void	VID_Init (void)
	static char vid_center[] = "SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED=center";
	const SDL_VideoInfo *info;
	int		width, height, bpp;
	qboolean	fullscreen;
	const char	*read_vars[] = { "vid_fullscreen",
					 "vid_vsync" };
#define num_readvars	( sizeof(read_vars)/sizeof(read_vars[0]) )

	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_fullscreen); //johnfitz
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_width); //johnfitz
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_height); //johnfitz
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_bpp); //johnfitz
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_vsync); //johnfitz
	Cvar_SetCallback (&vid_fullscreen, VID_Changed_f);
	Cvar_SetCallback (&vid_width, VID_Changed_f);
	Cvar_SetCallback (&vid_height, VID_Changed_f);
	Cvar_SetCallback (&vid_bpp, VID_Changed_f);
	Cvar_SetCallback (&vid_vsync, VID_Changed_f);

	Cmd_AddCommand ("vid_unlock", VID_Unlock); //johnfitz
	Cmd_AddCommand ("vid_restart", VID_Restart); //johnfitz
	Cmd_AddCommand ("vid_test", VID_Test); //johnfitz
	Cmd_AddCommand ("vid_describecurrentmode", VID_DescribeCurrentMode_f);
	Cmd_AddCommand ("vid_describemodes", VID_DescribeModes_f);

	putenv (vid_center);	/* SDL_putenv is problematic in versions <= 1.2.9 */

	if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == -1)
		Sys_Error("Could not initialize SDL Video");

	info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
	Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_bpp, (float)info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel);

	if (CFG_OpenConfig("config.cfg") == 0)
		CFG_ReadCvars(read_vars, num_readvars);
	CFG_ReadCvarOverrides(read_vars, num_readvars);


	width = (int)vid_width.value;
	height = (int)vid_height.value;
	bpp = (int)vid_bpp.value;
	fullscreen = (int)vid_fullscreen.value;

	if (COM_CheckParm("-current"))
		width = info->current_w;
		height = info->current_h;
		bpp = info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel;
		fullscreen = true;
		int p;

		p = COM_CheckParm("-width");
		if (p && p < com_argc-1)
			width = Q_atoi(com_argv[p+1]);

				height = width * 3 / 4;

		p = COM_CheckParm("-height");
		if (p && p < com_argc-1)
			height = Q_atoi(com_argv[p+1]);

				width = height * 4 / 3;

		p = COM_CheckParm("-bpp");
		if (p && p < com_argc-1)
			bpp = Q_atoi(com_argv[p+1]);

		if (COM_CheckParm("-window") || COM_CheckParm("-w"))
			fullscreen = false;
		else if (COM_CheckParm("-fullscreen") || COM_CheckParm("-f"))
			fullscreen = true;

	if (!VID_ValidMode(width, height, bpp, fullscreen))
		width = (int)vid_width.value;
		height = (int)vid_height.value;
		bpp = (int)vid_bpp.value;
		fullscreen = (int)vid_fullscreen.value;

	if (!VID_ValidMode(width, height, bpp, fullscreen))
		width = 640;
		height = 480;
		bpp = info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel;
		fullscreen = false;

	vid_initialized = true;

	vid.maxwarpwidth = WARP_WIDTH;
	vid.maxwarpheight = WARP_HEIGHT;
	vid.colormap = host_colormap;
	vid.fullbright = 256 - LittleLong (*((int *)vid.colormap + 2048));

	// set window icon

	VID_SetMode (width, height, bpp, fullscreen);

	GL_Init ();
	GL_SetupState ();
	Cmd_AddCommand ("gl_info", GL_Info_f); //johnfitz

	//johnfitz -- removed code creating "glquake" subdirectory

	vid_menucmdfn = VID_Menu_f; //johnfitz
	vid_menudrawfn = VID_MenuDraw;
	vid_menukeyfn = VID_MenuKey;

	VID_Gamma_Init(); //johnfitz
	VID_Menu_Init(); //johnfitz

	//QuakeSpasm: current vid settings should override config file settings.
	//so we have to lock the vid mode from now until after all config files are read.
	vid_locked = true;
void VID_Init (unsigned char *palette)
	int		width, height, i, temp;
	SDL_Rect	**enumlist;
	const char	*read_vars[] = {
				"vid_config_swy" };
#define num_readvars	( sizeof(read_vars)/sizeof(read_vars[0]) )

	temp = scr_disabled_for_loading;
	scr_disabled_for_loading = true;

	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_config_fscr);
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_config_swy);
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_config_swx);
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_config_gly);
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_config_glx);
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_mode);
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&_enable_mouse);
	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&vid_showload);

	Cmd_AddCommand ("vid_showinfo", VID_ShowInfo_f);
	Cmd_AddCommand ("vid_listmodes", VID_ListModes_f);
	Cmd_AddCommand ("vid_nummodes", VID_NumModes_f);
	Cmd_AddCommand ("vid_restart", VID_Restart_f);

	// init sdl
	// the first check is actually unnecessary
	if ( (SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)) == 0 )
		if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0)
			Sys_Error("VID: Couldn't load SDL: %s", SDL_GetError());

	// this will contain the "best bpp" for the current display
	// make sure to re-retrieve it if you ever re-init sdl_video
	vid_info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();

	// retrieve the list of fullscreen modes
	// prepare the modelists, find the actual modenum for vid_default

	// set vid_mode to our safe default first
	Cvar_SetValue ("vid_mode", vid_default);

	// perform an early read of config.cfg
	CFG_ReadCvars (read_vars, num_readvars);

	// windowed mode is default
	// see if the user wants fullscreen
	if (COM_CheckParm("-fullscreen") || COM_CheckParm("-f"))
		Cvar_SetValue("vid_config_fscr", 1);
	else if (COM_CheckParm("-window") || COM_CheckParm("-w"))
		Cvar_SetValue("vid_config_fscr", 0);

	if (vid_config_fscr.integer && !num_fmodes) // FIXME: see below, as well
		Sys_Error ("No fullscreen modes available at this color depth");

	width = vid_config_swx.integer;
	height = vid_config_swy.integer;

	// user is always right ...
	i = COM_CheckParm("-width");
	if (i && i < com_argc-1)
	{	// FIXME: this part doesn't know about a disaster case
		// like we aren't reported any fullscreen modes.
		width = atoi(com_argv[i+1]);

		i = COM_CheckParm("-height");
		if (i && i < com_argc-1)
			height = atoi(com_argv[i+1]);
		else	// proceed with 4/3 ratio
			height = 3 * width / 4;

	// user requested a mode either from the config or from the
	// command line
	// scan existing modes to see if this is already available
	// if not, add this as the last "valid" video mode and set
	// vid_mode to it only if it doesn't go beyond vid_maxwidth
	i = 0;
	while (i < *nummodes)
		if (modelist[i].width == width && modelist[i].height == height)
	if (i < *nummodes)
		Cvar_SetValue ("vid_mode", i);
	else if ( (width <= vid_maxwidth && width >= MIN_WIDTH &&
		   height <= vid_maxheight && height >= MIN_HEIGHT) ||
		  COM_CheckParm("-force") )
		modelist[*nummodes].width = width;
		modelist[*nummodes].height = height;
		modelist[*nummodes].halfscreen = 0;
		modelist[*nummodes].fullscreen = 1;
		modelist[*nummodes].bpp = 8;
		q_snprintf (modelist[*nummodes].modedesc, MAX_DESC, "%d x %d (user mode)", width, height);
		Cvar_SetValue ("vid_mode", *nummodes);
		Con_SafePrintf ("ignoring invalid -width and/or -height arguments\n");

	vid.maxwarpwidth = WARP_WIDTH;
	vid.maxwarpheight = WARP_HEIGHT;
	vid.colormap = host_colormap;
	vid.fullbright = 256 - LittleLong (*((int *)vid.colormap + 2048));

	i = VID_SetMode(vid_mode.integer, palette);
	if ( !i )
		if (vid_mode.integer == vid_default)
			Sys_Error ("Couldn't set video mode: %s", SDL_GetError());

		// just one more try before dying
		Con_SafePrintf ("Couldn't set video mode %d\n"
				"Trying the default mode\n", vid_mode.integer);
		//Cvar_SetValue("vid_config_fscr", 0);
		Cvar_SetValue ("vid_mode", vid_default);
		i = VID_SetMode(vid_default, palette);
		if ( !i )
			Sys_Error ("Couldn't set video mode: %s", SDL_GetError());

	// lock the early-read cvars until Host_Init is finished
	for (i = 0; i < (int)num_readvars; i++)
		Cvar_LockVar (read_vars[i]);

	scr_disabled_for_loading = temp;
	vid_initialized = true;

	vid_menudrawfn = VID_MenuDraw;
	vid_menukeyfn = VID_MenuKey;