 * Everything done in this function is done O(N) times for each pass of
 * reflow so it is O(N*M) where M is the number of incremental reflow
 * passes.  That's bad.  Don't do stuff here.
 * When this function is called, |aLine| has just been slid by |aDeltaY|
 * and the purpose of RecoverStateFrom is to ensure that the
 * nsBlockReflowState is in the same state that it would have been in
 * had the line just been reflowed.
 * Most of the state recovery that we have to do involves floats.
nsBlockReflowState::RecoverStateFrom(nsLineList::iterator aLine,
                                     nscoord aDeltaY)
  // Make the line being recovered the current line
  mCurrentLine = aLine;

  // Place floats for this line into the space manager
  if (aLine->HasFloats() || aLine->IsBlock()) {
    // Undo border/padding translation since the nsFloatCache's
    // coordinates are relative to the frame not relative to the
    // border/padding.
    const nsMargin& bp = BorderPadding();
    mSpaceManager->Translate(-bp.left, -bp.top);

    RecoverFloats(aLine, aDeltaY);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow || nsBlockFrame::gNoisySpaceManager) {
    // And then put the translation back again
    mSpaceManager->Translate(bp.left, bp.top);
                      nscoord aY, nscoord aHeight,
                      nsFloatManager::SavedState *aState) const
#ifdef DEBUG
  // Verify that the caller setup the coordinate system properly
  nscoord wx, wy;
  mFloatManager->GetTranslation(wx, wy);
  NS_ASSERTION((wx == mFloatManagerX) && (wy == mFloatManagerY),
               "bad coord system");

  nsFlowAreaRect result =
    mFloatManager->GetFlowArea(aY - BorderPadding().top, 
                               aHeight, mContentArea.width, aState);
  // Keep the width >= 0 for compatibility with nsSpaceManager.
  if (result.mRect.width < 0)
    result.mRect.width = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
    printf("GetAvailableSpaceForHeight: space=%d,%d,%d,%d hasfloats=%d\n",
           result.mRect.x, result.mRect.y, result.mRect.width,
           result.mRect.height, result.mHasFloats);
  return result;
               "Leaking float continuation frames");

  // Restore the coordinate system, unless the float manager is null,
  // which means it was just destroyed.
  if (mFloatManager) {
    const nsMargin& borderPadding = BorderPadding();
    mFloatManager->Translate(-borderPadding.left, -borderPadding.top);

               "Leaking overflow placeholder frames");

  // Restore the coordinate system, unless the space manager is null,
  // which means it was just destroyed.
  if (mSpaceManager) {
    const nsMargin& borderPadding = BorderPadding();
    mSpaceManager->Translate(-borderPadding.left, -borderPadding.top);

  if (mBlock->GetStateBits() & NS_BLOCK_HAS_OVERFLOW_PLACEHOLDERS) {
nsBlockReflowState::GetAvailableSpace(nscoord aY, PRBool aRelaxHeightConstraint)
#ifdef DEBUG
  // Verify that the caller setup the coordinate system properly
  nscoord wx, wy;
  mSpaceManager->GetTranslation(wx, wy);
  NS_ASSERTION((wx == mSpaceManagerX) && (wy == mSpaceManagerY),
               "bad coord system");

  mBand.GetAvailableSpace(aY - BorderPadding().top, aRelaxHeightConstraint,

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
    printf("GetAvailableSpace: band=%d,%d,%d,%d count=%d\n",
           mAvailSpaceRect.x, mAvailSpaceRect.y,
           mAvailSpaceRect.width, mAvailSpaceRect.height,
nsBlockReflowState::FlowAndPlaceFloat(nsFloatCache*   aFloatCache,
                                      PRBool*         aIsLeftFloat,
                                      nsReflowStatus& aReflowStatus,
                                      PRBool          aForceFit)
  aReflowStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
  // Save away the Y coordinate before placing the float. We will
  // restore mY at the end after placing the float. This is
  // necessary because any adjustments to mY during the float
  // placement are for the float only, not for any non-floating
  // content.
  nscoord saveY = mY;

  nsPlaceholderFrame* placeholder = aFloatCache->mPlaceholder;
  nsIFrame*           floatFrame = placeholder->GetOutOfFlowFrame();

  // Grab the float's display information
  const nsStyleDisplay* floatDisplay = floatFrame->GetStyleDisplay();

  // The float's old region, so we can propagate damage.
  nsRect oldRegion = aFloatCache->mRegion;

  // Enforce CSS2 9.5.1 rule [2], i.e., make sure that a float isn't
  // ``above'' another float that preceded it in the flow.
  mY = NS_MAX(mSpaceManager->GetLowestRegionTop() + BorderPadding().top, mY);

  // See if the float should clear any preceding floats...
  // XXX We need to mark this float somehow so that it gets reflowed
  // when floats are inserted before it.
  if (NS_STYLE_CLEAR_NONE != floatDisplay->mBreakType) {
    // XXXldb Does this handle vertical margins correctly?
    mY = ClearFloats(mY, floatDisplay->mBreakType);
    // Get the band of available space
  GetAvailableSpace(mY, aForceFit);

  NS_ASSERTION(floatFrame->GetParent() == mBlock,
               "Float frame has wrong parent");

  // Reflow the float
  nsMargin floatMargin;
  mBlock->ReflowFloat(*this, placeholder, floatMargin, aReflowStatus);

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsRect region = floatFrame->GetRect();
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
    printf("flowed float: ");
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, floatFrame);
    printf(" (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",
	   region.x, region.y, region.width, region.height);

  nsSize floatSize = floatFrame->GetSize() +
                     nsSize(floatMargin.LeftRight(), floatMargin.TopBottom());

  // Find a place to place the float. The CSS2 spec doesn't want
  // floats overlapping each other or sticking out of the containing
  // block if possible (CSS2 spec section 9.5.1, see the rule list).
  NS_ASSERTION((NS_STYLE_FLOAT_LEFT == floatDisplay->mFloats) ||
	       (NS_STYLE_FLOAT_RIGHT == floatDisplay->mFloats),
	       "invalid float type");

  // Can the float fit here?
  PRBool keepFloatOnSameLine = PR_FALSE;

  while (!CanPlaceFloat(floatSize, floatDisplay->mFloats, aForceFit)) {
    if (mAvailSpaceRect.height <= 0) {
      // No space, nowhere to put anything.
      mY = saveY;
      return PR_FALSE;

    // Nope. try to advance to the next band.
    if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE != floatDisplay->mDisplay ||
          eCompatibility_NavQuirks != mPresContext->CompatibilityMode() ) {

      mY += mAvailSpaceRect.height;
      GetAvailableSpace(mY, aForceFit);
    } else {
      // This quirk matches the one in nsBlockFrame::ReflowFloat
      // IE handles float tables in a very special way

      // see if the previous float is also a table and has "align"
      nsFloatCache* fc = mCurrentLineFloats.Head();
      nsIFrame* prevFrame = nsnull;
      while (fc) {
        if (fc->mPlaceholder->GetOutOfFlowFrame() == floatFrame) {
        prevFrame = fc->mPlaceholder->GetOutOfFlowFrame();
        fc = fc->Next();
      if(prevFrame) {
        //get the frame type
        if (nsGkAtoms::tableOuterFrame == prevFrame->GetType()) {
          //see if it has "align="
          // IE makes a difference between align and he float property
          nsIContent* content = prevFrame->GetContent();
          if (content) {
            // we're interested only if previous frame is align=left
            // IE messes things up when "right" (overlapping frames) 
            if (content->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::align,
                                     NS_LITERAL_STRING("left"), eIgnoreCase)) {
              keepFloatOnSameLine = PR_TRUE;
              // don't advance to next line (IE quirkie behaviour)
              // it breaks rule CSS2/9.5.1/1, but what the hell
              // since we cannot evangelize the world

      // the table does not fit anymore in this line so advance to next band 
      mY += mAvailSpaceRect.height;
      GetAvailableSpace(mY, aForceFit);
      // reflow the float again now since we have more space
      // XXXldb We really don't need to Reflow in a loop, we just need
      // to ComputeSize in a loop (once ComputeSize depends on
      // availableWidth, which should make this work again).
      mBlock->ReflowFloat(*this, placeholder, floatMargin, aReflowStatus);
      // Get the floats bounding box and margin information
      floatSize = floatFrame->GetSize() +
                     nsSize(floatMargin.LeftRight(), floatMargin.TopBottom());
  // If the float is continued, it will get the same absolute x value as its prev-in-flow

  // We don't worry about the geometry of the prev in flow, let the continuation
  // place and size itself as required.

  // Assign an x and y coordinate to the float. Note that the x,y
  // coordinates are computed <b>relative to the translation in the
  // spacemanager</b> which means that the impacted region will be
  // <b>inside</b> the border/padding area.
  PRBool isLeftFloat;
  nscoord floatX, floatY;
  if (NS_STYLE_FLOAT_LEFT == floatDisplay->mFloats) {
    isLeftFloat = PR_TRUE;
    floatX = mAvailSpaceRect.x;
  else {
    isLeftFloat = PR_FALSE;
    if (!keepFloatOnSameLine) {
      floatX = mAvailSpaceRect.XMost() - floatSize.width;
    else {
      // this is the IE quirk (see few lines above)
      // the table is kept in the same line: don't let it overlap the
      // previous float 
      floatX = mAvailSpaceRect.x;
  *aIsLeftFloat = isLeftFloat;
  const nsMargin& borderPadding = BorderPadding();
  floatY = mY - borderPadding.top;
  if (floatY < 0) {
    // CSS2 spec, 9.5.1 rule [4]: "A floating box's outer top may not
    // be higher than the top of its containing block."  (Since the
    // containing block is the content edge of the block box, this
    // means the margin edge of the float can't be higher than the
    // content edge of the block that contains it.)
    floatY = 0;

  // Place the float in the space manager
  // if the float split, then take up all of the vertical height 
  if (NS_FRAME_IS_NOT_COMPLETE(aReflowStatus) && 
      (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != mContentArea.height)) {
    floatSize.height = PR_MAX(floatSize.height, mContentArea.height - floatY);

  nsRect region(floatX, floatY, floatSize.width, floatSize.height);
  // Don't send rectangles with negative margin-box width or height to
  // the space manager; it can't deal with them.
  if (region.width < 0) {
    // Preserve the right margin-edge for left floats and the left
    // margin-edge for right floats
    if (isLeftFloat) {
      region.x = region.XMost();
    region.width = 0;
  if (region.height < 0) {
    region.height = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
  nsresult rv =
  mSpaceManager->AddRectRegion(floatFrame, region);
  NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "bad float placement");

  // Save away the floats region in the spacemanager, after making
  // it relative to the containing block's frame instead of relative
  // to the spacemanager translation (which is inset by the
  // border+padding).
  // XXX Maybe RecoverFloats should calc/add in the borderPadding itself?
  // It's kind of confusing to have the spacemanager translation be different
  // depending on what stage of reflow we're in.
  aFloatCache->mRegion = region +
                         nsPoint(borderPadding.left, borderPadding.top);

  // If the float's dimensions have changed, note the damage in the
  // space manager.
  if (aFloatCache->mRegion != oldRegion) {
    // XXXwaterson conservative: we could probably get away with noting
    // less damage; e.g., if only height has changed, then only note the
    // area into which the float has grown or from which the float has
    // shrunk.
    nscoord top = NS_MIN(region.y, oldRegion.y);
    nscoord bottom = NS_MAX(region.YMost(), oldRegion.YMost());
    mSpaceManager->IncludeInDamage(top, bottom);

  nscoord tx, ty;
  mSpaceManager->GetTranslation(tx, ty);
  nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, mBlock);
  printf(": FlowAndPlaceFloat: AddRectRegion: txy=%d,%d (%d,%d) {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n",
         tx, ty, mSpaceManagerX, mSpaceManagerY,
         aFloatCache->mRegion.x, aFloatCache->mRegion.y,
         aFloatCache->mRegion.width, aFloatCache->mRegion.height);

  // Calculate the actual origin of the float frame's border rect
  // relative to the parent block; floatX/Y must be converted from space-manager
  // coordinates to parent coordinates, and the margin must be added in
  // to get the border rect
  nsPoint origin(borderPadding.left + floatMargin.left + floatX,
                 borderPadding.top + floatMargin.top + floatY);

  // If float is relatively positioned, factor that in as well
  origin += floatFrame->GetRelativeOffset(floatDisplay);

  // Position the float and make sure and views are properly
  // positioned. We need to explicitly position its child views as
  // well, since we're moving the float after flowing it.

  // Update the float combined area state
  nsRect combinedArea = floatFrame->GetOverflowRect() + origin;

  // XXX Floats should really just get invalidated here if necessary
  mFloatCombinedArea.UnionRect(combinedArea, mFloatCombinedArea);

  // Now restore mY
  mY = saveY;

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsRect r = floatFrame->GetRect();
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
    printf("placed float: ");
    nsFrame::ListTag(stdout, floatFrame);
    printf(" %d,%d,%d,%d\n", r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);

  return PR_TRUE;
nsBlockReflowState::CanPlaceFloat(const nsSize& aFloatSize,
                                  PRUint8 aFloats, PRBool aForceFit)
  // If the current Y coordinate is not impacted by any floats
  // then by definition the float fits.
  PRBool result = PR_TRUE;
  if (0 != mBand.GetFloatCount()) {
    // XXX We should allow overflow by up to half a pixel here (bug 21193).
    if (mAvailSpaceRect.width < aFloatSize.width) {
      // The available width is too narrow (and its been impacted by a
      // prior float)
      result = PR_FALSE;

  if (!result)
    return result;

  // At this point we know that there is enough horizontal space for
  // the float (somewhere). Lets see if there is enough vertical
  // space.
  if (NSCoordGreaterThan(aFloatSize.height, mAvailSpaceRect.height)) {
    // The available height is too short. However, its possible that
    // there is enough open space below which is not impacted by a
    // float.
    // Compute the X coordinate for the float based on its float
    // type, assuming its placed on the current line. This is
    // where the float will be placed horizontally if it can go
    // here.
    nscoord xa;
    if (NS_STYLE_FLOAT_LEFT == aFloats) {
      xa = mAvailSpaceRect.x;
    else {
      xa = mAvailSpaceRect.XMost() - aFloatSize.width;

      // In case the float is too big, don't go past the left edge
      // XXXldb This seems wrong, but we might want to fix bug 6976
      // first.
      if (xa < mAvailSpaceRect.x) {
        xa = mAvailSpaceRect.x;
    nscoord xb = xa + aFloatSize.width;

    // Calculate the top and bottom y coordinates, again assuming
    // that the float is placed on the current line.
    const nsMargin& borderPadding = BorderPadding();
    nscoord ya = mY - borderPadding.top;
    if (ya < 0) {
      // CSS2 spec, 9.5.1 rule [4]: "A floating box's outer top may not
      // be higher than the top of its containing block."  (Since the
      // containing block is the content edge of the block box, this
      // means the margin edge of the float can't be higher than the
      // content edge of the block that contains it.)
      ya = 0;
    nscoord yb = ya + aFloatSize.height;

    nscoord saveY = mY;
    for (;;) {
      // Get the available space at the new Y coordinate
      if (mAvailSpaceRect.height <= 0) {
        // there is no more available space. We lose.
        result = PR_FALSE;

      mY += mAvailSpaceRect.height;
      GetAvailableSpace(mY, aForceFit);

      if (0 != mBand.GetFloatCount()) {
        if ((xa < mAvailSpaceRect.x) || (xb > mAvailSpaceRect.XMost())) {
          // The float can't go here.
          result = PR_FALSE;

      // See if there is now enough height for the float.
      if (yb <= mY + mAvailSpaceRect.height) {
        // Winner. The bottom Y coordinate of the float is in
        // this band.

    // Restore Y coordinate and available space information
    // regardless of the outcome.
    mY = saveY;
    GetAvailableSpace(mY, aForceFit);

  return result;
nsBlockReflowState::nsBlockReflowState(const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                       nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                       nsBlockFrame* aFrame,
                                       const nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aMetrics,
                                       PRBool aTopMarginRoot,
                                       PRBool aBottomMarginRoot,
                                       PRBool aBlockNeedsSpaceManager)
  : mBlock(aFrame),
    mOverflowTracker(aPresContext, aFrame, PR_FALSE),
  SetFlag(BRS_ISFIRSTINFLOW, aFrame->GetPrevInFlow() == nsnull);

  const nsMargin& borderPadding = BorderPadding();

  if (aTopMarginRoot || 0 != aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top) {
  if (aBottomMarginRoot || 0 != aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom) {
  if (aBlockNeedsSpaceManager) {
  mSpaceManager = aReflowState.mSpaceManager;

               "SpaceManager should be set in nsBlockReflowState" );
  if (mSpaceManager) {
    // Translate into our content area and then save the 
    // coordinate system origin for later.
    mSpaceManager->Translate(borderPadding.left, borderPadding.top);
    mSpaceManager->GetTranslation(mSpaceManagerX, mSpaceManagerY);

  mReflowStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;

  mPresContext = aPresContext;
  mNextInFlow = static_cast<nsBlockFrame*>(mBlock->GetNextInFlow());

  NS_ASSERTION(NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.ComputedWidth(),
               "no unconstrained widths should be present anymore");
  mContentArea.width = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();

  // Compute content area height. Unlike the width, if we have a
  // specified style height we ignore it since extra content is
  // managed by the "overflow" property. When we don't have a
  // specified style height then we may end up limiting our height if
  // the availableHeight is constrained (this situation occurs when we
  // are paginated).
  if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.availableHeight) {
    // We are in a paginated situation. The bottom edge is just inside
    // the bottom border and padding. The content area height doesn't
    // include either border or padding edge.
    mBottomEdge = aReflowState.availableHeight - borderPadding.bottom;
    mContentArea.height = PR_MAX(0, mBottomEdge - borderPadding.top);
  else {
    // When we are not in a paginated situation then we always use
    // an constrained height.
    mContentArea.height = mBottomEdge = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;

  mY = borderPadding.top;
  mBand.Init(mSpaceManager, mContentArea);

  mPrevChild = nsnull;
  mCurrentLine = aFrame->end_lines();

  mMinLineHeight = nsHTMLReflowState::CalcLineHeight(aReflowState.rendContext,

  // Calculate mOutsideBulletX
  // FIXME (bug 25888): need to check the entire region that the first
  // line overlaps, not just the top pixel.
  mOutsideBulletX =
    mReflowState.mStyleVisibility->mDirection == NS_STYLE_DIRECTION_LTR ?
      mAvailSpaceRect.x :
      PR_MIN(mReflowState.ComputedWidth(), mAvailSpaceRect.XMost()) +
// XXXldb This behavior doesn't quite fit with CSS1 and CSS2 --
// technically we're supposed let the current line flow around the
// float as well unless it won't fit next to what we already have.
// But nobody else implements it that way...
nsBlockReflowState::AddFloat(nsLineLayout&       aLineLayout,
                             nsPlaceholderFrame* aPlaceholder,
                             PRBool              aInitialReflow,
                             nsReflowStatus&     aReflowStatus)
  NS_PRECONDITION(mBlock->end_lines() != mCurrentLine, "null ptr");

  aReflowStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;
  // Allocate a nsFloatCache for the float
  nsFloatCache* fc = mFloatCacheFreeList.Alloc();
  fc->mPlaceholder = aPlaceholder;

  PRBool placed;

  // Now place the float immediately if possible. Otherwise stash it
  // away in mPendingFloats and place it later.
  if (aLineLayout.CanPlaceFloatNow()) {
    // Because we are in the middle of reflowing a placeholder frame
    // within a line (and possibly nested in an inline frame or two
    // that's a child of our block) we need to restore the space
    // manager's translation to the space that the block resides in
    // before placing the float.
    nscoord ox, oy;
    mSpaceManager->GetTranslation(ox, oy);
    nscoord dx = ox - mSpaceManagerX;
    nscoord dy = oy - mSpaceManagerY;
    mSpaceManager->Translate(-dx, -dy);

    // And then place it
    PRBool isLeftFloat;
    // force it to fit if we're at the top of the block and we can't
    // break before this
    PRBool forceFit = IsAdjacentWithTop() && !aLineLayout.LineIsBreakable();
    placed = FlowAndPlaceFloat(fc, &isLeftFloat, aReflowStatus, forceFit);
    NS_ASSERTION(placed || !forceFit,
                 "If we asked for force-fit, it should have been placed");
    if (forceFit || (placed && !NS_FRAME_IS_TRUNCATED(aReflowStatus))) {
      // Pass on updated available space to the current inline reflow engine
      GetAvailableSpace(mY, forceFit);
      aLineLayout.UpdateBand(mAvailSpaceRect.x + BorderPadding().left, mY,
      // Record this float in the current-line list
      // If we can't break here, hide the fact that it's truncated
      // XXX We can probably do this more cleanly
      aReflowStatus &= ~NS_FRAME_TRUNCATED;
    else {
      if (IsAdjacentWithTop()) {
        // Pushing the line to the next page won't give us any more space;
        // therefore, we break.
                     "We can't get here unless forceFit is false");
        aReflowStatus = NS_INLINE_LINE_BREAK_BEFORE();
      } else {
        // Make sure we propagate the truncated status; this signals the
        // block to push the line to the next page.
        aReflowStatus |= NS_FRAME_TRUNCATED;
      delete fc;

    // Restore coordinate system
    mSpaceManager->Translate(dx, dy);
  else {
    // Always claim to be placed; we don't know whether we fit yet, so we
    // deal with this in PlaceBelowCurrentLineFloats
    placed = PR_TRUE;
    // This float will be placed after the line is done (it is a
    // below-current-line float).
    if (aPlaceholder->GetNextInFlow()) {
      // If the float might not be complete, mark it incomplete now to
      // prevent its next-in-flow placeholders being torn down. We will destroy any
      // placeholders later if PlaceBelowCurrentLineFloats finds the
      // float is complete.
      // Note that we could have unconstrained height and yet have
      // a next-in-flow placeholder --- for example columns can switch
      // from constrained height to unconstrained height.
      if (aPlaceholder->GetSplittableType() != NS_FRAME_NOT_SPLITTABLE) {
        aReflowStatus = NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE;
  return placed;
// Compute the amount of available space for reflowing a block frame
// at the current Y coordinate. This method assumes that
// GetAvailableSpace has already been called.
nsBlockReflowState::ComputeBlockAvailSpace(nsIFrame* aFrame,
                                           const nsStyleDisplay* aDisplay,
                                           PRBool aBlockAvoidsFloats,
                                           nsRect& aResult)
  printf("CBAS frame=%p has float count %d\n", aFrame, mBand.GetFloatCount());
  aResult.y = mY;
  aResult.height = GetFlag(BRS_UNCONSTRAINEDHEIGHT)
    : PR_MAX(0, mReflowState.availableHeight - mY);
  // mY might be greater than mBottomEdge if the block's top margin pushes
  // it off the page/column. Negative available height can confuse other code
  // and is nonsense in principle.

  const nsMargin& borderPadding = BorderPadding();

  // XXX Do we really want this condition to be this restrictive (i.e.,
  // more restrictive than it used to be)?  The |else| here is allowed
  // by the CSS spec, but only out of desperation given implementations,
  // and the behavior it leads to is quite undesirable (it can cause
  // things to become extremely narrow when they'd fit quite well a
  // little bit lower).  Should the else be a quirk or something that
  // applies to a specific set of frame classes and no new ones?
  // If we did that, then for those frames where the condition below is
  // true but nsBlockFrame::BlockCanIntersectFloats is false,
  // nsBlockFrame::WidthToClearPastFloats would need to use the
  // shrink-wrap formula, max(MIN_WIDTH, min(avail width, PREF_WIDTH))
  // rather than just using MIN_WIDTH.
  NS_ASSERTION(nsBlockFrame::BlockCanIntersectFloats(aFrame) == 
               "unexpected replaced width");
  if (!aBlockAvoidsFloats) {
    if (mBand.GetFloatCount()) {
      // Use the float-edge property to determine how the child block
      // will interact with the float.
      const nsStyleBorder* borderStyle = aFrame->GetStyleBorder();
      switch (borderStyle->mFloatEdge) {
        case NS_STYLE_FLOAT_EDGE_CONTENT:  // content and only content does runaround of floats
          // The child block will flow around the float. Therefore
          // give it all of the available space.
          aResult.x = borderPadding.left;
          aResult.width = mContentArea.width;
            // The child block's border should be placed adjacent to,
            // but not overlap the float(s).
            nsMargin m(0, 0, 0, 0);
            const nsStyleMargin* styleMargin = aFrame->GetStyleMargin();
            styleMargin->GetMargin(m); // XXX percentage margins
            if (NS_STYLE_FLOAT_EDGE_PADDING == borderStyle->mFloatEdge) {
              // Add in border too
              m += borderStyle->GetBorder();

            // determine left edge
            if (mBand.GetLeftFloatCount()) {
              aResult.x = mAvailSpaceRect.x + borderPadding.left - m.left;
            else {
              aResult.x = borderPadding.left;

            // determine width
            if (mBand.GetRightFloatCount()) {
              if (mBand.GetLeftFloatCount()) {
                aResult.width = mAvailSpaceRect.width + m.left + m.right;
              else {
                aResult.width = mAvailSpaceRect.width + m.right;
            else {
              aResult.width = mAvailSpaceRect.width + m.left;

            // The child block's margins should be placed adjacent to,
            // but not overlap the float.
            aResult.x = mAvailSpaceRect.x + borderPadding.left;
            aResult.width = mAvailSpaceRect.width;
    else {
      // Since there are no floats present the float-edge property
      // doesn't matter therefore give the block element all of the
      // available space since it will flow around the float itself.
      aResult.x = borderPadding.left;
      aResult.width = mContentArea.width;
  else {
    nsBlockFrame::ReplacedElementWidthToClear replacedWidthStruct;
    nsBlockFrame::ReplacedElementWidthToClear *replacedWidth = nsnull;
    if (aFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::tableOuterFrame) {
      replacedWidth = &replacedWidthStruct;
      replacedWidthStruct = nsBlockFrame::WidthToClearPastFloats(*this, aFrame);

    nscoord leftOffset, rightOffset;
    ComputeReplacedBlockOffsetsForFloats(aFrame, leftOffset, rightOffset,
    aResult.x = borderPadding.left + leftOffset;
    aResult.width = mContentArea.width - leftOffset - rightOffset;

  printf("  CBAS: result %d %d %d %d\n", aResult.x, aResult.y, aResult.width, aResult.height);
nsBlockReflowState::ClearFloats(nscoord aY, PRUint8 aBreakType,
                                nsIFrame *aReplacedBlock)
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
    printf("clear floats: in: aY=%d(%d)\n",
           aY, aY - BorderPadding().top);

  printf("nsBlockReflowState::ClearFloats: aY=%d breakType=%d\n",
         aY, aBreakType);
  const nsMargin& bp = BorderPadding();
  nscoord newY = aY;

  if (aBreakType != NS_STYLE_CLEAR_NONE) {
    newY = bp.top + mSpaceManager->ClearFloats(newY - bp.top, aBreakType);

  if (aReplacedBlock) {
    for (;;) {
      GetAvailableSpace(newY, PR_FALSE);
      nsBlockFrame::ReplacedElementWidthToClear replacedWidth =
        nsBlockFrame::WidthToClearPastFloats(*this, aReplacedBlock);
      if (mBand.GetFloatCount() == 0 ||
          PR_MAX(mAvailSpaceRect.x, replacedWidth.marginLeft) +
            replacedWidth.borderBoxWidth +
            PR_MAX(mContentArea.width -
                     PR_MIN(mContentArea.width, mAvailSpaceRect.XMost()),
                   replacedWidth.marginRight) <=
          mContentArea.width) {
      // See the analogous code for inlines in nsBlockFrame::DoReflowInlineFrames
      if (mAvailSpaceRect.height > 0) {
        // See if there's room in the next band.
        newY += mAvailSpaceRect.height;
      } else {
        if (mReflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
          // Stop trying to clear here; we'll just get pushed to the
          // next column or page and try again there.
        NS_NOTREACHED("avail space rect with zero height!");
        newY += 1;
    // Restore mBand and mAvailSpaceRect to the way they were.  This may
    // well not be needed, and we should probably come up with
    // well-defined rules about when these members are valid so that
    // it's clearly not needed.

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
    printf("clear floats: out: y=%d(%d)\n", newY, newY - bp.top);

  return newY;
nsBlockReflowState::nsBlockReflowState(const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
                                       nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                       nsBlockFrame* aFrame,
                                       const nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aMetrics,
                                       PRBool aTopMarginRoot,
                                       PRBool aBottomMarginRoot,
                                       PRBool aBlockNeedsFloatManager)
  : mBlock(aFrame),
  SetFlag(BRS_ISFIRSTINFLOW, aFrame->GetPrevInFlow() == nsnull);

  const nsMargin& borderPadding = BorderPadding();

  if (aTopMarginRoot || 0 != aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top) {
  if (aBottomMarginRoot || 0 != aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom) {
  if (aBlockNeedsFloatManager) {
  mFloatManager = aReflowState.mFloatManager;

               "FloatManager should be set in nsBlockReflowState" );
  if (mFloatManager) {
    // Translate into our content area and then save the 
    // coordinate system origin for later.
    mFloatManager->Translate(borderPadding.left, borderPadding.top);
    mFloatManager->GetTranslation(mFloatManagerX, mFloatManagerY);
    mFloatManager->PushState(&mFloatManagerStateBefore); // never popped

  mReflowStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;

  mPresContext = aPresContext;
  mNextInFlow = static_cast<nsBlockFrame*>(mBlock->GetNextInFlow());

  NS_WARN_IF_FALSE(NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.ComputedWidth(),
                   "have unconstrained width; this should only result from "
                   "very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width "
  mContentArea.width = aReflowState.ComputedWidth();

  // Compute content area height. Unlike the width, if we have a
  // specified style height we ignore it since extra content is
  // managed by the "overflow" property. When we don't have a
  // specified style height then we may end up limiting our height if
  // the availableHeight is constrained (this situation occurs when we
  // are paginated).
  if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.availableHeight) {
    // We are in a paginated situation. The bottom edge is just inside
    // the bottom border and padding. The content area height doesn't
    // include either border or padding edge.
    mBottomEdge = aReflowState.availableHeight - borderPadding.bottom;
    mContentArea.height = NS_MAX(0, mBottomEdge - borderPadding.top);
  else {
    // When we are not in a paginated situation then we always use
    // an constrained height.
    mContentArea.height = mBottomEdge = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;

  mY = borderPadding.top;

  mPrevChild = nsnull;
  mCurrentLine = aFrame->end_lines();

  mMinLineHeight = aReflowState.CalcLineHeight();
// XXXldb This behavior doesn't quite fit with CSS1 and CSS2 --
// technically we're supposed let the current line flow around the
// float as well unless it won't fit next to what we already have.
// But nobody else implements it that way...
nsBlockReflowState::AddFloat(nsLineLayout*       aLineLayout,
                             nsIFrame*           aFloat,
                             nscoord             aAvailableWidth,
                             nsReflowStatus&     aReflowStatus)
  NS_PRECONDITION(!aLineLayout || mBlock->end_lines() != mCurrentLine, "null ptr");
                  "aFloat must be an out-of-flow frame");

  // Set the geometric parent of the float

  aReflowStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE;

  // Because we are in the middle of reflowing a placeholder frame
  // within a line (and possibly nested in an inline frame or two
  // that's a child of our block) we need to restore the space
  // manager's translation to the space that the block resides in
  // before placing the float.
  nscoord ox, oy;
  mFloatManager->GetTranslation(ox, oy);
  nscoord dx = ox - mFloatManagerX;
  nscoord dy = oy - mFloatManagerY;
  mFloatManager->Translate(-dx, -dy);

  PRBool placed;

  // Now place the float immediately if possible. Otherwise stash it
  // away in mPendingFloats and place it later.
  // If one or more floats has already been pushed to the next line,
  // don't let this one go on the current line, since that would violate
  // float ordering.
  nsRect floatAvailableSpace = GetFloatAvailableSpace().mRect;
  if (!aLineLayout ||
      (mBelowCurrentLineFloats.IsEmpty() &&
       (aLineLayout->LineIsEmpty() ||
        mBlock->ComputeFloatWidth(*this, floatAvailableSpace, aFloat)
        <= aAvailableWidth))) {
    // And then place it
    // force it to fit if we're at the top of the block and we can't
    // break before this
    PRBool forceFit = !aLineLayout ||
                      (IsAdjacentWithTop() && !aLineLayout->LineIsBreakable());
    placed = FlowAndPlaceFloat(aFloat, aReflowStatus, forceFit);
    NS_ASSERTION(placed || !forceFit,
                 "If we asked for force-fit, it should have been placed");
    if (forceFit || (placed && !NS_FRAME_IS_TRUNCATED(aReflowStatus))) {
      // Pass on updated available space to the current inline reflow engine
      nsFlowAreaRect floatAvailSpace =
        GetFloatAvailableSpace(mY, forceFit);
      nsRect availSpace(nsPoint(floatAvailSpace.mRect.x + BorderPadding().left,
      if (aLineLayout) {
        aLineLayout->UpdateBand(availSpace, aFloat);
        // Record this float in the current-line list
      // If we can't break here, hide the fact that it's truncated
      // XXX We can probably do this more cleanly
      aReflowStatus &= ~NS_FRAME_TRUNCATED;
    else {
      if (IsAdjacentWithTop()) {
        // Pushing the line to the next page won't give us any more space;
        // therefore, we break.
                     "We can't get here unless forceFit is false");
        aReflowStatus = NS_INLINE_LINE_BREAK_BEFORE();
      } else {
        // Make sure we propagate the truncated status; this signals the
        // block to push the line to the next page.
        aReflowStatus |= NS_FRAME_TRUNCATED;
  else {
    // Always claim to be placed; we don't know whether we fit yet, so we
    // deal with this in PlaceBelowCurrentLineFloats
    placed = PR_TRUE;
    // This float will be placed after the line is done (it is a
    // below-current-line float).

  // Restore coordinate system
  mFloatManager->Translate(dx, dy);

  return placed;
nsBlockReflowState::ClearFloats(nscoord aY, PRUint8 aBreakType,
                                nsIFrame *aReplacedBlock)
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
    printf("clear floats: in: aY=%d(%d)\n",
           aY, aY - BorderPadding().top);

  printf("nsBlockReflowState::ClearFloats: aY=%d breakType=%d\n",
         aY, aBreakType);
  const nsMargin& bp = BorderPadding();
  nscoord newY = aY;

  if (aBreakType != NS_STYLE_CLEAR_NONE) {
    newY = bp.top + mFloatManager->ClearFloats(newY - bp.top, aBreakType);

  if (aReplacedBlock) {
    for (;;) {
      nsFlowAreaRect floatAvailableSpace = 
        GetFloatAvailableSpace(newY, PR_FALSE);
      nsBlockFrame::ReplacedElementWidthToClear replacedWidth =
        nsBlockFrame::WidthToClearPastFloats(*this, floatAvailableSpace.mRect,
      if (!floatAvailableSpace.mHasFloats ||
          NS_MAX(floatAvailableSpace.mRect.x, replacedWidth.marginLeft) +
            replacedWidth.borderBoxWidth +
            NS_MAX(mContentArea.width -
                   replacedWidth.marginRight) <=
          mContentArea.width) {
      // See the analogous code for inlines in nsBlockFrame::DoReflowInlineFrames
      if (floatAvailableSpace.mRect.height > 0) {
        // See if there's room in the next band.
        newY += floatAvailableSpace.mRect.height;
      } else {
        if (mReflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
          // Stop trying to clear here; we'll just get pushed to the
          // next column or page and try again there.
        NS_NOTREACHED("avail space rect with zero height!");
        newY += 1;

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (nsBlockFrame::gNoisyReflow) {
    nsFrame::IndentBy(stdout, nsBlockFrame::gNoiseIndent);
    printf("clear floats: out: y=%d(%d)\n", newY, newY - bp.top);

  return newY;