     * Exchange the statistics between instances.
     * @param[in|out] myStats starts with the local information and is populated with the aggregation of the global
     *                        information on instance 0. Not changed on other instances.
     * @param query the query context
    void exchangeStats(Stats& myStats, shared_ptr<Query>& query)
        if (query->getInstanceID() != 0)
            /* I am not instance 0, so send my stuff to instance 0 */
            shared_ptr<SharedBuffer> buf = myStats.marshall();
            /* Non-blocking send. Must be matched by a BufReceive call on the recipient */
            BufSend(0, buf, query);
            /*I am instance 0, receive stuff rom all other instances */
            for (InstanceID i = 1; i<query->getInstancesCount(); ++i)
                /* Blocking receive. */
                shared_ptr<SharedBuffer> buf = BufReceive(i, query);
                Stats otherInstanceStats(buf);
                /* add data to myStats */

        /* Note: at the moment instance 0 IS synonymous with "coordinator". In the future we may move to a more
         * advanced multiple-coordinator scheme.
  shared_ptr< Array > execute(vector< shared_ptr< Array> >& inputArrays, shared_ptr<Query> query) {
    shared_ptr<Array> outputArray(new MemArray(_schema, query));
    shared_ptr<Array> inputArray = inputArrays[0];
    ArrayDesc inputSchema = inputArray->getArrayDesc();

    // Get descriptor of two dimensions d and n.
    DimensionDesc dimsN = inputSchema.getDimensions()[0]; 
    DimensionDesc dimsD = inputSchema.getDimensions()[1];
    size_t n = dimsN.getCurrEnd() - dimsN.getCurrStart() + 1;
    // Note: the input data set should have d+1 dimensions (including Y)
    size_t d = dimsD.getCurrEnd() - dimsD.getCurrStart();
    size_t nStart = dimsN.getCurrStart();
    size_t dStart = dimsD.getCurrStart(); 

    // Get chunk size of n.
    size_t nChunkSize = dimsN.getChunkInterval();

    // Helps to accumulate the n and L.
    z_i[0] = 1.0;

    shared_ptr<ConstArrayIterator> inputArrayIter = inputArray->getConstIterator(0);
    Coordinates chunkPosition;

    size_t i, j, k, m;
    while(! inputArrayIter->end() ) {
      shared_ptr<ConstChunkIterator> chunkIter = inputArrayIter->getChunk().getConstIterator();
      chunkPosition = inputArrayIter->getPosition();
      for(i=chunkPosition[0]; i<chunkPosition[0] + nChunkSize; i++) {
        // In case the chunk is partially filled.
        if(i == n + nStart) {
        for(j=chunkPosition[1], m=1; j<=chunkPosition[1]+d; j++, m++) {
          // In case the chunk is partially filled.
          if(j == d + 1 + dStart) {
          z_i[m] = chunkIter->getItem().getDouble();
        for(k=0; k<=d+1; ++k) {
        // This operator is not optimized for entries with value zero.
        // TODO: should use fabs(z_i[k]) < 10e-6
//          if(z_i[k] == 0.0) {
//            continue;
//          }
          for(m=0; m<=k; ++m) {
            Gamma[k][m] += z_i[k]*z_i[m];

     * The "logical" instance ID of the instance responsible for coordination of query.
     * COORDINATOR_INSTANCE if instance execute this query itself.
    if(query->getInstancesCount() > 1) {
      if(query->getInstanceID() != 0) {
        // I am not the coordinator, I should send my Gamma matrix out.
        shared_ptr <SharedBuffer> buf ( new MemoryBuffer(NULL, sizeof(double) * (d+3) * (d+2) / 2) );
        double *Gammabuf = static_cast<double*> (buf->getData());
        for(size_t i=0; i<d+2; ++i) {
          for(size_t j=0; j<=i; ++j) {
            *Gammabuf = Gamma[i][j];
        BufSend(0, buf, query);
        return outputArray;
      else {
        // I am the coordinator, I should collect Gamma matrix from workers.
        for(InstanceID l = 1; l<query->getInstancesCount(); ++l) {
          shared_ptr<SharedBuffer> buf = BufReceive(l, query);
          double *Gammabuf = static_cast<double*> (buf->getData());
          for(size_t i=0; i<d+2; ++i) {
            for(size_t j=0; j<=i; ++j) {
              Gamma[i][j] += *Gammabuf;
      } // end if getInstanceID() != 0
    } //end if InstancesCount() > 1

    return writeGamma(d, query);
  shared_ptr< Array > execute(vector< shared_ptr< Array> >& inputArrays, shared_ptr<Query> query)
    shared_ptr<Array> outputArray(new MemArray(_schema, query));
    shared_ptr<Array> inputArray = inputArrays[0];
    ArrayDesc inputSchema = inputArray->getArrayDesc();
    // Get descriptor of two dimensions d and n.
    DimensionDesc dimsN = inputSchema.getDimensions()[0]; 
    DimensionDesc dimsD = inputSchema.getDimensions()[1];
    int64_t n = dimsN.getCurrEnd() - dimsN.getCurrStart() + 1;
    // Note: the input data set should have d+1 dimensions (including Y)
    d = dimsD.getCurrEnd() - dimsD.getCurrStart();
    idY = d+1;
    int64_t nStart = dimsN.getCurrStart();
    int64_t dStart = dimsD.getCurrStart();
    // Get chunk size of n.
    int64_t nChunkSize = dimsN.getChunkInterval();
    k = ((shared_ptr<OperatorParamPhysicalExpression>&)_parameters[0])->getExpression()->evaluate().getInt64();
    if (_parameters.size() == 2) {
      idY = ((shared_ptr<OperatorParamPhysicalExpression>&)_parameters[1])->getExpression()->evaluate().getInt64();

    #ifdef DEBUG
      stringstream ss;
      ss << getenv("HOME") << "/groupdiagdensegamma-instance-" << query->getInstanceID() << ".log";
      log.open(ss.str().c_str(), ios::out);
      log << "n = " << n << endl << "d = " << d << endl << "k = " << k << endl;
      log << "nStart = " << nStart << endl << "dStart = " << dStart << endl;
      log << "nChunkSize = " << nChunkSize << endl;
      log << "idY = " << idY << endl;

    shared_ptr<ConstArrayIterator> inputArrayIter = inputArray->getConstIterator(0);
    Coordinates chunkPosition;
    int64_t i, j, k, m, l;
    double value;
    NLQ tmp;
    map<double, struct NLQ>::iterator it;

    while(! inputArrayIter->end() ) {
      shared_ptr<ConstChunkIterator> chunkIter = inputArrayIter->getChunk().getConstIterator();
      chunkPosition = inputArrayIter->getPosition();
      #ifdef DEBUG
        log << "Getting into chunk (" << chunkPosition[0] << ", " << chunkPosition[1] << ")." << endl;
      for(i=chunkPosition[0]; i<chunkPosition[0] + nChunkSize; i++) {
        if(i == n + nStart) {
          #ifdef DEBUG
            log << "Reaching row " << i << ", exiting." << endl;
        for(j=chunkPosition[1], m=1; j<=chunkPosition[1]+d; j++, m++) {
          if(j == d + 1 + dStart) {
            #ifdef DEBUG
              log << "Reaching column " << j << ", exiting." << endl;
          value = chunkIter->getItem().getDouble();
          tmp.L[m] = value;
          tmp.Q[m] = value * value;
        double Y = tmp.L[idY];
        it = nlq.find(Y);
        if (it == nlq.end()) {
          #ifdef DEBUG
            log << "Cannot find NLQ entry for class " << Y << ", creating new." << endl;
          nlq[Y].N = 1;
          nlq[Y].groupId = Y;
        else {
        for (k=1, l=1; k<=d+1; k++) {
          if (k == idY) {
          nlq[Y].L[l] += tmp.L[k];
          nlq[Y].Q[l] += tmp.Q[k];
        nlq[Y].L[d+1] += tmp.L[idY];
        nlq[Y].Q[d+1] += tmp.Q[idY];

     * The "logical" instance ID of the instance responsible for coordination of query.
     * COORDINATOR_INSTANCE if instance execute this query itself.
    size_t localClassCount = nlq.size();
    #ifdef DEBUG
      log << "localClassCount = " << localClassCount << endl;
    if(query->getInstancesCount() > 1) {
      if(query->getInstanceID() != 0) {
        // I am not the coordinator, I should send my NLQ out.
        #ifdef DEBUG
          log << "I am not the coordinator, I should send my NLQ out." << endl;
        shared_ptr <SharedBuffer> buf ( new MemoryBuffer(NULL, sizeof(struct NLQ) * localClassCount ));
        struct NLQ *NLQbuf = static_cast<struct NLQ*> (buf->getData());
        for(it = nlq.begin(); it != nlq.end(); it++) {
          *NLQbuf = it->second;
        BufSend(0, buf, query);
        #ifdef DEBUG
          log << "Exiting." << endl;
        return outputArray;
      else {
        // I am the coordinator, I should collect NLQ from workers.
        #ifdef DEBUG
          log << "I am the coordinator, I should collect NLQ from workers." << endl;
        for(InstanceID l = 1; l<query->getInstancesCount(); ++l) {
          shared_ptr<SharedBuffer> buf = BufReceive(l, query);
          if(! buf) {
            #ifdef DEBUG
              log << "Nothing from instance " << l << ", continue." << endl;
          int64_t remoteClassCount = buf->getSize() / sizeof(struct NLQ);
          struct NLQ* NLQbuf = static_cast<struct NLQ*> (buf->getData());
          #ifdef DEBUG
            log << "Received " << remoteClassCount << " entries from instance " << l << endl;
          for(i=0; i<remoteClassCount; ++i) {
            it = nlq.find(NLQbuf->groupId);
            if( it == nlq.end() ) {
              #ifdef DEBUG
                log << "Cannot find NLQ entry for class " << NLQbuf->groupId << ", creating new." << endl;
              nlq[NLQbuf->groupId] = *NLQbuf;
            else {
              it->second.N += NLQbuf->N;
              for(j=1; j<=d+1; ++j) {
                it->second.L[j] += NLQbuf->L[j];
                it->second.Q[j] += NLQbuf->Q[j];
          #ifdef DEBUG
            log << "Merge complete." << endl;
      }// end if getInstanceID() != 0
    }//end if InstancesCount() > 1

    return writeGamma(query);
  shared_ptr< Array > execute(vector< shared_ptr< Array> >& inputArrays, shared_ptr<Query> query) {
    shared_ptr<Array> outputArray(new MemArray(_schema, query));
    shared_ptr<Array> inputArray = inputArrays[0];
    ArrayDesc inputSchema = inputArray->getArrayDesc();

    // Get descriptor of two dimensions d and n.
    DimensionDesc dimsN = inputSchema.getDimensions()[0]; 
    DimensionDesc dimsD = inputSchema.getDimensions()[1];
    size_t n = dimsN.getCurrLength();
    // Note: the input data set should have d+1 dimensions (including Y)
    size_t d = dimsD.getCurrLength() - 1;
    nlq.N = n;
    nlq.d = d;
    shared_ptr<ConstArrayIterator> inputArrayIter = inputArray->getConstIterator(0);
    Coordinates cellPosition;

    size_t i;
    double value;
    while(! inputArrayIter->end() ) {
      shared_ptr<ConstChunkIterator> chunkIter = inputArrayIter->getChunk().getConstIterator();
      // For each cell in the current chunk.
      // This will skip the empty cells.
      while(! chunkIter->end() ) {
        cellPosition = chunkIter->getPosition();
        value = chunkIter->getItem().getDouble();
        nlq.L[ cellPosition[1] ] += value;
        nlq.Q[ cellPosition[1] ] += value * value;

     * The "logical" instance ID of the instance responsible for coordination of query.
     * COORDINATOR_INSTANCE if instance execute this query itself.
    if(query->getInstancesCount() > 1) {
      if(query->getInstanceID() != 0) {
        // I am not the coordinator, I should send my Gamma matrix out.
        shared_ptr <SharedBuffer> buf ( new MemoryBuffer(NULL, sizeof(double) * (d*2+2) ));
        double *Gammabuf = static_cast<double*> (buf->getData());
        for(i=1; i<=d+1; ++i) {
          *Gammabuf = nlq.L[i];
        for(i=1; i<=d+1; ++i) {
          *Gammabuf = nlq.Q[i];
        BufSend(0, buf, query);
        return outputArray;
      else {
        // I am the coordinator, I should collect Gamma matrix from workers.
        for(InstanceID l = 1; l<query->getInstancesCount(); ++l) {
          shared_ptr<SharedBuffer> buf = BufReceive(l, query);
          double *Gammabuf = static_cast<double*> (buf->getData());
          for(i=1; i<=d+1; ++i) {
            nlq.L[i] += *Gammabuf;
          for(i=1; i<=d+1; ++i) {
            nlq.Q[i] += *Gammabuf;
      }// end if getInstanceID() != 0
    }//end if InstancesCount() > 1

    return writeGamma(query);