BOOL C4Record::Stop(StdStrBuf *pRecordName, BYTE *pRecordSHA1) {
  // safety
  if (!fRecording) return FALSE;
  if (!DirectoryExists(sFilename.getData())) return FALSE;

  // streaming finished

  // save desc into record group
  C4GameSaveRecord saveRec(false, Index, Game.Parameters.isLeague());

  // save end player infos into record group
  Game.PlayerInfos.Save(RecordGrp, C4CFN_RecPlayerInfos);

  // write last entry and close
  C4RecordChunkHead Head;
  Head.iFrm = Game.FrameCounter + 37;
  Head.Type = RCT_End;
  CtrlRec.Write(&Head, sizeof(Head));

// pack group
#ifndef DEBUGREC
  if (!C4Group_PackDirectory(sFilename.getData())) return FALSE;

  // return record data
  if (pRecordName) pRecordName->Copy(sFilename);
  if (pRecordSHA1)
    if (!C4Group_GetFileSHA1(sFilename.getData(), pRecordSHA1)) return false;

  // ok
  fRecording = false;
  return true;
bool C4Network2Res::GetStandalone(char *pTo, int32_t iMaxL, bool fSetOfficial, bool fAllowUnloadable, bool fSilent)
	// already set?
	if (szStandalone[0])
		if (pTo) SCopy(szStandalone, pTo, iMaxL);
		return true;
	// already tried and failed? No point in retrying
	if (fStandaloneFailed) return false;
	// not loadable? Wo won't be able to check the standalone as the core will lack the needed information.
	// the standalone won't be interesting in this case, anyway.
	if (!fSetOfficial && !Core.isLoadable()) return false;
	// set flag, so failure below will let future calls fail
	fStandaloneFailed = true;
	// lock file
	CStdLock FileLock(&FileCSec);

	// directory?
	SCopy(szFile, szStandalone, sizeof(szStandalone)-1);
	if (DirectoryExists(szFile))
		// size check for the directory, if allowed
		if (fAllowUnloadable)
			uint32_t iDirSize;
			if (!DirSizeHelper::GetDirSize(szFile, &iDirSize, Config.Network.MaxLoadFileSize))
				{ if (!fSilent) LogF("Network: could not get directory size of %s!", szFile); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
			if (iDirSize > uint32_t(Config.Network.MaxLoadFileSize))
				{ if (!fSilent) LogSilentF("Network: %s over size limit, will be marked unloadable!", szFile); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
		// log - this may take a few seconds
		if (!fSilent) LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NETPACKING"), GetFilename(szFile));
		// pack inplace?
		if (!fTempFile)
			if (!pParent->FindTempResFileName(szFile, szStandalone))
				{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not find free name for temporary file!"); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
			if (!C4Group_PackDirectoryTo(szFile, szStandalone))
				{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not pack directory!"); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
		else if (!C4Group_PackDirectory(szStandalone))
			{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not pack directory!"); if (!SEqual(szFile, szStandalone)) EraseDirectory(szStandalone); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
		// make sure directory is packed
		if (DirectoryExists(szStandalone))
			{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: directory hasn't been packed!"); if (!SEqual(szFile, szStandalone)) EraseDirectory(szStandalone); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
		// fallthru

	// doesn't exist physically?
	if (!FileExists(szStandalone))
		// try C4Group (might be packed)
		if (!pParent->FindTempResFileName(szFile, szStandalone))
			{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not find free name for temporary file!"); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
		if (!C4Group_CopyItem(szFile, szStandalone))
			{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not copy to temporary file!"); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }

	// remains missing? give up.
	if (!FileExists(szStandalone))
		{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: file not found!"); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }

	// do optimizations (delete unneeded entries)
	if (!OptimizeStandalone(fSilent))
		{ if (!SEqual(szFile, szStandalone)) EraseItem(szStandalone); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }

	// get file size
	size_t iSize = FileSize(szStandalone);
	// size limit
	if (fAllowUnloadable)
		if (iSize > uint32_t(Config.Network.MaxLoadFileSize))
			{ if (!fSilent) LogSilentF("Network: %s over size limit, will be marked unloadable!", szFile); szStandalone[0] = '\0'; return false; }
	// check
	if (!fSetOfficial && iSize != Core.getFileSize())
		// remove file
		if (!SEqual(szFile, szStandalone)) EraseItem(szStandalone); szStandalone[0] = '\0';
		// sorry, this version isn't good enough :(
		return false;

	// calc checksum
	uint32_t iCRC32;
	if (!GetFileCRC(szStandalone, &iCRC32))
		{ if (!fSilent) Log("GetStandalone: could not calculate checksum!"); return false; }
	// set / check
	if (!fSetOfficial && iCRC32 != Core.getFileCRC())
		// remove file, return
		if (!SEqual(szFile, szStandalone)) EraseItem(szStandalone); szStandalone[0] = '\0';
		return false;

	// we didn't fail
	fStandaloneFailed = false;
	// mark resource as loadable and safe file information
	Core.SetLoadable(iSize, iCRC32);
	// set up chunk data
	// ok
	return true;