 * Display_v4l2_put
Int Display_v4l2_put(Display_Handle hDisplay, Buffer_Handle hBuf)
    Int idx;


    idx = getUsedIdx(hDisplay->bufDescs, BufTab_getNumBufs(hDisplay->hBufTab));

    if (idx < 0) {
        Dmai_err0("No v4l2 buffers available\n");
        return Dmai_ENOMEM;

    hDisplay->bufDescs[idx].v4l2buf.m.userptr = (Int)Buffer_getUserPtr(hBuf);
    hDisplay->bufDescs[idx].v4l2buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT;

    /* Issue captured frame buffer back to device driver */
    if (ioctl(hDisplay->fd, VIDIOC_QBUF,
              &hDisplay->bufDescs[idx].v4l2buf) == -1) {
        Dmai_err1("VIDIOC_QBUF failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
        return Dmai_EFAIL;

    hDisplay->bufDescs[idx].hBuf = hBuf;
    hDisplay->bufDescs[idx].used = FALSE;

    return Dmai_EOK;
 * Capture_put
Int Capture_put(Capture_Handle hCapture, Buffer_Handle hBuf)
    Int idx;


    idx = getUsedIdx(hCapture->bufDescs, BufTab_getNumBufs(hCapture->hBufTab));

    if (idx < 0) {
        Dmai_err0("You must get a captured buffer before putting one\n");
        return Dmai_ENOMEM;

    hCapture->bufDescs[idx].v4l2buf.m.userptr =
        (Int) Buffer_getUserPtr(hBuf);
    hCapture->bufDescs[idx].v4l2buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;

    /* Issue captured frame buffer back to device driver */
    if (ioctl(hCapture->fd, VIDIOC_QBUF,
              &hCapture->bufDescs[idx].v4l2buf) == -1) {
        Dmai_err1("VIDIOC_QBUF failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
        return Dmai_EFAIL;

    hCapture->bufDescs[idx].hBuf = hBuf;
    hCapture->bufDescs[idx].used = FALSE;

    return Dmai_EOK;
 * cleanup
static Int cleanup(Display_Handle hDisplay)
    Int                   ret     = Dmai_EOK;
    BufTab_Handle         hBufTab = hDisplay->hBufTab;
    enum v4l2_buf_type    type;
    Int                   bufIdx;
    Buffer_Handle         hDispBuf;

    if (hDisplay->fd != -1) {
        if (hDisplay->started) {
            /* Shut off the video display */
            type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT;

            if (ioctl(hDisplay->fd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &type) == -1) {
                Dmai_err1("VIDIOC_STREAMOFF failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;

        if (close(hDisplay->fd) == -1) {
            Dmai_err1("Failed to close capture device (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
            ret = Dmai_EIO;

        if (hDisplay->userAlloc == FALSE) {
            if (hBufTab) {
                for (bufIdx = 0;
                     bufIdx < BufTab_getNumBufs(hBufTab);
                     bufIdx++) {

                    hDispBuf = BufTab_getBuf(hBufTab, bufIdx);

                    if (munmap(Buffer_getUserPtr(hDispBuf),
                               Buffer_getSize(hDispBuf)) == -1) {
                        Dmai_err1("Failed to unmap capture buffer%d\n", bufIdx);
                        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;

    if (hDisplay->bufDescs) {


    return ret;
 * cleanup
static Int cleanup(Capture_Handle hCapture)
    BufTab_Handle         hBufTab    = hCapture->hBufTab;
    Int                   ret        = Dmai_EOK;
    Int8                 *capBufPtr;
    enum v4l2_buf_type    type;
    Uns                   bufIdx;
    Buffer_Handle         hCapBuf;

    if (hCapture->fd != -1) {
        if (hCapture->started) {
            /* Shut off the video capture */
            type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
            if (ioctl(hCapture->fd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &type) == -1) {
                Dmai_err1("VIDIOC_STREAMOFF failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;

        if (close(hCapture->fd) == -1) {
            Dmai_err1("Failed to close capture device (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
            ret = Dmai_EIO;

        if (hCapture->userAlloc == FALSE && hBufTab) {
            for (bufIdx = 0;
                 bufIdx < BufTab_getNumBufs(hBufTab);
                 bufIdx++) {

                hCapBuf = BufTab_getBuf(hBufTab, bufIdx);
                capBufPtr = Buffer_getUserPtr(hCapBuf);

                if (munmap(capBufPtr - hCapture->topOffset,
                           Buffer_getSize(hCapBuf)) == -1) {
                    Dmai_err1("Failed to unmap capture buffer%d\n", bufIdx);
                    ret = Dmai_EFAIL;

        if (hCapture->bufDescs) {


    return ret;
 * Display_fbdev_put
Int Display_fbdev_put(Display_Handle hDisplay, Buffer_Handle hBuf)
    BufTab_Handle hBufTab = hDisplay->hBufTab;
    Int32 numBufs;


    numBufs = BufTab_getNumBufs(hBufTab);

    hDisplay->displayIdx = (hDisplay->displayIdx + 1) % numBufs;
    hDisplay->workingIdx = (hDisplay->workingIdx + 1) % numBufs;

    return setDisplayBuffer(hDisplay, hDisplay->displayIdx);
 * Capture_put
Int Capture_put(Capture_Handle hCapture, Buffer_Handle hBuf)
    Int idx;


     * The used Flag as part of bufdesc is with respect to the use of buffer 
     * by the application. If Used = TRUE then the index is available for
     * storing new buffer information. This is set to FALSE once it contains
     * valid information about the buffer.
    idx = getUsedIdx(hCapture->bufDescs, BufTab_getNumBufs(hCapture->hBufTab));

    if (idx < 0) {
        Dmai_err0("You must get a captured buffer before putting one\n");
        return Dmai_ENOMEM;

    hCapture->bufDescs[idx].v4l2buf.m.userptr =
        (Int) Buffer_getUserPtr(hBuf);
    hCapture->bufDescs[idx].v4l2buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;

    /* Issue captured frame buffer back to device driver */
    if (ioctl(hCapture->fd, VIDIOC_QBUF,
              &hCapture->bufDescs[idx].v4l2buf) == -1) {
        Dmai_err1("VIDIOC_QBUF failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
        return Dmai_EFAIL;

    hCapture->bufDescs[idx].hBuf = hBuf;
    hCapture->bufDescs[idx].used = FALSE;

    return Dmai_EOK;
 * gst_tidmaivideosink_init_display
 * This function will intialize the display.  To do so it will:
 * 1.  Determine the Cpu device and set the defaults for that device
 * 2.  If the user specified display parameters on the command line
 *     override the defaults with those parameters.
 * 3.  Create the display device handle
 * 4.  Create the frame copy device handle
 * TODO: As of now this function will need to be updated for how to set the
 *       default display attributes whenever a new device is added.  Hopefully
 *       there is a way around that.
static gboolean gst_tidmaivideosink_init_display(GstTIDmaiVideoSink * sink,
    ColorSpace_Type colorSpace)
    Framecopy_Attrs fcAttrs = Framecopy_Attrs_DEFAULT;


    /* This is an extra check that the display was not already created */
    if (sink->hDisplay != NULL)
        return TRUE;

    /* This loop will exit if one of the following conditions occurs:
     * 1.  The display was created
     * 2.  The display standard specified by the user was invalid
     * 3.  autoselect was enabled and no working standard could be found
    while (TRUE) {
        if (!gst_tidmaivideosink_set_display_attrs(sink,colorSpace)) {
                ("Error while trying to set the display attributes"));
            return FALSE;

        /* Create the display device using the attributes set above */
        sink->hDisplay = Display_create(NULL, &sink->dAttrs);

        if ((sink->hDisplay == NULL) && (sink->autoselect == TRUE)) {
            GST_DEBUG("Could not create display with videoStd %d. " 
              "Searching for next valid standard.\n",
            sink->prevVideoStd = sink->dAttrs.videoStd;
        } else {
            if (!sink->hDisplay){
                    ("Failed to create display"));
                return FALSE;

            /* This code create a array to control the buffers cleaned after 
             * change of capabilities or some properties 
            sink->numBuffers = BufTab_getNumBufs(Display_getBufTab(sink->hDisplay));
            sink->cleanBufCtrl = (gchar *)g_malloc0(sink->numBuffers);
            sink->unusedBuffers = g_malloc0(sink->numBuffers * sizeof(Buffer_Handle));
            sink->numUnusedBuffers = 0;
            sink->allocatedBuffers = g_malloc0(sink->numBuffers * sizeof(GstBuffer *));
            sink->numAllocatedBuffers = 0;


    if (sink->hDisplay == NULL) {
            ("Failed to open display device\n"));
        return FALSE;

    GST_DEBUG("Display Device Created\n");

    /* Use an accelerated frame copy */
    fcAttrs.accel = sink->accelFrameCopy;
    sink->hFc = Framecopy_create(&fcAttrs);

    if (sink->hFc == NULL) {
            ("Failed to create framcopy\n"));
        return FALSE;
    GST_DEBUG("Frame Copy Device Created\n");

    return TRUE;
 * gst_tidmaivideosink_render
static GstFlowReturn gst_tidmaivideosink_render(GstBaseSink * bsink,
                         GstBuffer * buf)
    BufferGfx_Attrs       gfxAttrs  = BufferGfx_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Buffer_Handle         hDispBuf  = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle         inBuf     = NULL;
    BufferGfx_Dimensions  inDimSave;
    GstTIDmaiVideoSink   *sink      = GST_TIDMAIVIDEOSINK_CAST(bsink);

    GST_DEBUG("Begin, buffer %p",buf);

    /* The base sink send us the first buffer twice, so we avoid processing 
     * it again, since the Display_put may fail on this case when using 
     * pad_allocation 
    if (sink->prerolledBuffer == buf){
        GST_DEBUG("Not displaying previously pre-rolled buffer");
        sink->prerolledBuffer = NULL;
        return GST_FLOW_OK;
    sink->prerolledBuffer = NULL;

    /* If the input buffer is non dmai buffer, then allocate dmai buffer and
     *  copy input buffer in dmai buffer using memcpy routine.
    } else {
        /* allocate DMAI buffer */
        if (sink->tempDmaiBuf == NULL) {

            GST_DEBUG("Input buffer is non-dmai, allocating new buffer");
            gfxAttrs.dim.width          = sink->width;
            gfxAttrs.dim.height         = sink->height;
            gfxAttrs.dim.lineLength     = BufferGfx_calcLineLength(sink->width,
            gfxAttrs.colorSpace         = sink->colorSpace;
            sink->tempDmaiBuf           = Buffer_create(GST_BUFFER_SIZE(buf),

            if (sink->tempDmaiBuf == NULL) {
                    ("Failed to allocate memory for the input buffer"));
                return GST_FLOW_UNEXPECTED;
        inBuf = sink->tempDmaiBuf;

        memcpy(Buffer_getUserPtr(inBuf), buf->data, buf->size);

    if (Buffer_getBufTab(inBuf) == Display_getBufTab(sink->hDisplay)) {
        GST_DEBUG("Flipping pad allocated buffer");
        /* We got a buffer that is already on video memory, just flip it */
        hDispBuf = inBuf;
        if (sink->numAllocatedBuffers)
        sink->allocatedBuffers[Buffer_getId(inBuf)] = NULL;
        if (buf == sink->lastAllocatedBuffer){
            sink->lastAllocatedBuffer = NULL;
    } else {
        /* Check if we can allocate a new buffer, otherwise we may need 
         * to drop the buffer
        BufferGfx_getDimensions(inBuf, &inDimSave);
        if ((sink->numAllocatedBuffers >= 
             (BufTab_getNumBufs(Display_getBufTab(sink->hDisplay)) - 1)) &&
             (sink->numUnusedBuffers == 0)){
                ("Dropping incoming buffers because no display buffer"
                    " available"));
            return GST_FLOW_OK;
        } else {
            GST_DEBUG("Obtaining display buffer");
            hDispBuf = gst_tidmaivideosink_get_display_buffer(sink,inBuf);
            if (!hDispBuf){
                return GST_FLOW_UNEXPECTED;

        if (Framecopy_config(sink->hFc, inBuf, hDispBuf) < 0) {
                ("Failed to configure the frame copy"));
            return GST_FLOW_UNEXPECTED;

        if (Framecopy_execute(sink->hFc, inBuf, hDispBuf) < 0) {
                ("Failed to execute the frame copy"));
            return GST_FLOW_UNEXPECTED;

        BufferGfx_setDimensions(inBuf, &inDimSave);

    /* Send filled buffer to display device driver to be displayed */
    if (Display_put(sink->hDisplay, hDispBuf) < 0) {
            ("Failed to put the buffer on display"));
        return GST_FLOW_UNEXPECTED;


    return GST_FLOW_OK;
 * appMain
Int appMain(Args * args)
    Framecopy_Attrs         fcAttrs      = Framecopy_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    BufferGfx_Attrs         gfxAttrs     = BufferGfx_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Smooth_Attrs            smAttrs      = Smooth_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Time_Attrs              tAttrs       = Time_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    BufTab_Handle           hCapBufTab   = NULL;
    BufTab_Handle           hDisBufTab   = NULL;
    Display_Handle          hDisplay     = NULL;
    Capture_Handle          hCapture     = NULL;
    Framecopy_Handle        hFc          = NULL;
    Smooth_Handle           hSmooth      = NULL;
    Time_Handle             hTime        = NULL;
    Int                     numFrame     = 0;
    Display_Attrs           dAttrs;
    Capture_Attrs           cAttrs;
    Buffer_Handle           cBuf, dBuf;
    Cpu_Device              device;
    Int                     bufIdx;
    UInt32                  time;
    BufferGfx_Dimensions    dim;
    Int32                   bufSize;
    Int                     ret = Dmai_EOK;

    /* Initialize DMAI */

    if (args->benchmark) {
        hTime = Time_create(&tAttrs);

        if (hTime == NULL) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create Time object\n");
            goto cleanup;

    /* Determine which device the application is running on */
    if (Cpu_getDevice(NULL, &device) < 0) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to determine target board\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Set the display and capture attributes depending on device */
    switch (device) {
        case Cpu_Device_DM6467:
            dAttrs = Display_Attrs_DM6467_VID_DEFAULT;
            cAttrs = Capture_Attrs_DM6467_DEFAULT;
        case Cpu_Device_DM365:
        case Cpu_Device_DM368:
            dAttrs = Display_Attrs_DM365_VID_DEFAULT;
            cAttrs = Capture_Attrs_DM365_DEFAULT;
            dAttrs.colorSpace = ColorSpace_YUV420PSEMI;
            cAttrs.colorSpace = dAttrs.colorSpace;
        case Cpu_Device_OMAPL138:
            dAttrs = Display_Attrs_OMAPL138_VID_DEFAULT;
            cAttrs = Capture_Attrs_OMAPL138_DEFAULT;
        case Cpu_Device_OMAP3530:
        case Cpu_Device_DM3730:
            dAttrs     = Display_Attrs_O3530_VID_DEFAULT;
            cAttrs     = Capture_Attrs_OMAP3530_DEFAULT;
            dAttrs.colorSpace = cAttrs.colorSpace = ColorSpace_UYVY;
            dAttrs.rotation = 270;
            dAttrs = Display_Attrs_DM6446_DM355_VID_DEFAULT;
            cAttrs = Capture_Attrs_DM6446_DM355_DEFAULT;

    if (args->displayStd != -1) {
        dAttrs.displayStd = args->displayStd;

    if (args->displayDevice) {
        dAttrs.displayDevice = args->displayDevice;

    if (args->displayNumBufs != -1) {
        dAttrs.numBufs = args->displayNumBufs;

    /* Enable cropping in capture driver if selected */
    if (args->width != -1 && args->height != -1 && args->crop) {
        cAttrs.cropX = args->xIn;
        cAttrs.cropY = args->yIn;
        cAttrs.cropWidth = args->width;
        cAttrs.cropHeight = args->height;

    cAttrs.videoInput = args->videoInput;

    if (Capture_detectVideoStd(NULL, &cAttrs.videoStd, &cAttrs) < 0) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to detect capture video standard\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* The color space of the capture buffers depend on the device */
    gfxAttrs.colorSpace = cAttrs.colorSpace;

    if (VideoStd_getResolution(cAttrs.videoStd, &gfxAttrs.dim.width, 
                                &gfxAttrs.dim.height) < 0) {
        goto cleanup;

    gfxAttrs.dim.lineLength =
                                              gfxAttrs.colorSpace), 32); 
    gfxAttrs.dim.x = 0;
    gfxAttrs.dim.y = 0;

    if (gfxAttrs.colorSpace == ColorSpace_YUV422PSEMI) {
        bufSize = gfxAttrs.dim.lineLength * gfxAttrs.dim.height * 2;
    else if (gfxAttrs.colorSpace == ColorSpace_YUV420PSEMI) {
        bufSize = gfxAttrs.dim.lineLength * gfxAttrs.dim.height * 3 / 2;
    else {
        bufSize = gfxAttrs.dim.lineLength * gfxAttrs.dim.height;

    if (args->captureUalloc) {
        /* Create a table of video buffers to use with the capture device */
        hCapBufTab = BufTab_create(cAttrs.numBufs, bufSize,
        if (hCapBufTab == NULL) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate contiguous buffers\n");
            goto cleanup;

    /* Create the capture device driver instance */
    hCapture = Capture_create(hCapBufTab, &cAttrs);

    if (hCapture == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create capture device\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Create the display device driver instance */
    dAttrs.videoStd = Capture_getVideoStd(hCapture);
    dAttrs.videoOutput = args->videoOutput;

    if (args->displayUalloc) {
        /* Create a table of video buffers to use with the display device */
        hDisBufTab = BufTab_create(dAttrs.numBufs, bufSize,

        if (hDisBufTab == NULL) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate contiguous buffers\n");
            goto cleanup;

    hDisplay = Display_create(hDisBufTab, &dAttrs);

    if (hDisplay == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create display device\n");
        goto cleanup;

    if (args->smooth) {
        /* Create the smooth job */
        hSmooth = Smooth_create(&smAttrs);

        if (hSmooth == NULL) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create smooth job\n");
    else {
        /* Create the frame copy job */
        fcAttrs.accel = args->accel;
        hFc = Framecopy_create(&fcAttrs);

        if (hFc == NULL) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create frame copy job\n");
            goto cleanup;

     * If cropping is not used, alter the dimensions of the captured
     * buffers and position the smaller image inside the full screen.
    if (args->width != -1 && args->height != -1 && !args->crop) {
        for (bufIdx = 0;
             bufIdx < BufTab_getNumBufs(Capture_getBufTab(hCapture));
             bufIdx++) {

            cBuf = BufTab_getBuf(Capture_getBufTab(hCapture), bufIdx);
            BufferGfx_getDimensions(cBuf, &dim);

            dim.width   = args->width;
            dim.height  = args->height;
            dim.x       = args->xIn;
            dim.y       = args->yIn;

            if (BufferGfx_setDimensions(cBuf, &dim) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Input resolution does not fit in capture frame\n");
                goto cleanup;

     * Alter the dimensions of the display buffers and position
     * the smaller image inside the full screen.
    if (args->width != -1 && args->height != -1) {
        for (bufIdx = 0;
             bufIdx < BufTab_getNumBufs(Display_getBufTab(hDisplay));
             bufIdx++) {

            dBuf = BufTab_getBuf(Display_getBufTab(hDisplay), bufIdx);
            BufferGfx_getDimensions(dBuf, &dim);

            dim.width   = args->width;
            dim.height  = args->height;
            dim.x       = args->xOut;
            dim.y       = args->yOut;

            if (BufferGfx_setDimensions(dBuf, &dim) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Output resolution does not fit in display frame\n");
                goto cleanup;

    if (args->smooth) {
        if (Smooth_config(hSmooth,
                          BufTab_getBuf(Capture_getBufTab(hCapture), 0),
                          BufTab_getBuf(Display_getBufTab(hDisplay), 0)) < 0) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to configure smooth job\n");
            goto cleanup;
    else {
        /* Configure the frame copy job */
        if (Framecopy_config(hFc, BufTab_getBuf(Capture_getBufTab(hCapture), 0),
                          BufTab_getBuf(Display_getBufTab(hDisplay), 0)) < 0) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to configure frame copy job\n");
            goto cleanup;

    while (numFrame++ < args->numFrames || args->numFrames == 0) {
        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_reset(hTime) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to reset timer\n");
                goto cleanup;

        /* Get a captured frame from the capture device */
        if (Capture_get(hCapture, &cBuf) < 0) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get capture buffer\n");
            goto cleanup;

        /* Get a frame from the display device to be filled with data */
        if (Display_get(hDisplay, &dBuf) < 0) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get display buffer\n");
            goto cleanup;

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer delta\n");
                goto cleanup;

        if (args->smooth) {
             * Remove interlacing artifacts from the captured buffer and
             * store the result in the display buffer.
            if (Smooth_execute(hSmooth, cBuf, dBuf) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to execute smooth job\n");
                goto cleanup;
        else {
            /* Copy the captured buffer to the display buffer */
            if (Framecopy_execute(hFc, cBuf, dBuf) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to execute frame copy job\n");
                goto cleanup;

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer delta\n");
                goto cleanup;

            printf("Smooth / Framecopy: %uus ", (Uns) time);

        /* Give captured buffer back to the capture device driver */
        if (Capture_put(hCapture, cBuf) < 0) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to put capture buffer\n");
            goto cleanup;

        /* Send filled buffer to display device driver to be displayed */
        if (Display_put(hDisplay, dBuf) < 0) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to put display buffer\n");
            goto cleanup;

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_total(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer total\n");
                goto cleanup;

            printf("Frame time: %uus\n", (Uns) time);

    /* Clean up the application */
    if (hSmooth) {

    if (hFc) {

    if (hCapture) {

    if (hDisplay) {

    if (hTime) {

    if (hCapBufTab) {

    if (hDisBufTab) {

    if (ret == Dmai_EFAIL)
        return 1;
        return 0;
 * gst_tiaudenc1_encode_thread
 *     Call the audio codec to process a full input buffer
static void* gst_tiaudenc1_encode_thread(void *arg)
    GstTIAudenc1   *audenc1    = GST_TIAUDENC1(gst_object_ref(arg));
    void          *threadRet = GstTIThreadSuccess;
    Buffer_Handle  hDstBuf;
    Int32          encDataConsumed;
    GstBuffer     *encDataWindow = NULL;
    GstClockTime   encDataTime;
    Buffer_Handle  hEncDataWindow;
    GstBuffer     *outBuf;
    GstClockTime   sampleDuration;
    guint          sampleRate;
    guint          numSamples;
    Int            bufIdx;
    Int            ret;

    GST_LOG("starting audenc encode thread\n");

    /* Initialize codec engine */
    ret = gst_tiaudenc1_codec_start(audenc1);

    /* Notify main thread that it is ok to continue initialization */

    if (ret == FALSE) {
        ("Failed to start codec\n"), (NULL));
        goto thread_exit;

    while (TRUE) {

        /* Obtain an raw data frame */
        encDataWindow  = gst_ticircbuffer_get_data(audenc1->circBuf);
        encDataTime    = GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(encDataWindow);
        hEncDataWindow = GST_TIDMAIBUFFERTRANSPORT_DMAIBUF(encDataWindow);

        /* Check if there is enough encoded data to be sent to the codec.
         * The last frame of data may not be sufficient to meet the codec
         * requirements for the amount of input data.  If so just throw
         * away the last bit of data rather than filling with bogus
         * data.
        if (GST_BUFFER_SIZE(encDataWindow) <
            Aenc1_getInBufSize(audenc1->hAe)) {
            GST_LOG("Not enough audio data remains\n");
            if (!audenc1->drainingEOS) {
                goto thread_failure;
            goto thread_exit;

        /* Obtain a free output buffer for the encoded data */
        if (!(hDstBuf = gst_tidmaibuftab_get_buf(audenc1->hOutBufTab))) {
            GST_ELEMENT_ERROR(audenc1, RESOURCE, READ,
                ("Failed to get a free contiguous buffer from BufTab\n"),
            goto thread_exit;

        /* Invoke the audio encoder */
        GST_LOG("Invoking the audio encoder at 0x%08lx with %u bytes\n",
            (unsigned long)Buffer_getUserPtr(hEncDataWindow),
        ret             = Aenc1_process(audenc1->hAe, hEncDataWindow, hDstBuf);
        encDataConsumed = Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hEncDataWindow);

        if (ret < 0) {
            GST_ELEMENT_ERROR(audenc1, STREAM, ENCODE,
            ("Failed to encode audio buffer\n"), (NULL));
            goto thread_failure;

        /* If no encoded data was used we cannot find the next frame */
        if (ret == Dmai_EBITERROR && encDataConsumed == 0) {
            GST_ELEMENT_ERROR(audenc1, STREAM, ENCODE,
            ("Fatal bit error\n"), (NULL));
            goto thread_failure;

        if (ret > 0) {
            GST_LOG("Aenc1_process returned success code %d\n", ret); 

        sampleRate     = audenc1->samplefreq;
        numSamples     = encDataConsumed / (2 * audenc1->channels) ;
        sampleDuration = GST_FRAMES_TO_CLOCK_TIME(numSamples, sampleRate);

        /* Release the reference buffer, and tell the circular buffer how much
         * data was consumed.
        ret = gst_ticircbuffer_data_consumed(audenc1->circBuf, encDataWindow,
        encDataWindow = NULL;

        if (!ret) {
            goto thread_failure;

        /* Set the source pad capabilities based on the encoded frame
         * properties.

        /* Create a DMAI transport buffer object to carry a DMAI buffer to
         * the source pad.  The transport buffer knows how to release the
         * buffer for re-use in this element when the source pad calls
         * gst_buffer_unref().
        outBuf = gst_tidmaibuffertransport_new(hDstBuf, audenc1->hOutBufTab, NULL, NULL);
        gst_buffer_set_data(outBuf, GST_BUFFER_DATA(outBuf),
        gst_buffer_set_caps(outBuf, GST_PAD_CAPS(audenc1->srcpad));

        /* Set timestamp on output buffer */
        if (audenc1->genTimeStamps) {
            GST_BUFFER_DURATION(outBuf)     = sampleDuration;
            GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(outBuf)    = encDataTime;
        else {

        /* Tell circular buffer how much time we consumed */
        gst_ticircbuffer_time_consumed(audenc1->circBuf, sampleDuration);

        /* Push the transport buffer to the source pad */
        GST_LOG("pushing buffer to source pad with timestamp : %"
                GST_TIME_FORMAT ", duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
                GST_TIME_ARGS (GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(outBuf)),
                GST_TIME_ARGS (GST_BUFFER_DURATION(outBuf)));

        if (gst_pad_push(audenc1->srcpad, outBuf) != GST_FLOW_OK) {
            GST_DEBUG("push to source pad failed\n");
            goto thread_failure;

        /* Release buffers no longer in use by the codec */
        Buffer_freeUseMask(hDstBuf, gst_tidmaibuffer_CODEC_FREE);


    gst_tithread_set_status(audenc1, TIThread_CODEC_ABORTED);
    threadRet = GstTIThreadFailure;


    /* Re-claim any buffers owned by the codec */
    bufIdx = BufTab_getNumBufs(GST_TIDMAIBUFTAB_BUFTAB(audenc1->hOutBufTab));

    while (bufIdx-- > 0) {
        Buffer_Handle hBuf = BufTab_getBuf(
            GST_TIDMAIBUFTAB_BUFTAB(audenc1->hOutBufTab), bufIdx);
        Buffer_freeUseMask(hBuf, gst_tidmaibuffer_CODEC_FREE);

    /* Release the last buffer we retrieved from the circular buffer */
    if (encDataWindow) {
        gst_ticircbuffer_data_consumed(audenc1->circBuf, encDataWindow, 0);

    /* We have to wait to shut down this thread until we can guarantee that
     * no more input buffers will be queued into the circular buffer
     * (we're about to delete it).  

    /* Notify main thread that we are done draining before we shutdown the
     * codec, or we will hang.  We proceed in this order so the EOS event gets
     * propagated downstream before we attempt to shut down the codec.  The
     * codec-shutdown process will block until all BufTab buffers have been
     * released, and downstream-elements may hang on to buffers until
     * they get the EOS.

    /* Initialize codec engine */
    if (gst_tiaudenc1_codec_stop(audenc1) < 0) {
        GST_ERROR("failed to stop codec\n");
        ("Failed to stop codec\n"), (NULL));


    GST_LOG("exit audio encode_thread (%d)\n", (int)threadRet);
    return threadRet;