void cdfSimPutImageRectRGBA(cdCanvas* canvas, int iw, int ih, const unsigned char *r, const unsigned char *g, const unsigned char *b, const unsigned char *a, double x, double y, double w, double h, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax)
  int size, i, j, dst, src, *fx, *fy, rw, rh;
  unsigned char *ar, *ag, *ab, al;
  int zw = _cdRound(w);
  int zh = _cdRound(h);

  size = zw * zh;
  ar = (unsigned char*)malloc(size * 3);
  if (!ar) return;
  ag = ar + size;
  ab = ag + size;

  canvas->cxGetImageRGB(canvas->ctxcanvas, ar, ag, ab, _cdRound(x), _cdRound(y), zw, zh);

  rw = xmax - xmin + 1;
  rh = ymax - ymin + 1;

  fx = cdGetZoomTable(zw, rw, xmin);
  fy = cdGetZoomTable(zh, rh, ymin);

  for (j = 0; j < zh; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < zw; i++)
      dst = j * zw + i;
      src = fy[j] * iw + fx[i];
      al = a[src];
      ar[dst] = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(r[src], ar[dst], al);
      ag[dst] = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(g[src], ag[dst], al);
      ab[dst] = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(b[src], ab[dst], al);

  canvas->cxFPutImageRectRGB(canvas->ctxcanvas, zw, zh, ar, ag, ab, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, 0, 0);


void cdSimPutImageRectRGBA(cdCanvas* canvas, int iw, int ih, const unsigned char *r, const unsigned char *g, const unsigned char *b, const unsigned char *a, int x, int y, int w, int h, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax)
  int size, i, j, dst, src, *fx, *fy, rw, rh;
  unsigned char *ar, *ag, *ab, al;

  size = w * h;
  ar = (unsigned char*)malloc(size*3);
  if (!ar) return;
  ag = ar + size;
  ab = ag + size;

  canvas->cxGetImageRGB(canvas->ctxcanvas, ar, ag, ab, x, y, w, h);

  rw = xmax-xmin+1;
  rh = ymax-ymin+1;

  fx = cdGetZoomTable(w, rw, xmin);
  fy = cdGetZoomTable(h, rh, ymin);

  for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
    for (i = 0; i < w; i++)
      dst = j * w + i;
      src = fy[j] * iw + fx[i];
      al = a[src];
      ar[dst] = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(r[src], ar[dst], al);
      ag[dst] = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(g[src], ag[dst], al);
      ab[dst] = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(b[src], ab[dst], al);

  canvas->cxPutImageRectRGB(canvas->ctxcanvas, w, h, ar, ag, ab, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, 0, 0);


文件: sim_text.c 项目: LuaDist/cd
static void simDrawTextBitmap(cdSimulation* simulation, FT_Bitmap* bitmap, int x, int y)
  unsigned char *red, *green, *blue, *alpha, *bitmap_data;
  int width = bitmap->width;
  int height = bitmap->rows;
  int size = width*height;
  int rgba_data_size = size*4;
  int old_use_matrix = simulation->canvas->use_matrix;

  /* avoid spaces */
  if (width == 0 || height == 0)

  if (!simulation->tt_text->rgba_data)
    simulation->tt_text->rgba_data = malloc(rgba_data_size);
  else if (rgba_data_size > simulation->tt_text->rgba_data_size)
    simulation->tt_text->rgba_data = realloc(simulation->tt_text->rgba_data, rgba_data_size);
    simulation->tt_text->rgba_data_size = rgba_data_size;

  /* disable image transformation */
  simulation->canvas->use_matrix = 0;

  /* this is the char bitmap, contains an alpha map of the char 
     to be combined with the foreground color */
  bitmap_data = bitmap->buffer + (height-1)*width;  /* bitmap is top down. */

  /* this is the image used to draw the char with the foreground color */ 
  red   = simulation->tt_text->rgba_data;
  green = red   + size;
  blue  = green + size;
  alpha = blue  + size;

  if (!simulation->canvas->cxPutImageRectRGBA && !simulation->canvas->cxGetImageRGB)
    int i, j;
    unsigned char bg_red, bg_green, bg_blue, 
                  fg_red, fg_green, fg_blue, fg_alpha, calpha;
    long int c;

    /* must manually combine using only the background color, ignore canvas contents */

    c = simulation->canvas->background;
    bg_red   = cdRed(c);
    bg_green = cdGreen(c);
    bg_blue  = cdBlue(c);
    c = simulation->canvas->foreground;
    fg_red   = cdRed(c);
    fg_green = cdGreen(c);
    fg_blue  = cdBlue(c);
    fg_alpha = cdAlpha(c);

    for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
        if (simulation->antialias)
          if (fg_alpha == 255)
            calpha = bitmap_data[j];
            calpha = (fg_alpha*bitmap_data[j])/255;
          if (bitmap_data[j] > 128)  /* behave as 255 */
            calpha = fg_alpha;
            calpha = 0;

        *red++ = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(fg_red, bg_red, calpha);
        *green++ = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(fg_green, bg_green, calpha);
        *blue++ = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(fg_blue, bg_blue, calpha);

      bitmap_data -= width;

    /* reset pointers */
    red   = simulation->tt_text->rgba_data;
    green = red   + size;
    blue  = green + size;

    /* draw the char */
    simulation->canvas->cxPutImageRectRGB(simulation->canvas->ctxcanvas, width,height,red,green,blue,x,y,width,height,0,width-1,0,height-1);
    int i, j;
    long int fg = simulation->canvas->foreground;
    unsigned char fg_alpha = cdAlpha(fg);
    memset(red,   cdRed(fg), size);
    memset(green, cdGreen(fg), size);
    memset(blue,  cdBlue(fg), size);

    /* alpha is the bitmap_data itself 
       if the foreground color does not contains alpha.
       Also must invert since it is top-down. */

    for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
      if (simulation->antialias)
        if (fg_alpha == 255)
          memcpy(alpha,  bitmap_data, width);
          alpha += width;
          for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
            *alpha++ = (fg_alpha*bitmap_data[j])/255;
        for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
          if (bitmap_data[j] > 128)  /* behave as 255 */
            *alpha++ = fg_alpha;
            *alpha++ = 0;

      bitmap_data -= width;

    /* reset alpha pointer */
    alpha = blue + size;

    /* draw the char */
    simulation->canvas->cxPutImageRectRGBA(simulation->canvas->ctxcanvas, width,height,red,green,blue,alpha,x,y,width,height,0,width-1,0,height-1);

  simulation->canvas->use_matrix = old_use_matrix;
void cdwDIBEncodeRGBARectZoom(cdwDIB* dib, const unsigned char *red, const unsigned char *green, const unsigned char *blue, const unsigned char *alpha, int w, int h, int xi, int yi, int wi, int hi)
  int x,y, resto1, resto2, offset;
  BYTE* bits;
  const unsigned char *_red, *_green, *_blue, *_alpha;
  unsigned char a;
  bits = dib->bits;
  resto1 = cdwDIBLineSize(dib->w, 24) - dib->w * 3;

  if (dib->w != wi || dib->h != hi)
    int* XTab = cdGetZoomTable(dib->w, wi, xi);
    int* YTab = cdGetZoomTable(dib->h, hi, yi);
    for (y = 0; y < dib->h; y++)
      offset = YTab[y] * w;
      _red = red + offset;
      _green = green + offset;
      _blue = blue + offset;
      _alpha = alpha + offset;
      for (x = 0; x < dib->w; x++)
        offset = XTab[x];
        a = _alpha[offset];
        *bits++ = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(_blue[offset], *bits, a);
        *bits++ = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(_green[offset], *bits, a);
        *bits++ = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(_red[offset], *bits, a);
      bits += resto1;
    resto2 = w - wi;

    offset = w * yi + xi;
    red = red + offset;
    green = green + offset;
    blue = blue + offset;
    alpha = alpha + offset;
    for (y = 0; y < dib->h; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < dib->w; x++)
        a = *alpha++;
        *bits++ = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(*blue++, *bits, a);
        *bits++ = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(*green++, *bits, a);
        *bits++ = CD_ALPHA_BLEND(*red++, *bits, a);
      bits += resto1;

      red += resto2;
      green += resto2;
      blue += resto2;
      alpha += resto2;