int C4ObjectList::ListIDCount(int32_t dwCategory) const { int clid; C4ObjectLink *clnk; C4Def *cdef; // Create a temporary list of all id's and counts for (clid=0; clid<MaxTempListID; clid++) TempListID[clid]=C4ID::None; for (clnk=First; clnk && clnk->Obj; clnk=clnk->Next) if (clnk->Obj->Status) if ((dwCategory==C4D_All) || ( (cdef=C4Id2Def(clnk->Obj->Def->id)) && (cdef->Category & dwCategory) )) for (clid=0; clid<MaxTempListID; clid++) { // Already there if (TempListID[clid]==clnk->Obj->Def->id) break; // End of list, add id if (TempListID[clid]==C4ID::None) { TempListID[clid]=clnk->Obj->Def->id; break; } } // Count different id's for (clid=0; clid<MaxTempListID; clid++) if (TempListID[clid]==C4ID::None) return clid; return MaxTempListID; }
bool C4Object::CreateContentsByList(C4IDList &idlist) { int32_t cnt,cnt2; for (cnt=0; idlist.GetID(cnt); cnt++) for (cnt2=0; cnt2<idlist.GetCount(cnt); cnt2++) if (!CreateContents(C4Id2Def(idlist.GetID(cnt)))) return false; return true; }
bool C4MainMenu::ActivateGoals(int32_t iPlayer, bool fDoActivate) { C4FacetSurface fctSymbol; C4Facet fctGF; // goal fulfilled facet if (fDoActivate) { // Menu symbol/init InitRefSym(GfxR->fctMenu.GetPhase(4),LoadResStr("IDS_MENU_CPGOALS"),iPlayer); SetAlignment(C4MN_Align_Left | C4MN_Align_Bottom); SetPermanent(false); fctGF.Set(NULL, C4SymbolSize-::GraphicsResource.fctCaptain.Wdt-2, 2, ::GraphicsResource.fctCaptain.Wdt, ::GraphicsResource.fctCaptain.Hgt); } // determine if the goals are fulfilled - do the calls even if the menu is not to be opened to ensure synchronization C4IDList GoalList, FulfilledGoalList; C4RoundResults::EvaluateGoals(GoalList, FulfilledGoalList, iPlayer); // Add Items if (fDoActivate) { int32_t iNumGoals = GoalList.GetNumberOfIDs(), cnt; C4ID idGoal; C4Def *pDef; for (int32_t i=0; i<iNumGoals; ++i) if ((idGoal = GoalList.GetID(i, &cnt))) if ((pDef = C4Id2Def(idGoal))) { fctSymbol.Create(C4SymbolSize,C4SymbolSize); // 2do: If an object instance is known, draw the object instead? // this would allow us to do dynamic pictures and overlays; e.g. draw the actual, required settlement score // for settlement score goals // Same for pDef->GetName(), pDef->GetDesc() pDef->Draw(fctSymbol); if (FulfilledGoalList.GetIDCount(idGoal)) { fctGF.Surface=fctSymbol.Surface; ::GraphicsResource.fctCaptain.Draw(fctGF); } StdStrBuf Command; Command.Format("Player:Goal:%s", idGoal.ToString()); Add(pDef->GetName(),fctSymbol,Command.getData(),C4MN_Item_NoCount,NULL,""); } // Go back to options menu on close SetCloseCommand("ActivateMenu:Main"); } // Done return true; }
void C4Menu::DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo) { // inherited (background) typedef C4GUI::Dialog ParentClass; ParentClass::DrawElement(cgo); // Get selected item id C4ID idSelected; C4MenuItem *pItem; if ((pItem = GetSelectedItem())) idSelected = pItem->id; else idSelected = C4ID::None; C4Def *pDef = C4Id2Def(idSelected); // Get item value int32_t iValue = 0; if (pDef) { if (pItem && pItem->fOwnValue) iValue = pItem->iValue; else iValue = pDef->GetValue(NULL, NO_OWNER); } // Store and clear global clipper // int32_t iX1,iY1,iX2,iY2; // pDraw->GetPrimaryClipper(iX1,iY1,iX2,iY2); // pDraw->SubPrimaryClipper(rcBounds.x, rcBounds.y, rcBounds.x+rcBounds.Wdt-1, rcBounds.y+rcBounds.Hgt-1); C4Facet cgoExtra(cgo.Surface, cgo.TargetX+rcBounds.x+1, cgo.TargetY+rcBounds.y+rcBounds.Hgt-C4MN_SymbolSize-1, rcBounds.Wdt-2, C4MN_SymbolSize); // Draw bar divider if (Extra) { DrawFrame(cgoExtra.Surface, cgoExtra.X-1, cgoExtra.Y-1, cgoExtra.Wdt+1, cgoExtra.Hgt+1); } // Draw specified extra switch (Extra) { case C4MN_Extra_Value: { if (pDef) ::GraphicsResource.fctWealth.DrawValue(cgoExtra,iValue,0,0,C4FCT_Right); } break; } }
bool C4ObjectInfo::Load(C4Group &hMother, const char *szEntryname) { // New version if (SEqualNoCase(GetExtension(szEntryname),"oci")) { C4Group hChild; if (hChild.OpenAsChild(&hMother,szEntryname)) { if (!C4ObjectInfo::Load(hChild)) { hChild.Close(); return false; } // resolve definition, if possible // only works in game, but is not needed in frontend or startup editing anyway pDef = C4Id2Def(id); hChild.Close(); return true; } } return false; }
void C4RoundResults::EvaluateGoals(C4IDList &GoalList, C4IDList &FulfilledGoalList, int32_t iPlayerNumber) { // clear prev GoalList.Clear(); FulfilledGoalList.Clear(); // Items int32_t cnt; C4ID idGoal; for (cnt=0; (idGoal=::Objects.GetListID(C4D_Goal,cnt)); cnt++) { // determine if the goal is fulfilled - do the calls even if the menu is not to be opened to ensure synchronization bool fFulfilled = false;; C4Object *pObj = C4Id2Def(idGoal) ? ::Objects.Find(::Definitions.ID2Def(idGoal)) : NULL; if (pObj) { // Check fulfilled per player, this enables the possibility of rivalry. C4AulParSet pars(iPlayerNumber); fFulfilled = !!pObj->Call(PSF_IsFulfilled, &pars); } GoalList.SetIDCount(idGoal, cnt, true); if (fFulfilled) FulfilledGoalList.SetIDCount(idGoal, 1, true); } }
bool C4MainMenu::ActivateRules(int32_t iPlayer) { // Menu symbol/init char Command[256]; C4FacetSurface fctSymbol; InitRefSym(GfxR->fctMenu.GetPhase(5),LoadResStr("IDS_MENU_CPRULES"),iPlayer); SetAlignment(C4MN_Align_Left | C4MN_Align_Bottom); SetPermanent(false); // Items int32_t cnt; C4ID idGoal; C4Def *pDef; for (cnt=0; (idGoal=::Objects.GetListID(C4D_Rule,cnt)); cnt++) if ((pDef=C4Id2Def(idGoal))) { fctSymbol.Create(C4SymbolSize,C4SymbolSize); pDef->Draw(fctSymbol); sprintf(Command, "Player:Rule:%s", idGoal.ToString()); Add(pDef->GetName(),fctSymbol,Command,C4MN_Item_NoCount,NULL,""); } // Go back to options menu on close SetCloseCommand("ActivateMenu:Main"); // Done return true; }
C4ID C4ObjectList::GetListID(int32_t dwCategory, int Index) const { int clid; C4ObjectLink *clnk; C4Def *cdef; // Create a temporary list of all id's and counts for (clid=0; clid<MaxTempListID; clid++) TempListID[clid]=C4ID::None; for (clnk=First; clnk && clnk->Obj; clnk=clnk->Next) if (clnk->Obj->Status) if ((dwCategory==C4D_All) || ( (cdef=C4Id2Def(clnk->Obj->Def->id)) && (cdef->Category & dwCategory) )) for (clid=0; clid<MaxTempListID; clid++) { // Already there if (TempListID[clid]==clnk->Obj->Def->id) break; // End of list, add id if (TempListID[clid]==C4ID::None) { TempListID[clid]=clnk->Obj->Def->id; break; } } // Returns indexed id if (Inside(Index,0,MaxTempListID-1)) return TempListID[Index]; return C4ID::None; }
bool C4MenuItem::IsDragElement() { // any constructibles can be dragged C4Def *pDef = C4Id2Def(id); return pDef && pDef->Constructable; }
bool C4FindObjectID::IsImpossible() { C4Def *pDef = C4Id2Def(id); return !pDef || !pDef->Count; }
bool C4MainMenu::MenuCommand(const char *szCommand, bool fIsCloseCommand) { // Determine player C4Player *pPlr = ::Players.Get(Player); // Activate if (SEqual2(szCommand,"ActivateMenu:")) { if (C4GameOverDlg::IsShown()) return false; // no new menus during game over dlg if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Main")) return ActivateMain(Player); if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Hostility")) return ActivateHostility(Player); if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"NewPlayer")) return ActivateNewPlayer(Player); if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Goals")) { ::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrAction, C4ControlPlayerAction::ActivateGoalMenu(::Players.Get(Player)), CDT_Queue); return true; } if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Rules")) return ActivateRules(Player); if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Host")) return ActivateHost(Player); if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Client")) return ActivateClient(Player); if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Options")) return ActivateOptions(Player); if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Display")) return ActivateDisplay(Player); if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Save:Game")) return ActivateSavegame(Player); if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"TeamSel")) return pPlr ? pPlr->ActivateMenuTeamSelection(true) : false; if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Surrender")) return ActivateSurrender(Player); if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Observer")) return ActivateObserver(); } // JoinPlayer if (SEqual2(szCommand,"JoinPlayer:")) { // not in league or replay mode if (Game.Parameters.isLeague() || Game.C4S.Head.Replay) return false; // join player // 2do: not for observers and such? Players.JoinNew(szCommand+11); return true; } // SetHostility if (SEqual2(szCommand,"SetHostility:")) { // only if allowed if (!Game.Teams.IsHostilityChangeAllowed()) return false; int32_t iOpponent; sscanf(szCommand+13,"%i",&iOpponent); C4Player *pOpponent = ::Players.Get(iOpponent); if (!pOpponent || pOpponent->GetType() != C4PT_User) return false; ::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrAction, C4ControlPlayerAction::SetHostility(::Players.Get(Player), pOpponent, !::Players.HostilityDeclared(Player, pOpponent->Number)), CDT_Queue); return true; } // Abort if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Abort")) { FullScreen.ShowAbortDlg(); return true; } // Surrender if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Surrender")) { ::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrAction, C4ControlPlayerAction::Surrender(::Players.Get(Player)), CDT_Queue); return true; } // Save game if (SEqual2(szCommand, "Save:Game:")) { char strFilename[_MAX_PATH + 1]; SCopySegment(szCommand, 2, strFilename, ':', _MAX_PATH); char strTitle[_MAX_PATH + 1]; SCopy(szCommand + SCharPos(':', szCommand, 2) + 1, strTitle, _MAX_PATH); Game.QuickSave(strFilename, strTitle); ActivateSavegame(Player); return true; } // Kick if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Host:Kick:")) { int iClientID = atoi(szCommand+10); if (iClientID && ::Network.isEnabled()) { if (Game.Parameters.isLeague() && ::Players.GetAtClient(iClientID)) ::Network.Vote(VT_Kick, true, iClientID); else { C4Client *pClient = Game.Clients.getClientByID(iClientID); if (pClient) Game.Clients.CtrlRemove(pClient, LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_KICKBYMENU")); Close(true); } } return true; } // Part if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Part")) { if (::Network.isEnabled()) { if (Game.Parameters.isLeague() && ::Players.GetLocalByIndex(0)) ::Network.Vote(VT_Kick, true, ::Control.ClientID()); else { Game.RoundResults.EvaluateNetwork(C4RoundResults::NR_NetError, LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_GAMELEFTVIAPLAYERMENU")); ::Network.Clear(); } } return true; } // Options if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Options:")) { // Music if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "Music")) { Application.MusicSystem.ToggleOnOff(); } // Sound if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "Sound")) { if (Config.Sound.RXSound) { Application.SoundSystem.Clear(); Config.Sound.RXSound = false; } else { Config.Sound.RXSound = true; if (!Application.SoundSystem.Init()) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NOSND")); } } } // Reopen with updated options ActivateOptions(Player, GetSelection()); return true; } // Display if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Display:")) { // Upper board if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "UpperBoard")) { Config.Graphics.UpperBoard = !Config.Graphics.UpperBoard; ::Viewports.RecalculateViewports(); } // FPS if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "FPS")) Config.General.FPS = !Config.General.FPS; // Player names if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "PlayerNames")) Config.Graphics.ShowCrewNames = !Config.Graphics.ShowCrewNames; // Clonk names if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "ClonkNames")) Config.Graphics.ShowCrewCNames = !Config.Graphics.ShowCrewCNames; // Clock if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "Clock")) Config.Graphics.ShowClock = !Config.Graphics.ShowClock; // Reopen with updated options ActivateDisplay(Player, GetSelection()); return true; } // Goal info if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Player:Goal:") || SEqual2(szCommand,"Player:Rule:")) { if (!ValidPlr(Player)) return false; // observers may not look at goal/rule info, because it requires queue activation Close(true); C4Object *pObj; C4ID idItem(szCommand+12); C4Def * pDef = C4Id2Def(idItem); if (pDef && (pObj = ::Objects.Find(pDef))) ::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrAction, C4ControlPlayerAction::ActivateGoal(::Players.Get(Player), pObj), CDT_Queue); else return false; return true; } // Team selection if (SEqual2(szCommand, "TeamSel:")) { Close(true); int32_t idTeam = atoi(szCommand+8); // OK, join this team if (pPlr) pPlr->DoTeamSelection(idTeam); return true; } // Team switch if (SEqual2(szCommand, "TeamSwitch:")) { Close(true); int32_t idTeam = atoi(szCommand+11); // check if it's still allowed if (!Game.Teams.IsTeamSwitchAllowed()) return false; // OK, join this team ::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrAction, C4ControlPlayerAction::SetTeam(::Players.Get(Player), idTeam), CDT_Queue); return true; } // Observe if (SEqual2(szCommand, "Observe:")) { const char *szObserverTarget = szCommand+8; C4Viewport *pVP = ::Viewports.GetViewport(NO_OWNER); if (pVP) // viewport may have closed meanwhile { if (SEqual(szObserverTarget, "Free")) { // free view pVP->Init(NO_OWNER, true); return true; } else { // view following player int32_t iPlr = atoi(szObserverTarget); if (ValidPlr(iPlr)) { pVP->Init(iPlr, true); return true; } } } return false; } // No valid command return false; }