= code[i].regsIn;
		gprInReg |= code[i].regsIn;
		fprInUse |= code[i].fregsIn;
		if (strncmp(code[i].opinfo->opname, "stfd", 4))
			fprInXmm |= code[i].fregsIn;
		// For now, we need to count output registers as "used" though; otherwise the flush
		// will result in a redundant store (e.g. store to regcache, then store again to
		// the same location later).
		gprInUse |= code[i].regsOut;
		if (code[i].fregOut >= 0)
			fprInUse[code[i].fregOut] = true;

	// Forward scan, for flags that need the other direction for calculation.
	BitSet32 fprIsSingle, fprIsDuplicated, fprIsStoreSafe;
	for (u32 i = 0; i < block->m_num_instructions; i++)
		code[i].fprIsSingle = fprIsSingle;
		code[i].fprIsDuplicated = fprIsDuplicated;
		code[i].fprIsStoreSafe = fprIsStoreSafe;
		if (code[i].fregOut >= 0)
			fprIsSingle[code[i].fregOut] = false;
			fprIsDuplicated[code[i].fregOut] = false;
			fprIsStoreSafe[code[i].fregOut] = false;
			// Single, duplicated, and doesn't need PPC_FP.
			if (code[i].opinfo->type == OPTYPE_SINGLEFP)
				fprIsSingle[code[i].fregOut] = true;
				fprIsDuplicated[code[i].fregOut] = true;
				fprIsStoreSafe[code[i].fregOut] = true;
			// Single and duplicated, but might be a denormal (not safe to skip PPC_FP).
			// TODO: if we go directly from a load to store, skip conversion entirely?
			// TODO: if we go directly from a load to a float instruction, and the value isn't used
			// for anything else, we can skip PPC_FP on a load too.
			if (!strncmp(code[i].opinfo->opname, "lfs", 3))
				fprIsSingle[code[i].fregOut] = true;
				fprIsDuplicated[code[i].fregOut] = true;
			// Paired are still floats, but the top/bottom halves may differ.
			if (code[i].opinfo->type == OPTYPE_PS || code[i].opinfo->type == OPTYPE_LOADPS)
				fprIsSingle[code[i].fregOut] = true;
				fprIsStoreSafe[code[i].fregOut] = true;
			// Careful: changing the float mode in a block breaks this optimization, since
			// a previous float op might have had had FTZ off while the later store has FTZ
			// on. So, discard all information we have.
			if (!strncmp(code[i].opinfo->opname, "mtfs", 4))
				fprIsStoreSafe = BitSet32(0);
	return address;
void PPCAnalyzer::SetInstructionStats(CodeBlock *block, CodeOp *code, GekkoOPInfo *opinfo, u32 index)
	code->wantsCR0 = false;
	code->wantsCR1 = false;

	if (opinfo->flags & FL_USE_FPU)
		block->m_fpa->any = true;

	if (opinfo->flags & FL_TIMER)
		block->m_gpa->anyTimer = true;

	// Does the instruction output CR0?
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_RC_BIT)
		code->outputCR0 = code->inst.hex & 1; //todo fix
	else if ((opinfo->flags & FL_SET_CRn) && code->inst.CRFD == 0)
		code->outputCR0 = true;
		code->outputCR0 = (opinfo->flags & FL_SET_CR0) ? true : false;

	// Does the instruction output CR1?
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_RC_BIT_F)
		code->outputCR1 = code->inst.hex & 1; //todo fix
	else if ((opinfo->flags & FL_SET_CRn) && code->inst.CRFD == 1)
		code->outputCR1 = true;
		code->outputCR1 = (opinfo->flags & FL_SET_CR1) ? true : false;

	code->wantsFPRF = (opinfo->flags & FL_READ_FPRF) ? true : false;
	code->outputFPRF = (opinfo->flags & FL_SET_FPRF) ? true : false;
	code->canEndBlock = (opinfo->flags & FL_ENDBLOCK) ? true : false;

	code->wantsCA = (opinfo->flags & FL_READ_CA) ? true : false;
	code->outputCA = (opinfo->flags & FL_SET_CA) ? true : false;

	// We're going to try to avoid storing carry in XER if we can avoid it -- keep it in the x86 carry flag!
	// If the instruction reads CA but doesn't write it, we still need to store CA in XER; we can't
	// leave it in flags.
		code->wantsCAInFlags = code->wantsCA && code->outputCA && opinfo->type == OPTYPE_INTEGER;
		code->wantsCAInFlags = false;

	// mfspr/mtspr can affect/use XER, so be super careful here
	// we need to note specifically that mfspr needs CA in XER, not in the x86 carry flag
	if (code->inst.OPCD == 31 && code->inst.SUBOP10 == 339) // mfspr
		code->wantsCA = ((code->inst.SPRU << 5) | (code->inst.SPRL & 0x1F)) == SPR_XER;
	if (code->inst.OPCD == 31 && code->inst.SUBOP10 == 467) // mtspr
		code->outputCA = ((code->inst.SPRU << 5) | (code->inst.SPRL & 0x1F)) == SPR_XER;

	code->regsIn = BitSet32(0);
	code->regsOut = BitSet32(0);
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_OUT_A)
		code->regsOut[code->inst.RA] = true;
		block->m_gpa->SetOutputRegister(code->inst.RA, index);
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_OUT_D)
		code->regsOut[code->inst.RD] = true;
		block->m_gpa->SetOutputRegister(code->inst.RD, index);
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_OUT_S)
		code->regsOut[code->inst.RS] = true;
		block->m_gpa->SetOutputRegister(code->inst.RS, index);
	if ((opinfo->flags & FL_IN_A) || ((opinfo->flags & FL_IN_A0) && code->inst.RA != 0))
		code->regsIn[code->inst.RA] = true;
		block->m_gpa->SetInputRegister(code->inst.RA, index);
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_IN_B)
		code->regsIn[code->inst.RB] = true;
		block->m_gpa->SetInputRegister(code->inst.RB, index);
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_IN_C)
		code->regsIn[code->inst.RC] = true;
		block->m_gpa->SetInputRegister(code->inst.RC, index);
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_IN_S)
		code->regsIn[code->inst.RS] = true;
		block->m_gpa->SetInputRegister(code->inst.RS, index);
	if (code->inst.OPCD == 46) // lmw
		for (int iReg = code->inst.RD; iReg < 32; ++iReg)
			code->regsOut[iReg] = true;
			block->m_gpa->SetOutputRegister(iReg, index);
	else if (code->inst.OPCD == 47) //stmw
		for (int iReg = code->inst.RS; iReg < 32; ++iReg)
			code->regsIn[iReg] = true;
			block->m_gpa->SetInputRegister(iReg, index);

	code->fregOut = -1;
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_OUT_FLOAT_D)
		code->fregOut = code->inst.FD;
	else if (opinfo->flags & FL_OUT_FLOAT_S)
		code->fregOut = code->inst.FS;
	code->fregsIn = BitSet32(0);
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_IN_FLOAT_A)
		code->fregsIn[code->inst.FA] = true;
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_IN_FLOAT_B)
		code->fregsIn[code->inst.FB] = true;
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_IN_FLOAT_C)
		code->fregsIn[code->inst.FC] = true;
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_IN_FLOAT_D)
		code->fregsIn[code->inst.FD] = true;
	if (opinfo->flags & FL_IN_FLOAT_S)
		code->fregsIn[code->inst.FS] = true;

	switch (opinfo->type)
		if (code->inst.hex == 0x4e800020)
			// For analysis purposes, we can assume that blr eats opinfo->flags.
			code->outputCR0 = true;
			code->outputCR1 = true;